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2 分钟前,Angrybear说道:



版本1:{an extremely delicate and beautiful girl}, masterpiece, best quality, cute, happy, looking at viewer, white crop top hoodie, black hotpants, black stockings, white hair, {polar bear ear}, grey eyes, beautiful detailed eyes {{a black cross hairpin}}, small breasts, extremely detailed CG unity 8k wallpaper

版本2:((master piece)),best quality, illustration, 1girl, small breast, beautiful detailed eyes, beautiful detailed cyberpunk city, flat_ chest, beautiful detailed hair, wavy hair, beautiful detailed street, mecha clothes, robot girl, cool movement, sliver bodysuit, (filigree), dragon wings, colorful background, a dragon stands behind the girl, rainy days, (lightning effect), beautiful detailed sliver dragon arnour, (cold face)

版本3(自认为最佳):(((masterpiece))),(((best quality))),((ultra-detailed)), ((illustration)), ((an extremely delicate and beautiful)),(beautiful detailed eyes),((disheveled hair)), extremely detailed cg unity 8k wallpaper, 1girl, bangs, white hair, polar bear ears, character name, full body, gloves, grey eyes, blue shirt, white hair, simple background, gun, holding, holding gun, holding weapon, looking at viewer, mecha musume, midriff, navel, parted bangs, pelvic curtain, sidelocks, smile, robotic legs, mecha, robotic arm, robotic body, weapon

版本4:(((masterpiece))),(((best quality))), game cg, ((extremely detailed cg unity 8k wallpaper)), solo, (beautiful detailed eyes), beautiful detailed background, dynamic angle, cinematic lighting, depth of field, long hair, fluffy hair, gradient hair, cyborg girl, eye implants, (cybernetic prosthesis), scientific facility , water mist, full body, warframe, soaked in water, (under water view), dim light, neon light on the wall, robotic arm, wires, machine, cyberpunk, sitting against wall, science fiction, {masterpiece},{best quality},{1girl},amazing,beautiful detailed eyes,finely detail,depth of field,extremely detailed cg,original, extremely detailed wallpaper,upper body, looking at viewer

其他一些基本BUFF(按需取用):masterpiece, best quality, ultra-detailed, extremely detailed 8k wallpaper, amazing,beautiful detailed face, beautiful detailed eyes, Delicate facial features, Smooth and radiant skin, Perfect details, Authentic skin texture, Authentic and detailed face

这个的话好像叠上angel有关的词就可以了,比如angelic,angel,angel wings,wings blowing:Genshin_Barbara_SS003:

谢谢 我把更新的模型包下载好就去启动召唤法阵看看

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