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  1. 大家好,我希望这是我第一次在正确的区域发帖。 我不知道谷歌翻译的准确性如何,但我还是会在下面发布英文版本。我将从背景开始。 时间回到 2015 年左右。这个社区曾经有一个用户发布了关于如何用图片修改“雷神 7”以及在哪里下载包含的文件的分步指南教程。从那以后我再也找不到源头了。我知道它发布在 sstm 的某个地方。请原谅我糟糕的搜索能力没有找到它。如果你知道在哪里可以找到旧帖子或者你知道如何修改这个游戏。请做我的向导。 (^.^) 在教程中。依稀记得需要一些“热汤处理器”的东西,可以解压游戏文件和图片。 还有一个名为“ana.txt”的文件允许我编辑游戏的地图,虽然我不知道如何修改地图。 和来自“eve 文件夹”的事件我不擅长编码。 (添加/删除/修改等) 我只知道从“Pnet#.csv”和“Pson#.csv”进行编辑,它们只给我现有的字符信息和修改字符状态 English version Hi everyone this is my first time I hope, I am posting in the right area. I do not know how accurate is google translate, but nevertheless I will post the English version below. I will start with the background. Way back around 2015. There used to be a user in this community that post tutorials a step-by-step guide on how to mod "雷神7" with pictures and where to download the files included. Since then I cannot find the source anymore. I do know it was posted in sstm somewhere. Pardon my terrible searching ability for not finding it. If you know where to find the old post or you know how to mod this game. Please be my guide. (^.^) In the tutorial. I vaguely remember it requires something about "hot soup processor" where I can decompress the game files and pictures. there is also a file call "ana.txt" that allows me to edit the map of the game although I do not know how to modify the map. and events from "eve folder" I am not good with the coding. (adding /removing/modifying etc) I only know about editing from the "Pnet#.csv" and "Pson#.csv" which only gives me the existing character information and modifying character status
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