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帖子发自 wulin1942

  1. ehentai used to be my favorite website, however, it can not work because my school ban its by some way this days. 琉璃神社 sometimes give some book however it seems not very good. Nowadays i recommend the http://www.8muses.com/. It contains some European type book, and I specially suggest the http://www.8muses.com/album/fansadox-comics/301-400

  2. 首先呢,我先毫无意义地写上二十左右的汉字,嗯,应该数量应该差不多了。

    So let us begin, there are three points for this paper. First of all, may be someone will ask why I speak English here. The reason why I speak English here is just because I am also trying to improve my poor English writing level here and it is easier to make 300 words in English i guess. Moreover, it is easy to extinguish myself by writing English, for instance, someone will recognize me when they see a part of English comment. Secondly, maybe it become a kind of internetional begingg.... Okey, in fact, I do not know what to say now. Anyway, may you can me have a good time here.


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