粉圓醬 发布于八月 1, 2016 分享 发布于八月 1, 2016 伏筆偏執狂 发表于 2016-8-1 12:39诶在线听就好呀好像不用下载?w 粉圆这么说伏笔更紧张了... 那種悠閒慵懶被呈現出來了呢~{:10_624:}同時也能感受到執筆姊的深情哒~{:10_628:} 链接到点评
粉圓醬 发布于八月 1, 2016 分享 发布于八月 1, 2016 伏筆偏執狂 发表于 2016-8-1 15:17嗯,毕竟懒懒的唱这种歌还挺舒服的。 Hey, I don't know how to get start things like thatIt will be feel pain of being all lonely Everyone said, please don't hate someone for that Because no matter your ritual for, Buddhism or coomon (?) She's always hold you under ground Don't you be alone, as you fly out of the Earth Being said is not for it's XXX In a place, don't forget, I love you and just like I love them all 嗚嗚...聽了好幾遍哒...{:10_638:} 链接到点评