gone0088 发布于一月 29, 2013 分享 发布于一月 29, 2013 1. Lightning (FFXIII) 2. Aerith (FFVII) 3. Yuna (FFX) 4. Tifa (FFVII) 5. Celes (FFVI) 6. Tina (FFVI) 7. Serah (FFXIII) 8. Garnet (FFIX) 8. Faris (FFV) 10. Rinoa (FFVIII) 10. Rydia (FFIV) 12. Selphie (FFVIII) 13. Rikku (FFX) 14. Beatrix (FFIX) 14. Yuffie (FFVII) 16. Ashe (FFXII) 17. Rosa (FFIV) 17. Eiko (FFIX) 出自最近两天的新闻~ 感觉这个排名还差不多~ 要我排也是这意思,就是爱丽丝和奶挺换个位置然后尤娜挪到TIFA后面 毕竟爱丽丝女神位置无法动摇~而TIFA在游戏中的形象刻画其实要比尤娜要细腻的多~ 虽然……我觉得奶挺其实就是女版克劳德……把她拿到女性排行榜……对其他女性角色有失公平…… 男性排行扎帅稳坐第一~ 这个貌似没得说了已经……事实证明有内涵的阳光苦逼男完爆闷骚装X男。 链接到点评
gone0088 发布于三月 21, 2013 作者 分享 发布于三月 21, 2013 说一下排名 来源 这个是SE的官方搞的,如果大家不喜欢这个榜单可以去搜搜别的FF SERIES~ 前一阵子的时候女1就是爱丽丝 男一是扎 后来莫名其妙奶挺就上位了~很难说SE没有从中作梗,另外FF系列的受众面相当的广,宅男们喜欢的不一定就代表所有人喜欢的,而且奶挺在11区的热度可不一般 不然SE吃多了撑得再在所有故事都讲得差不多了之后还出个奶挺外传,所以没必要纠结哈~ 下面是大家要的节操,还不信的可以自己去GOOGLE搜 Japan ranks their favorite female characters from the Final Fantasy series。 The results for Japan’s female character vote is now in. Much like the earlier male character poll which saw Zack (FFVII) as the over all winner, the fight for the top appears to have been fierce. Lightning came in at #1, just narrowly beating out Aerith after taking what was seemingly an early runaway lead. Aerith and Yuna, however, were fighting for the top spot from the very beginning and lost out to Lightning by only two votes. 46 character names in total were posted by fans and the results – although not as detailed as the previous poll – reflect a general opinion of Japan’s Final Fantasy Forum using fans. Those with duplicate rankings held the same amount of votes, and are thus counted as a tied ranking. Check out the full compiled list below. Note that not all 46 names are represented here, as characters with too few votes are not represented. 1. Lightning (FFXIII) 2. Aerith (FFVII) 3. Yuna (FFX) 4. Tifa (FFVII) 5. Celes (FFVI) 6. Tina (FFVI) 7. Serah (FFXIII) 8. Garnet (FFIX) 8. Faris (FFV) 10. Rinoa (FFVIII) 10. Rydia (FFIV) 12. Selphie (FFVIII) 13. Rikku (FFX) 14. Beatrix (FFIX) 14. Yuffie (FFVII) 16. Ashe (FFXII) 17. Rosa (FFIV) 17. Eiko (FFIX) 17. Agrias (FFT) 链接到点评