小妖狐 发布于四月 26, 2020 分享 发布于四月 26, 2020 (已修改) 1 小时前, 心裡有話都不想再說 说道: 这300个字使我花了将近40分钟的时间。 我必须使用谷歌翻译,以确保没有错误。 Google Translator sometimes makes mistakes ,if you used it to translator long article. so I think if it is not trouble ,you can write in both English and Chinese to make sure nobody will misunderstanding what you mean. And finally welcome you to join us. I can no sure if I had grammar or spelling mistake,in fact my English is poor. I try to practice my English by writing to you in English. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 翻译太长的文字时,GOOGLE翻译有时后会出错,所以如果不麻烦的话,你可以用中英两种语言都写,以确保不会有人误解你的意思,最后欢迎加入~~ 四月 26, 2020,由小妖狐修改 排版 链接到点评