sunlingbuq 发布于六月 8, 2013 分享 发布于六月 8, 2013 [flash=550,550] I am a cursed human being. When I drive my car I end up hitting a large majority of traffic lights and end up waiting a long time. One day while waiting at an intersection, I pondered, “Can I make a better traffic light?” Given the complexity of such a task, I instead wondered if I could time the intersections differently to let more cars in. That’s how I arrived at this game. 我也不過是區區可悲凡人一名。當我每次駕駛自己的愛車,我最後都會碰到無數的信號燈並浪費無數的人生。終於有一天,在一個十字路口上,我扣心自問“我能做出更好的交通燈嗎?”。這令我終於注意到這份工作的複雜性。我開始想自己能不能將十字路口的時間管理得更好,讓更多的車通過——這就是我做出這個遊戲的緣故。 Control the lights. Get the required number through each level to move on. Levels get harder, traffic gets fuller… get ready for some major gridlock! 控制信號燈,在規定時間內讓關卡指定數目的汽車通過信號燈。每關都會更難,交通狀況也會更繁忙……準備好面對交通堵塞吧。 Developed by Armor Games, Programming by jmtb02 Music by Kevin MacLeod, Incompetech 由 Armor Games 開發, jmtb02 編程。 音樂由 Incompetech 的 Kevin MacLeod 提供。 操作: 滑鼠左鍵點擊信號燈以控制信號燈。 链接到点评