hyphakinshi 发布于十二月 26, 2023 分享 发布于十二月 26, 2023 (已修改) 这里是菌丝 发现和隔壁某论坛不一样,这里收到回帖是不加积分的(挠头) 不过既然回复有收益那讨论应该也会更多吧 本瓜长度8950字(中英) 瓜很甜,但逻辑上有点说不通,可能不一定保真 大家就吃一乐算了 引用 TL;DR. Grade-A Bitch tries to ruin my career because I humiliated her, I burn her life to the fucking ground. 摘要:一个顶尖大傻逼因为我得罪了她想要毁掉我的职业生涯,于是我把她的生活毁了个干净。 This all happened five or so years ago while I was working for a proprietary trading firm. The company is a multinational and it had opened a new office in my city a couple of years before I joined them. For those who don't know, most prop shops (as I understood it) have a very high turnover rate. Just toss everyone in and keep those who stick. The company I worked for recruited every three months. It had space for about 120 traders but the office was never full. Out of the twenty or so who were hired every quarter, only about five managed to make it beyond the three month internship period, and of those, only one - or sometimes none at all - made it past the additional three months probation period. The company was operating in my city for two years before I joined and there were only about four people who I could have called permanent. Everyone else, about another ten, was either on their internship or on probation. 故事发生在5年前左右。当时我在一家跨国自营交易公司上班。公司在我所在的城市设立了几个办公室,我是办公室成立几年之后入的职。说明一下,据我所知,这类自营交易公司的员工流动性都很高,基本上就是能招尽招,留下一个是一个。我们公司每3个月会招一次新, 公司里有120个交易员工位,但从来都坐不满。每个季度大概能招到20个人左右,其中只有5个左右能过得了3个月的实习期,其中又只有一个人能过得了额外的3个月试用期。我入职时,公司在我所在的城市已经运营了两年了,算得上是长期员工的大概只有4个人。剩下的10个人左右,要么在实习要么在试用。 The Setup. 背景 I and about twenty five others were recruited straight out of university. The internship period paid really well for a first job, about twice as much as any other entry level position in other financial institutions plus bonuses once we went live (regardless of whether one is on internship, probation or permanent), and I was really excited. 我是校招入职的,同批次的还有25人左右。作为第一份工作来说,实习期工资非常高,大概比其他金融机构的入门级职位高了一倍,实际开始交易之后还有提成拿,无论实习、试用还是长期员工都有。 I first came across my boss, a really decent Indian guy, at a industry day held in our university. That was where they administered the IQ tests and I passed. The office, similar to other mid-sized operations, had a pretty flat management structure. Us traders were at the lowest level, the HR/Ops manager was above us, and the Office Manager was, well, the head of the branch. The boss gave time off pretty much whenever you asked for it as long as the day's objectives were fulfilled (that was his policy). 我第一次见到我老板是在学校举行的“工业日”活动上。 他是个印度人,人还蛮好的。他给我做了一套IQ测试题,我通过了。办公室里的管理结构和其他中性机构一样都比较扁平化,我们交易员在最底层,HR/运营经理在中层,而顶层的是办公室(支部)经理。我的老板只要你一天的任务做完了,请什么假都会给批。 However, the HR/Ops manager was his opposite, and then some. This lady was a Grade-A bitch, and I mean that sincerely. Let's call her Gabby. 然而,HR兼运营经理那位则恰恰相反,是个名副其实的顶尖大傻逼。就称呼她为Gabby吧。 The Instigating Event 起因 I first met Gabby when I went to their offices for my final interview. I was registering at the front desk when she marched from her office demanding some documents from the receptionist. The receptionist wanted to finish up with me first but she was ordered off to file storage. Our exchange went like so: 我第一次见到Gabby是在办公室。我当时要去进行最后一次面试,在前台登记的时候,她从办公室里冲出来,向前台要了些资料。前台想先把我的事办完,但被派去文件室去了。我和Gabby的对话大概如下: Gabby: You're one of the new ones? Gabby:新来的? Me: Yes. I'm really excited. 我:嗯,很期待能加入你们。 Gabby: Don't be. you don't look like you'll make it. Gabby:别期待了,你进不来的。 Me: Why? 我:为啥? Gabby: You're too soft. Gabby:你太柔弱了。 A pause. (停顿) Gabby: Buut... I can put in a good word for you, if you give me a little something. ( a bribe). Gabby:不过嘛…如果你意思意思的话,我也可以帮你美言两句。(索贿) Me: Haha. Very funny. 我:您说笑了。 Gabby: I'm serious. Give something and I'll make it very easy for you. Otherwise I'll make sure you don't even get into the interview. Gabby:谁跟你说笑呢。给点好处,面试随便过,否则面试机会你都拿不到。 Me: No. 我:不行。 Gabby: Stupid idiot. Gabby:妈的傻逼。 Right to my face. And she kept her word. She made me sit in a hidden corner of the waiting room where no one would see me easily, but I could hear the conversations at the desk. The only reason why I got an interview is because apparently I had impressed the boss at our previous meeting that he came to see why my CV wasn't there. Gabby said that I hadn't sent it in. The receptionist stated that she had seen it somewhere. Then I walked up to the desk at the same time the receptionist said, "Here it is. It was in the trash..." and everyone stared at Gabby. 直接当着我的面说的。她也确实做到了。她让我坐在等候室的一个角落里,其他人都看不到角落里的我,但我可以听到面试桌的声音。幸好上次见面的时候给老板印象蛮深,他特意过来问了一句为什么没有我的简历。Gabby说我没发,但前台表示记得有看到过我的简历。我走到面试桌前,刚好前台来了一句“找到了,在垃圾桶里。”所有人都看向了Gabby。 From that moment of humiliation onwards, Gabby had a raging hate boner for me. You see, Gabby was a micromanager, more of a nanomanager really. She made us have to request access if we wanted to access sites other than those on her approved list, and for traders who gain info from wherever we could find it, her list was woefully inadequate. She would call meetings at the most inopportune times - but only when the branch manager was not around - and in her lengthy meetings, you could never leave to check on your positions. She had this annoying habit of taking my lunch and when I confronted her about it, she essentially told me to go fuck myself. That I could live with. I just started bringing in two sets of lunch and kept on doing the job that I loved. 就是从这一次开始,我得罪了Gabby,她开始对我恨之入骨。Gabby这个人,说好听点喜欢精细化管理,说难听点比常凯申还会微操。她自己列了一个网站白名单(完全不够用),要访问白名单以外的网站都得找她申请;她会趁办公室经理不在的时候疯狂开会,耽误业务也不准你离开去检查。她还习惯性的偷我午饭吃,我找她对峙她直接跟我说“滚你妈的球”(大概这个意思)。这我都能忍,每次带两份午餐就是了。我还是很喜欢这份工作的,于是我留下来了。 Gabby was married with two kids, and she was pretty. I guess she liked the attention because she would have a stream of guys picking her up at the office for two hour 'lunches' and when she left for home some evening. But not on Thursday. Thursdays were the days when her husband would come pick her up towing their kids along. I think they went to have a family dinner or something. Gabby已婚,有两个孩子,长得很漂亮。她应该很喜欢被人追捧的感觉,经常有男的来办公室找她出去吃上两个小时的“午餐”,下班了又去吃“晚餐”。但周四除外,周四她老公会带着孩子来接她,应该是去家庭聚餐啥的吧。 The Mistakes Gabby Made: Round One Gabby之罪:其一 Our manager left about two months after I joined. I think he returned to India to get married or something but still stayed with the company. Wished him all the best. None of the other permanent traders had the experience corporate required to take on a management role (5 years at least) so they had to shop around. In the meantime, Gabby became the de-facto head of the branch despite the fact that her knowledge of futures markets was rudimentary at best. 我入职之后大概两个月,老板就走了,应该是回印度结婚去了(没有离职)。大家都祝他一路顺风。其他长期交易员都无法满足总部要求的管理职经验,于是虽然Gabby对未来市场只是略知一二,还是顺理成章的成为了实权经理。 Her first mistake was when she delayed my promotion from internship to probation. I am an excellent trader, and was easily top five in my group. Of the 26, she promoted the twenty she liked, kept me and another guy in internship, and fired four.At around the same time, another recruitment drive happened and another twentyish interns were hired. I knew this was our beef rekindled and remixed, and I was actually surprised she held onto it for so long. It was also pretty unusual since the last thing my former boss did before he left was to promote me from the simulator to a live trading account. But I kept my head down and continued learning, often going back to my former boss and the permanent employees to get advice. 她犯下的第一个错误,拖延了我的实习转试用。我是一名很优秀的交易员,小组内可以轻松排到前5。结果一共20个实习生,她挑了20个喜欢的,炒了4个,留下我和另一个男的继续实习。大概同一时期,又进行了一轮招聘,招进来二十几个实习生。我知道她是在报复我,当时我还惊讶她居然记仇记了这么久。这个行为也很反差,毕竟老板走之前刚把我的账号从模拟账号升级为了实际交易账号。当时我没出头,继续学习,经常会去请教前老板和其他长期员工。 Another three months go by, and in the next evaluation I was shocked that I was still not brought up to probation, despite the fact that all of the new recruits of the second group had been promoted and I was easily the best and the only one trading live. I knew I was good at the job. The permanent guys all said so. The group I initially joined with was frequently asking me for advice. To their credit, a few of them were good, but most of them were still on sim, and as a rule, no one advanced to probation while still on sim. However, you could go live while on internship if you were good which is what had happened to me. So I was a live trader and making good money but I was still on internship and passed over twice. I couldn't let go of that. 又3个月过去了,下一次评估还是没把我转试用。第二批人都已经转正了,我还是实习生中唯一有实际交易账号的,还是不给我转。我自知自己水平很高,其他长期员工都认可我的能力,和我一起进公司的那一期员工还经常来向我请教。第一期的人里有几个厉害的,但大多数都还在用模拟账号,而根据规定,使用模拟账号的人无法转试用,但如果实习生能力足够是可以像我一样升级到实际交易账号的。也就是说,我虽然已经用实际交易账号给公司带来了大笔收入,却还是个实习生,甚至还两次延期。这我就没法忍了。 I decided to talk to Gabby directly. I approached the senior guys and made my case, though I was careful not to put her in bad light. They agreed to help me and so they did. about a month after the she passed me over the second time, she gave me my promotion and I was now on probation. At this time, she was still unsure of her power and was still afraid of the permanent traders. Those guys were like gods. 我决定与Gabby正面对峙。我和几位前辈聊了聊,跟他们说了我的情况,并在谈话中尽量不贬损Gabby的形象。他们同意帮我,并采取了行动。一个月之后,Gabby再次进行了评估,给我转了试用。这个阶段,她还不是很适应手上的权力,对长期员工还有些忌惮。他们在办公室里基本是神一般的存在。 Two months after my promotion, another evaluation and recruitment drive. I was not promoted. The group I started out with was now permanent, despite having only two of them trading live. The group I was currently with on probation were all promoted to permanent status. The group behind me on internship was all promoted to probation, and another group was hired. I let it go hoping she had got it out of her system. Sadly, she had not. 转试用两个月后,又进行一次评估,也招了一批新人。我没给转正。 和我一起入职的那批人已经是永久职工了,他们里面甚至只有两个人用实际交易账号。和我一起试用的这批人也都转了正, 后面一批也都转了试用,新的一批员工也招了进来。我也没计较,寻思她也差不多该消气了。然而并没有。 Round Two Gabby之罪:其二 Three months go by. I'm trading live and loving it, though still on probation. An evaluation comes up again and I'm not promoted, despite the fact that, contract to contract, I was almost on a level with the permanent employees. The group that found me on probation was advanced to permanent status to a man, and none of them were live. the group behind me caught up to me and a new batch of newbies were hired as interns. I couldn't let this one go either. I approached the original four permanent employees who were now my very good buddies and planned to do the same thing as last time. Only this time, it didn't work. Gabby had grown into her sadistic power and flatly refused to even consider my promotion even after she was presented with evidence that I was worth it. Her argument was along the lines of, "I'm the boss so I can do whatever the hell I want." 又3个月过去了。我还在试用期,但我很喜欢实际交易的感觉。又进行了一次评估,我仍然没有转正,哪怕我每个条约的完成度都已经接近正式员工了。和我一起试用的第二届已经全部转正了,却没有一个人用的是实际交易账号。上一批的人也都和我同届了,新一批的实习生也招了进来。这次仍然不能忍。我再次找到了之前的那四个长期员工(已经和他们交情很深了),打算向上次一样再去与Gabby交涉。然而,这一次并没有用。 Gabby已经适应了手中的生杀大权,哪怕是把我的优秀工作记录都摆在她面前,明确证明我适合转正,她也仍然拒绝考虑让我转正,说着什么“我是老板我TM说了算”。 But I wasn't having that, so I contacted my former boss for help. At the time he had been promoted to head of operations, Africa. He was actually quite surprised, given my performance, that I was still on probation. Needless to say, the order came down from on high and Gabby looked like she was shitting six pineapples simultaneously as she handed my letter. And I thought that was the end of it. How wrong I was. 我不打算善罢甘休,联系了前老板寻求帮助。已经是非洲运营总监的他感到非常惊讶,明明我之前表现得那么好却仍然在试用期。不用说,当收到高层发来的指示时,Gabby跟菊花里塞了菠萝一样一脸憋屈的给我转了正。 On the next recruitment she hired this girl, let's call her Sue. Sue was an intelligent person all round, but she didn't have the emotional quotient to handle the market (trading, as I was taught, requires two mental aspects: IQ and EQ. You can't improve IQ, but you can boost your EQ to deal with the numerous stresses that accompany the career). Sue had more than enough of the IQ part, but EQ, not so much. No worries, you can work on that. 下一次招新时,她招进来一个女生,暂且叫她苏吧。苏各方面都很聪明,但情商不够高,难以应对市场。我在学校学到的是,贸易行业需要两商:智商和情商。智商提高不了,但可以提高情商,用以应对职业生涯中所需要面对的种种压力。苏的智商绝对够了,但情商却不够。也没关系,以后可以慢慢锻炼。 Just to recap: The office now had about seventy employees. Of these, over thirty were permanent staff (me included) but only eleven were trading live. Another twenty or so were on probation, but only three were trading live. None of the interns were live. The office needed to stay profitable if it was to stay open which means that the money the fourteen live traders were paying the salaries of everyone in the office, rent, supplies, health insurance, pensions etc etc. Needless to say, corporate was not seeing a lot of returns from our branch, and as I came to learn later from my former boss, were considering shutting down the branch and costing us our jobs. But I digress. 总结:办公室目前有七十多个员工,其中三十多人为长期员工(包括我),但只有11人在实际进行交易。另外还有二十多人在试用期,其中只有3人在实际交易。办公室需要自负盈亏,也就是说14名交易员要负责全员工资、房租、办公用品、医保社保的所有开销。自然的,上层觉得我们这个分部收益不高,后来听我前老板说总部打算关停我们分部,我们都得失业。扯远了。 The Last Straw 导火索 The Grade-A Bitch Gabby took advantage of an inconsolable and desperate Sue to try and get me for sexual harassment. This is how it went down. Remember all those people still on sim? Well, they all came to the eleven of us for trading advice and we did what we could to help them. We divided up the sim traders into groups and I was mentoring about four people. Sue was one of them. As any trader will tell you, the period before profitability is usually one of losses (unless you're really good) and is filled with stress and fear (hence the need for high EQ). It's normal, and you get through it. 顶尖大傻逼Gabby利用了伤心绝望的苏,试图诬陷我性骚扰。具体过程如下。记得那些还在用模拟账户的人吗?他们经常会来请教我们这11个正式交易员,我们也会尽力帮助他们。我们将模拟交易员分了组,有4个人由我负责指导,其中包括苏。所有交易员都知道,盈利前的那段时间往往都会经历亏损(除非你强到离谱),这段时间内会承担非常大的压力和恐惧,所以才说需要情商。这种现象很正常,总是能熬过去的。 Sue was going through such a rough patch one evening. We were going over her trades (bad trading day all around), when she just burst out crying. I know how it feels. I had shed my own tears as well. So comforted her the best I could. I held her hand and patted her on the back awkwardly (to this day I still don't know how to comfort someone) until she quieted down. What I didnt know was that Gabby had seen us. 有一天晚上,苏正在经历这种情况。她一整天都在亏,我们检查她交易记录时她直接哭了。我能了解她的感受,我自己也这样哭过。我们尽力安慰了她, 我握住她的手,拍着她的后背(时至今日我还是不知道怎么安慰人),安慰到她不哭了为止。我不知道的是,Gabby把这一切都尽收眼底。 As I came to learn later, she approached Sue the following day and made her an offer. Gabby would make sure Sue kept her job and would get her a lot of money if she stated that I had sexually harassed her. Sue took Gabby up on the offer and what followed was a nightmare.It started with a formal reprimand from corporate, a hearing in which I wasn't present to defend myself (because Gabby 'forgot' to send me the summons). 后来我才知道,她第二天去找了苏,向她提出了一笔交易。只要苏能声明我对她进行了性骚扰,Gabby就会保住苏的工作,还会给她一大笔钱。苏接受了交易。接下来发生的事情如同噩梦一般。先是总部发来了通报批评,然后又举行了一场听证会,我还没能去自我辩护,因为Gabby“碰巧”忘记通知我参会了。 Apparently she lobbied quite viciously to get me fired. The only reason I was able to keep my job was that my former boss came to my defence. Despite his help, I lost my quarterly bonus (about US$100,000) and half of my holdback (about US$400,000). I also had to attend seminars which essentially involved watching the same film on sexual assault in the workplace (three hours long) until I stated, in writing, that I was an abuser and it would go on my record. I knew that if that happened, Gabby would have the ammunition she needed to ruin my life forever. So every day, I got into the office at seven in the morning, watched the three hour film until ten. Refuse to acknowledge it, then get to work, leave the office at 11:20 in the evening, rinse and repeat. For almost seven months. It was tiring, and torture, and Gabby never let me live it down. Gabby用尽浑身解数想开除我,还好我的前老板为我辩护,我才没被开除。虽然有他的帮助,但我还是被扣除了一个季度的奖金(10w美金),以及一半的保留薪水(40w美金)。我还得去参加个讲座,基本上就是一直看同一部整整3小时长的工作场合性骚扰教育片,完了还得书面承认我是个性侵犯,这事还会进我的个人档案。我知道如果我真的书面承认了,让它上了档案,Gabby就能借此毁掉我的整个人生。于是我只能每天7点去上班,看三个小时教育片看到10点,拒绝书面承认,然后去上班,一直干到晚上11点20。这种生活持续了快7个月,又累又折磨,Gabby 也从来不打算放过这件事。 All of the people I had been mentoring were transferred the day after my reprimand. A day after that, Gabby informed me via letter that my clip size had been cut from 1000 to 20 contracts. Yeah, I had to admit, I was bloodied. I was down, but the bitch didn't know that she should have ended me. 通报批评发出来之后,我指导的人都被转走了。第二天,Gabby通知我,我的交易规模被降级了,由原来的1000份合约降到了20份。不得不承认,我被她整的很惨。我确实被击倒了,可惜这个傻逼没有彻底了解我。 The Revenge 复仇开始 Step 1: Ruin Gabby's Career. 第一步:摧毁Gabby的事业。 I started compiling all the shit that was happening to me in the office. It started when I realized that when I went out to lunch, someone would open my desk drawer and mess around with my notebook, where I jotted down my trading ideas for the day. The only person who had a key apart from me was Gabby. Apparently she had mastered my lunchtime routine for the entire 45 minute break and would open my locker when I was out smoking. She would then copy down my trading plans for the day and give them to Sue. I even saw them at it once, but they didn't see me. I documented it. I let it go on for a while so that I could establish a pattern via Sue's trades. I then approached two of the permanent traders who were closest to me and told them my plan. 我开始整理我在办公室里的经历。刚开始是因为,我发现每次出去吃午饭的时候,都会有人打开我的抽屉,翻我用来记录交易想法的笔记本。除了我以外,唯一有我抽屉钥匙的人就是Gabby。看来她是记下了我的午休规律,趁我出去抽烟的时候翻我的抽屉,然后把我本日的交易计划抄下来给苏。我甚至有一次亲眼看见,不过那次他们没看见我。我都记录了下来。我放任了她一段时间,以从苏的交易记录中找出规律。然后我找到了比较亲近的两个长期员工,告诉他们我的复仇计划。 Remember when I said almost no money was reaching corporate? and that there were only eleven live traders? The situation had only gotten worse. The office was now full but we had less that fifteen live traders. Live trading could only be approved by Head of Operations (my former boss) and he was a strict one. Now imagine that my earning capacity had been cut by over 90%. My two friends agreed to my plan and they slowed down their trading by around 50%. This essentially put the branch in the red and three weeks later, we were told that Head of Ops and other head honchos were coming down. The next phase involved getting Sue into a corner. Pleas, a tear or two, and revealing that I could prove she had been stealing my work were enough to get a written statement from her that Gabby had orchestrated my whole sexual harassment thing. 记得我之前说过我们支部赚不了多少钱,只有11个正式交易员吗?现在情况恶化了,办公室都坐满了,却只有15个正式交易员。只有运营总监(我的前老板)能批准正式交易,但他的审核标准很严格。现在,我的盈利能力被削去了90%,我另外两个朋友也同意把自己的盈利也降低了50%左右。这样一来,整个支部就陷入了亏损状态。3个星期之后传来通知,运营总监和其他高层要来视察。接下来,我逼了苏一把。先是恳求,再流两滴眼泪,最后向她表示,我可以证明她在窃取我的工作成果。一系列操作下来,她终于书面承认,我的性骚扰一事都是由Gabby自导自演的。 Step 2: Ruin Gabby's Marriage 第二部,摧毁Gabby的婚姻。 It took only a little investigation on my part to realize than all those men who visited the office were actually Gabby's lovers. She would leave for two-hour 'lunches' with her phone turned off. I took advantage of one such period. Gabby left and I snuck into her office to find her Facebook profile open. Everyone knew she was always on there and it was a sore point because she had banned it for the rest of us minions. I got into her Messenger, and voila! Explicit texts, nudes, rants about her husband and his inadequacies, the six guys or so she had cheated with, all of it. I copy pasted the data into her private email which she was logged into as well (always clear cache, you guys) and sent it to my private email, then deleted it from her sent folder. Now I had the ammo on my phone ready to send. 我稍微调查了一下就发现,平时来办公室Gabby的那些男的都是她的情夫。我趁她和他们去“吃午餐”,手机关机的两小时,溜进了她的办公室,发现她的Facebook账号开着。大家都知道她每天都在刷Facebook,对此也颇有怨言,因为她还禁止我们这些小虾米刷Facebook。我打开她的私信,发现了一大堆宝藏:露骨文字,裸照,对丈夫无能的抱怨,出轨的六个情夫,都在这里面。我把 这些东西复制到她默认登录的私人邮箱里(论清理缓存的重要性),发给了我自己的私人邮箱,然后删除了发件记录。手机里的杀器随时准备发送。 Step 3: Ruin Gabby's Relationship with her Kids. 第三步:摧毁Gabby的亲子关系。 Now, I'll say right off the bat I'm not proud of this step. but to bust my justice nut, it wasn't enough to just send the info to her husband. So I waited for Thursday when I knew he would be passing by the office with the kids. The Pro Revenge gods saw fit to bless me that day, because it was the same day that Corporate Head Honchos were ridin' into town. 我承认这算不上光彩,但为了我的正义复仇,光是把这些发给她丈夫还不够。我等到了星期四,她丈夫带着孩子来办公室的这一天。仿佛有复仇女神护佑一般,那天刚好高层领导也在公司。 Thursday. 星期四到了。 I was at the office at seven as usual with all my documentation from my appointment letter to the numerous rejected requests for promotion, sat through the three hour sexual harassment video (yes, I was still doing that), and waited for the Moment. The guys from corporate, my former boss included, arrived and went straight into a meeting with Gabby. I was quite certain that they would call me in to know why I had been attending a sexual harassment awareness class for almost a year, and I was ready for them. 我照常7点到了办公室,带好了所有资料,从我的任命书,到多次遭拒的转试用、转正申请等。去看完了3小时性骚扰的教育片(没错,我还得看),便开始静候时辰。高管们来了,直接把Gabby拉去开会。我知道他们肯定会把我叫进去,问我为什么一节性骚扰讲座反反复复上了快一年。我做好了准备。 I was called in after lunch, at about two. The question was asked and before I could answer, Gabby jumped on the bit like I knew she would. She went on a long rant about how I had been insubordinate, and how I liked to touch the female employees. I could tell from her grin that she thought she was winning. 午饭后,大概两点左右,我被叫了进去,他们问了我上述的问题。我还没来得及开始回答,Gabby就如我所料,开始借题发挥了。她对我一通狂喷,说我不服从指挥,喜欢乱摸女员工什么的。我看见她上翘的嘴角,知道她心里还觉得自己赢下了这一局。 And then I pulled out Sue's letter, and the grin curdled on her face. Sue was hurriedly called in and she backed my story. She said she was sorry. She was fired on the spot and told to go wait at the receptionist for her final check. I felt no sympathy. I was on a roll. 我掏出了苏的信,Gabby的笑容凝固了。苏被紧急叫了进来,证实了我的说法,还表示对不起我。她被当场开除,去前台领工资去了。我毫无同情。连招继续。 Next I pulled out my analysis of my trades and told them how Gabby had been breaking into my locker and stealing my notes for sue. Gabby denied it. Sue was called back in. She denied it. My former boss logged into the company network, pulled Sue's and my trading data. He compared the positions taken by both of us with my notes. He said it was true. Sue was fired again. They told me they would refund my confiscated bonus and holdback, with an extra 50 grand. That was fine by me. The justice was enough. 接下来,我掏出了我的交易分析记录,告诉高管Gabby一直在翻我的抽屉,把我的交易笔记偷给苏。Gabby矢口否认。苏又被叫了回来,也矢口否认。我的前老板从公司内网里调出了苏和我的交易记录,与我的笔记相互比对,确认了我说的真实性。苏被第二次当场开除。高管们表示会退还扣除的奖金和保留薪水,额外加上5w赔偿。 我没意见,能证明清白就行。 And then I spotted Gabby's husband heading into her office as usual, their two kids in tow. I pulled out my phone, grinned at her and said, 这时我发现Gabby的丈夫如常走进了她的办公室,后面跟着她的两个孩子。我掏出手机,对她笑了笑,说: "You're husband is here." “你老公来了。” She turned around and saw him. She excused herself for a minute to tell him to wait. 她回头看见他,向高管表示要离开一会,出去告诉他老公等一会。 My former boss said, "Sure." 我前上司说:“行。” I pressed send. 我按下了发送。 (原帖在此完结,后续为更新) EDIT: As for the aftermath, Gabby's husband absolutely lost his shit. Her office was glass-walled and the rest was open-plan so we could all hear what they were shouting about. He finally left with their kids in tow (sorry little ones) Gabby followed him still shouting at him. Then she saw us all standing around and the look on her face was priceless as she was wondering which aspect of her life to try and salvage. She let her husband go, but about an hour later she had been fired. 后来,Gabby的老公直接当场爆发。 她的办公室用的是玻璃墙,其他工位都是开放式的,所有人都听到了他们的争吵。最后他带着孩子离开了(抱歉啦孩子们),Gabby还跟在后面喊着什么。她回过头来发现大家都在盯着她,心里大概在想两盆大火要先扑哪一盆,脸上的表情精彩至极。她还是让老公走了,一个小时之后被开除了。 My favorite boss stayed behind since there was no one left. He stayed for a month training the lady who had been with the company the longest to take over as manager. She is easily the most brilliant mind I had ever met. Unfortunately the branch was still struggling with so many employees who were not generating income and they had to shut it down. But they transferred all the performing employees to their other various branches in London (2 branches) and India (9 branches). So I guess no one undeservedly lost their jobs. 我最喜欢的那位老板留了下来,因为Gabby走了没人管事了。他在这呆了一个月,给资历最老的一名女员工培训,以让她接任经理。她应该是我见过最聪明的一个人,可惜分部还是难以盈利,毕竟有那么多不能创收的员工要养,最后停止运营了。所有正式交易员工都被转到了伦敦(2分部)和印度(9分部)的其他分部。应该算是没有不该失业的人失业吧。 I still stalk Gabby on Facebook. There have been a lot of "I'm single because I'm too awesome" posts of late. I almost feel sorry for her, but I remember the three-hour video and I stop being foolish. From what I could see on LinkedIn, Sue bounced around from firm to firm until she found a position as a research analyst. My favorite boss is still at the firm. We talk from time to time. 我还会去Facebook上偷看Gabby的情况。她最近发了好多“单身是因为我太优秀”之类的东西。我甚至有点同情她,但想到那个3小时的纪录片就不同情了。我在领英上看到,她在各个公司之间辗转,最终当了个研究分析师。我最喜欢的那个老板还在公司里,我时不时会和他聊上两句。 I took a break from trading for a while. After all the shit that went down, I needed a break so I didn't take them up on their offer to relocate to India. Went to work with a buddy of mine who has a consultancy. When I feel ready I'll go back to the market. For me at least, there is no other job as challenging and satisfying. 我暂时离开了交易工作。发生了这么多屁事,我只想休息一会,所以我拒绝了他们让我去印度的邀请。去给我一个做咨询的朋友做事去了,以后准备好了再重回交易市场吧。毕竟对我来说,这份工作是最具有挑战性、最令人满足的。 十二月 26, 2023,由hyphakinshi修改 链接到点评