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[align=left]There’sa distant explosion.[/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]Charliewakes up. The first thing he’s seeing is a little girl with a pair of horriblyblinking red eyes standing in front of him, trying to wake him up by knockingon his heavy, rusty diving suit.[/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]Hetakes another look at the surrounding, all bloody metallic, he thinks. With allthe pipes and pumps around him, he cannot even feel a little bit of silence.They are all rusty yellow and a bit of dark because there’s only one swinglight bulb attached on the ceiling, and that’s not a comforting color. ButCharlie does not care, even not the sound is echoing inside his gigantic divinghelmet, causing him a headache.[/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]“Wakeup Mr. B,” she said gently but in a clear tone, making all the echoes insidethe room, “I hear angle calling.”[/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]Charlieis not a talkative guy; he does not even know how to talk, but he believe thoselow-pitched groaning of his can be understood by the little girl in front ofhim. He pushed himself up with his left hand, holding his best buddy- rivet guntightly with his right hand. He adjusts his helmet and oxygen tank on his backwith agility. And he starts following the pale-white little girl as if he isdesigned to do so.[/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]Whenthey cross through a tunnel, Charlie takes a look around. It’s a 360 degreetransparent tunnel. Outside of tunnel, enormous dark blue awaits. It is theyear of 1962, deep beneath the North Atlantic Ocean. There stood the old dayglory- undersea city Rapture.[/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]Itall happened on the eve of 1959, he thought-though he ought not to be rememberthat much, due to his age which is technically two, but he is not in control ofhis own body.[/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]Itwas so nice and real, it was meant to be a flourishing utopia society, and itwas where his family live: His mom making cookies, his dad reading morningnewspapers, his wife taking care of their months-old daughter.[/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]Butall that has gone.[/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]Whenthe civil war started, everything changed. Everything was going to hell withthe damn ADAM- stem cells harvested from a previously unknown species of sea slug, with ADAM, scientistsare able to overwrite human genome, making its userable to possess super power. Just like magic. Because of that, soon after thewar started, people in Rapture die faster than anything. At a world of Chaos,most of the people stand no chance of living. And the ones remain-more likewhat is remained of them-became splicer. But that’s not enough, those madscientists also created monsters-‘little sisters’ by putting sea slug insideyoung girls body. They were mentally controlled to collect ADAM from corpses,but they were filled with ADAM themselves. In order to prevent them got hurt bysplices, another kind of monster is created- Big Daddy, just like Charlie.[/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]He is one of the Rosie type Big Daddy, deadly inclose range, and his rivet gun made up the disadvantage he has for agility. Oneshot one kill, it penetrates through human flesh just like scissors cuttingthrough papers.[/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]Heis also restrained by those stupid ADAM power, because of ADAM, he is forced tohelp this creepy little girl collect ADAM from corpses. It is such an immoralthing to do! But he had no choice. He cannot fight the great evil created byscience.[/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]Sohe follows the little girl like he always do, watches her back. He is keeping adistance with her, like she’s his master, and he’s her slave.[/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]Theyventure into a half-sphere shaped room. In the middle of the room, there lies acorpse. His little sister has something to keep her occupied.[/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]Sheuses a syringe with twisted shape. The needle is covered with blood. Shepunches the needle deep inside the poor guy’s chest and starts draining ADAM.ADAM’s horrible red color glows in the syringe, like lava.[/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]First,there’s only the sound of little sister whispering. But more and more aregathered towards her, or her ADAM. Charlie knows something is wrong when he seeshadows appearing in the corner. They are surrounded, but his little sister isnot aware of this situation, till one of the splicers rushes towards her.[/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]Ithas a human figure, but it’s quite different from a real one. Its hair scatterson its head; its eyes are no longer human-like, the color in its eyes isfainted white, like a demon; it is making sound that is barely human, roaringand laughing with madness; both of its hands are gone, instead, two sharp metallichooks are attached on its limbs; it’s half-naked, dressed in rag.[/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]Itdoes not take long for her noticing those filthy creatures coming towards her.So she screams as high-pitched as she can be. ‘Kill them Mr. B! Kill them!’[/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]Charliedraws his rivet gun and starts shooting. First shot misses, but the rivet gun’srevolving chambers allow it to fire rapidly, so the next rivet hit the splicerhard. It groans and falls onto the ground. Blood starts coming out of itsstomach, and it accumulates somewhere beside it. It begins laughing and cryingwith unbearable high-pitched voice. [/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]Charliedecides to put an end to its misery. He steps on pond of blood, aim his gun a** head, staring right into its eyes, (He has a diving helmet so that no onefrom the outside can see his appearance) and pulls the trigger.[/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]Thesplicer’s life has come to an end. But there are more out there that wantslittle sister die, these echoes of whispering have not stopped yet. So bigdaddy Charlie crouches down and let little sister climbs on him. He then standsup and takes a defensive stance.[/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]Twomore splicers appear in Charlie’s sight. Before little sister gives him theorder, he rushed toward them. His iron boots shakes the floor, and he’s movingunbelievably fast wearing heavy diving suit. He waves his left arm, hitting oneof the splicers in the head using his fist. That poor splicer’s brain comes outof its head, its face is twisted together as some abstract art, and it flies 5meters away till hitting the ground. It can no longer move an inch.[/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]Butmeanwhile, the other splicer manages to flank Charlie. Its hook almost getslittle sister. But Charlie protects her with his arm, the hook cannot penetratea inch of his suit. He draws the rivet gun and fires. That’s another splicerdown.[/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]Hehears the sound of movement getting more and more distant, the splicers areretreating, looks like they still values their life the most. Charlie takes adeep breath, he thinks he needs to stop his adrenaline rush, science has madehim a killing machine, but it’s still unwise to chase your enemy leavingsomeone else behind.[/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]Hepatrols around the little sister, she acts like nothing happens and continuesher work. But soon he will realize it is not a good idea staying here.[/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]Theyare surrounded once again few minutes later. This time, one splicer comes upfront, it looks more like human than others because its hands are stillattached to its body. However, its eyes are full of madness. Charlie feels thethreat, so he shoots that head splicer as soon as possible. The moment beforethe rivet touches that splicer, it suddenly vanished into red fog that came outof nowhere.[/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]Itdoes not take long for Charlie to realize that he is dealing with a supersplicer with power of ADAM. He can hear its maniac laugh coming from alldirections. Although he is in a sphere like room, there are many obstacles forthat splicer to hide, so it is hard to find out where it is, especially when itis wielding supernatural power of teleportation.[/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]ButCharlie has not yet got the whole picture until that splicer appear from acorner and threw a fireball toward him. This mutant is even more powerful thanCharlie thought, it can also control fire. His diving suit absorbs the damagebrought by the fireball, but the temperature inside suit is increasing. IfCharlie takes more fireballs, he will be cooked inside out.[/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]Hecannot figure out a way to avoid fireball while protecting his little sisterfrom getting hurt, he is trying his best to protect the little sister even ifthat means he needs to take more hits by the fireball, he is designed toprioritized in obeying little sister, if it means cost his life.[/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]Charliethe big daddy stands between the little sister and the mutant, doing his bestto protect her. She keeps shouting, “Kill him daddy! Kill him!” She cannot evensee Charlie is in distress.[/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]Suddenbecause of the heat, a pipe attached to Charlie body inside suit breaks lose.He feels dizzy and all the sound around him is distant and faint. As soon as heregain conscious, he realize that he is able to behave as he wished to, he’sfree! He no longer needs to obey that creepy little girl and he is free to gowherever he wants to! But the unbearable heat stops his mind from thinkingfurther: he needs to deal with the mutant, or he will die.[/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]Itis the first time he feels the suit is so heavy and immobile. He can barelystand up, meanwhile, he can feel the power of ADAM inside his body. He is ableto control it, but it is not strong enough to defeat the evil in front of him.[/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]Thereare many choices lying in his head, he can run away, leaving that little girlbehind, he is not the one they are after; he can also try to be a hero, havinghis last stand; taking the girl with him is another option, but he cannot evenwalk on his own, how on earth he can do that?[/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]Thoughthese thoughts come across his mind, he rejects all of them, leaving adefenseless little girl in danger is not allowed due to his moral principle. Heis realistic, so he won’t waste his life struggling till death. The best way isto run, even one of them get away, it will make him feel better.[/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]Hestands there, waving to the little girl telling her to come. He looks at hishands with gloves, of all these years, who can even imagine what ADAM has doneto us now, a dystopia full of sadness and death. Now it’s time to do something.[/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]Whenthe little sister comes the reachable distance of Charlie, he grabs her andstarts pumping all his ADAM inside her, it is a hard try but it works, his ADAMforces sea slug out of her stomach. The sea slug is as dark as ink. He smashesit, no more controlling people.[/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]Thelittle girl’s eyes become the eye a normal kid could have, she is out of thecontrol of ADAM anymore. He shouts at her, telling her to run.[/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]Shehesitates for a moment, and realizes what is going on. Something inside hereyes, changes from fear to determination. She picks up the syringe containingADAM, and stick it into Charlie’s chest, this time, she is injecting ADAM intohis body.[/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]Feelingthe power of ADAM, he gets on his feet. It feels that nothing can stop him, noteven a moving train. The moment she did this, she saved both of them, it istime for Charlie to repay the debt.[/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]Andhe rushes toward the mutant.[/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]…….[/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]Afterall is settled, he sits down, breathing heavily. She sits beside him, lookingworried.[/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]“That’s one hell of an adventure, don’t you think?” Charlie decides to start theconversation.[/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]Shenods her head,[/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]“Let’s get out of this place.”[/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]“That makes two of us.”[/align]



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