ibot 发布于九月 10, 2014 分享 发布于九月 10, 2014 http://www.surrenderat20.net/2014/09/99-pbe-update.html PBE在9月9日经过了一次更新 soraka和viktor都经过了技能变化,但是因为某些BUGviktor 暂时无法体验 Base stat changes HP decreased to 400 from 405 HP per level increased to 80 from 76 Mana increased to 250 from 240 Movement speed decreased to 325 from 340 Magic Resist increased to 32 from 30 Armor increased to 18 from 17 HP regen per second lowered to .7 from .9 HP regen per second per level increased to .16 from .11 Mana regen per second increased to 1.56 from 1.36 基础属性变更 初始HP从405降低到400 HP每级从76增长到80 初始蓝量从240增加到250 移动速度从340降到325 魔抗从30增加到32 护甲从17增加到18 HP每秒回复速度从0.9降到0.7 HP每秒恢复速度每级增长从0.11变成0.16 蓝量每秒恢复速度从1.36增加到1.56 (Passive) Luminary Salvation: Soraka gains 70% bonus movement speed when running towards allies who are below 40% heath. Touch of the Cosmos: 20% of Soraka's bonus Magic Resist and Bonus Armor is replaced aby ability power. ( 1 AP for each point of Armor or MR ) (被动)星光(灵魂人物?) 救赎:索拉卡在队友低于40%血量时朝向他们会获得70%移动速度加成 宇宙之触: 索拉卡20%的额外护甲和魔抗替换成AP (1点AP=1额外护甲或额外魔抗) 索拉卡会获得移速加成的距离 Q starfall Mana Cost: 70/80/90/100/110 Cooldown: 7/6.5/6/5.5/5 Calls down a star at Target location. Enemies standing in the explosion radius take 70/110/150/190/230 (+.35 AP) magic damage Enemies standing in the center take 150% damage and are slowed by 20/25/30/35/40% for 2 seconds. [ Note: The star falls quickly if casted at low range and slowly at high range ] Q 魔法消耗: 70/80/90/100/110 冷却 7/6/5/6/5.5/5 在目标区域召唤流星。在区域内的敌人会受到 70/110/150/190/230 (+.35 AP)魔法伤害 在中心的敌人会受到150%的伤害而且减速20/25/30/35/40% 2秒。 备注:流星在近距离降落速度快,远距离慢 (W) Astral Infusion Cost: 10% Max Health and 20/25/30/35/40 Mana Cooldown: 4/3.5/3/2.5/2 seconds Active: Restores 110/140/170/200/230 ( +.6 AP ) health to target ally. Cannot be cast if Soraka is below 5% health. Passive: Each Enemy champion hit by Starcall heals Soraka for 20/30/40/50/60 - 40/60/80/100/120 ( +.4 AP ) ( Based on % Missing HP ) (W) 消耗: 10%最大生命 和 20/25/30/35/40 魔法 冷却: 4/3.5/3/2.5/2秒 主动: 对友军回复 110/140/170/200/230 (+.6AP)生命。索拉卡在5%生命以下无法使用 被动:被星落击中的敌人回复索拉卡的 20/30/40/50/60 - 40/60/80/100/120 (+.4 AP)生命 (按照失去的生命%) {:7_503:}我是残念的亚米拉 (E) Equinox Mana Cost: 80 Cooldown: 18/17/16/15/14 seconds Creates a zone at target location for 1.5 seconds. Enemies standing in the zone are silenced until they leave. When the zone disappears, all enemies still standing in the zone are rooted for 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2 second(s). (E) 魔法消耗: 80 冷却: 18/17/16/15/14秒 在目标区域制造星域,存在1.5秒。在敌人离开之前都被强制沉默,区域消失后所有在区域内的敌人会被定身 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2秒。 ® Wish Mana Cost: 100 Cooldown: 160/145/130 seconds Calls upon Divine powers to restore 150/250/350 ( + .55 AP ) Health to all allied champions. Wish's power is increased by 50% on each champion below 40% health. (R)许愿 魔法消耗: 100 冷却: 160/145/130秒 回复全部友军 150/250/350 (+.55 AP) 生命,低于40%的友军获得额外的50%加成。 {:7_503:}我还是残念的亚米拉 我大干扰不服,大招是你区区山羊能模仿的吗? 链接到点评