妖皇天 发布于四月 30, 2015 分享 发布于四月 30, 2015 今天在回家的车上闲来无事,将《录取通知》看完,感受良多。首先是简介的百度:《录取通知》是2006年环球影片出品的一部喜剧电影,由斯蒂夫·平克执导,贾斯汀·朗、乔纳·希尔、哥伦布·绍特、玛丽亚·泰耶尔和布蕾克·莱弗利等联袂出演。影片于2006年8月18日在美国上映[1]。电影讲述快高中毕业的巴特比正面临着升学压力,他投出的8封大学入学申请信全被拒绝。迫于社会与家庭的压力,自己创立了一所大学开始了自己的大学生活。 录取通知以喜剧的视角来探讨现在学府的现状,无热情,无创造。全片的高潮在于结尾,学生理想的大学与传统大学的对薄公堂中男主人公的演讲 College is a service industry. They all pay for a kind of experience. No tests no essays no reports or reviews of reading…that kind of nonsense… A stupid piece of paper is going to make us accepted… In south Harmon, students are teachers… Because you want us like them, the fact is that we are not like them and I am damn proud of that… Why can’t we both exist…You can have you rules ivory towers…Why do we have to conform to what you want… You are a criminal. You robbed this kids the creativity and the passion. That’s real crime. You just need people desire to better themselves The true education is to stimulate the creativity and the passion of student body. You want a happy and successful life; if you want to be somebody; if you want to fit in society…you go to collage… Well, what about you parents? Did... Did the system really work out for you? Did it teach you to follow your heart, or to just play it safe, roll over? What about you guys? Did you always want to be school administrators? Dr. Alexander, was that your dream? Or maybe no, maybe you wanted to be a poet. Maybe you wanted to be a magician or an artist. Maybe you just wanted to travel the world. Look, l... l... l... I lied to you. I lied to all of you, and I'm sorry. Dad, especially to you. But out of that desperation, something happened that was so amazing. Life was full of possibilities. A-A-And isn't that what you ultimately want for us? As parents, I mean, is... is that, is possibilities. Well, we came here today to ask for your approval, and something just occurred to me. I don't give a shit! Who cares about your approval? We don't need your approval to tell us that what we did was real 'Cause there are so few truths in this world that when you see one, you know it. And I know that it is a truth that real learning took place at South Harmon. Whether you like it or not, it did. 'Cause you don't need teachers or classrooms or... or fancy highbrow traditions or money to really learn. You just need people with a desire to better themselves, and we got that by the shitload at South Harmon. So you can go ahead, sign your forms, reject us and shoot us down, and do whatever you gotta do. It doesn't really matter at this point Because we'll never stop learning, and we'll never stop growing and we'll never forget the ideals that were instilled in us at our place. 'Cause we are S.H.I.T. Heads now and we'll be S.H.I.T. Heads forever and nothing you can say or do or stamp can take that away from us! So go! Go ahead! 你的父母呢? 系统是为你设计的? 它教你顺从你们的心 做个顺民? 都很听话? 你们呢? 你们一直想做学校行政员? 亚历山大博士 你有什么梦想? 也许没有 也许想做诗人 或者魔术师,艺术家 或者只想周游世界 看,我...撒谎了 我对所有人撒谎 非常抱歉 。 爸,尤其是你 但绝望之余 有些事情很激动 一生有很多可能 难道这不是你们最后的要求? 作为父母,我的意思是 便是“可能” 今天我们来这请求你们的批准 有些事情发生了 我不在乎! 谁在乎你们的批准? 我们不需要你的批准来告诉我们 什么才是真的 因为真相总是掌握在少数人手里 当你发现了 你就明白 我明白这是一个真相 真正的学习发生在南哈蒙 无论你是否喜欢 它是事实 不需要老师,教室 以及虚浮的传统或者金钱来学习 只需要大家有着提高自己的愿望 这在南哈蒙已经拥有 所以你们继续 标榜你们的规则 拒绝我们,打击我们 做你们想做的 这一点都没有关系 因为我们不会停止学习 也不会停止成长 我们不会忘记在 我们的土地上灌输的理想 因为我们是南哈蒙的主人 我们也一直都会是南哈蒙的主人 无论你说的,做的,盖的 可以让我们改变! 去他妈的! 随你们! [attach]70087[/attach][attach]70089[/attach][attach]70088[/attach][attach]70086[/attach][attach]70090[/attach]男主人公吼出了现在无数学子想要喊出的东西,我们想要自由,在学校里自由挥洒我们的梦想,而不是每天如同尸体一般熬完课堂,在教室找本书,一觉到放学,这或许,就是我们在学校,唯一的追梦了。学校教导我们梦想的写法,却没有教导我们如何梦想。如果我们没有梦想,那么,我们只有被别人雇来实现他们的梦想,忙忙碌碌,迷迷糊糊,度过此生。填鸭,制造。。。。真正的教育不该是这样的。现在的我们无法改变世界,那么就努力不要被世界所改变,无论在任何时候,不要放弃梦想。 我其实对这部电影很遗憾,因为他是一部喜剧,而不是。。。。一部传记 “我愿意参加【那一幕】活动,奖励多多,大家都来参加哦~ ” 链接到点评