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厂长 发表的所有内容

  1. 看来不怎么一个人啊。真的越看越像在合
  2. 昨天已经弄好了,但是现在又没了。
  3. I have revised it. Can you help me revise what I said in Yunnan? 能帮我修改一下你引用我的话吗?
  4. Oh, but unfortunately, I have to review biochemistry for such a long holiday. I have to make up the exam at the beginning of the school, and there are still six levels waiting for the difficulty, but the loss has not yet been linked, and it needs to be rebuilt. I hope that the epidemic will not break out again, and I will stay at home for more than half a year to start the exam. It took a lot of work.
  5. 为什么我看了很多遍这个图片都容易看错。下面是楼路灯,我还以为是这个爆头的女孩在含。
  6. 完蛋了,修改不了。怎么打字都打不进去。
  7. 网站本规规定半个小时内,不准发送三个新主题。发送三个包括三个以上是违规。那么两个可不可以算不算违规?
  8. 所以说到底怎么弄啊?想了半天。
  9. 至少现在还行吧,我都还差一半。今天晚上7点注册的。
  10. 我想知道你是怎么压缩的的,因为我用到说他就成了不是动态的图片。
  11. 你们是怎么压缩的呀?我一压缩就成了不动的图片。
  12. 可以设置动态头像吗?我还以为不可以呢。
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