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史莱姆勇者【哪个勇者不是从史莱姆打起】 (1/9)

  1. 类似时钟机关ley-line的,就是那种不要特别日常,有一定悬疑推理,非全年龄,2014年之后发售的gal。 最好是汉化,生肉也凑合吧。不要Rape,尽量纯爱 不要cyclet,Black cyclet,Nitro+,clockup社的
  2. 郊区的偏僻工厂,条件特别差。不过,厂长对我们很好。
  3. The morning was cold and bleak, the kind of day that made most people stay at home. The sky was overcast with grey clouds that seemed thick and oppressive. Every few minutes thunder would clap in the sky though no lightning could be visibly seen. But the rain poured down in heavy sheets making the roads slippery and dangerous, as the people caught out on the sidewalks scrambled to get to shelter as quickly as possible. However on the corner or one of the busiest intersections in the city was a very warm and inviting diner, this diner was perhaps one of the busiest places to eat in the city. The diner catered to a wide variety of people both human and morph species alike, and served food from a wide variety of nationalities which made it so popular. It wasn’t anything fancy but it was a very homey and inviting place. This is where our Story starts, here in this diner, or more importantly in one of the booths close to the door, a lone figure was seated facing the door sipping at a mug of tea. She was a dragon morph, an albino dragon morph to be exact, there weren’t any true white dragons left after the Gene Wars, Albino Dragons were a rarity among the other dragon color families but they did happen. The Dragon morph species had been made near the start of the Gene wars and though they suffered great losses during the bloody war that destroyed so many other species the dragons had come through, though they weren’t as numerous as some other species. This dragoness was very beautiful, she didn’t have some of the bulky size that some of the other dragon morphs were prone to having, she was curvy with out seeming to be over voluptuous, she was small in height but the friendly smell that came across her snout when she noticed others gazing in her direction was always genuine and open. Her wings were furled to her back barely noticeable behind her jacket unless she ruffled them to get comfortable. Her eyes were a soft pink, another indication that she was albino. Her long tail was draped out on the seat beside her, tiny ridges moved up the back of her tail up to her back, they were small barely more then bumps but they were the same pearl white color as her scales, her pearl white scales seemed to shimmer with light pinks and blues when the light touched them. Her name was Shiro, and she was a regular here at this diner. She loved the wide variety of food styles that were served here, plus the name of the diner was something that amused her as well. The Diner was named ‘The Dragon’s Den’, it was run by a Red Dragon morph named Sougyou. He was always very friendly towards Shiro and treated her like family, his mate, a female Ocelot morph, would sometimes share a cup of tea with the albino dragoness. All in all this was a very comforting place for Shiro to just relax and enjoy herself for a while.
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