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  1. 召唤我的时候还是施工中 今天才想起来回来看{:7_524:} 于是……萌白萌白萌! 啊果然因为迟到被诅咒了么……说好的80%呢!
  2. 偷瞄了一眼个人资料…… 12年大一大二 那你这出生年月是不是不太对……
  3. 那个我么玩过{:7_536:}所以少年转战移动版吧
  4. 我只知道有个移动版 可以用平板玩那个和电脑版是一致的 账号也是一起的 所以我是没玩过手机版……
  5. 手机版……是有留赞的那个?为啥不去玩移动版……
  6. 曹睿这都出多久了{:7_510:} 将6都出这么久了 将5的就别强行新武将了吧?
  7. 首先 不连续的回复主楼并不算3连 这个问题上助手确实对版规的理解出现了错误 但是……你在这个主题下确实回复了3次 所以愿赌服输 500节操我就拿走1%好了
  8. 那就变野猫了……还是送到别人家养2个月吧
  9. 那就变野猫了……还是送到别人家养2个月吧
  10. 放心吧 猫主子从来就没记得过你……{:7_523:}
  11. 3现在各大游戏商基本已经不怎么开新坑了 4的话倒是正在上升期 过几天不是还要出ps4 pro么 PSV我是觉得意思不大
  12. 似乎CE也有mac版 但是不是所有MAC版本都支持…… 其他的内存修改工具是不是能改长头像我就不确定了……
  13. 因为新手区就是给新人们聊天交♂朋♂友♂的地方啊……{:7_536:}
  14. 搜了一下 账号没有封禁 所以你说的登不上是指什么?
  15. 不然呢……我要是能跟原唱差不多我还用在这混……
  16. 假声部分还蛮像的啊 你高音音色比我好多了…… 前面主歌共鸣弱了点 就少了一点相似度 林老妖唱歌有很重的头腔共鸣 感觉上发声点在口腔后面…… ps: 麦peak了 所以后面高潮有点失真 可惜了……
  17. 近期版区调整 没有办法下资源 调整结束后 签到60天完成穿越任务 ->切换穿越爱好者提交穿越认证->审核通过后即可进入资源区
  18. 我本音很低 所以一般低音都没啥压力ww当然音色就不好说怎么样了
  19. 我其实算是某一天突然觉醒高音魂的那种……直到不久以前我都还是绕着高音歌走的
  20. 大概相对来说高音的歌更有力量感?不过我也很喜欢周董医生什么的啊……
  21. 我很喜欢他们啊……不过相对来说最喜欢的是acoustica那场不插电以及后期的几张早期的稍微差一点
  22. 尝试了2首我蛮喜欢的歌 第一个是蝎子乐队的Still Loving You 说起Scorpions 估计知道的人不会太多 属于出道年份跟爹妈差不多大的那种上古人物…… 最近在办全球巡演 可惜我错过了北美的场次 怨念…… Still loving you算是蝎子很有名的一个歌了 翻唱无数 本科玩乐队的时候也翻过这个 现场效果蛮不错的ww 顺便 好像信之前在我歌上也翻唱过? 不过这个歌我实在是太喜欢原版了 所以还是找了原版的伴奏 结果伴奏不是我熟悉的那个版本…… Still loving you [fold=反正也看不懂的歌词] Time, it needs time To win back your love again I will be there, I will be there Love, only love Can bring back your love someday I will be there, I will be there I'll fight, babe, I'll fight To win back your love again I will be there, I will be there Love, only love Can break down the wall someday I will be there, I will be there If we'd go again All the way from the start I would try to change The things that killed our love Your pride has built a wall, so strong That I can't get through Is there really no chance To start once again I'm loving you Try, baby try To trust in my love again I will be there, I will be there Love, our love Just shouldn't be thrown away I will be there, I will be there If we'd go again All the way from the start I would try to change The things that killed our love Your pride has built a wall, so strong That I can't get through Is there really no chance To start once again If we'd go again All the way from the start I would try to change The things that killed our love Yes, I've hurt your pride, and I know What you've been through You should give me a chance This can't be the end I'm still loving you I'm still loving you, I need your love I'm still loving you [/fold] 第二个歌是之前在某易云上偶然听到的What are words 算是不多的让我第一次听就喜欢的英文歌 于是也尝试了一下 What are words [fold=歌词] Anywhere you are, I am near Anywhere you go, I'll be there Anytime you whisper my name, you'll see How every single promise I'll keep 'Cause what kind of guy would I be If I was to leave when you need me most What are words If you really don't mean them When you say them What are words If they're only for good times Then that's all When it's love Yeah, you say them out loud Those words, they never go away They live on, even when we're gone And I know an angel was sent just for me And I know I'm meant to be where I am And I'm gonna be Standing right beside her tonight And I'm gonna be by your side I would never leave when she needs me most What are words If you really don't mean them When you say them What are words If they're only for good times Then they're done When it's love Yeah, you say them out loud Those words, they never go away They live on, even when we're gone Anywhere you are, I am near Anywhere you go, I'll be there And I'm gonna be here forever more Every single promise I'll keep 'Cause what kind of guy would I be If I was to leave when you need me most I'm forever keeping my angel close [/fold]
  23. https://sstmlt.moe/thread-160018-1-1.html 所以说 不要心存侥幸……
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