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查看文件 【亲传/度盘/育成/72MB/全年龄】吕布梦工厂 Lu Bu Maker 关于这款游戏 I reincarnated as Dongtak in the world of the Three Kingdoms where the sex has changed. I'm successful in getting into the capital city, but the future is uncertain. I finally met Lu-Bu. Although I was successful in adopting her as a daughter, Her violence was serious. I've decided to educate Lu-Bu for four years to survive. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a life simulation game . It is a game that educates her for four years and watches the future. Depending on how you do, you can die or become a good father. There are 24 prepared futures and what you see depends on your play. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Features of this game build - Original OST - A professional voice actor participated in the game. - Have memories with Lu-bu for four years. There are 24 endings available. 系统需求 最低配置: 操作系统: Windows® XP or higher 处理器: Intel Pentium 3 or higher 内存: 256 MB RAM 图形: 32MB or greater graphics card 存储空间: 需要 200 MB 可用空间 声卡: Direct Sound 推荐配置: 操作系统: Windows® XP or higher 处理器: Intel Core2 Duo or higher 内存: 512 MB RAM 图形: 64MB or greater graphics card 存储空间: 需要 200 MB 可用空间 声卡: Direct Sound COPYRIGHT 2018 TALESSHOP w(゚Д゚)w2990刚才撞车了,所以放个前阵子steam上棒子们出的游戏吧 w(゚Д゚)w你们没看错没听错!!是吕布梦工厂!!!!虽然和美少女梦工厂不一样不是一点点长大,但是有换装啊!!还有语音!而且貂蝉还是个女装女仆!!!(残念的是是个全年龄游戏...) w(゚Д゚)w总计24个结局,玩家们穿越时代扮演董卓来养小吕布,千万别养偏了来个历史重现什么的~~~ (•́へ•́╬)话说棒子们很过分啊,这游戏有英文,日文,韩文,唯独没有中文,这是几个意思!??? (•́へ•́╬)发出来给大家玩,让你们这群棒子少赚一个32元是一个,哼! 提交者 1009233609 提交于 2018年07月28日 分类 同人资源区