创世之土 发布于七月 13, 2016 分享 发布于七月 13, 2016 SuiLang 发表于 2016-7-13 22:55咱也没看过……只是觉得歌是能随口唱出来的相当随性的诗篇…… 毫不羞愧地承认,所有知识全部来自魔戒 ... 无风却压弯了黄金的稻田; 鱼群跃起在无垠的碧蓝海面; 宝钻点缀在女王的桂冠上; 大理石塔楼的尖顶反射辉芒; 诗人在酒馆里唱起五彩的歌谣; 晴空之下冬原皑皑的白雪; 还有爱人在臂弯里的回眸一笑; 它们注定都逊色于这座城邦, 于我眼前熠熠闪光。 Neither the bounty of autumn which bends the golden fields, Nor the shimmer of summer on the waves of the sea, Compares to our fair city, Shining in front of me. Brighter than the diamonds perched on the Queen's crown, More magnificent than the marble tower from which the light is shining down. Sweeter than the intimate discourse between a pair of lovers, More glorious than the tales bards tell about heros and soldiers. Nothing compares to our fair city, Oh, our fair city. 。。。 强行改编了一下。。 别吐槽我直接abcb改aabb韵。。。。。 我实在不太会写。。 链接到点评