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[align=left]在你游玩默认你上一部里团灭了的续篇前,再体验一遍你十几年来从来玩不好的系列。包含着那些需要你微观管理的游戏,那些你从没玩过的游戏,那些我们都当做不存在的游戏(X-COM: Enforcer),还有那些证明了3A级策略游戏还能再战的游戏(XCOM: Enemy Unknown)。当然,嗯,一个一个来[/align]

[align=left]你将会诡异的依恋你的小队,在你把你的士兵自定义成你亲人与朋友后,然后在他们战死沙场后流下汉子的眼泪。q8kc7na.jpg 或者你也可以把你的士兵自定义成你前女友小明,然后在他用脸接了一发镭射时雀跃欢呼!现在谁玩了太多游戏了,小明?(叹气)我啦,还是我。[/align]


[align=left]但除了完全不公平的回合制战斗外还有其他亮点。包括基地建设,424,119http://i.imgur.com/81bfuFT.jpg[/img]帮你满足了你毕生的当一名工头的心愿 ,以及一款。。。呃。。。理论上存在的空中游戏。T2i9oXW.jpg我真的从来没想到你能把一款UFO大战战斗机的游戏如过家家一样的无聊,然而他们真做到了。[/align]

[align=left]那么就享受着重复在XCOM上失败直到足够多的随机数字给你面子之后翻盘,然后倾泻你无尽的复仇火焰在外星人身上,威胁他们,折磨他们148,128http://i.imgur.com/JXHpFSc.jpg[/img],残杀他们300,168http://i.imgur.com/aWQ5J7o.jpg[/img],且通过被他们同化来通关。168,300http://i.imgur.com/qekudFs.jpg[/img]Uber Ethreal:你成功了,我们失败了)当然,就算你赢了,你还是输了。呵呵,可以的这很XCOM[/align]

[align=left]领衔主演:Ayyy LMAOSectoid)(翻译表示跪了),魔界契约(Mutons),黑衣人(Thin Men),跳虫海(Chryssalids),愤怒的飞碟(Cyberdiscs),合金装备(Sectopods),范海伦(Dr. Vahlen),陈蛋(Dr. Shen),以及一个跟融化的牛油一样苏的声音。[/align]




[/align][align=left]原文:In a world where killeraliens battle deadly special forces, one commander will rise to lead the humansto victory by constantly reloading a save file. Shhhh. I won't tell if youdon't. XCOM.[/align][align=left]When aliens invade, the entire planet is counting on theXCOM project, a strike force with crappy off-the-shelf technology, rookiesoldiers with the aim of a hypothermic Ray Charles, and such a tiny budget,you'll have to beg for funding like the world's deadliest hobo.[/align][align=left]Council Representative: It is unfortunate that your recent efforts have failed to...[/align][align=left]Hey, that guy sounds pretty cool.[/align][align=left]Before you play the sequel that just assumes you got yourass handed to you in the last game, relive the franchise you've sucked at fordecades, featuring the ones with all the micromanaging, the ones you neverplayed, the one we're all just gonna pretend doesn't exist (X-COM: Enforcer),and the one that proved AAA strategy games aren't dead (XCOM: Enemy Unknown).There's room for, like, one of them at a time.[/align][align=left]Get creepily attached to your squad as you customize yoursoldiers to look like your friends and family, then weep manly tears as they'rekilled on the field of battle. Or customize your soldiers to look like yourex-girlfriend Jessica, then cheer as she eats a laser with her stupid face! Nowwho plays too many video games, Jessica? (sighs) Me.It's still me.[/align][align=left]Do you crave pulse-pounding action and split-seconddecision-making? Play something else, because XCOM is all about taking yoursweet-ass time. Inch your team across the map like heavily-armed toddlerslearning how to crawl, then blow it all when you miss an almost-guaranteedchance to hit, or get a bad damage roll, or if you're playing the originalX-COM, take a single step in any direction.[/align][align=left]But there's more to XCOM than unfair turn-based combat.There's also base management, which lets you fulfill your lifelong dream ofbeing a construction foreman, and an air game that, uh...technically exists. (Interceptor engages in fight with UFO) Wow. Ididn't think you could make UFO-versus-jet-fighter dog fights boring, but theydid.[/align][align=left]So enjoy the sweet pain of losing at XCOM until therandom numbers break in your direction long enough to turn the tide, and youunleash a tabasco-drenched dick full of revenge on the alien menace, torturingthem, murdering them, and beating the game by more or less becoming them. (Uber Ethereal: You have succeeded where we havefailed.) Yep, even if you win the game, you still lose. Heh heh, XCOM, that isso you.[/align][align=left]Starring Ayyy LMAO (Sectoids), The Covenant (Mutons),Here Come the Men in Black (Thin Men), Zerg Rush (Chryssalids), Angry Frisbees(Cyberdiscs), Metal Gear (Sectopods), Vahl Halen (Dr. Vahlen), Egg Shen (Dr.Shen), and A Voice Like Melted Butter (Council Representative). Aw yeah,Commander.[/align][align=left]XCOME ON, HOW DID I MISS THAT?![/align][align=left]So when I sell these dead alien corpses to make my rentfor the month, who's buying 'em?[/align]


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