
Europa Universalis IV版本更新到1.29,大明药丸?




著名的p社游戏Europa Universalis IV昨天成功的更新到了1.29版本








Update 1.29 Manchu is now Live!
This free update to Europa Universalis IV gives East Asia a much needed rebalancing, bringing greater historic parity between the Ming Empire and the Manchurian and Mongolian nations on its northern border. Alongside new events and changes to the regional map, the Manchu update also includes major technical upgrades to gear up for future updates..

Feature of the Manchu update include:
More detailed northeast Asian map: New provinces and greater historical fidelity to Manchuria and Mongolia.
Empire of China rebalance: The Celestial Throne should be something worth fighting for! New challenges in holding the title, but great bonuses for a wise emperor that can keep the Middle Kingdom together.
Increased dynamism in the Ming Empire: Changes to meritocracy and the Mandate encourage a more challenging and less static Ming experience.
New Historical Events: Flavor events and new event chains that add greater depth and context to Ming and Manchu development through the game.

As usual - previous saves should work. But we recommend that you avoid loading old saves made in 1.28.3 or earlier versions after updating to 1.29 to avoid unpleasant surprises! For instructions on how to play the game on a previous version, please go here!

If you are using mods, the new launcher introduced with 1.29 is changing how mods are handled and this may cause some issues. Please see this thread for information and help with troubleshooting if needed!

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# Free Features
- Switched the game to 64 bits. Minimum OS requirements are now Windows 7 64 bits, Ubuntu 16.04 64 bits and macOS Sierra (10.12) or later.
- Added unique national ideas to the Oirats, the Mongol Khanate, and Chagatai.
- Added Korean mission tree with 27 missions in total
- Added Tumu Crisis event chain for Oirat and Ming. If the Oirats capture the Emperor and win the siege of Beijing, they can force the surrender of northern China
- Added mission tree for the Mongols. Available to all countries with Mongol, Chahar, Khalka, and Oirat primary culture. 15 missions are available to all, 1 is unique to the Oirats.
- Added new Korean events about the Peasant Uprisings and Factional Strife
- Reworked Korean Literati Purge events so you can choose who to purge.
- Added new event 'The Zunghars', which adds Zunghar cores to North and South Zungaria if Oirat has less than 10 cities after 1600
- Added new startup screens for the Jurchens and Mongols
- Host can now be observer in multiplayer games
- Ming's startup screen further elaborates on the realm's foreign and domestic challenges, including more recent additions to the game.
- Portions of Central Asia's province and area layout have been reworked
- Added Jurchen, Manchu, and Qing ideas, replacing old Manchu ideas
- Added new Jurchen/Manchu/Qing mission tree, with 16 new missions unique to Qing and 23 in total
- Added Crisis of the Ming Dynasty disaster. Includes events for Li Zicheng's rebellion and releasing the Three Feudatories in southern China if the disaster is mismanaged.
- Added startup screen for Korea.
- Added Shun ideas based on Li Zicheng's Rebellion
- Added Koxinga event. When things are looking dire for Ming, Koxinga will flee to Taiwan and claim any empty provinces for the new nation of Tungning.
- Added Return to the Wokou Era event for So, giving them the option to become a Pirate Republic with Golden Century enabled
- Japanese domains get a new, unified mission tree. The old separate mission trees for Japan and the Daimyos are redundant and defunct now.

# Gamebalance

# Government
- Added personality traits for the Emperor of China: "Humane" grants +0.05 monthly mandate, "Petty" gives -0.05
- Being Bankrupt will now give -0.1 yearly mandate.
- Countries that manage to claim the Mandate of Heaven will now gain 0.05 mandate per month for the first 25 years.
- Having 0 Meritocracy will now cause +0.1 corruption, with the effect scaled from 0 impact at 50 Meritocracy.
- Having a Mandate of 0 or losing the Mandate will now give -200% mercenaries available (up from -100%) and -0.5 manpower (all scaled from 0 effect at 50 Mandate)
- Having a Mandate of 100 will now give -0.03 war exhaustion (scaled from 0 effect at 50 Mandate).
- Reduced meritocracy per level of advisor skill from 0.5 to 0.25.
- The "Unguarded Nomadic Border" disaster now counts the horde's non-tributary subjects' development in the requirement that a neighbouring horde has 300 development.
- The Emperor of China will gain 0.05 mandate per month when fighting a war using the Unify China casus belli.
- The Emperor of China will no longer lose mandate from non-tributary neighbours e.g. Russia.
- The Emperor of China will now lose 0.05 mandate a year per city



这次对Europa Universalis IV的免费更新为东亚带来了急需的再平衡,为明朝帝国与其北部边境的满洲和蒙古国家带来了更大的历史性平衡。除了新的活动和区域地图的变化,满族更新还包括主要的技术升级,以便为将来的更新做好准备。


像往常一样 - 以前的保存应该有效。但我们建议您在更新到1.29后避免加载在1.28.3或更早版本中进行的旧保存以避免令人不快的意外!有关如何在以前版本上玩游戏的说明,请转到此处!


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 - 将游戏切换为64位。最低操作系统要求现在是Windows 7 64位,Ubuntu 16.04 64位和macOS Sierra(10.12)或更高版本。
 - 为卫拉特,蒙古汗国和查加台增添了独特的民族思想。
 - 增加了韩国任务树共27个任务
 - 为Oirat和Ming增加了Tumu Crisis活动链。如果卫拉特占领皇帝并赢得围攻北京,他们可以迫使中国北方投降
 - 为蒙古人增加了任务树。适用于蒙古,查哈尔,哈尔卡和卫拉特原始文化的所有国家。所有人都可以执行15项任务,其中1项是卫拉特所独有的。
 - 增加了关于农民起义和派系斗争的新韩国事件
 - 重写韩国文人清洗活动,以便您可以选择清除谁。
 - 增加了新的活动'Zunghars',如果Oirat在1600年之后不到10个城市,它将Zunghar核心添加到北部和南部Zungaria
 - 为女真人和蒙古人添加了新的启动屏幕
 - 主持人现在可以成为多人游戏的观察者
 - 明的启动画面进一步详细阐述了境界的国内外挑战,包括最新增加的游戏内容。
 - 中亚部分地区和地区布局已经重新设计
 - 增加了女真人,满族和清朝的思想,取代了旧的满族思想
 - 增加了新的女真人/满族/清朝使命树,共有16个新的任务,特别是清和23个
 - 增加了明朝灾难的危机。如果灾难管理不善,包括李自成叛乱和释放中国南方三个关系的事件。
 - 为韩国添加了启动画面。
 - 根据李自成的叛乱增添了舜思想
 - 添加了Koxinga活动。当明朝的事情看起来很可怕时,Koxinga将逃往台湾并要求任何空旷的省份为新的东宁国家。
 - 添加了返回Wokou Era活动的So,让他们可以选择成为启用Golden Century的海盗共和国
 - 日本域名获得新的统一任务树。日本和Daimyos的旧的独立任务树现在是多余的,现在已经不复存在了。


# 政府
 - 为中国皇帝增添个性特征:“人道”授予+0.05每月授权,“小资”给出-0.05
 - 破产现在将给予-0.1年度任务。
 - 设法申请天命的国家现在将在前25年每月获得0.05的授权。
 - 拥有0 Meritocracy现在将导致+0.1腐败,效果从50 Meritocracy的0影响缩小。
 - 拥有0或失去授权的授权现在可以提供-200%的雇佣兵(从-100%上调)和-0.5人手(所有人都在50强制下从0效果缩放)
 - 拥有100的任务现在将给予-0.03战争耗尽(从50命令的0效果缩放)。
 - 每个顾问技能水平的精英程度从0.5降低到0.25。
 - “无人防守的游牧边境”灾难现在计算了部落的非支流主体的发展,要求邻近的部落有300个发展。
 - 使用Unify China casus belli打一场战争时,中国皇帝每月将获得0.05的授权。
 - 中国皇帝将不再失去非支流邻国的授权,例如:俄国。
 - 中国皇帝现在每个城市每年将减少0.05的任务




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