NierPod042 发布于三月 17, 2020 分享 发布于三月 17, 2020 2 小时前, yz469 说道: 后续剧情啊....在做了.....目前的情报是两部手游+一部AL世界观的AVG正统续作,以及alternative的TV化 ↑两款手游的画风对比左边是immortal、右边是mikhail 還想再重推動畫化嗎? 我以為Schwarzesmarken完結後就放棄了 链接到点评
NierPod042 发布于三月 17, 2020 分享 发布于三月 17, 2020 剛看到的。有興趣回我一下,我譯reddit上的簡介過來。 链接到点评
NierPod042 发布于三月 22, 2020 分享 发布于三月 22, 2020 2 小时前, ZERC 说道: 为什么图是君望的图啊www 百思不得其解www Muv-Luv Developer's Massive Anniversary Bundle "Yeah, but I mean, you get all this nicely drawn art. A 400 page book full of art for 80$ is still reasonable. A digital copy for 40$ feels overpriced as hell. 20$, tops. 40$ costs as much as the VNS themselves do; or if I were to go take a popular authors series, for 40$ I could probably get like 5-6 books with anywhere from 600-1000 pages each. It just seems so much...especially since it's a PDF. If it had been some kind of unique container. Maybe it played audio from the games while you read it, i.e it had options, or could be accessed while in game (Like in Steins;gate when you unlock a new term, you can open up the in-game lore guide to understand it). Just feels like a bad taste in the mouth to spend 40$ on a PDF. I mean it even requires you own Alternative. So really, more than 40." muv-luv裏面是有她們兩個...不過我猜,這個紀念包是畫集大雜繪而已。 會有muv-luv的圖,不過未必太多。 reddit批評PDF畫冊$40太貴了。 链接到点评