soyuznerushimiy 发布于七月 6 分享 发布于七月 6 某个前端的 好久没用一些东西 真的还给老师(作者?)了 自己弄个兴趣相关的小项目玩玩看看 soyuznerushimiy 获得了红包 6.3节操 链接到点评
soyuznerushimiy 发布于七月 7 分享 发布于七月 7 23 小时前,IOPU说道: 确实,都还给老师了QWQ那老师人还挺好的,女老师,也很好看 就是不知道c++咋做项目哇,大佬知道有什么比较好的引导的教程,或者说项目的示例吗?我听说c++主打负责后端 受不起大佬这称呼 但是据我所知 最近都是找java 或者python甚至nodejs几个后端的 小规模的话nextjs都可以同时当前端和后端了 我问了chatgpt 给了这几个建议 (原文扔剧透里 随手翻译 可能有错误) 剧透 Todo List Application: Create a console-based application where users can add, delete, and view tasks. Implement functionalities like saving tasks to a file and loading them back. Calculator: Build a basic calculator that can perform arithmetic operations (+, -, *, /) on integers or floating-point numbers. You could extend it to handle more complex operations or use a graphical interface. Library Management System: Design a system where users can add books, search for books by title or author, check availability, and borrow or return books. You can use classes and file handling for data storage. Text-Based Adventure Game: Develop a simple text-based game where players navigate through different rooms or scenarios, make choices, and encounter challenges. Use classes to represent game entities like rooms, items, and characters. Bank Account Management System: Create a program that simulates a bank account system. Users can create accounts, deposit money, withdraw money (if sufficient balance), and view their balance. Handle transactions securely. Student Grade Tracker: Build an application to manage student grades. Allow users to add students, enter grades for different subjects, calculate averages, and generate reports (like top scorers or averages by subject). File Encryption/Decryption: Implement a simple encryption and decryption program that reads from a file, encrypts its contents using a basic algorithm (like Caesar cipher), and then allows decryption back to the original file. Inventory Management System: Design a program to manage inventory for a small store. Include functionalities to add products, update quantities, remove items, and generate reports (like low stock alerts or total inventory value). Simple Database System: Create a basic database management system that supports operations like creating tables, inserting records, querying data, and deleting records. Store data in memory or use file storage. Sorting Algorithm Visualizer: Develop a program that visualizes different sorting algorithms (e.g., bubble sort, merge sort) in action. Use a graphical library like SFML or SDL to illustrate how the algorithms sort arrays step by step. 备忘录应用 计算器 图书管理程序 文字冒险游戏 模拟一个银行系统 学生成绩管理系统 文件加密应用 仓库存货管理系统 小型数据库 最后一个看不懂 链接到点评
soyuznerushimiy 发布于七月 12 分享 发布于七月 12 于 2024/7/8 于 AM10点41分,IOPU说道: 最后一个我以浅薄的英语觉得应该是那种,排序的展示?类似于: 应该是吧 我对深一点的都不太懂 大概就是跟那个视频一样 把排序的过程可视化 其实做个游戏还是最简单的方法 随便弄个游戏 打发时间 突然想起来当年流行过的北京浮生记 好像 就是C++的 soyuznerushimiy收和谐资源时被小萝莉围观良心发现失去-1节操 链接到点评