



Why Would Horde Orcs Fight the Iron Horde?


I just don*t understand the motive for Orcs to fight literally their own flesh and blood. If I was in WoW with my Orc lock I would not fight against the Iron Horde.


Some orcs have stood by Garrosh*s side. You*ve seen and fought them in Siege of Orgrimmar; however, a majority of the orcs stood with the Horde and against Garrosh*s vision of a "pure" Horde, one that is made entirely of, or at least entirely led by, orcs and orcs alone.


Why do humans fight against humans, or those within a nation against their neighbors? There are complexities that go beyond nation, or species, or race. I think it*s a valid question: why would someone want to fight against their neighbor, or even their own family, and yet it happens every day.


In this case the Iron Horde threatens all of Azeroth. Anyone who stands with the Horde is the enemy. Wanting to break off from the Horde and side with the Iron Horde is... sure, a valid way to maybe RP your character (also certainly the desire of some of the characters in the game) and you can maybe even find some fun ways to explore that story line for your character, but it*s not the story arc the game is intentionally telling for you or your character.



为什么人类要相互伤害?为何一个国家会攻击它的邻国?有些事上升至国家,种族,物种的层面后就会变得复杂。我认为这是一个合理(我觉得valid在这里作为“合理”并不恰当,不过我找不到更合适的翻译了= =)的问题:为什么总有人想要伤害他们的邻居,甚至自己的亲人,这种事情每天都在发生。







エウテルペ(EUTERPE)    咲(さ)いた 野(の)の花(はな)よ【盛开的野花啊】    sa i ta no no ha na yo    ああ どうか 教(おし)えておくれ【请你一定告诉我】    aa dou ka o shi e te o ku re    人(ひと)は何故(なぜ) 伤(きず)つけあって 争(あらそ)うのでしょう【人为什么要互相伤害互相争斗】    hi to wa na ze ki zu tsu ke a tte a ra so u no de shou    凛(リん)と 咲(さ)く花(はな)よ【静静开放的花啊】    ri n to sa ku ha na yo    そ こから 何(なに)が见(み)える【你在那能看到什么?】    so ko ka ra na ni ga mi e ru    人(ひと)は何故(なぜ) 许(ゆる)しあうこと できないなんでしょう【人为什么就是不能互相原谅呢】    hi to wa na ze yu ru shi a u ko to de ki na i nan de shou    雨(あめ)が过(す)ぎて夏(なつ)は 青(あお)を移(うつ)した【雨过后 夏天变蓝】    a me ga su gi te na tsu wa a o wo u tsu shi ta    一(ひと)つになって【融为一体】    hi to tsu ni na tte    小(ちい)さく揺(ゆ)れた 私(わたし)の前(まえ)で【在轻轻摇曳的我面前】    chi i sa ku yu re ta wa ta shi no ma e de    何(なに)も言(い)わずに【一言不发】    na ni mo i wa zu ni    枯(か)れて ゆくとうに【一同枯萎逝去】    ka re te yu ku ko to ni    お前(まえ)は 何(なに)を思(おも)う【你有什么想法】    o ma e wa na ni wo o mo u    言叶(ことば)を持(も)たぬ その叶(は)でなんと【用那无言的叶】    ko to ba wo mo ta nu so no ha de na n to    爱(あい)を伝(つた)える【竟能传达爱】    a i wo tsu ta e ru    夏(なつ)の日(ひ)别(わか)れて 风(かぜ)が靡(なび)いた【被阴影笼罩的夏日 风渐渐停息】    na tsu no hi wa ka re te ka ze ga na bi i ta   2(ふた)つが重(かさ)なって【两相重叠】    fu ta tsu ga ka sa na tte    生(い)きた证(あかし)を 私(わたし)は歌(うた)う【为了证明曾经生存过 我放声歌唱】   i ki ta a ka shi wo wa ta shi wa u ta u   名(な)もなき物(もの)の ため【为了无名之人】    na mo na ki to mo no ta me

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