ganty 发布于十一月 18, 2014 分享 发布于十一月 18, 2014 嘛, 這本身是在百度fate吧首發的, 之後由第六話起也會在這裡同步更新. 注意, 本人英語水準不好, 絕對是渣翻+部份機翻沒錯了, 另外評論只是隨意挑來翻, 故數量不多, 個人娛樂而已 對了還是要問一下大家, 到底要不要付上英文原文呢? 好像全中文的會更方便看...但是也不排除會有人想要原汁原味的英文(畢竟渣翻總有錯誤), 有意見的話請提出吧~ ----------------------------------第0話的迷之分割線-------------------------------------------- 在livestream那裡看了部份片段而它棒極了. 等不及720p版本再看一次, 11/10 (打分) 這很棒 兩刀流, 嗯...滿有意思的 在集尾ED/OP 也還不錯 等不及看ep.1.了 這集真他X的好, OST和動畫都令人驚歎. 天呐, lancer VS archer的戰鬥簡直屌炸天了! 其他的也很好, 雖然我還是不賣凜那尖臉的帳, 但我承認我是在吹毛求疵 這樣精湛的視覺效果完全是一流的. 我的視線完全被lancer VS archer的戰鬥場面吸引住了, 全程緊盯著螢幕:3 節奏也不錯, 所以現在我對這次的重制有很不錯的期望 [刪除線]好吧這看起來不像我很客觀去評價fate[/刪除線] (譯: 他的頭像和簽名是麻婆, 所以可能是個月廚) 他們重新安排及剪切了一些場景(反正部份場景我相信他們會在之後補充回來, 並會再加以解釋 ). 但在其他方面大多都很忠實原著。很遺憾的知道他們沒有remix任何一首VN 的OST, 但我相信這問題不大. 要不然的話10/10 (譯: 如果沒有以上缺點的話就滿分的意思) 這次的動畫改編是迄今為止相當頂尖的( pretty top notch), 許多不太重要的場景被縮短而其他更為重要的場景則被大大充實. 它真的很好地還原了序章. OST和動畫更是令人驚歎 (雖然我是看直播的畫質不太好), 真男人喝茶的場面也在這裡, lancer VS archer首戰很棒, etc etc.5/5 (滿分) 還沒習慣他們對凜的設計但這集很棒. 5/5 這個實在是太棒了. 接近完美的動畫化, 這集中的動畫表現有99%都是令人難以置信的完美, 甚至比F/Z還好. 首戰埸面令人窒息而且OST更是他X的好- 雖然還是有點小惱怒他們沒有使用Ever Present Feeling. 但這只是我對它極少數的問題之一, 9000/5(譯: 不帶你這樣評分的XDDD, 公正性呢?) 這正正就是我所期望的一切. 唯一我不喜歡的就是凜的設計, 她看起來滿糟糕的(she looks pretty bad), 尤其是側面. 除了這個就是10/10的滿分而我等不及看更多了 難以找出任何缺點, 對VN是近乎完美的同步. 棒呆了的動畫. 10/10 從我所見, 整集都是完美的(除了[刪除線]凜的設計[/刪除線]) 下一集應該從哪開始? 凜還是召喚Saber的埸面? 回覆:凜夢見了衛宮然後起床了 CG造的海豚被確實了?(譯: 指的是用海豚形象來表達魔力連系的畫面) 多謝你了ufotable 11/10, 它還不錯 ====== 接著他們討論了一大堆如何保護新人不被劇透. 有人堅持紅A的身份絕對不能曝光,因為是整個故事的主線, 有人認為紅A身份已經滿大街隨便上個wiki都知道. ===== 這實在是,我不能用言語去形容的...這是如此的史詩和輝煌(epic and glorious), 除了 AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH KREEEEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 它是如此的完美令你覺得 我的天他們甚至是如何能做到這麼完美的? 好吧, 先放下作為廚的激動, 所有動畫元素都很好, 音樂、動畫、對關鍵劇情的重點關注等等...所有都很好! 尤其是凜跳起來的場景和之後GARcher (國外紅A廚對紅A的愛稱) vs sexy-beast Lancer (性感野獸) 之戰, 這兩個場景的動畫效果都已經超越了F/Z, 而那只是第. 一. 埸. 戰. 我甚至開始不能想像在之後的主要戰鬥場面是會是怎麼的! 我的天 我的天 我的天 我的天 我的天 我的天 我等了六年, 而這六年的等待有回報了!! 從我所見的, 整集任何東西都是 10000/10, 凜看起來很古怪, 她甚至看起來不像是和F/0中的她是同一人. 希望之後會看起來好些. 當然要提一下, 這是我在最近見過最史詩的戰鬥埸面! ======= 頭三十分鐘全是介紹之類的... 在35:00之後才有一些不錯or有趣的東西. 儘管有很強的動畫表現, 但動作戲仍然很悶, 而且對劇中人物也沒多大感覺(雖然這可能是因為我由06年的Deen版已經不喜歡他們) 6.5/10 *insert obnoxious fanboy comment* Only got sort of good/interesting er from 35:00 onwards. Action scenes seems dull despite have great animation,and not feeling anything for the characters (though that might be because of my dislike of them from the Deen*s adaption). 6.5/10 === 這裡是幾名人士在討論動畫對原作的處理好不好 === 我會給10/10 它的確不錯但不是最好的. 因為它缺少了部份原作有的細節 (info dumps)- 而我希望他們會在之後加入去. 例如凜對衛宮跳高的回憶等, 啊而且他們也沒有加入VN的音樂所以是9.99/10. I did give it 10/10 Its decent an not the best because they left out a chunk of infodumps(which i hope they will add into the story when they are repeated latter) and Rin*s flashback to Shirou jumping, which I hope they add latter on in the story. Also n o VN music so its 9.99/10. 他們不會去添加每一個原作的細節. 雖然我認同那些細節也是挺重要的,而且有些細節也應該在之後被補充. 我其實很贊同你關於音樂的觀點(譯: 沒加入VN的OST), 我曾期待會有一些remix的, 但我猜之後總會有的. 對了, 對於這個評分 (CookingPries的10/10), 當他們和諧了H場景時(假如), 我會期待你去投訴他們. They*re not going to adapt every single detail. Though I*ll admit, those are fairly important, and should be added sometime. And I actually do agree on the music point, was expecting some more remixes. There*s always later I guess.Still, at this rate I*d be expecting you to complain if they omit the H-scenes. 如果他們用海豚來和諧而非採用暗喻的手法去描繪他們的H, 我會去投訴的. If they dolphin them instead of implying them, I will. 他們不是已經在新星用了海豚還是魚之類的去和諧了嗎? 所以呢? 他們還是會照樣和諧的. Didn*t Realta Nua have dolphins or fish or something, though? So technically they*d still be adapting it right. 我愛死這個反差了: 凜是海豚, Saber是龍, 櫻是蟲 I love the contrasts: Rin is dolphins, Saber is dragons, Sakura is worms~ Saber vs Archer 的場景被剪掉了 :3 The Saber vs Archer scene was edited :3 音樂棒呆了. 我很慶倖他們這次與深澤秀行合作而非梶浦由記. 那首Point Zero的remix也是. The music was superb. I*m glad they went with Hideyuki Fukasawa instead of Kajiura this time.That Point Zero remix, too. 年度巨作 (譯 ufotable is just too based, anime of the year is looking amazing so far. 很好的一集, 我能看到不錯而合理的原作改編和很棒的動畫. 我會等字幕的(譯: 等等, 所以一直以來他們都是在啃生肉?). 噢, 還有那三人組很有趣. Good episode, as far as I can see it decent and faithful adaptation and great animation. Will wait for subs now though. Oh, and seeing Himuro, Yukika and Makidera was fun. 笑了, 剛才Nasu(奈須)說了個關於lancer的笑話: (譯: 就是有別於刷子中國武芸般的槍法, lancer的槍法更為簡單粗暴barbarbar....其實我不會日文, 我聽說的) Lol, Nasu just made a Lancer is Deermud joke: https://**.com/Fate_SN_Anime/status/518440085201489920 凜看起來很好笑, 包括她的側面 Rin*s characters looks funny. As well as the side faces :3 是因為她的鼻子嗎? 那的確看上去挺詭異的, 但是管它的, 那只是個鼻子. Because of her nose? It does look kinda weird tbh but hey, who cares. It*s just a nose :^) 這集出奇的好. 這種動畫的品質是一流的(你知道的, 特別用AMOLED看1080P的時候), 這是非常, 非常接近原作, 甚至到了一個地步你不會認為這只是一個動畫改編, 而是會視它為一個動畫版的小說!他們甚至設法削減一些場景(主要是那些魔術原理的解釋) . 這種程度令我覺得沒有損失可言-儘管我是一個很挑釁的人. 換句話說. Maaaberasu! Burawo!哦Burawo! Surprisingly good first episode. Animation quality is top-notch (refreshing you-know-what-site for the raw mkv to rewatch it in 1080p on the AMOLED tablet), but that was expected.It is very-very close to the original to the point that sometimes you feel that it is not an adaptation, but an animated version of the novel.They even managed to cut some scenes (mostly the ones explaining how the magic works) in such a way, that I felt no loss at all, despite me being very picky for such things.In other words, Maaaberasu! Burawo! Oh Burawo! ------------------------------------------第0話完-------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------第1話----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Damn, 那OP棒極了.我雖然不是慎二廚但他滿有娛樂性的, 而櫻也有表現自己的發揮, 我發現她的聲音很不錯及合適這個角色. Damn, the OP song is amazing. Not a big fan of Shinji but he*s amusing to watch. Sakura also makes her appearance. I find her voice decent and fits well. 很驚訝TM能把他們的錢來作兩集都是一小時的動畫 surprised that TM could use their money on 2 x 1hour episode. Gae Bolg正正看起來就像(原文中)描述的一樣. 另一方面, 如果這意味著我能看到更多士郎在戰鬥場景中的內心活動, 我還真不介意他們去減少一些日常校園情節. Gae Bolg looked correct though as described. Its one case where I could have dealt with less of school life moments if that meant we get correct insights into Shirou mind during that fight. 櫻的聲音挺煩人的, 特別是當她說「前輩」的時候. Sakura*s voice pretty annoying imo,especially whenever she says "Senpai." 「我很高興我找到了你......我從救一個人時得到救贖了。」...我還是喜歡衛宮切嗣當主角更甚於士郎. "I*m so glad I found you...By rescuing one person,I was saved."Still prefer Emiya over Shirou as protagonist anyday. Saber VS Lancer的戰鬥比Archer VS Lancer的可說為更加"有趣". GAE BOLG=不錯的動畫效果=UFO的基本表現. OP也一樣的棒. 總括而言, 這集不錯. Saber vs Lancer was "interestinger" per say over Archer vs Lancer*s fight.GAE BOLG=GODLY ANIMATED=BASED UFOTABLE. Thought the OP was great too. Decent episode overall. Caster 和 Rider 美極了, 哪怕她們只有短短幾秒鏡頭. 還有seiba!!!....雖然一成的聲音還是很操蛋..... Caster and Rider are glorious, even in their short seconds :DDD And dat seiba!!Still...Issei*s voice is fucked up... OP太多Saber的鏡頭了. OP has too much Saber imo. Saber的OP結尾的鏡頭太可愛了 :3, 我也真的很喜歡這首歌. That Saber in the end is too cute. :3 I also really like the song. 小次郎看起來就像個狠角色(笑), 我太喜歡這個武士了. Kojirou looks like a total badass lol.I like that samurai so much. 因為他就是一隻可怕的野獸, 雖然大部份時間他都不會出現在鏡頭前 Because he*s a freaking beast, although most of what he does is off screen 操XXX的Gae Bolg. ED and OP很漂亮. Motherf***ing Gae Bolg.ED and OP were glorious. 很不錯的一集, 雖然有點趕.老虎甚至比VN中更為元氣, 我曾以為這是不可能的. Nicely done episode, though a bit rushed. Taiga is even more genki than in the VN. I thought it was impossible. 櫻被完美地描繪出來了. 還有神級的打鬥場面. Sakura is portrayed perfectly. Fighting scenes are godlike. 順帶一提, 是我的錯覺還是Saber真的比起F/Z看上更接近是VN版本? 我想說的是, 更像是「比士郎還要年輕兩歲的女孩子」. By the way, is it just my imagination that Saber looks more VN-like than she did in F/Z? I mean, more like a "girl about 2 years younger than Shirou" (笑), 好多Saber出現在OP和ED. lol so much saber pandering in the OP and ED 凜的同學和與士郎的初次見面, 絕對是這集最棒的部分. 真的, 凜的同學和伊莉雅的同學沒什麼差別. Rin*s classmates and Shiro*s first meeting, definitely best part of the episode. Really Rin*s classmates are no different than Iliya*s classmates. 從一個沒玩過VN版遊戲的人來說, 我想這集可以解釋的更多(譯: 他認為動畫做得不夠深入或描述士郎的性格不夠好). 就算這集大部份都集中在士郎身上, 我還是覺得我對他還不夠瞭解(如果不計我從F/Z最後那集知道的資料), 那些他得到救濟的回憶情節是不錯啦, 但不能說是特別有用或是很必要的. 我想我不得不看下去, 看看這樣的發展對士郎是不是正確的. From a perspective of someone who hasn*t played the VN, I thought this episode could have achieved much more. Even if it was dedicated mostly to Shirou, I feel like I haven*t learned all that much about him (besides what I*ve already known from the last episode of Fate/Zero 2). The comic relief moments were fine but not particularly helpful or necessary. I guess I*ll have to wait and read some of the other comments to see if this kind of development for Shirou was the right step. 是我的問題呢還是Saber真的在抵擋[刪除]Gay Bulge[/刪除]Gae Bolg時看上去很古怪? Is it just me or does Saber look kinda weird when blocking Gay Bulge Gae Bolg? 看過這集, 我不能說這集很壞, 但由於它缺乏來自士郎的內心獨白, 這絕對會削弱這個角色的性格發展. 我不認為切嗣的鏡頭是需要在這集出現的(考慮到原著並沒有這個), 而這些回憶應該在以後出現會更好. Watching the raws, I cant say the episode is bad. But the lack of inner monologue from Shirou absolutely cripples his character development here, I dont think the scene with kiritsugu was needed there (considering it doesnt happen in the VN) and it should have been left better unexplained 櫻真是太可愛了!!!!! Sakura~~So adoraburu~~!! 這麼低的分數是怎麼回事? UFO做錯了什麼嗎? (我還在等字幕版) What*s up with all the low scores? Ufotable did something wrong? *still waiting for subs* 嘛, 只是有點蛋痛, 因為... >凜的鏡頭無論在OP還是這集都不夠 >Saber在主導序章[刪除]就像個BossKing[/刪除] >士郎的內心活動沒有被突出 >武內在做他的工作(譯: 指的是只有Saber出場特別多或是特別美? 我猜的) >諸如這樣的 真是奇怪, 凜的序章內的獨白比士郎還要多:3 Nah, just butthurt cos >Not enough Rin in OP or episode >Saber is dominating the prologuelike a BossKing >Shirou*s monologues aren*t as prominent >Takeuchi doing his job >stuff Strange Rin*s prologue has more monologues than Shirou*s :3 又是很棒的一集, 這次我們能看到更多士郎那邊發生了什麼. 基於某些理由我挺喜歡他們這樣做了(譯: 指專為士郎視角出了一集). 我愛死它和上一集的事件交錯了. 最後我最愛的女孩Saber也出現了. 她和lancer那場快速的戰鬥很是不錯. Another great episode. This time we get to see what happen through the pov of Shirou. For some reason I loved the fact that they did this. I loved how it matched up with the events with Rin. Finally my favorite girl Saber appears. That quick fight with her and Lancer was damn good. 動畫還是那麼漂亮. 最愛的部分還是當我的士郎展開那張海報的時候. 很期待之後會發生什麼, 我想我要去玩VN了. The animation once again beautiful. Favorite part was when my boy Shirou had open that sheet a paper. Wonder how things are going to go from here. I guess I got start the VN. Lancer VS Saber的戰鬥 >///< 我很興奮 那些在戰鬥中的動畫效果簡直是超越了一般水準! Saber閃避了Lancer面前的寶具!還有在最後看到了凜!! The Lancer vs Saber fight >///< My hype :OThose animations for the fight and just the overall level! Saber dodging Lancer*s noble phantasm! Meeting Rin at the end! 這真的很不錯的一集!都比得上第0集了, 只會更好不會更差. 士郎的日常生活一開始是有點沈悶啦但在結尾時一切都有趣起來了! This was just as good as episode 0, if not better. Shirou*s daily life may have been boring from the start but it sure got interesting towards the end! 這集有些很不錯的回憶是關於士郎和切嗣度過的童年. 士郎學到了正義的夥伴到底是什麼及得到了那些智慧的言語 Some nice flashback of his childhood with Kiritsugu. Shirou learned a great deal of what a Hero of Justice actually is. Such nice words of wisdom! 我想士郎應該只是想瞥一眼Archer VS Lancer史詩般的戰鬥. 真可憐他要為這行為付出代價, 非常遺憾. I think Shirou probably just wanted to catch a quick glimpse of Archer vs. Lancer*s epic battle. Poor guy had to pay the price in full. Very unfortunate.. Saber的召喚實在太史詩了!我愛她利用她的寶具來試著混淆Lancer的情節. . 戰鬥的部分遠比我所期待的還要好! 非常棒的一集! Saber*s intro was too epic! I love how she refused to give away what her Noble Phantasm is by trying to confuse Lancer. Battle segment*s epicness went beyond my expectation!Great episode! 伊莉雅和金閃閃的一些小鏡頭令人不禁微笑並期待之後的超贊的發展! Little glimpses of Illya and Gilgamesh was some nice teasers for upcoming awesomeness. (^^) 我...的..天. 這.真.是.瘋狂.我現在快不能呼吸了...這動畫, OST, 背景. 情節, 這一切都...我的天, can*t even breathe right now... The animation, ost, pacing, plot, everything was just so... Oh my god... 我喜歡它! 4/5分. 這集開頭展開有點慢, 我覺得前面有些場景我自己很想跳過那幾分鐘,但除此之外,那棒呆了的情節和動畫簡直是瘋了! I liked it!, 4/5 The episode was a bit slow to start, I felt myself tempted to skip a few minutes forward during a few scenes but besides that good episode and the animation is insane!! OP帶來了視覺上的震撼, 但我不喜歡那首歌 the opening is visually stunning, but I don*t like the song, though 我到現在還是蠻滿意的啦. 不過我不太喜歡ED那首歌, 和浘浦其他的作品相似度太高了, 雖然視覺上是滿有看頭的. 序章比這集更好, 但原著也是這樣的沒辦法, 在開頭後有點慢下來了. I am quite satisfied with what we have so far. Didn*t enjoy the ED song too much, sounds too much like her other songs, though it was watchable. Prologue was better than this, but that*s how it should be anyway. Has to slow down a little after the big start. 我想校園情節並不壞, 但花去了太多時間, 而那些時間本可以分配到其他情節上會更好. 另一方面, 雖然我不太介意櫻的聲音啦, 但那一聲聲的「前輩」開始令我的耳朵煩惱難受了. 另外的說, 那個GAY BULGE!!!!!!! SOL moments weren*t bad, its just that time spent on it could have been used for something better. Didn*t mind Sakura*s voice too much, but "senpai" does start to grate my ears.Otherwise, that GAY BULGE!!!!!!! 真的被那戰鬥畫面驚呆了. 我真的很喜歡他們在處理打鬥場面時的動畫. 這系列聞上去花了很多錢. 很慶倖我沒有看deen版的F/SN, 我準備從這版本獲得更多的驚喜. Holy wow, that fight scene. I really like how they animate the fight scenes on this anime. This series smells like well spend money.Good thing I dropped F/S night, I am going to get many surprises here. UFO的水準一如既往. OP和ED看起來真史詩. 我不知道士郎在這麼早已經用掉了一個令咒了, 好吧這是一條不同的路線和電影版本...讓我們不要深究吧. Always based ufotable. Dem the opening and ending looks epic. I didn*t know that Shirou used his command seals that early, well its a different route and the movie version...lets not get into that. WOW, 這動畫好大的威力!! Wow the animation is POWERFUL!!! 這真是棒呆了而這只是第一集!OP和ED都是令人驚歎的, 神啊我愛浘浦. UFO絕對捉到重點而做得很好, 視覺效果是相當的優秀而其他都做得很棒! 有著史詩般的戰鬥場景, 而那結尾更是令人期待之後的發展. 當我在等待下一集是是時候玩玩VN了~這季中最好的一集. F/S HYPE (興奮). This was amazing. And that was only the first episode!The opening and ending songs were amazing, god I love Kalafina. ufotable definitely nailed it, the visuals are stellar and everything was well done. The battle scenes were epic, and the ending left me waiting for more. Time to play the VN while I wait for episode 2~Best first episode of the season. FATE/STAY HYPE 非常好的一集, 正如無限預算制帶給我的期待. 我愛死Saber VS Lancer的戰鬥了, Gae Bolg實在令人驚歎. 我唯一的問題是有些內心獨白被刪了. 好吧, 我想總不能把全部的內心戲放進去的吧. Very good episode as expected from Unlimited Budget Works. Love the fight scene between Saber and Lancer. That Gae Bolg was awesome. My only problem is that some monologues are removed. Oh well, you can*t have them all. 我的天這動畫是驚人的. 我說的是動畫...這就像是電影品質的動畫. Oh my lord this anime is amazing! I mean the animation.... this is like movie quality animation. 展開有點慢, 但這集很不錯. 它所提倡的價值觀很棒. A bit slow to start, but that was a good episode. The production values were great. 士郎和lancer的戰鬥被刪了一些重要的場面. 除此之外也是滿不錯的啦. 我尤其喜歡這版本的伊莉雅多於VN版和deen版. OP讓我體會到「雞皮疙瘩」的真正意思了. Shirou-Lancer fight lacked few very important scenes(like him predicting where lancer would attack after jumping and stuff) other than that it was pretty good...I especially liked this Illya more than FSN VN and anime...OP made me realize what the word "goosebumps" really means... 驚人的一集. 那畫面和戰鬥...頂尖水準! 作為一個剛認識月世界的新人,到目前為止我對我所看到的切都帶給我非常深刻的印象. Amazing episode. The art quality and fights, top notch! As someone who*s new to the F/S night world, I*m very impressed by what I*m seeing so far. 除了慎二這蛋疼的角色(雖然比起其他到目前為止出場的角色都來得獨特啦). 我喜歡所有的角色, 而且迫不及待地想看到更多關於聖杯戰爭的情節和其他角色了! Aside from Shinji who looks to be a pain in the ass (though unique when you consider all the characters so far), I love all the characters and can*t wait to see more about the Holy Grail War and just about everyone! 感謝UFO帶來了整體品質很高的動畫. 我真的很喜歡他們在lancer VS士郎時所挑選的OST. Good overall animation quality again thanks to Ufotable. Really liked the choice of the OST they used during Shiro*s fight with Lancer. ------------------------------------------第1話完-------------------------------------------------------------- 链接到点评
ganty 发布于十一月 18, 2014 作者 分享 发布于十一月 18, 2014 ------------------------------------------第2話---------------------------------------------------------------- 目前為止很完美的一集.這集中新增的對話很恰當和詼諧, 而且也沒有涉及太重要的內容所以也劇透不了任何訊息. 5/5 PERFECT pacing so far.The new dialogue bits were decent and hilarious, but nothing too major and does not spoil anything.5/5 說真的, 她的臉到底出什麼問題了? seriously, what*s wrong with her face? XDD啊哈哈...好可愛啦~# XDD XDD Ahaha, so cute~# XDD 那是一張搞笑的臉(譯: 顏藝啦). 你在魔伊中能看到不少類似的臉. A hilarious face. You should see that kind of face in Fate Kaleid all the time. 阿哈, 通常我不是會去糾結這類東西的人. 而我很慶倖我不是唯一的那個會去糾結的. 不論如何, 滿不錯的一集. Hah usually I dont notice these types of things but glad I am not the only one who didnt,but regardless, good episode. 我看不出有什麼問題~ 完美的女主臉是完美的~ 凜只是在當回自己而已, 這也是為什麼我們如此喜愛她的一部份. See nothing wrong at all ~Perfect waifu face is perfect~That*s just Rin being RIn, part of why we all love her so much >你們又在討論那個崩了的女孩. 如其聊這個, 不如我們來談談在這集出現的帥哥綺禮吧 >talking about the shitty girls again. Let*s talk about how handsome Kirei was in this episode, instead. 凜只是做回自己? 才不會啦, 她不是會弄這種愚蠢的臉的人. 我是對那些殺必死還好啦, 但可能UFO把這些誇張的屎玩意留給自己會更好. Rin being Rin? Nah, she doesn*t make that stupid faces. I*m okay with some fanservice but it might be better if Ufotable saves the exaggerated shit for themselves 那愚蠢的臉正正是凜的人格的一部份. 她不是什麼冰雪女王, 會行走的機器人或是一部「前輩~」型機器:3 (譯: 這是在黑櫻吧.......) That stupid face is one part of Rin*s personality. She is not an ice queen, a walking robot or a nice senpai-ing machine. :3 [轉圈圈的加劇版] [WALKING IN CIRCLES INTENSIFIES][/img] 嘖嘖, 這福利 Geez, the fanservice. 這集滿不錯, 我的注意力都集中在對話上而這實際上(這對一集滿是對話的動畫來說)是相當驚人的. The episode was nice. I was concentrating on the lip synching and it was actually super impressive. 同樣的, 綺禮看起來太神奇地棒了.凜的福利鏡頭笑死我了, 嘛, 不是說我很介意這個啦~ Also, Kirei looks amazing. Lol at those Rin fanservice moments, not that I mind~ 順帶一提, 當Saber在他們出去之前穿上那衣服時看起來美妙極了, 同時她有些反應的表現也很棒, 尤其是某幾個鏡頭中她的眼睛. By the way, Saber looked wonderful in those clothes before they went outside and some of her expressions were great, especially the eyes in a few scenes. 這集有一大堆背景資料, 訊息和「欣喜吧(, 少年)」的部份都做得很好. Tons of info dump, all the correct things and the yorokobe part was pretty good. 對Berserker的介紹很棒, 音樂行之有效而Berserker自己看起來就是個最終BOSS(中BOSS?). 非常期待下一集 Berserker*s introduction was great, the music worked well and Berserker himself looks like a total boss(midboss?). Very hyped for the next episode. 正如我所期待的一樣, 不錯的改編. 所有那些凜的殺必死<3 在那個gif中她的姿勢簡直是 HHNNGGGG :3 而她的臉紅則是 <3<3 Nice adaption as expected All Dat Rin Fanservice <3 Her posing in the previous gifs were HHNNNGGG :3 And her blush was <3<3 言鋒一如以往的好看. 很遺憾沒有了"山上教堂的遊戲OST D: 但中田大叔的聲音已經很足夠了>. Kotomine was glorious as usual. Sad that there was no "Church on the Hill" playing D: but Nakata Jouji*s voice was more than enough >. 欣喜吧, 少年!! 我已經覺得感到欣喜了, 而且我愛死他聽到「衛宮」的反應了:3 Yorokobe Shounen!! I rejoiced alright Loved his reaction to "Emiya?" too :3 最後! 這集中結尾那一幕簡直是棒呆了的轉節! Berserker和伊莉雅! 終於要來重頭劇了!!!已經等不及了 And finally! The last scene was an awesome cliffy! Berserker with Illya! Shit is about to get so damn real!! >. 棄了, 角色什麼也沒有做, 對我來說這集和第一集一樣沈悶. 想看名不符實的動畫? Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works 2014 Dropped, characters don*t do anything for me overall just as boring as the frist series.Want overrated anime look no further than Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works 2014 又一次優秀的一集. 在他的聖堂中看上很棒的言鋒綺禮. 在美妙的「欣喜吧, 少年」中結束...我有沒有提及過美妙這個詞? Excellent episode once again. Glorious Kotomine Kirei in all his priestly glory. Finishing off with the glorious *Yorokobe shounen*. Did I say glorious yet? 人們對凜的屁股有著過度反應甚至稱之為殺必死. 難道這也算嗎?(譯: 明明連胖次都沒有露!) 雖然我不能說我不喜愛這些....那些傲嬌也是. 最棒的女孩. People overreact too much to Rin*s anusbutt and even calling it fanservice. Does that even count? Can*t say I didn*t like it though. And all that tsundere. Best girl. 最後是Berserker和伊莉雅, 我愛他們對發生了什麼給了我們一瞥的預覽. 下一集得留心了. Finally, Bahsahkah and Illya. I love how the preview showed a glimpse of what*s to happen. Gotta pay attention to that in the next episodes. 這集實在太短了. T_T 凜太太太太太太太太可愛了 「低悶的麻婆聲音」"欣喜吧, 少年, 你的願望終於得以實現了"「低悶的麻婆聲音」 The episode was too short.T_T Rin is sooooooooo cute. *Deep Kirei Voice*Yorokobe Shounen, Kimi no Negai wa Youyaku Kanau*Deep Kirei Voice*. 目前為止還是很棒的一集. 而這集的節奏亦恰到好處, 雖然有那張凜的臉啦 :3 Great episode so far and the pacing is perfect at this point, and dat face of Rin though :3 這berserker~~!! Dat berserker~~!! 這dubstep的BGM (譯: 一種黑暗低沈的電子音樂類型, 又名迴響貝斯) Dat dubstep 這眼睛!! DAT eye!! 凜受挫後在地板的動作是一種微妙的殺必死類型. 幹得好, UFO! Frustrated Rin*s movements on the ground with her rear end was quite a subtle form of fanservice. Nice one, ufotable! 言鋒綺禮如以往一樣的棒. 他「欣喜吧, 少年」的對話是最棒的了! Kotomine Kirei is just as awesome as ever. His "Yorokobe Shounen" dialogue was the best! 凜對士郎的反應太可愛了:3 Archer仍是那個死板樣. Rin*s reaction to Shirou*s smooth words was cute! :3 . Archer is still being pretty stiff as usual. 又是很棒的一集. Berserker和伊莉雅終於出現了, 好劇要來了! Great episode once again. Illya with her Berserker finally appears. Sh!ts about to go down! 這集令我更加期待了. 很不錯的一集, 給了我更多關於聖杯戰的資訊. The hype is strong with this one. Good episode, gives more info about the war. 我不太喜歡結尾那dubstep類的背景音樂, 實際上和畫面並不配合. 而好的一面是: 欣喜吧! Didn*t like the dubstep-ish track at the end there, it doesn*t really fit imho. On the plus-side: Rejoice 我承認, 那慢鏡頭,高FPS平移的教堂場景, 展現綺禮的矩形行走能力是相當的alpha(譯: 在影視作品中用一種令情景很cooooool的手法).但現在我想了想, 時臣有轉圈圈的經驗, 那綺禮-矩形步法. 有什麼作用嗎? I*ll admit, that slow, high-fps panning scene in the church, displaying Kirei*s rectangle-walking skills was pretty alpha. But now that I think about it, Tokiomi has a thing for walking in circles, Kirei - walking in rectangles. What*s the catch? 理由: 時臣: 從喝了太多酒 綺禮: 從看了太多聖經(他在一個人時真的會去看嗎?) 又或是UFO只是單純的喜歡這種詭異的步法呢? 期待你看到下一集Bersercar(譯: 嘉年華梗)在dubstep音樂中起舞的情況. Reasons:- Tokiomi: From drinking too much wine. Kirei: From reading too much bible.(does he really read it when he*s alone?) or Ufotable just likes weird walking as much as Shaft like head tilts. Just wait until you see bersercar dance on that dubstep music. 嗯哼...VN原版中Berserker也是這麼早就出現了的嗎? Berserker對上Archer和Saber將會很有趣的樣子呢. Hmm did the VN already have a Berserker stat screen at this point? It would be fun to compare it with Archer and Saber. 這個結尾令我感到詫異(我沒有玩過原版VN遊戲). 沒想到伊莉雅這麼快就出來了. 我喜歡她帶著Berserker的樣子. Dat ending was surprising to me (haven*t played the VN). Wasn*t expecting to see Illya so soon. I like how she had berserker with her. 當我玩遊戲時, 我以為神父說有關上一次最後留下來的Master的事情只是謊言, 實際上是說他自己. 但看完這集以後, 我開始疑惑他也許是在說衛宮切嗣了. When I was reading the VN, I thought Kirei*s discussion about the last master was a lie about himself but after watching this episode I kinda wonder if he might be talking about Kiritsugu. 我等不及看Archer+Saber VS Berserker了. 我敢打賭UFO會帶給我們TMD棒的東西. Can*t wait to see Archer + Saber vs. Berserker. I have no doubt ufotable will bring us something fucking amazing 很好的一話. 很高興看到麻婆 像個BOSS一樣走個圈 下星期有Berserker Good episode. Nice to see Kirei Kotomine. Walking around in circle like a boss. Berserker next week 由綺禮聲音說出來的背景資料過得很快. (意譯: 因為是用綺禮的聲音說出來, 所以感覺上就算是廢話也不悶). 很期待下集的戰鬥! That infodump went by really quick with Kirei*s voice. Excited for the fight next episode! ------------------------------------------第2話完-------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------第3話--------------------------------------------------------- 這笑容~ [隱藏]一點也沒有不祥的感覺呢[/隱藏] Dat Smile~ totally not ominous at all~ 從現在起這將會成為我新的rapeface表情圖. (譯: 什麼是rapeface? 去google圖片一下吧, 很好笑的WWW) this will be my new rapeface img to use from now on 哇,他們讓Berserker看起來甚至比VN中(原版遊戲)更非人類. 嘖嘖, 看這格調. Woah they made him look even more inhuman than in the VN.That class. 在這集我很驚訝地看到這麼多的新場景. 這煉金術(驚歎的語氣). 而且Saber的光炮很是不壞. As for the episode, I*m surprised to see so many new scenes. Dat alchemy. And that Saber beam wasn*t bad 這集遠超我的期待, 我得承認我不如有些人一般欣賞這動畫的OST, 但在某些部分它聽上還是不錯的, 特別是在原創情節中伊莉雅的一幕. This episode lived up to my expectations. I will admit that I*m not all that impressed by the OST as some other people, but it sounded pretty good at some parts, notably during that new Ilya scene. 螺旋劍棒呆了. 我唯一的遺憾是我在打鬥中沒有聽到任何一首來自 Realta Nua的OST. Caladbolg was amazing. My only regret is that I didn*t get to hear the song that played during the fight in Realta Nua. 我愛死原創的部分了. Loved the anime original scenes. Berserker是有技巧的 Berserker got skillz. 屌炸天的敏捷A, 再加上UFO的演出. Fucking Rank A Agility. Based ufotable. 伊莉雅能做劍<- 士郎的新女主(WAIFU: 二次元老婆) Ilya can do SWORDZ. DAT SHIROU*S NEW WAIFU. 絕對是完美的一集. 不能抱怨更多, 連凜的鼻子也看上去好多了(笑) Absolutely perfect. Can*t think of any complaints. Rin*s nose also looked better (lol) Berserker和Ilya的鏡頭有些透視上的錯誤. 而我並不認為C級風王可以過得了十二失戀這一關. There were some distance/height issues during the BerserkerxIlya scenes. And I dont think that Invisible Air,Rank C, should be able to get pass GH. 凜VS Ilya的戰鬥令Ilya真的看上去是最強的Master. 雖然這個大家都知道, 但在VN中我們永遠都沒有機會去看到. Rin vs Ilya made Ilya ACTUALLY LOOK like the strongest Master.We always knew that but we never got to see it in the VN. 真是等不及出藍光時UFO會去修正部分動畫和聲音的問題. Cant wait for the BD fixes in some animation and sound issues. B叔 *********的咆哮和螺旋?很棒很棒的. The *********blast and Caladbolg 2 were awesome. 這詛咒般的史詩!!!這動畫效果!和這OST!!! Friggin EPIC!! DAT ANIMATION *A* DAT OST!!! 我愛死Saber看到伊莉雅說出Einzbern時微妙的表情反應了:3 Love the subtle expressions Saber made when she saw Illya and heard Einzbern :3 這Saber Vs Berserker!! 在戰鬥場面中編排相當驚人!真的很好地展現出了Berserker的敏捷性! 還有Berserker在經歷了那玩意之後仍能不死也展現了他到底有多怪物 Dat Saber vs Bahsaka!!! The choreography during the fights was amazing!! They really depicted Berserker*s agility awesomely >.. 同樣地Saber和archer也是, 顯示他們是絕對是一頭野獸. 這螺旋劍!!!和他的壞笑.><. 核爆炸剛好落幕 But the same can be said about Saber and Archer. Both showed they*re absolute BEASTS!!! DAT CALADABOLG!!! And Dat Archer Grin >.. Illya的煉金術也很不錯. 而且能一瞥金髮的外國人和綺禮之間的對話也很好. 凜的側面在這集也描繪得很多 llya*s alchemy was nice too ^^Seeing a glimpse of Kirei and Blonde Foreigner was nice :3 And Rin*s side faces were really well drawn this ep 我很喜歡他們對於Archer的箭實際上沒有真正穿透狂戰士的皮膚的細節. I loved the detail in Archer*s arrow not actually penetrating Berserker*s skin. 我們很需要OST快點放出來, 在戰鬥時放出的音樂很合我口味^ ^ Need that OST soon, there*s a track that played during the fight that I REALLY liked ^^ 這Berserker~ 屌極了的技能~ DAT BAHSAKA~ DEM SKILLZ~ 這實際上很令我驚豔. 好看的狂人去做些好看的事. Glorious mad man doing glorious thinking. 凜和Ilya的戰鬥是很不錯的原創. (或是有必要性存在的, 不然我想Saber 和Berserker打上20分鐘會很無聊) 也能很好地展現Ilya的力量. Berserker-kun doing some martial arts moves, Rin vs Ilya was a nice addition (and necessary, 20min of just Saber vs Berserker would*ve been boring i think) and showed Ilya*s power 現在UFO只是在炫耀了. 你看看這些漂亮到極點的打鬥場面. Now ufotable*s just showing off. All those glorious fight scenes. OST is getting better, since I start actually hearing it. OST正在進步, 畢竟我終於能真正意義上的聽到OST了. 凜的腳是全集的意義所在.....我想娶了他們 Rin*s legs this whole episode... I want to marry them 一開始Berserker的傷口和saber用劍劃開了他的手臂在十二失戀(英文簡稱為GH)的作用下應該是不可能的...又或是我看的設定翻譯有誤?(譯:深深疑惑的設定黨老外XD) The earlier wounds and the tip of the sword stabbing his hand is impossible due to GH.Or maybe there is mistranslation in the Fate/side material. 那是因為她的劍和excalibur是隱藏在風王裡. Well dat*s cuz just she*s saber and dat*s excalibur inside IA. 目前為止FSN看起來節奏比較快, 也比FZ更重打戲. So far FSN seems much faster paced and action oriented than FZ. OST公平來說是還好啦, 但沒什麼突出的地方. OST seems fairly alright but nothing too spectacular. 這集真是.......我們需要去創造一個新詞去形容它. Ep4....just... we need to make words to describe it 我唯一不明白的是士郎是怎麼知道Archer想幹什麼的? The one thing I didn*t get though is how did Shirou sense what archer was about to do? Saber故意令Berserker和她一對一打!!!!還有她利用了地利和其他因素. (譯:新人老外則很驚喜地看到saber的智商[誤]) Saber managing to fight Berserker in a one-on-one situation!!! Using the environment and other factors. 所有這紅與藍的演出效果!Berserker的Archer攻擊下的佇立不倒! All those explosions, the red and blue ones! Watching Beserker standing there after Archer*s attack >.< 我猜FSN成了我每星期的高潮了 I guess this is my weekly orgasm now 士郎還未開始發光發亮.我希望他們快些發展他的角色, 在人們開始玩那個愚蠢的"人被殺就會死"的梗之前 Shirou hasn*t really shined yet. I hope they develop his character soon before people starting quoting the dumb "People die when they are killed" 我愛死Illya對她的對手教養良好的態度了, 那怕她是在說要殺掉他們時. I love Illya*s nice manner towards her opponents even when she*s about to kill them soon anyways. Berserker的護甲發生什麼事了? 還有為什麼他不乾脆奪過Excalibur來據為己有?完全不合理嘛! (譯: 誤以為是四代狂戰的笨蛋老外) What happened to Berserker*s armour and why didn*t he just grab Excalibur and make it his own? Doesn*t make sense at all ----------------------------------------------第3話完---------------------------------------------------- 链接到点评
ganty 发布于十一月 18, 2014 作者 分享 发布于十一月 18, 2014 xiaomaxim 发表于 2014-11-18 10:02 其实我有个问题,到底12试炼是怎么计算的。。。。。 有一個說法是12條連着的超長血條..... 設定則如下 链接到点评
ganty 发布于十一月 18, 2014 作者 分享 发布于十一月 18, 2014 ljshunter 发表于 2014-11-18 10:03 新版Fate大家注意力都集中在各种颜艺上了啊,话说这有点长吧 抱歉, 也許一樓一集會比較方便看..?(少玩論壇不太懂排版什麼的..) 链接到点评
ganty 发布于十一月 18, 2014 作者 分享 发布于十一月 18, 2014 结局的续篇 发表于 2014-11-18 12:50 为什么我之前在fate吧里看过这个东西? 大約就是這樣的...? 以防萬一 链接到点评
ganty 发布于十二月 1, 2014 作者 分享 发布于十二月 1, 2014 -------------------------------------------第4話--------------------------------------------------- [align=left]Thanks god he is a Berserker and he can*t control his ability 謝天謝地他是Berserker而他並不能控制他的能力 嘿, 要是五戰的Berserker是作為Archer而召喚出來, 他只需向每個Servant來一發然後就能一天結束聖杯戰爭了. If F/SN Berserker was summoned as an Archer thenhe would have just one shot every other Servant and ended the war on the firstday.[/align][/img] [align=left]看到這樣的她總會令我希望會出綾子線. 她在這集看上很美. Seeing her like this always makes me wish we gotan Ayako route. She looks gorgeous in this episode. 噢拜託, 大家都知道她是凜的. 誰都喜歡凜. Oh pls, we all know she has hots for Rin. Everyonehas hots for rin +1...這集中她出現的場面真的很不錯, 希望她能有多點鏡頭, 她真的很漂亮 :3 +1...Her scenes were really nice this ep. Hope shegets more screen time. She*s gorgeous indeed :3 她看起來超像兩儀式的. 本集之星 ) She looks like Shiki so much. The star of this epbtw. ) 妒嫉中的櫻真是有趣 Dat Jelly Sakura was fun to see 最後一幕的另一個解釋: Archer: 凜, 他在與其他女孩調情, 你會怎麼辦? 凜: 殺了他. (笑) Another interpretation of the final scene: Archer: Rin, he is flirting with other girls, whatwill you do? Rin: I will kill him. Lol. 靠Caster的骨兵就像恐龍...原著黨會懂我的... Dem Caster*s bones looked like dinosaurs....A VNreader would get what I mean.. 伊莉雅得到增加的鏡頭是大大歡迎的! Ilya getting additional time is almost welcome! 嘛, 聽不到有BGM的我是唯一一個人嗎? But still, am I the only one who hears no BGM atall? 嗯? 什麼BGM? What BGM? BGM很棒, 尤其是在凜的小小戰爭之時. The BGM was great, especially in Rin*s minifight. 當綾子說士郎"你從不笑"時的畫面真的有點詭異. The scene when Mitsuzuri tells Shirou that"You never smiled" is kinda creepy.[/align] [align=left]Saber在第四集真是太太太太太太可愛了!! 在06版的她總是關於在聖杯戰之中, 但現在她試著想開了並還是把士郎放在第一位時真的太可愛了!! Saber is sooooo adorable in the 4th episode!! In the animation of 2006 she used to be so focusedin the war, but now she*s trying to open up but putting shirou first which isso adorable!! 看起來糟透了. Looks very bad 順帶一提, 伊莉雅說Berserker需要三天來回復一命. Btw, Ilya said that Berserker needs three days torecover one life. 根據這額外提及到的東西, 所以Berserker正式地成為最掛B的servant了? Based nasu adding additional exposition intostuff.So this officiallymakes Bahsaka most haxx servant ever?[/align] [align=left]自2004起我們就知道Berserker能回復生命了. 我想是在CM3中又提過了一次. We actually already knew Berserker can regeneratelives since 2004. It was again mentioned in CM 3 I think.[/align] [align=left]我只有一個問題, 為什麼士郎向他的老師說Saber是來向切嗣打招呼的?我知道士郎是在找藉口啦但切嗣不是已經掛了嗎? I only have one question though, why Shiro toldhis teacher that Saber is in town to say hi to Kiritsugu? I mean I know that he was trying to cover it upbut isn*t Kiritsugu dead? 他在假裝Saber不知道這事啦 He is playing that she did not know he is. 很棒的一集, 雖然伊莉雅的場面是不太必要的啦, 說真的. 他們應該把這放到HF劇場版去. great episode! though the illya scene wasunnecessary tbh. they should leave that for the HF movies. 他們總要建立伊莉雅的意圖和目標啦, 因為我們也沒有fate路線的重制什麼的. 而且也有迎合有強大的規模的伊莉雅廚的方面. They had to establish her intentions and goalssince we have no fate adaptation. Pandering to formidable-sized Illya fanbaseworks well too.[/img] [/align][align=left]Aaaand,現在凜露出了她的嚇人臉了 Aaaand, now she*s doing her spooky face [/align][align=left] OST在這集真的很不錯. 深井不斷在用自己的感覺去改造F/SN和 F/Z 的OST及同時加入了很多新的變化, 成為他的原創OST. 而對於這一點, 我向他脫帽致敬! OST was reeeeally good this episode, Hideyukikeeps on switching between remaking F/SN and F/Z osts with his own nice touchon it, as well as adding lots of new variations and completely OC music. And to that, I tip my (non-existent) hat! 我真的很喜歡這動畫, 希望他們每集都有40分鐘, 說真的! I am really enjoying this show. I wish they wereall 40 minute episodes tbh! [/align] [align=left]我喜歡這埸景中的身體語言, 就像當綾子叫他考慮重回弓箭部的時候, 士郎怎樣去把他的雙手插在口袋裡(隱藏事實/試圖逃離現場). I liked all the body language in that scene, likehow shirou puts his hands in his pockets(hiding the facts/trying to avoid thesituation) when she asks about rejoining the archery club. 我也很喜歡他在這場面中的所有反應, 還有他在被提及微笑的事時觸發了他是怎樣在大火後得到創傷後應激障礙的回想. I really liked all of his expressions in the sceneand how he got the ptsd-trigger to the Great Fire at the thought of smiling. 我也很喜歡這部分, 一點關於大火的快速的回憶很不錯, 而且讓你知道為何士郎有點疏遠他人的原因. I liked that part as well. Getting the quickflashback to the fire was a nice touch and gives you an idea of why Shirou is alittle off from everyone else.[/align] [align=left]開心的櫻就是最好的櫻 Happy Sakura is best Sakura.[/align] [align=left]Lancer身上到底發生了什麼事, 他在第二集後就沒再出現過了. (譯: 終於有人記得大狗了...好感動) And what the hell happened to Lancer he hasntshown up since episode 2 這集不太有趣啦, 尤其我在上一集的戰鬥後一直在期待這集. not an interesting ep this time, though i was expectingit after the previous fight 所以伊莉雅的女僕們是和魔伊中的完全不同羅. so Ilyas maids are completely different from theones in Kaleid[/align] [align=left]Fate/stay lolibutt. Fate/stay loli的屁股. 我真不知道他們是怎樣想的, 為什麼他們會覺得放出一個八歲小孩的洗澡畫面是必要的呢? Really not sure why they felt they needed to put abath scene with an 8 year old... 哦這不重要啦, 她看上是八歲但她是有理由的啦. Meh it doesn*t really matter, she looks 8 and Iknow there*s a reason for that. 她在說的東西很重要啊 What she said is important. 太多士郎了...差評 Too much Shirou... 1/5. 媽的, 櫻在這集完全不煩人, 我是在現實嗎? Holy shit, Sakura was actually not annoying thisepisode, is this real life ?[/align] [align=left]美食節目開始了, 真他媽的好啊. The food show has started, fuck yeah[/align] [align=left][/img][/align][align=left]如何在簡單的一步內取悅Saber How to make Saber happy in one simple step : [/align] [align=left]噢天哦, 這太好笑了. 可憐的櫻醬 Oh God, this is so funny. Poor Saku-chan. 她將會迎來屬於她的一天啦. She will get her day soon. 很快所有人都會知道她! SOON EVERYONE WILL NOTICE HER 在這集的洗澡鏡頭之後, 我很好奇人們會對伊莉雅的loli胸被一名有一定年紀的男性角色摸索後的反應. (譯: 閃閃你....) After the bathing scene, I wonder how the reactionwill be when Illya gets her loli chest groped by a certain older male character. 我一直以為冬木火災中的聖杯是一座實際存在的塔, 但它只是從天洞中流下來的泥對不? I always thought the grail tower during the Fuyukifire was an actual tower, but it*s just the mud pouring out of the grail portalhole thingy, right?[/align] [align=left]嘛, 反正對我來說自嘉年華之後一提起聖杯我就第一時間想起這玩意 to me the grail in the Carnival Phantasm series,is always the first image I see in my mind[/align] [align=left]騎單車的凜, WOW, 這凜! "Rin spanning bike" WOW, DAT Rin![/align] -------------------------------------------第4話完---------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------第5話------------------------------------------------ [align=left]為了那把刀, 我給滿分 10/10 for the knife. UFO找到出路了 Ufotable finds a way ...那紫色頭髮的小妞像往常一樣在炫耀她最好的資產(乳)呢. ...that purple haired chick. Showing off her bestassets as usual. 我發現了能有助普及Rider粉的一大助力. I see a major boost in rider*s popularity. 她已經有足夠的人氣了, 她不需要靠那歐派 She is already popular,she doesnt need a boost :I 多點總是無壞的 More can never hurt 噢, 士郎, 大家都知道你喜歡凜, 但她已經有Archer了, 你知道的. 你最好還是選擇Saber又或者是櫻. Oh, Shirou, we all know you like Rin, but the girlhas Archer, ya*know. Yer better off with Saber, or maybe that girl Sakura. 凜的鼻子在這集滿正常的, 看來他們終於完善了她的人設什麼的. Rin*s nose is fine this episode. It seems theyfinally perfected her design, somewhat.[/align] [align=left]我要死了要死了.... I*m dead. i*m fucking dead... 很不錯的一集. 那動作場景 ,那凜和那rider <3 Great episode. Dat action scenes, dat epic Rin andDAT RIDER <3[/align][align=left]凜在某些時候的樣子..... Rin in.. some episode 不錯的一集, 凜總是很有趣. Great episode, Rin as always was very fun to watch Rider的聲音如往常一樣性感 Rider sounds as sexy as ever Rider, 我的最愛~她看起來美極了. Rider!!!<3 My fav~ She looks beautiful in thisadaptation 節奏有點太快了, 這不是什麼壞事但有時會讓我覺得有點趕... The pacing felt pretty fast. It*s not really a badthing but some parts felt a little rushed... ==== 有些人則在討論凜的顏藝會否有點太過份了, 就不詳細翻了, 挑大意說吧 嘿, 你有什麼問題嗎?難道你喜歡一個面癱角色? Hzz, what is your problem? Maybe you like acharacter who never changes facial expression.[/align] [align=left]正正常常的就好, 我真不喜歡UFO對凜所做的事! 按原版來做不是很不錯嗎(像這樣), 不!那愚蠢的顏藝會一直下去, 好耶! NORMAL expression are okay, I don*t like theKuzukis and I don*t like the exaggerated shit Ufo is doing to Rin. Isn*t thisokay? Because no, stupid expression all over again until the end, yay!!!!!!! 管他的, 這很搞笑. Who cares. It was funny. ---其他人都不太當一回事, 認為這集並無不妥云云...------[/align] [align=left]少管這事了, 猜猜這是誰? Meh. Moving on, guess who? 這明顯是一隻蘑菇 That*s obviously a mushroom.[/align] [align=left]大腳(一種未知的靈長類生物,出現在北美洲民俗學中) Big Foot.[/align][/img] [align=left]這比大腳修長多了. 這是森林暗鬼!(殺童魔,是一個源於美國的虛構都市傳說角色) Too slender SLENDERMAN![/align] [align=left]UFO的Rider比DEEN版要好5倍, 差不多在任何意思上都是; 由攻擊手法到人設. Ufotable Rider is 5X times better than DEEN*s, in terms of pretty much everything; fromattacking patterns to character design. 很棒的一集, 但因為沒有綺禮要扣一分 xdddd great episode :3 4/5 due to the lack of kirei xDDD[/align] [align=left]這Rider! 希望她能比之後有更多上鏡時間, 好吧, HF總會幹這事的. Dat Rida! Wish she had more screentime now thanever before. Well, HF will somewhat do that job. 凜也很棒, 很喜歡他們怎樣處理她那短暫的戰鬥. Rin was also great. Liked how they handled hershort fight. 我仍然看不出這和Deen版有任何分別 I still don*t see any difference with Deen version 我滿確定Deen版沒有一個叫士郎的角色 I am pretty sure DEENFSN had a characternamed Shirou[/align] [align=left]我可沒有Deen版中看過這個 I don*t remember seeing this in deen fsn[/align] [align=left]凜仍然女主力滿滿, 她具有目前最有趣的反應表現. Tohsaka is still going strong as best girl, allwhile having the most entertaining reactions by far 我想rider滿比原版的更要性感多了 I think Rider is a lot sexier in the anime than inthe VN 多點Archer, 少點士郎拜託了. More Archer, Less Shirou please 多謝你提醒我這集沒有Archer... Thanks for reminding these was no Archer in thisepisode... "一個好的劇情能拯救渣動畫, 而好的動畫並不能挽救渣劇情." "... a good story can save poor animation,where good animation cannot save a poor story."[/align] [align=left]這士郎! 又一次救了凜 (她就是不能去討厭他啦) 做得好, UFO. Dat Shirou, saving Tohsaka again (as much asshe tries to hate him, she can*t ) Nice done, Ufotable.[/align] [align=left]你妹的壞顏藝(參見一樓), 這很完美好嗎! bad facial expressions my ass THIS IS PERFECT[/align][align=left] 這可能是最被高估了的動畫. 這動畫不壞, 實際上很不錯, 但遠遠不如很多人所期待那般神奇. This is probably the most overrated series inhistory. The show isn*t bad, and it*s decent, but it*s not as fantastic oramazing that many people hyped it up to be. 我只是希望凜和saber能改變她們的髮型... I just hope that Rin and Saber can change theirhairstyles.... 嗯哼, 如果他們照搬原著的話就不會這樣幹, 但從她們得到了新衣服看來, 也許吧. Hmm if they stick to the VN they probably won*t.But then again they got new outfits so maybe. 我無法想像凜改變髮型, 這太錯了. I can*t imagine Rin changing her hair style,that*s too wrong. 凜的「我現在要殺你, 現在我不會這樣做, 現在我要殺你了」有點煩呢. rin*s i want to kill you, now i don*t, now i wantto again is a bit annoying. 希望士郎能得到一些正面的描寫, 比如說從他人之口說出他能有戰術地戰鬥而不是沒骨氣的一個人. Hopefully Shirou gained some positive additions tohis reputation from some people after showing that he can fight tactically andisn*t spineless. 靠, 凜在這集的傲嬌態度真煩. 我收回我的說話. Saber > 凜 Damn, Tohsaka was annoying this episode with hertsun tsun qualities. I take it back, Saber > Tohsaka.[/align] [align=left]士郎看到了什麼噁心的東西... Shirou saw something disgusting... 已確認. 她有歐金金. Confirmed. She has a penis. 你知道的, 在這點上要是士郎一個人外出, 沒有任何保護地和伊莉雅吃雪糕一如他像個傻瓜一樣沒有帶從者就上學去, 我也不會感到驚訝. 沒錯, 這就是從deen版我得知的. You know, at this point I wouldn*t be surprised ifShirou goes out of his way to eat ice cream with Illya unprotected consideringhe went to school without a servant like a dumbass. Yes, that*s a DEENimereference. =] 這實際在原版也發生過. That actually happens in the VN. 這太糟糕了! That*s awful! [/align] [align=left]UFO請不要再弄這個了, 我的小心臟不能承受這個.[/align][align=left]Ufotable pleaseno more of this, my heart cannot take it.[/align] [align=left]凜和士郎那場打鬥做得不好, 只是很難相信任何一個人這樣表現. 如果凜是刻意打不中只是為了恐嚇士郎而其他一切保持不變, 這就合理多了. The Rin/Shirou conflict and resolution was poorlydone; it*s just hard to believe that anyone would act like that. If Rin had intentionally missed her shotsin an attempt to scare him off and everything else stayed the same, that*d makea lot more sense. 不, 在原版中她真的試圖殺掉士郎, 所以如果做出凜是刻意去避免傷害他是錯誤的. 她只是儘量"仁慈"和討厭不必要地殺人 Nope, in the VN she was actually trying to kill(incapacitate) Shirou, so if it looks like she is pretending just a bit not tohurt him. It*s wrong, she is just being *merciful* and doesn*t like killingpeople unnecessarily. 她很明顯地是在用咒術彈試圖傷害他. 只不過士郎在閃避上就是那麼專業(謝了lancer), 從凜在士郎能躲過她這麼多攻擊時的表情也能看出. She was clearly trying to hurt him going by Gandrdamage shown.Its just that Shirou is damn pro at dodging so far(thank youLancer), which is even shown by Rin*s surprised facial expressions after hepretty much dodges most of her first shots. 你看: I mean look:[/align] [align=left]第一發時擦過了他, 然後他單純地靠計算勉勉強強地躲過了其他子彈. First shot grazes him, then he moves his body tojust barely barely bullet time the next ones based on pure calculation. [/align] 然後第二發時 Then we have split second dodges like: [align=left]士郎在非常好的時機和計算好的兩步跳中躲過了 Where Shirou is saved by very well timed andcalculated two jumps.[/align] [align=left]就算是打rider時也是全躲過了, 而rider的攻擊明顯比凜快多了: Even Rider fight is full of split second dodgesand Rider is clearly faster than Rin: 所以對啊, 士郎在閃避上就是這麼行. So yeah, Shirou is REALLY good at dodging. [/align] [align=left]那新登場的從者無疑很火辣 The new Servant sure is hot. 士郎只要在願意時也能變得滿厲害的嘛, 嗯? 只靠自己去對峙一名從者? 牛. Shirou can be quite the badass when he wants tobe, huh? Taking on a Servant all by himself? Damn. 士郎這麼晚還留在學校的行為真愚蠢. Shiro was a dumbass for staying in the school forso late. 那新從者遠比06版的火辣多了 That new servant is a lot hotter in this seriesthan the 2006 one. 我想只有對戰那女性從者的一幕給人感覺有點趕, 其他的還好啦. The only scene that felt particularly rushed wasthat female servant*s, I think. Everything else was just fine, imo. 士郎在這新系列中變得超棒的, 這讓我更痛恨Deen版了, 因他們展現了在搞砸士郎的性格上可以做到有多糟糕. Shiroe is so much more awesome in this series, itmakes me hate Studio DEEN even more for how bad they screwed up his characterin FS/N. Rider的出場真的做得很好. 考慮到在UBW中她擁有在所有Servant中真糟糕的死法, 這真的滿可惜的. Riders Introduction was really well done. Which isa shame considering that in UBW she has the worst death of any Servant in allof FSN. 幸運E的lancer如何? (譯: 又黑我大狗) But, what about Rank E luck Lancer? 很屌的士郎要去和英靈進行1對1的戰鬥 Fucking Shirou goes fighting 1vs1 against heroicspirits 這集很不錯, 雖然看上去大部分預算都花在了[紫色頭髮的女士]身上. 嘛, 我不是在抱怨這個啦. That was a nice episode, although it seems much ofthe budgeting went to [Lady of the Purple Hair]. Not that I*m complaining. Saber不足夠, 而且沒有Archer, 這集感覺只不過是凜和士郎的一場暴力約會. Not enough Saber and no Archer... this episodefelt like a violent date between Tohsaka and Shirou. 需要更多成年人, 去他的青少年 1/5. Needs more adults, fucking teenagers 1/5. 不是噴, 但怎麼上一集比這集還要好??????? Not really hating, but how in the hell was lastepisode better than this one????? 因為多點Saber More Saber. 因為多點綾子 More Ayako. 上一集很棒! 發展很是不錯. 這集只讓我覺得是不同步的突然轉變 Last episode was amazing! The development wasquite good. This one just felt out of sync with the sudden transitions. 我只是在想如果兩個從者在一起了一定很有趣. 像是上街喝喝咖啡什麼的. 他們總是顯得那麼緊張, 在等待著什麼不好的事情發生. I was just thinking it would be funny if the twoservants hanged out with each other too. Like went out for a coffee orsomething. They always seem so tense just waiting for something bad to happen. 士郎有以下的習慣: 一, 不知道在何時應該閉嘴 二, 被女性從背後固定 Shirou has a habit of: a. not knowing when to shut his mouth and b. getting pinned from behind by women 還有那很牛的閃避技巧. Those bad ass dodging skills, though.[/align]-------------------------------------------第5話完---------------------------------------------- 链接到点评
ganty 发布于十二月 1, 2014 作者 分享 发布于十二月 1, 2014 -------------------------------------------第6話--------------------------------------------------- [align=left]Caster 和 Assassin!好吧這就要來了!下集應該會有滿滿的動作戲. Caster and Assassin! Alright here we go! Nextepisode will probably be all action. 這改編正正就是大家所期望的一樣 They adapted the EXACT amount everyone expected. [/align] [align=left]Archer很明顯確保了他的上鏡時間能在最少的鏡頭中展現最大COOOOOOL:P Archer sure took his time, must make it just inthe neck of time for maximum cool 這就是Archerh的風格了. 成為英雄需要掌握正確的時間 It*s all about style for Archer. Needs the righttiming to be the hero. 又一次我聽到了觀眾被"激怒"了, 原因是因為這些角色沒有去"以血腥的方式殺掉彼此", 而是在實際上在戰術角度上建立聯盟, 所以他們就覺得這是"幼稚". 現在聽到這些還真沒讓我驚訝的. Then again I heard nonsense like the viewers being"infuriated" that characters actually are working out tactics anmaking alliances instead of "murdering each other in gory ways" andthat because of that its "childish", so nothing surprises me nowadays.[/align] [align=left]綾子(哭) Ayako ;_;[/align] [align=left]綾子的確很可憐. T^T Poor Ayako indeed T^T 天, 慎二需要在痛苦中死去>. Man Shinji needs to die a painful death>. 對了, 綾子是被強姦了或是什麼的嗎? Also, did Ayako get raped or something? 簡短的說, 是的 Short answer is yes. 我覺得這集的Caster的產生很多的本子:3 [刪除]在ANN說"FSN有性別歧視, 因為所有的(女)Servants都表現得很放蕩"[/刪除] Saber也是? Even Saber? "但...但她在士郎隊中沒有表現得冷漠和死氣沉沉而且他們竟然在合作, 這一定就是性別歧視了吧!" ""b-b-but she is not being cold andlifeless at her own team and they work together, that just HAS to mean itssexist!"[/align] [align=left]這個幸運的混蛋. The lucky bastard Tons and tons of doujins and fanfics will arriveand there isn*t even a F/HA adaptation yet 大量本子和同人圖正在來臨, 而F/HA的動畫化甚至還沒出來. 當Archer在他應當送士郎回家時卻表露殺意的場景笑死我了 Archer*s killing intent while supposedly guardingShirou home was lol 而且我打賭他看著士郎在受"折磨"時有許多樂趣, 被Caster的手愛撫下的火熱折磨, Archer應該很是享受直至決定去救士郎為止 And I bet he was having so much fun watching him"suffer" If u can call being caressed by a hotty suffering atCaster*s hands until he decided to save him 佐佐木一如以往是個狠角色!等不及看他和Saber的戰鬥了! Sasaki being BA as usual! Can*t wait for his fightvs Saber >. [align=left]Saber, 你的胖次呢? Saber, where are your pants?! 很高興看到Saber在睡覺時裡面什麼也不穿. Nice to see that saber doesn*t wear anything downthere when sleeping 士郎敢於和Archer硬碰硬是滿酷的啦, 但他應該想想他有沒有一絲機會打贏對方 It*s cool that Shirou is confident to take Archerhead-on, but he should also think about if he has any chance of winning at all. Archer那在一切失去控制前救了士郎的箭雨實在太酷了 Archer was so badass with that arrow barrage,saving Shirou before things got out of control. 在Archer說"女人的脾性難以控制時"我笑了, 聽上他有過一些經驗呢. Lol*d at him saying "A woman*s fury isdifficult to control." Sounds like he has some experience. 你看看誰是他的Master就知道了 Just look at who is his Master... ) Caster 很性感 Assassin 很屌. Archer 很GAR. 雖然綾子很可憐. 很需要有人去一拳打去慎二的臉上. Caster is sex. Assassin is BA. Archer is GAR. Poor Ayako tho. Someone needs to punch Shitji inthe face soon.[/align] [align=left]在這集開頭時, 我就像"就是這樣了Archer!! 快點幫我們一個忙!!做掉士郎吧!!!再也沒有士郎和他更多的後宮了!!!!" 然後我記起凜也是士郎的後宮之一, 所以這不可能實現啦-__- At the beginning of the episode, I was like"Yes Archer!!!! Get rid of Shirou!!! Do us a favor!!!! No more Shirou andno more Harem for him!!!!"But then I remembered that Rin is part ofShirou*s harem so that wasnt going to happen -__- 說實話, 現在的士郎的確有偽後宮的跡象. To be honest, Shirou does have a pseudo-harem ofsorts going on right now. 嗯...櫻走了, Saber更像個母親. 老虎就不作算吧我猜. Well, Sakura is gone. Saber is more like a mother.Taiga doesn*t count I guess. 這集本身進度有點慢因為這又是說明資料一集, 但Archer在開頭(順帶一提, 這伏筆很不錯)和結尾都出現了, 而且也有 Assassin和 Saber, 所以也算是對開始無聊的劇情一點的補救啦. The episode itself was kinda slow since it wasagain another infodump, but Archer presence at both the beginning (niceforeshadowing BTW) and the end, plus Assassin and Saber confrontation saved itfrom being somewhat boring. Archer時間正好地在Caster手中救了Shirou! Archer saved Shirou just in time from Caster! 錯誤的一步, Archer. 這曾是你能成為主角的機會. 你本能獲得更多臺詞的. Bad move Archer. That was your chance to be themale MC of the anime. You could have had more lines 士郎嘗試在Archer面前耍酷, 但Archer太cool了, 已經不是士郎能處理的了. Shirou trying to show off against Archer. ButArcher is too cool for him to handle. 唉唉,是啊,我差點忘了Caster是滿歇斯底里的, 她似乎也變成束縛....該死, 士郎! 難道你已經從了那個剛遇到的小妞, 背叛了凜和Saber嗎? Ahhh, yeah, I almost forgot that Caster was pretty hysterical. She also seem to be intobondage... Damnit, Shirou! Are you already cheating on Rin and Saber with thatchick you just encountered?! 美食/今晚留下來已經轉行做了水果工廠, 在大河吃橙時就能展現出來. 而且士郎還有可愛的後輩在等待他....這個幸福的傢伙. The Food/stay night took a new turn in the fruitindustry, showing a wild tiger eating oranges. And he also have is cute kouhaiwaiting for him... The lucky bastard.[/align] [align=left]Saber看起來滿積極於操練士郎的. 士郎也有一些和Saber相處上的小煩惱. 你懂的, 小夥子和他的荷爾蒙 Saber really seem excited about beating the crapout of Shirou. Shirou is also having a bit of problems around Saber. Ya* know,young boys and their hormones. 凜和士郎把同盟行於實際, 一起去除魔術咒印.如果說士郎有和Saber相處上問題的話, 凜也在隱藏她的傲嬌上有點困難. Rin and Shirou are putting their alliance at work,removing the magic marks. It also like even if Shirou is having problemsdealing with Saber, Rin also have a bit of difficulties to hide hertsundereness. 話說為什麼Caster職階總是反派? Why the caster class always play the evil role tho? 士郎想要去拯救所有人, 所以他有理由去戰鬥, 而Saber則是..好吧不劇透. 但我不認為凜是可以稱作"好人"的. Shirou wants to save everybody, so he has a reasonto fight. And Saber well... Can*t spoiler. But Rin isn*t what I would call**good**. 老實說士郎這角色是很經典的「我要拯救所有人」的原型的解析. Honestly shirou*s character is a deconstruction ofthe classic I want to save everybody archetype. 我不想劇透什麼的, 但士郎不是你想像的那麼一般意義上的"典型" I don*t want to spoil either, but Shirou is notnormal like you think... 等等, 所以說綾子被塑造成這麼棒的角色的唯一意義就是讓慎二去摧毀她的靈魂時成功令人討厭他? Wait, wait, wait, so Ayako was made a great characteronly for Shinji to be hated when he destroy her spirit ?That*s all there is toher ? 簡短的說, 是的 Short answer: Yes 認真的, 好人總是會遇上這些不幸的壞事, 這不是什麼糖果樂園. 普通人是會受傷的. Seriously, bad shit happens to good people all thetime. This is not candyland.People get hurt. Archer的紅衣與白髮.... 他的真名是聖誕老人! Archer has red clothes and white hair... His real identity is Santa Claus! 那就是說, 無限禮物制! That means, Unlimited Present Works! 閉嘴啦, 他的真名明顯就是叫但丁 Shut up! His real name obviously is call Dante[/align] [align=left]所以Berserker是聖誕老人太太? Archer x Berserker So Berserker is Mrs. Santa Claus? Archer x Berserker 經過兩三集以後Archer終於決定從屋頂下來了. Archer finally decides to come down from the roofafter two three episodes. Archer在屋頂上是因為他是聖誕老人而他以禮物為箭矢 Archer was on the roof because he is Santa Clausand his arrows are the present 希望那些小孩會喜歡他的禮物和挖苦. Hopefully the kids will enjoy his present andsacarsm. 士郎陷入了麻煩而Archer救了他(和他的Master一般傲嬌) Shirou got himself into trouble again & archerbail him out(pretty tsudare just like her master ) 我想紅A是只想到一個屬於他自己的後宮, 讓看看他能找到什麼人: 凜, Berserker 和那老師(譯: 要知道葛木也是老師....) I think Archer just wants his own harem. Lets see, he can have: Rin, Berserker, the sensei[/align] [align=left][/img] [/align][align=left]UFO將他們的時間和預算用在了正確的地方 They spent their time and budget at the rightplace. 她實在太可愛了, 該死的. She is just too cute, damn. 只是...如果她能換一下髮型的話...可是她真的很萌 Its just.... if she would just get another hairstyle...... But she is very adorable.[/align][align=left][/img][/align][align=left]好吧 well 順帶一提, 「前輩」計數正在進行中 櫻的「前輩」次數 集數 次數 00 3 01 17 02 0 03 0 04 1 05 1 06 2 「前輩」總數: 24 每集平均次數: 3.428571429 Senpai Counter is up btw, taken from reddi Sakura*s Senpai Count Episode No.Count 003 0117 020 030 041 051 06 Senpai Count Total: 24 Count Average per Episode: 3.428571429[/align] [align=left]我喜歡這琥珀和Saber之間的開頭對話. Saber: "所以說, 你是不小心召喚了我?" Kohaku: "沒錯" Saber: (歎) "又來一次" I loved conversation at the beginning betweenKohaku and Saber. Saber: "So, you summoned meaccidentaly?" Kohaku: "That*s right." Saber: *sigh* "Again..." 這集非常忠於原著而且也做得很好. This episode was very loyal to the Visual Novelitself and it was pretty good. 綾子到底發生了什麼事? And what happen to Ayako exactly?[/align] [align=left]她被Rider襲擊了 She was attacked by Ride[/align] [align=left]呃...是我的錯覺還是青子真的很像凜? 又或是, UFO版的凜很像青子? 畢竟青子也有很多顏藝. Err, it*s my own feeling or Aoko really looks likeRin? Or to be exact, Ufo Rin looks like Aoko? Besides, Aoko also makes many expressive faces. [/align] [align=left]有愛的士劍鏡頭 a lovely ShirouxSaber moment this time 士郎在Saber面前的不自在令我有點擔心. 希望凜不要從可攻略人選中除去吧. Shiro*s discomfort from Saber makes me a bitconcerned. I hope Rin*s not getting dropped as a romantic interest.[/align] [align=left]99%的討厭士郎的人都是因為Deen版造成的 99% of people who hate Shirou is because of Deenpoisoning. 我很好奇那1%打哪來的 i wonder who that %1 is[/align] [align=left]這集綾子睡在沙發上的樣子有點熟悉...絕對在哪兒見過. Ayako*s face when she lie there seems quitefamiliar to me in this episode. Definitely see it somewhere[/align]-------------------------------------------第6話完--------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------第7話---------------------------------------------------- [align=left]Assassin vs Saber和Caster vsArcher. OST的使用也很不錯, 可憐的Caster... Assassin vs Saber and Caster vs Archer. Nice.Really nice OST used too. Poor Caster... 上一集並沒有太多的動作戲, 但我告訴你, 這一話很好的補償了. Last episode didn't have that much action, but letme tell you, THIS EPISODE TOTALLY MADE UP FOR IT 我們看到了Caster很酷的魔術符文之類的, 還有鐳射. we get to see Caster's cool magic rune stuff,laser spam 為什麼Archer不乾脆刺傷士郎, 而不是讓他一邊爬一邊像是說了五十分鐘的樣子呢? Why didn't Archer just stab Shirou instead ofletting him crawl and talk for like 50 minutes? 我愛死他們對戰鬥的處理了! (雖然他們沒有出現很多Archer VS Assassin的戰鬥啦, 不過也足夠了) I loved how they handled the fighting (and thatthey did not show too much of Archer VS Assassin, but just enough) "I am the bone of my sword"GAR因數已被激化 "I am the bone of my sword" GARintensifies.[/align][align=left] [/align] [align=left][刪除傲嬌[/刪除緊張時刻 Tsundere Intense moment 傲嬌士郎好評 Tsundere Shirou was perfect 兩個最大的傲嬌在此.(紅A和士郎) 凜是誰? Two biggest tsunderes right here. Rin who? 有點對 Caster vs Archer 的場面失望, 因為我本來還是期待著PS Vita版OP那樣的呢 Kind of disappointed for the Caster vs Archerscene cos I was expecting it to be more like the PS Vita op 剛剛想起, 士郎到底有多少件衣服? 我想他有的衣服遠遠比其他人都多 Just remembered. How many clothes does Shirou havenow? I think he got way more than the others now. 沒有凜, 我很傷心. 最糟糕的一集. No Rin. I'm sad. Worst episode. 啊啊這是多麼的華麗, 拜託再來多點特效吧 so flashy wow more digital effects please 他們是在跳舞而不是戰鬥. 差評 They are dancing, not fighting. 1/10 鏡頭運動很棒 The camera spin is great. 華麗的[刪除]舞蹈[/刪除]戰鬥 glorious dancing fighting. 他們不是像一般 servant那樣地戰鬥, 他們是整晚都在跳令人難以置信的舞蹈 :D:D They are not fighting as a servant should be, theyare fabulously dancing through the night :D:D 我的天這難以置信的一集. 我想這集比 Saber/Archer vs Berserker的更好. Holy shit amazing episode. I think this episodewas better than Saber/Archer vs Berserker[/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]然而我有一點不滿- OST認真的說, 很平庸. 尤其是在與Caster的戰鬥時. 我覺得缺少了一些史詩性的音樂. 當有需要時川井憲次在哪裡? However I have one complaint - OST is seriouslymediocre. Especially during the fight with Caster, I felt the lack of some epicmusic. Where is Kawai Kenji when you need him 很可能正在很平庸地重制VN的remixes呢(諷刺川井中) Probably still making mediocre remixes of the VN. 但仍然比現在的OST好.(回覆樓上) Still better than current OST (現在的OST)不會讓我想睡, 所以川井的音樂不比現在的OST好. It doesnt put me to sleep, so no. 我則是剛剛相反呢. 現在的音樂令我想睡. 雖然我滿喜歡Archer的ost啦 In my case is exactly the opposite. I'm feelingsleepy when I hear the current one. I really liked Archer ost though. 那個Assassin的動作太瘋狂了 Dat move by Assassin was so crazy. 最後那場戰鬥最棒了 Then the last fight had to be the best. Archer和士郎的場面是這集中最棒的場景了. 真的很好地建立了他們之間的"關係" The Archer and Shirou scene was the best moment ofthis episode. Really set up their 'relationship'. 一如以往的棒呆了的戰鬥. 但士郎和Archer的對話更為史詩 Amazing fights like always. But Shiroe and Archertalks were even more epic [/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]如果那個 assassin是假的, 那麼真的在哪裡? if this is the fake assassin, than there is a realone ? 不在UBW Not in UBW 看起來他們真的打算避免使用VN版的OST, 重制或是什麼的, 這真是一個遺憾, 有些原版的OST真的很棒. 雖然我有99.99%肯定我們會聽到"那首"啦(譯: 這個很明顯就不解釋了XDD, 一首特出名的OST)They actually seem to be avoiding reusing OST's from theVN, remixes or otherwise. Which is a bit of shame, some of them were trulygreat.I'm 99.99% certain we'll get That one though. 我在什麼時候聽過這話? 喔對了, Fate/Zero. (某首大家都以為會出現但白期待的一首....) When have I heard this before? Oh right, Fate/Zero. 我看得愈看Archer愈覺得他像個迷你版切嗣 The more I look more Archer looks like miniKiritsugu 雖然我玩過遊戲, 還是很厭惡士郎那愚蠢的態度 Although I read VN and still hate that stupidShiroe attitude.[/align][align=left]Assassin是名猛人, 可惜他沒有自己的Master而被迫聽命於Caster, 希望這情況很快會改變 Assassin is a beast, sucks that he has no masterand is bound to Caster, hope that'll change soon. 還有那士劍發糖的場面:3 Also dat Saber x Shirou scene after the credits.:3 拜託, 如果那能算是士劍場景的話那麼這節目就是弓士的故事了 If that is a Saber X Shirou scene then the show isArcher X Shiro. Please. 那人沒注意到那場景中的Saber只是夥伴關係而已. That guy doesn't realize that Saber isfriend-zoned right in that scene. 臉紅的缺乏已經很明顯指出這不是CP了 The lack of blushing is a dead giveaway. 但公平來說, 如果在那場景中臉紅了會變得很詭異. "教我怎樣去用劍"什麼的 (笑) To be fair though, blushing during that scene would'vebeen weird. "Teach me how to use a sword!" lol 我希望下一集能有更多凜 I hope we see more Rin next ep 喲你們有沒有注意到Archer在面對caster的邀請時沒有說"不"? 所以這可能意味著他有這個打算? Hey,Did you notice?Archer did not say"no" against caster's, Is that means he has intentionto join her team?[/align][align=left](注: 圖是我自己加了, 方便理解梗) 所有五戰的 servants明顯比四戰的還要來得好. 傲嬌的紅衣男 > 背後暗算別人的混蛋[/align] [align=left]怒氣藍衣男 > 頂著「光輝之臉」的玻璃心男 (emo是指一個人感情比較豐富, 內向,害羞,安靜, 意志消沈和容易心碎是一個emo的人的特徵)[/align] [align=left]武士 > 一群弱渣[/align] [align=left]"阿拉阿拉"女士 > 厄齊爾 (又一FZ梗)[/align][align=left]雖然 rider們都一樣棒啦 All these Stay night servants are seriouslysuperior to their Zero counterpart. Tsun redman > backstabbing bastard angry blueman > shining face emo guy Samurai > a bunch of weaklings ara ara lady > Mesut Ozil Both rider are great tho. 雖然我同意你大部份的觀點啦, 但FZ的Rider遠比目前所有的從者都來得要好. 個人觀點 Meh. While I agree with most of what you said,Rider from Fate Zero is superior to all the current servants right now. Atleast in my view.[/align]-------------------------------------------第7話完--------------------------------------------------- 链接到点评
ganty 发布于十二月 2, 2014 作者 分享 发布于十二月 2, 2014 -------------------------------------------第8話--------------------------------------------------- [align=left]得知慎二是rider的master沒怎樣令人驚訝, 動作戲和OST也不錯. 安息吧Rider Not really much a surprise butthe Shinji is revealed as the master of Rider, Good action this episode too imowith decent OST.RIP Rider.[/align][align=left][/img][/align][align=left]這個比實際上的場面更好笑. This is way funnier than itshould be.[/align] [align=left] [/align][align=left]我正在期待這個, 做得好, 超好評, 我會看這脖子扭曲的動作直到永遠. I was waiting for this, goodjob, 10/10, would watch neck twisting action forever.[/align] [align=left] [/align] [align=left]這新棋子令我想起了蘭斯洛特 the new piece reminds me toomuch of Lancelot 很不錯的一集, Rider的屍體很詭異, 士郎則是開始屌起來了, 凜同時是是魔術師和傲嬌, 你懂的, 一如以往. Good episode. Rider's corpse wasfreaky. Shirou being badass as fuck. Rin being a mage and a tsundere. You know,the usual. 這原創的畫面很短, 但還不錯. The original scenes were prettyshort, but good.[/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]Rider的脖頸很詭異. 但無論如何, 我很生氣他們沒有把原文這段做好. Rider's neck is creepy.Anyway,I'm mad they didn't portay this better in anime. 對啊, 獨白的缺乏正在成為一個問題. 雖然士郎在監獄時驚愕的臉也行啦. Yeah the lack of monologues isbecoming a problem. Although SHirou's creepy face in classroom was okay 更重要的是,雖然我不認為應該過量使用大段的獨白,但他們完全沒有真正地描繪士郎使用兩把劍(木棒/椅腿/不管是什麼啦), 這才是更大的問題. More than that, I don't thinkmonologues should be used in excess, but they didn't actually portray him usingtwo swords (sticks/chair legs/whatever) at all, which is more of a problem 可憐的Rider, 你應該被記著! "揮舞著紫色旗幟" Muh poor Rider ;_; You shall beremembered! *waves purple flag* 安息吧Rider, 你功績太少而死得太快. RIP Rider, you did so little anddied so fast. 首殺: 第八集 撃敗了FZ *(譯: 這裡結合下文的吐糟應該是指FZ在第一季沒死人, 但"幼稚"的fate在這集已經出現死者了) First fatality: episode 8. Beat that Zerofags. Rider在她死之前沒有獲得足夠的鏡頭, 去他的. 噢, 當然還有這個: "這個Rider太渣渣了(笑), F/Z的從者像是Rider什麼的比她好太多." Rider didn't get enough scenesbefore she died, wtf is this. Oh, and of course; This Rider is so shit lol, Zeroservants like Rider* are so much better. 第一句對兩代Rider也是一樣. 我們也許沒有一個很COOL的rider, 但有一個超COOL的Assassin. 很難對FZ說同樣的話 :[ First line applies to both.Wemay not have a cool Rider here, but he have a fucking cool as hell Assassin.Can't say the same for Zero :[ 對啊, 她比Zero中的Rider差太多了. 正符合對一個惡棍的Servant的期待. Yeah, she's so much worse thanZero Rider. As expected of a douchebag's Servant. 這個很明顯, 你能對一個為了迎合部分信仰(喜好)而組成的servant期待什麼? Obviously, what do you expectfrom a servant made up to pander to some fetish? 我敢打賭, 那是因為那個存在於奈須和武內那性別歧視腦袋裡的小男孩, 令他們將Rider設計成這樣. I bet it were the little boys inNasu and Takeuchi's sexist heads, that made them design her like that. ANN的評論又會滿口"UFO如何止不住奈須的性別歧視和厭女症" ANN review will be full of talkof how "ufotable could not stop the sexism and misogyny of nasu" 安息吧我美麗的RiderTwT R.I.P My beautiful Rider TwT 士郎拯救了這一天. Shirou saves the day! 嘖, 這很明顯是Caster拯救了整個學校的孩子. Pffft, it was clearly Caster whosaved the school filled with kids. 是的,她是一個女英雄。我絕對同意。 Yeah, she's a heroine. Iabsolutely agree. UFO應該去重制某些小兵, 尤其是他們的劍. Ufo should rework on some of thegolem cg.Especially their swords. 那就是BD的意義所在了 that's what BDs are for. 他們真的很強調凜的傲嬌的行為, 對吧. they're really emphasizing Rin'stsundere act, aren't they. 他們需要討好更多死宅去買BD They need to pander to filthyotaku to sell more BDs.[/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]Saber的召喚場面太史詩了. The Saber summoning and asskicking was epic. 巨大的劇情漏洞 "Matou 已經不能再出現master"-凜 慎二是個master 就好像作者甚至沒有去嘗試一樣 差評 Huge plothole here "Matous are incapable ofproducing a master"- Rin Shinji is master. It's like the writers aren'teven trying. 2/5 慎二不是個真正的Master啦 shinji isn't really a master... 安息吧rider, 說真的她的屍體真是很詭異. 她的頭到底轉了多少度? 720' ?還是說320? RIP Rider. Seriously though hercorpse was freaky as hell. How far did her head get twisted? 720 degrees? 360? 人們在UBW死得比FZ更快, 除非有人來這裡說FZ比F/SN更黑暗, 不然這個點上沒有可爭論的餘地. People died way faster in UBWthan in F/Z, there is no arguing this unless your here to say that F/Z was waymore grim dark than F/SN. [/align][align=left]_vEhiE/VH0oZSYQZhI/AAAAAAAAAbw/23rQXpxluuU/w1280-h720-no/5.jpg' alt='5.jpg'>[/align][align=left]而且我們又能看到櫻了! And we got to see Sakura again![/align] [align=left]好吧, 我真的覺得3D的龍骨兵看起來有點蠢, 但我猜我只是一個人 Well I actually thought the 3Dskeletons looked a bit on the stupid side, but I guess that's just me. 你不是一個人 It isnt just you. 同意, 他們看起來不太好 Agreed, they look off. 是啊, 其中一名小兵拿住的看上去像是劍形斑點, 這對UFO而言的確是偷懶了. 希望他們在BD修復它. Yeah.One of the swords that oneof aforementioned golems were holding looked like sword shaped blob, which isreally just lazy from a studio like Ufotable. Hopefully they fix it up in theBD.[/align] [align=left]往好的方面, 硬骨頭隊得到了(UFO)全部的注意力 (沒有崩) On the bright side, team badasswas given full attention[/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]"你做什麼了? 你竟然吃了我的曲奇?"[/align][align=left]"You didWHAT? You freaking ate my cookies?"[/align] [align=left]嗯....內心獨白的缺乏的情況開始有點太多了. 而且那些小兵看起來很糟糕.[/align][align=left]Hmm. The lack ofinner monologues is starting to be a bit much. And the golems did look off.[/align] [align=left] [/align][align=left]太多櫻了= 差評[/align][align=left]身由劍生 = 好評[/align][align=left]雙持士郎 = 好評[/align][align=left]人們對士郎和凜在一起的反應 = 好評[/align][align=left]凜很棒和士郎很屌 = 好評[/align][align=left]血腥的動畫 = 好評[/align][align=left]慎二開始賣蠢 = 好評[/align][align=left]太多櫻 = 差評[/align][align=left]總而言之, 很棒的一集[/align][align=left]Too much Sakura=0/5[/align][align=left]Body made ofswords = 5/5[/align][align=left]Dual wielderShirou = 5/5[/align][align=left]People reactionto shirou and rin going together = 5/5[/align][align=left]Rin beingawesome and Shirou badass = 5/5[/align][align=left]Blood Fort Animation= 5/5[/align][align=left]Shinji beingstupid 5/5[/align][align=left]Too much Sakura=0/5[/align][align=left]Awesome episodeoverall[/align] [align=left] [/align][align=left]指責慎二不是一個好Master吧[/align][align=left]Blame Shitji forbeing a terrible master.[/align] [align=left] [/align][align=left]在所有女孩中最好的一個 Best Girl of of all Time out of all the best girls.[/align] [align=left][/img] [/align][align=left]士郎第四話的回憶(留意他的表情) Shirou's flashback in episode 4 (notice his facialexpression)[/align] [align=left] [/align] [align=left]請注意,在這一集裡同樣的面部表情,並注意和凜比起來他的言行舉止如何冷靜和凝重的。 Notice that same facial expression in thisepisode, and notice how calm and serious his demeanor was in contrast to Rin's[/align] [align=left] [/align][align=left]看完這集我覺得凜是個傲嬌 I think Rin is a tsundere after watching thisepisode Rider才沒有這麼弱...只不過是慎二作為Master太渣渣了. Rider is not that weak... It's just that Shinji isa useless piece of shit when it comes to being a master. 沒想到Rider會這麼快被幹掉, 而我們甚至沒機會看到! Didnt expect Rider to b taken out so quickly andwe didn't even see it! 士郎的聲優當然懂得怎樣痛苦地尖叫 Shirou's VA sure knows how to scream in pain. 士郎內心獨白的缺乏也開始成為硬傷了 having none of Shirou's inner monologues isstarting to hurt. HF已經需要出來了! 人們在瞧不起Rider! HF needs to come out already! People are dissingRaidah! 操, 我是想看櫻的頭被扭成這樣, 不是Rider fk, I wanted to see Sakura's head spinning thatway, not Rider -___- 這對你來說太太太糟糕了. Well tooooo bad for you. 他們在BD中應該換成櫻, 然後弄成每轉一圈就說一次"學長" They should change it to Sakura on the BDs andmake it so she says senpai after every rotation. 那樣的話就能同時感受到毛骨悚然和滿足感了. that would be creepy but satisfying at the sametime. 耶耶耶~滿是凜的一集! 凜是我的愛, 凜是我的生命. Yaaaay, an episode full of Rin! Rin is love, Rinis life. 多點凜 = 最好 More Rin = best c: 不幸的 Rider, 這只不過不是你的路線. Bad luck for Rider, this just ain't your routebabe. 為什麼他們要這麼早殺掉這性感尤物? Why'd they have to kill off the hottie this early? 不要擔心, 她等待著HF. Don't fret. She awaits in Heaven's Feel. 差評 因為Archer沒有出現[/align][align=left]3/5[/align][align=left]because my Archer didn't appear :v Rider不是應該比這更強麼? 好吧, 她真令人失望 Isn't rider supposed to be stronger than that? Well, she was disappointing S: 她是很強, 但不是在有慎二在的情況下 She is, but not with Shinji there.[/align] [align=left] [/align][align=left]凜的傲嬌真的讓我笑瘋了. 我想士郎認為凜就是個"僅僅在同盟關係但還是潛在的敵人", 所以他才在吃飯時不想接近她.[/align][align=left]loled at thetsundereness of Rin. I think Shirou consideres Rin as "merely an allystill a possible enemy" which is why her having lunch with him didn'toccur to him.[/align] [align=left][/img] [/align][align=left]順帶一提, Caster在暗影中出現的鏡頭讓我覺得很好笑, 尤其當我想起了嘉年華的片段時!!!![/align][align=left]another thingthat was too hilarious was the caster shadow scene remined me waaay to much ofCarnival Phantasm!!![/align] [align=left] [/align][align=left]嘩....人們在說Rider並沒有那麼強. 單純的一條路線並不能給她發展或是戰鬥的機會. [/align][align=left]Wow...people sayRider isn't that strong. One of the routes they chose to adapt doesn't evengave her any development or fighting.[/align] [align=left] [/align][align=left]誰殺了Rider? [/align][align=left]還有凜是怎回事? 她是有理由去這樣表現自己呢還是單純為了迎合"那些"觀眾?[/align][align=left]So who killedRider? [/align][align=left]And what's wrongwith Rin? Is there a reason why she's acting like that or is it just to panderto "those" people?[/align] [align=left] [/align][align=left]我指的是那些臉紅和口吃, 真的有必要嗎?[/align][align=left]她是喜歡士郎還是一般隨處可見的(我討厭要用這詞)傲嬌?[/align][align=left]I mean all theblushing and stuttering, is there a reason for that?[/align][align=left]Is she intoShiro or just a generic (I hate and despise this word) tsundere?[/align] [align=left] [/align][align=left]凜是個傳統的傲嬌. 請不要在將來弄混傳統的傲嬌和現時極端化的一般傲嬌. 因為這區別是完全很重要的.[/align][align=left]She's aTRADITIONAL tsundere. Please don't mix traditional tsunderes and today'sgeneric bipolar tsunderes in the future.Because the distinctionis totally important.[/align] [align=left] [/align][align=left]凜喜歡他是有理由的, 只不過你在這線不會知道.[/align][align=left]There's a reasonshe likes him but you don't learn about it in this route[/align] [align=left] [/align][align=left]當我看到凜在等待主角, 還有帶著她的午餐時 (看起來很像還有個額外的餐盒), 我還以為凜會說以下的臺詞:"我只是不小心做多了午餐, 而我想我應該要分給你吧" (譯: 典型傲嬌臺詞)很接近了.[/align][align=left]When I saw Rinwaiting for MC, and she had her lunch on her hand, and it looked like she hadextra lunch, I thought Rin was going to use the following cliche line:"IACCIDENTALLY made too much lunch and I thought I would share some withyou".So close[/align] [align=left] [/align][align=left]等等Rider就這樣死了? 不是吧?.[/align][align=left]wut rider diesjust like that? oh cmon.[/align] [align=left] [/align][align=left]你要知道還有FATE和HF路線. 她當然會像其他角色和從者一樣得到她發光發亮的時間.[/align][align=left]You have to keepin mind there's also Fate and Heaven's Feel. She definitely has her time toshine in F/SN, like most other characters and servants.[/align] [align=left] [/align][align=left]我唯一的不滿是我沒有場看到Rider有騎任何東西. 你可以怎樣解釋都行, 但她被相當毫不客氣的殺掉了, 而且幾乎沒有顯示出她任何的戰鬥能力. [/align][align=left]My onlycomplaint is that I didn't get to see Rider do any riding. You can interpretthat however you want, but she was killed off pretty unceremoniously andwithout showing almost any of her fighting abilities.[/align] [align=left] [/align][align=left]角色不會突然有神助或是隨機的能力上升.[/align][align=left]Characters dontsuddenly get Jesus' touch or random power ups.[/align] [align=left] [/align][align=left]士郎從Archer身上取得經驗的情節也許在月廚中講得通, 但我想在說故事的角度上這力量增強太多和太快了.[/align][align=left]Shiroutorrenting exp from Archer may make sense in-universe, but I think it's stilltoo huge and fast of a powerup from a storytelling perspective.[/align] [align=left] [/align][align=left]凜和士郎的互動認真最棒了.[/align][align=left]rin and shirou'sinteractions are seriously the best.[/align] [align=left] [/align][align=left]你他媽的在開玩笑嗎?!?![/align][align=left]很明顯Rider沒有機會去贏這場戰爭, 但他們甚至沒告訴觀眾她的身份或是寶具?[/align][align=left]他們沒有給她一場的史詩的戰鬥鏡頭?![/align][align=left]現在真的超級失望.[/align][align=left]凜和Saber會希望她們有Rider一半的女人味![/align][align=left]Are you fuckingkidding me?!?![/align][align=left]it's obviousRider was never going to win, but they didn't even reveal to the audience whoshe was OR her Noble Phantasm?[/align][align=left]They didn't giveher ONE single epic fight scene?![/align][align=left]Massivelydisappointed right now.[/align][align=left]Rin and SaberWISH they were half the women Rider is![/align] [align=left] [/align][align=left]凜的傲嬌行為開始令人真正覺得煩了. 而我本來認為她是最好的女主...(譯: 外國凜廚)[/align][align=left]Rin is startingto get really annoying with that tsundere act of hers. And I thought she is thebest girl...[/align] [align=left] [/align][align=left]“5/5 會再度殺出” - 史努比狗狗[/align][align=left]“4/5 需要更多的" 前輩"” - IGN[/align][align=left]"5/5. Wouldblaze again" - Snoop Dogg[/align][align=left]"4/5. Needsmore Senpai" - IGN[/align]-------------------------------------------第8話完--------------------------------------------------- 链接到点评