jiajisong 发布于四月 4, 2015 分享 发布于四月 4, 2015 sk909 发表于 2015-4-4 08:28自从被PSP版的战斗系统伤到以后就不敢碰刀剑的游戏了…… 话说—— 我的闪乱神乐还没到货…… ... 同样没有到货,货主告诉我Thank you for ordering from nekobus-akb (^o^) I'm Ruri. We are really sorry for the late shipment. We sold out all this game we have in stock. And because it's selling too well, even the manufacturer run out of stock since this week. They are now making. Could you please wait for few more day? Or do you want me cancel the order and make a refund you? Looking forward to you reply. Best Regards, Ruri, from Tokyo 我表示可以继续等待,反正其它的货主一样没有货,估计到货要1个月时间了,不过我其它游戏还没有玩完,到货也不会马上去玩它的 链接到点评