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  1. {:5_227:}虫群无处不在{:5_212:}
  2. I am the bone of my sword. 身为剑体 Steel is my body, and fire is my blood. 钢铁之血灼璃之心 I have created over a thousand blades. 手创千剑历经百战 Unknown to death,Nor known to life. 无一败绩无一知己 常独自一人自醉与剑丘之巅 Yet, those hands will never hold anything. 因此此生亦无任何意义 So as I pray, unlimited blade works. 则其身定为无限剑制
  3. I am the bone of my sword. 身为剑体 Steel is my body, and fire is my blood. 钢铁之血灼璃之心 I have created over a thousand blades. 手创千剑历经百战 Unknown to death,Nor known to life. 无一败绩无一知己 常独自一人自醉与剑丘之巅 Yet, those hands will never hold anything. 因此此生亦无任何意义 So as I pray, unlimited blade works. 则其身定为无限剑制
  4. I am the bone of my sword. 身为剑体 Steel is my body, and fire is my blood. 钢铁之血灼璃之心 I have created over a thousand blades. 手创千剑历经百战 Unknown to death,Nor known to life. 无一败绩无一知己 常独自一人自醉与剑丘之巅 Yet, those hands will never hold anything. 因此此生亦无任何意义 So as I pray, unlimited blade works. 则其身定为无限剑制
  5. 现在近视的好多 水绝对不意气用事 绝对不漏水任何一贴 水得公正漂亮
  6. 硬币差不多都装满了 很多都下载起来没玩 {:5_225:} 水绝对不意气用事 绝对不漏水任何一贴 水得公正漂亮
  7. {:5_214:}室友都对二次元不感兴趣 我都不好意思拿出来玩{:5_214:}
  8. 水绝对不意气用事 绝对不漏水任何一贴 水得公正漂亮{:5_227:}
  9. 水绝对不意气用事 绝对不漏水任何一贴 水得公正漂亮
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