谷歌随手搜了一篇《Difference between fresh milk and carton milk?》,不过好像有点答非所问。Anyway,现摘录和翻译如下:
What is the difference between pasteurised and UHT milk?
Most milk we buy in the UK is pasteurised. Milk is pasteurised by heating it, usually to 71.7°C for 15 seconds. This gets rid of any food poisoning bacteria in the milk and reduces the bacteria that make milk go off. So pasteurising milk makes it safer to drink and makes it last longer.
UHT stands for 'ultra heat treated'. UHT milk, also called long-life milk, has been heated to at least 135°C for at least one second. This destroys all bacteria in the milk and makes it last much longer than ordinary pasteurised milk. UHT tastes different to other milk because of the high temperatures used when it's treated.
You can buy unpasteurised milk in some places. Because it hasn't been heat-treated, unpasteurised milk can contain bacteria that could cause food poisoning. Young children, elderly people, pregnant women and people who are ill should avoid unpasteurised milk.