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  1. {:7_515:}我只是说帖子的版本是0.1 安卓的话我是4.1的
  2. 前言: 窝回来了{:7_498:} 初级: play商店 官方正品,安全值得信赖 但是国服锁区,脑残应用太多,不支持付费 简直辣鸡——小学生都是这么说的 如何下载正品跨区商店软件-点这里 APK downloader治疗一切疑难杂症,当然付费应用别想了。 拇指玩 国内游戏最全(大概)也是萨比喷子糟糕小广告后台权限辣鸡广告最多的游戏下载站点。 看上去就很不愉快对不,于是你可以: -完全无视评论 -安装谷歌框架(基本都有) -不要使用拇指玩的自动安装,用APK权限修改器 (自传)打开安装包,修改掉所有不愉快的权限再安装 -可以使用其他防火墙软件阻止游戏联网(ROOT) 进阶: MiNE GalGalGalgame模拟器。嗯。因为很重要所以说三遍 应该是我以前用的ONSscripter的进阶版,感觉很厉害对吧=。= 高阶: PPSSPP 安卓上最棒的(个人观点)PSP模拟器,受受姬性能限制,版本仍然停留在0.98来看,还是前途多难的 不过我用受姬(NOTE2)已经完美通关噬神者爆裂(难度10story通了,第二次见STAFF表)了,你们看着办吧 DraStic 最好的NDS模拟器,恩,对受姬配置要求不高。 ePSXe 安卓上自认为不错的一款PS模拟器(PlayStation初代) 至少我已经用它通关了生化危机2和合金装备初代了。没有什么问题,还能及时匹配金手指 不能再赞。 杂言: 关于GALGAME资源,可以在ONS安卓吧,ACGF等地方搜索 PSP和NDS游戏镜像TGBUS电玩巴士就可以了 不过介于TGBUS的死链死多死多的,PS初代的镜像基本全面阵亡,这里推荐http://gamehome.tv/的PS镜像,挂档的量比较少
  3. http://store.steampowered.com/app/63380/ 商店点安装就行 领取后永久的 这次和上次的L4D2应该是差不多的 这次应该是为了推出三代的促销手段吧,因此3代现在也在打折 截止日期明天1a.m. 要拿的快去
  4. 盟军敢死队全系列w 今天上一下发现修女你@我了好多次…… 最近考试月我请假了哦 完全不在哦 滚去学习了,好痛苦(๑´ω`๑)
  5. 可怜的克喵…… 第一个截图的帖子肯定不行 至于第二个合集贴,如果排版再好一点的话……能成?
  6. {:7_510:}这次是我们二模的英语写作(Essay Writing)考试 {:7_498:}考试时间60分钟,写一篇关于KFC的议论文/记叙文/描写文 于是我脑洞大开写了一个雨后小故事(?) 拿了满分,恩,真的是满分 高三水准而已勿喷,如果有语法错误请清喷,我是从原试卷上重新打在这里的 不要喷设定,本来就是脑洞很大BUG很多的东西 正文: Once upon a time, there was a chicken couple living happily together in the woods. They lived with no worries and gave birth to many eggs. They are free chickens so they can fly like birds and built a nest on tree branches to keep their eggs safe. And then there was a heavy rain. Mother chicken was out taking a walk while father chicken was taking a nap down the tree where the nest is on. The rain came so sudden, giving no chicken time to prepare. The tree couldn't stand the rain and broke. It crushed towards father chicken and brutally murdered him instantly. The nest on the tree also fell, leaving all but one egg unharmed. Mother chicken went back and saw this horrible scene, her husband was made into chicken sauce and her children were mostly inside-out. "No, this can't be!" Yellled chicken mom, "I have done nothing wrong, have I? Jesus of Chicken! Why are you doing this to me!" (Thunder and flash and rain and tears) -Stage direction And the mother chicken went crazy, she found a way to revive all her children- to put what's indie other eggs into the one that is alive. So she worked day and night, carefully injecting what's left of those dead chicken egg inside the living one. Months passed by, and the only egg began to break from inside. At first, the head came out, just like other newly born chicken, its head is hairless and healthy- until the rest of its body came out. It was a chicken with a head, four wings and six legs. "It's an abomination! You are not my child!" The mother roared furiously and decided to end her child's life. But she was shot by a bullet as big as a coin. She crumbled and fell. Blood came out of her wound, causing her went into shock. Two man in white appeared from a tree. One looks tall and tough, holding a rifle that just fired at the poor mother. The other one is an nicing looking old man with white beard and smily face. "Mr. Kentucky, everything is in place. A new NATURAL chicken was born." Said the tough one. "Indeed," The old man lifted up the mutated chicken and put it inside his bag, "that's the 3036th one, there are a thousand more to go." "Can't we take a break?" The tough guy complained, "We are doing this for days, and I hate shooting chickens, even if they are all crazy like this." "Business is business, do you have any idea how much does this whole set cost? Putting a pair of chicken in the woods is the easy part. But we have to create a perfect scene that the mother was away and kill the rest leaving one egg unharmed. This shall make the mother went hysteria, and we need to imply them to create their very own NATURAL chicken babies. It's costly, more than you know. You are doing the most simple part- recycling." "The mother is not dead, yet." The tough guy interupted. The old man looked down, "gimme your gun," he aimed, "thank you for your hardwork at Kentucky's Fried Chicken, your services are no longer needed. There was a distant gun shot. "Welcome to the Kentucky's Fried Chicken, our chicken are 100% naturally born without human genetic engineering."
  7. {:7_509:}VCP的土豪请务必让我抱大腿 虽然东拼西凑我V社的基本上都买全了···
  8. 申精试试看吧?发到置顶的帖子里,我觉得能过哦{:7_509:} 对了,之前说的CSGO,因为没人参加 所以你内定有一份,私信我你注册的steam邮箱 窝把游戏送给你~
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