sayabao 发布于十一月 24, 2020 分享 发布于十一月 24, 2020 (已修改) 二次转载,转自猫站 原文转自: 偶然在新手区看到有人提及Fitgirl,游戏佬欣喜若狂,站内一搜,发现也没有相关的介绍,所以转载一贴,供大家一起交流~ 附上美女图XD 剧透 ☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。 ☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。 ☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。 ☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。 ☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。 首先必须明确的是,目前Fitgirl Repack的网址有且只有一个: 因为太出名,仿冒的网址太多了,而且仿冒得几乎一毛一样,不知道的人很容易上当 找到正确网址的方式也很简单,下载下来的Fitgirl的安装包上会有链接导向正确的网址,在官网上也会提及,也就是下面这幅图,而仿冒的网址因为仿不出来这个,所以一般都不会放这张图上去。 还有一点就是,官网是不会弹出一些乱七八糟的广告的,如果你进入的Fitgirl网站弹出了乱七八糟的广告话,估摸着都是仿冒的网站 ☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。 ☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。 ☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。 ☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。 ☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。 以下是简要的介绍啦~ 其实只要稍微对Repack小组有所耳闻的话,是一定知道Fitgirl Repack的 她所做的,并不是破解游戏,而是将各大破解小组或者P2P的资源,进行极致的压缩,几乎都能将原本的文件压缩50%以上(最近看到的这个居然压缩到了90%以上,震惊) 剧透 Fitgirl让我们意识到,游戏开发者在开发过程中,可能并不注意文件的利用效率,明明一部分重复的内容可以删除,但开发者可能并不愿意投入时间精力去解决这个问题 而这一部分问题,就间接转嫁给了玩家,具体体现在玩家需要花费更多的流量去下载原本本可不必下载的内容 这对玩家是不公平的,尤其是对于那些网络是按流量计费的玩家而言 其次,Fitgirl将原本较大的文件进行极致的压缩,便于通过网络传播(主要是对于那些带宽有限,流量也有限的人),也便于储存备份 当然也有缺点 Fitgirl的高压会使得解压的过程变得漫长,在CPU线程数、内存有限的情况下,一些大文件解压甚至会花好几个小时 如果你的网速足够好,不如去下载未压缩之前的,毕竟综合来看,所花的时间要更少 ☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。 ☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。 ☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。 ☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。 ☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。 总的来说,Fitgirl是令人敬佩的,不仅仅是因为她提供免费的资源分享,更是因为她超高的重打包、压缩的技巧 ☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。 ☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。 ☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。 ☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。 ☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。☆。 以下是原帖 引用 Repacked games are in high demand on pirate sites as they save considerable bandwidth. One of the leading names in this niche is FitGirl. In recent years, the Russian-born repacker transformed from a home archivist into the best-known releaser on the Internet. Today we unpack part of this fascinating story. Downloading a pirated game doesn’t cost a penny. However, it does take up digital resources, as some games can be well over 100 gigabytes. This is a problem for people that have bandwidth caps or those who have limited storage or archive space. Every problem has a solution, of course, especially in a pirate ecosystem where copyright laws are ignored. For pirated games, this solution comes in the form of ‘repacks’, which are essentially compressed versions of full games that work just like the real thing. Repacks can be made from legitimately purchased games but, in pirate circles, they come with a crack to remove protection. While there are several active repackers, there’s one who has climbed through the ranks like no other – FitGirl. When we compiled our list of most visited torrent sites earlier this year, FitGirl Repacks was one of the newcomers. It’s an intriguing handle in a niche that’s more often associated with chubby guys. But whether FitGirl is he or she or they in real-life, our interest was piqued. How FitGirl Got Started To find out more about this largely unknown figure – who uses the likeness of Amélie – we reached out to FitGirl. As the site’s FAQ clearly states that the gender issue is irrelevant, we began at the origins. When did FitGirl get into repacking? “In 2012, probably, when I started making an offline collection for myself,” FitGirl tells us. “I was using 7-Zip back then and thought that there was nothing better in terms of compression.” While FitGirl was building a personal home archive, she (we will use this pronoun) stumbled upon public repacks released on pirate sites. These were much smaller than the ones she had made and that’s when things got started. Instead of relying on 7-Zip, FitGirl became serious about compression and started learning and experimenting. Roughly a week later, the first homebrew repack was ready. “While my first repack looked pretty much like the current ones, inside it was a mess. Slow loading, slow installation, etc. But I quickly fixed those and started making repacks on almost a daily basis,” FitGirl recalls. FitGirl Goes Public At this point, repacking was still strictly for personal use. That was good enough. However, as time went by FitGirl noticed that some of her own releases were slightly smaller in size than the repacks available in public. This is when things started to shift. FitGirl decided to make the leap from being merely a personal archivist to a ‘publisher’ of repacks on pirate sites. Being born in Russia, she picked local torrent trackers as a start, and not without success. “I decided to upload my repacks to a few Russian trackers and they were met with sympathy. Then I decided to continue,” FitGirl says. The first repack was a copy of Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions. The game was losslessly compressed from 250 MB down to 69 MB. However, with larger games, the ‘savings’ easily expand to dozens of gigabytes. After this initial release, many more followed. FitGirl continued to experiment and improve her compression skills, sharing the results in public. Today, she has repacked close to 1500 games. On top of that, she has gathered a dedicated group of followers, who eagerly await new releases. A Love for Compression As they are pirated, these repacked games are available for free. FitGirl does accept donations but the main motivation appears to be the appreciation from the public and her love for compression. A common misconception among some people is that she also cracks these games, but that is not the case. FitGirl mostly downloads pirated releases from a private tracker. These games are often available on public pirate sites as well. The repacking itself is often pretty straightforward. Some games are done in an hour while others can take up to a day, mostly depending on the size of the source files. “The average repack actually is very basic. Most games out there use either Unity Engine or Unreal Engine. Both are easily compressed without any special work. So how long it takes depends only on a game’s size and takes from one hour to maybe a day,” FitGirl says. FitGirl prides herself on using heavy compression and the best settings. She is also somewhat of a perfectionist who likes a challenge. The more complex a game is, the more fun. That’s also when more skill is involved. “I love based on non-standard or rare engines! Because challenges in compression are what I love the most. I did re-repack GTA V, for example, like five or six times, always improving compression and/or installation speed,” she says. “One of the most complex games I’ve met was Red Read Redemption 2. And it’s so sad it’s not cracked yet, so I can’t share my results with the world. Hope that changes one day,” FitGirl adds. Going Forward The passion for compression is obvious and FitGirl has no plans to stop anytime soon. However, to make things more interesting, she wouldn’t mind having some extra competition. “I miss some strong competition, actually. I need more professional teams or individuals who are also mad about compression so it would be more interesting for me,” she notes. Needless to say, the publishers and developers of the games are not happy with repacked releases. They do send takedown notices to some file-hosting sites, who then remove releases, but FitGirl hasn’t run into any legal trouble directly. That said, these same companies could also learn from the success of repacks. According to FitGirl, publishers could take a lesson or two on effective compression, so customers don’t have to waste bandwidth. “Hire just one person, who understands the compression,” is her message to publishers. “And make your games so they could be easily updated with additional patch-files, without full data rebuilding.” “For example, Unreal Engine supports patching natively. But 99% of developers don’t use it. They just rebuild the whole game all over again and then users in Steam download another 50 GB update. Really, you even have the tools to do it for you, love your users, they PAY for your games!” For now, FitGirl is glad to take up this task. 十一月 24, 2020,由sayabao修改 注释 雪染 20.00节操 虽然说不反对盗版,但我个人而言是绝对不支持的,有余力还是支持下正版吧 链接到点评