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前言:今天看SCP系列时忽然闪现了一个灵感,想写一个基金会的同人小说, 结果我花了一个多小时写了这个。

浪费了一节完整的哲学课, 拜它所赐完全没听讲

因为没有连载的动力 所以这个故事最后完结了 要是大家喜欢(骗自己)的话 可以考虑连载点小故事



至于为什么是英文的 因为我看的是英文版的SCP-series


欢迎大家回帖讨论 纠正各种错误。。。


7/26/███ 14:28

"So, why do you quit the FBI?"

"I'm pretty sure everybody wants to quit after got tossed into the UIU department. What about you?"

"GOC is a good place, but I don't really appreciater its desire. What is it like being in the UIU?"

"Well, the whole department is completely a huge joke. We were told those fr██king things do exist on our way to the scene, but then we arrived then our director told us 'Hey guys, I;m sorry that we don't know how to deal with it.' So all in all, the main purpose is probably trying to survive from the abnormalities and stay alive. Then I met the Skippers, that's how we call the Foundation in UIU, I..."

HQ RADIO: We have arrived at site-█, MTF α-█ please get ready to [Data Expunged]

"Seems we're there, gotta keep the UIU purpose, right?"

"Yeah,I guess, unless the Foundation give we up..."

7/26/███ 18:17

"They seemed to have planned this for dacedes..."

"Excatly I have never heard about them building a [Data Expunged] in site-█. So, it doesn't seem to be a simple containment breach."

"Hey I found something, where the hell does this goes?"

"HQ, we found an underground tunnel, awaiting further instructions."

HQ RADIO: Agent C██ and ███ please explore it slow and steady, but do be careful and prepare to engage any potential SCPs. Agent E██ please guard the entrance of the tunnel, others continue your own task. Clear.

"10-4! Actually how do they say 10-4 in FBI?"

"We actually have more complicated codes, I'll explain after we survive this fr██ing tunnel."

7/26/███ 20:36

HQ RADIO: Our signal are....ompromised by un...easons... MTF α-... your ta... minated, plea... get ou... mmediately... Repeat... [Losing Signal]

"Seems our... task is terminated, boss... ordered to evacuate."

"I guess... that would relate to... the explosion... we heard, they want us to... to get the hell... out of here."

"Yeah, that would be... easy if you are... not chasing.. by a... a minotaur. F█K, they are quick..."

"Come on, enough rest, we... gotta go..."

"Listen, C██, I don't think I'm gonna make it with only one leg.. Take this and run... for your life..."

"What the hell are you talking about, get the hell up..."

"Just take the SCP-500 and go, I'll try to slow... slow it down..."

"... Alright, ███, nice knowing ya, glad we work together...even if we've just met each other... I..."

"Just shut up and run!"

7/26/███ 23:40

Disconnected with HQ for 3 hours. I'm pretty sure we're all assumed KIA. The monster seems to have a orientation disorder. That's why I'm still alive. But not for long since my own problem due to my own poor sense of direction. If anyone asks about it, there's no fun in playing hide and seek with a E-Level SCP like monster. I'm just wondering around, without knowing if the monster is still behind me. And evry thing left is just one pill of SCP-500 and some 9mm bullets.

Turning left at next corner... Wait, I sense light? Underground? There is a room with weird light... I decide to enter the room, probably it is not a containment room that will cause me KIA, but... What the hell?

7/27/ ███ 00:15

"Why are you keep calling yourself 'we'? What the f█k are you?"

"Fuimus ūnum, sumus multis, erimus fāta"

"We were one, we are... Damn, I hate Latin..."

"Venī huc, amplectere fātum tuos..."

"Stay there, or I'll neutralize you!"

"Nōlī timēre..."


"Damn, should have known you are immune to firearm... Don't touch me... What, you just..."

7/27/███ 17:45

5 hours after I woke up, I can feel that thing is now... in me, I think he is trying to connect with my brain, or rather my soul? Wait, since when did Iuse "HE" instead of "IT"? Well, apparently he is trying to transform me. I can feel it when I got instinctively spectrelized when attacked by the Minotaur and killed it with only one punch through his face. Yes, through, literally... I think I need to get the hell out of this tunnel... That would be easierif you don't have a material body...

7/28/███ 03:16

Apparently, he didn't provide me a GPS function or something. But I'm out of the dungeon. 3 hours ago, he complete the connection with my soul and try to take over it. Thanks to the SCP-500 I think I neutralized him, probably. Or maybe he is just toying me by make me think so. Anyway, he just showed his appreciation for me, or the panacea I guess. I was surprised that we could now actually communicate. He told me his wings [Data Expunged] and he was [Data Expunged] just like it is said in [Data Expunged]. A likely story, that is how I resposed him. And he never talked ever since.

7/31/███ 08:38

Agent C██ was found alive in the débris in site-█ after the [Data Expunged] in 7/29/███. A routine conversation took place after normal psychological tests to gather more information about the catastrophe. The first 30 minutes of the talk was accidentally deleted during [Data Expunged]

Dr.███: Please tell me the true story, agent C██

Agent C██: That is exaclty what I did in the last 30 minutes.

Dr.: You want us to believe that you are saved by just 2 pills of SCP-500 and some sort of [Data Expunged]?

Agent: Just? Do you know what is SCP-500?

Dr.: You are the ONLY survivor in a huge catastrophe.

Agent: I'm lucky.

Dr.: Luckier than SCP-503?

Agent: That depends on how you think about it. If you...

Dr.: Don't try to deflect the topic, just tell me WHAT YOU FOUND! You can't just...

Surveillance camera showed Agent C██ and Dr.███ whispering with each other for 2 minutes but unable to capture their voice.

Dr.: Well, now I understand. You are free to go, Agent C██. Please enjoy your 3 month vacation but do keep in touch with us for further instructions.

Conversation Ends.

Dr.███ was found commited a suicide three month later. No evidence show the connection between the suicide and this convesation. Further ████ and ████ tests show no abnormalitis in Agent C██. He was allowed to go back to his daily work in the Foundation.

5/28/███ 20:17

I was promted to site director in site-█ due to my brave behavior during SCP-███ containment breach. This seems good, but I'm afraid the O5 have already known that I'm immune to most memetic effect of those fr██king SCPs. I remember a week ago, ██, he insist me to call him like that, asked me if I love this world, I said "Yes, of course." Is he able to manipulate the O5,or even this containment breach?

2/11/███ 10:33

Dr.Clef: Happy birthday, C██

Site Director C██: Really? What is the famous, or rather infamous Dr.Clef doing here?

Clef: To celebrate your birthday, of course. Also I'm interested in an SCP in this office.

C██: You mean SCP-██? You can borrow it if you want, but I don't think you will be interested in a S-Level SCP.

Clef: What do you think, C██? Is there any other SCP in this room, like in front of me?

C██: How do you...

Clef: Know there's something "in" you? Believe me, a lot of people knows.

C██: Yeah, what a surprise.

Clef: You are fine according to O5. Not that you gonna worry about that.

C██: Apparently.

Clef: Surprisiingly he identifies himself as a servent of you. During the old days, you know, when he followed [Data Expunged] and didn't even [Data Expunged]. Maybe you are special.

C██: Yeah? Everyone in this world is special.

Clef: Probably, but you know that's not what I meant. Anyway happy birthday C██, I gotta go, much to do.

C██: To save the world or rather destory it?

Clef: To some extend, there is no difference. Glad we talked, C██

C██: Glad you tested me, Clef.

Clef: Great, you see that. Chao, C██.

C██: Hope that would be "Hasta nunca"

Clef: Haha, but not gonna happen.

C██: Yes, I suppose.

6/25/███ 08:03

O5-1: ¡Bienvenidos! You are now offically a member of the O5 council.

O5-█: I'm pretty sure that is what a leader woud say to his mobs in the same situation.

O5-1: A rude metaphor, but appropriate. Anyway you are one of us now.

O5-█: You mean me, or "him"?

O5-1: You, of course. Not the SCP-(-)003 in you.

O5-█: I don't even know there is a minus series. So, it seems I'm more like a container than an actual human-being.

O5-1: You will get to know a lot of things here, C██. But first you should never deny yourself as a person.

O5-█: Well, that really sounds like something I will do, doesn't it?

6/25/███ 18:08

I'm an O5 now, that is a long story. Although he seems to be a servent to me, I still don't know if he is manipulating me or other O5s to get me here. Well, it is more likely I will never know. Even if I don't have free will now, it wouldn't matters since there is no way proof everyone else have. I don't care about that now, since I recently remembered what I learnt from the FBI, from the UIU. No matter what we got from the Factory, the University or anywhere else, now matter how our old buddies, the "trouble seeking" club or even the church, GOC get we in trouble, we will probably keep "Staying Alive" until...maybe the end of this world... Wait, did I use WE instead of I?





7/26/███ 14:28


“我觉得所以人被搞到UIU之后都不会再想干下去了。 那你呢?”


“哼,整个UIU部门就是个笑柄。 再去现场的路上我们被科普那些异常物品都是真实存在的,但是等我们到了现场之后,我们的头说“伙计们,我很抱歉,我们实在不知道应该那这个怎么办,大家碰碰运气吧。’总之,呆在UIU里面的唯一目标就是保持活着,别挂了。 之后我遇到了Skippers,这是UIU对于基金会同仁的称呼,之后我……”

总部:我们已经到达site-█MTF α-█请做好准备以应对【数据删除】



7/26/███ 18:17








7/26/███ 20:36

总部:我们的信号正…明原因…扰…MTF α…的任务…被终止…请尽…离现场…重复【信号中断】










7/26/███ 23:40



7/27/ ███ 00:15


unum eramusmulta sumusfātum tuum erimus

“我们以前是统一的,现在是…… 靠,我恨拉丁语!”

venī hucamplectere fātum tuum ……”


Nōlī timē……”



7/27/███ 17:45

我醒过来已经5小时了,我能感觉的出来他就在我的…“里面”。他貌似正在努力和我的大脑,更确切的说是灵魂建立连接 。等等,我什么时候改用“他”而不是“它”来称呼了?嗯,显然他改造了我。我能感觉得出来,因为刚才在牛头人正要攻击我的时候我居然本能的灵体化了,然后一拳打穿了它的头。没错,就是字面上的意思,打穿了……我觉得我最好还是赶紧从这个隧道里出去吧……因为在你没有实体的情况下这简单多了……

7/28/███ 03:16

显然,他没有给我配置GPS功能,但是至少我出来了。3个小时前,他貌似完成的和我灵魂的链接,并且试图支配我的灵魂。谢天谢地,SCP-500无效化了他的攻势,大概吧。也许他只是通过让我这样想来愚弄我。好吧,他居然为此感谢了我,或者我猜说的是那个万能药。我很惊讶居然我们之间还是可以交流。他说他的翅膀【数据删除】,他其实是【数据删除】就像【数据删除】写的那样 。“骗鬼啊”我是这样回复他的,之后他就再也没说过话。

7/31/███ 08:38

7/29/███特工C██被活着发现于【数据删除】之后site-█ 的残骸中。在经过初步的各种心理测试后,对其安排了一次例常对话以收集那次灾难的情报。关于该谈话前30分钟的记录于【数据删除】中被意外删除。














5/28/███ 20:17


2/11/███ 10:33


Site Director C██:什么?赫赫有名,或者说是臭名昭著的Dr.Clef大驾光临有何贵干?
















C██:我真希望你说的是“Hasta nunca



6/25/███ 08:03









6/25/███ 18:08


幽幽子大人@提不起劲 发表于 2014-7-24 14:47






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