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  1. 人家暴雪有自己的战网啊 你觉得可能上竞争对手的商店吗{:7_527:}
  2. 什么clannad。。。这个明明是Harmonia啊{:7_530:}
  3. 下面是steam的(因为不知道日站地址) 点击查看 key社疯了吗{:7_527:} 下面贴steam里 开发者的话: [backcolor=rgb(27, 40, 56)]发布日期: 2015[/backcolor][backcolor=rgb(27, 40, 56)][/backcolor] [backcolor=rgb(27, 40, 56)]Celebrating the 15th anniversary of Key, creator of CLANNAD, Rewrite and Angel Beats!, we release the English version of our new game, Harmonia! Even before Japan! This is a story from a very, very distant era. The world has suffered from a great war. The contaminated atmosphere is turning ash gray, life on earth almost came to a stop and water started vanishing. The world population has declined remarkably compared to the Golden age. The people joined together to live in this world. It was in these times, that a “Phiroid”, a robot that can feel, woke up in a decayed facility. The fruit of science before the war, a humanoid, feeling robot. They were promised a new partner, one that could make their life easier But the awakened Phiroid finds out very quickly that he is emotionless. Perhaps he was not finished during the manufacturing process, since his right hand is not covered with artificial skin, his mechanical parts visible. The Phiroid boy wanted to get closer to humans. And continued to wander through this devastated world, looking for the emotions he was missing. One day, he was taken in by a girl. She thinks of him as a human, and is kindly looking after him. A little but warm town. The Phiroid boy began learning what feelings are in living together with the girl. Brand: Key Project Planning: Kai Character Design, Original Art: Itaru Hinoue Scenario: Tsuzuru Nakamura / Kai Music: Shinji Orito / Ryo Mizutsuki OS: Windows10/8/7/Vista “Harmonia”, like its predecessor “planetarian 〜the reverie of a little planet〜”, is a Kinetic Novel. A Kinetic Novel, by VisualArts, is a new genre only made for the purpose of providing the reader with one emotional, touching story, reading it at his own pace. “Passive” like watching a movie, but also “Active” like reading a comic or novel……it has these two sides.[/backcolor] 下面由本人渣翻一下{:7_527:} 值此key社15周年之际,我们决定发布新作 Harmonia 而感受到了欧美亲爹们的热情,我们决定在日文版之前发布steam英文版 游戏主要讲的是末世的机器人之恋 主线是女主如何拯救不懂表达感情的男主? 获得情报后继续更新 类型:avg、视觉小说 开放商: key 操作系统:win10/8/7/vista 话说周年庆出新作骗钱,真的是对粉丝好吗 {:7_527:}
  4. 奈亚子的op我给满分{:7_527:} lz 做的很好 我是真的{:7_527:}、 你一定要信我呀{:7_527:}
  5. 我还说这歌怎么这么长 原来是自动循环了{:5_245:}{:7_530:}
  6. 哦 原来 大春物指的是这个番吗 果然我想歪了{:7_509:}
  7. 牛头人么 其实入宅坑之前很少听过这个词的 不过 不就是3次元的劈腿吗 有必要专门开个词吗{:7_509:} 不过也不是很喜欢 所以我很少玩ntr的{:7_509:}
  8. 性别不同 爱好不同 我宁愿听变声器的女声 也不要男声{:5_218:}
  9. 现在日语早就没那么多讲究了 食草系越来越多 肉食女越来越多 很多词语已经不分词性了{:5_213:}
  10. 360浏览器可用 但是改完之后用edge浏览器刷新才看到头像成功了360清掉cookie还是显示原来头像 另外 win10 10586貌似不能用那个cheat engine5.61?
  11. 有3ds模拟器了吗 而且电脑有位置感应功能吗 而且点击模拟器选择屏幕倒转180°不就好了{:7_530:}而且现在有了mega进化 不到600+能看吗 比如我家路卡利欧 火恐龙 还有远古裂空座{:7_527:}
  12. 你的意思是吃过臭豆腐以后臭豆腐就不臭了吗{:7_527:}
  13. 怎么没介绍呢{:7_510:} https://sstmlt.moe/thread-24300-1-1.html{:7_498:}
  14. 还好了慢慢玩吧 不过想玩拔作 早晚会被毁掉三观的 哪有那么多纯爱拔作让你玩 楼主 自重{:7_532:}
  15. 我也买了哦 楼主 我们换宠物吗?{:7_529:}
  16. 安啦 这就是人生呢 有几个人的青梅竹马成了自己的女朋友 又能最终长相厮守呢{:7_518:}
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