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  1. 有消息说由于中国金主的钱,业界现在有恃无恐,混吃等死。 所以日本轻小说变成这样怎么想都是你们的错.jpg
  2. 一月回的帖子,但现在打算回复的时候,告诉我没有权限了?
  3. 是不是枪兵被闪电糊脸了?还是被自爆球炸了一脸?
  4. 少女前线啊,只要不买皮肤。 当然要玩的舒服点可以来张月卡开开队伍之类的
  5. 上面说给足够的种子,但似乎没考虑空气。。。。
  6. Cold war bomb warmed by chickens The mine would be kept warm by chickens Plans to fill a nuclear landmine with chickens to regulate its temperature were seriously considered during the Cold War. Civil servants at the National Archives say it is a coincidence the secret plan is being revealed on 1 April. The Army planned to detonate the seven-tonne device on the German plains in the event of having to retreat. Operation Blue Peacock forms part of an exhibition for the National Archives, in Kew, London, on Friday. Professor Peter Hennessy, curator of the Secret State exhibition, told the Times: "It is not an April Fool. These documents come straight from the archives at Aldermaston. Why and how would we forge them?" The Civil Service does not do jokes Tom O'Leary, National Archives The bomb was designed to stop the Red Army advancing across West Germany during the height of the Cold War. But nuclear physicists at the Aldermaston nuclear research station in Berkshire were worried about how to keep the landmine at the correct temperature when buried underground. In a 1957 document they proposed live chickens would generate enough heat to ensure the bomb worked when buried for a week. The birds would be put inside the casing of the bomb, given seed to keep them alive and stopped from pecking at the wiring. The landmine would be remotely detonated. Tom O'Leary, head of education and interpretation at the National Archives, told the paper: "It does seem like an April Fool but it most certainly is not. The Civil Service does not do jokes."
  7. 没有。另外刀剑游戏不是舔桐人的嘛
  8. 让本萌新看看怎么领这个所谓的口令红包 喝! SS同盟X万籁山公园
  9. 度盘可以啊,只要你开会员,所以百度还是无节操,当然窝只喜欢成熟大姐姐
  10. 奶牛娘下面的 I prefer milk from a carton, not from a women or monsters tits.(窝选择盒子里的牛奶,而不是女性或魔物娘的咪咪里的) 下面对他的回复: You can't know if you didn't try.(如果你不试试,你怎么知道呢) Also your milk from a carton come from a cow tits actually.(并且很显然,盒子里的牛奶也是来自奶牛的Mamma) Why? Even if the taste is the same, the packaging is much more pleasing.(为啥呢,即使味道一样,包装过的不是更好吗?) Actually Timjer it doesn't. The milk you drink from a carton is heavily processed and altered with much the components that was originally in the milk removed so that it can be used to make cheeses, cream, and the like. Milk straight from the breast tastes completely different.(回复上一条的Timjer的评论,纸盒里中的牛奶经过大量加工和成分变化,鲜榨牛奶中被去除了很多成分,因此可以用来制作奶酪,奶油等。直接从乳房挤出的牛奶味道完全不同。) 所以乃们知不知道鲜榨奶和盒装奶的区别呢?
  11. 好想能无限水贴快速穿越啊,为啥不让水呢
  12. 问题是一直没人回复啊,我只能自己顶上去啊,要不再开个号?
  13. 突然想到的问题,终结者在魔物娘世界的情况。首先,终结者是披着人皮的机器人,没有感情,但是是有欧金金的,也就是不会娘化。所以,会是个什么情况呢?
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