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史莱姆勇者【哪个勇者不是从史莱姆打起】 (1/9)

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  1. 文明5 策略类游戏里感觉比较好的一个作品
  2. {:7_504:}{:7_504:}{:7_504:}当时玩虫心的时候 要求还是必须买了自由之翼的
  3. 求解 星际2新资料片 有确定什么时候出吗 之前一直都在说消息会在嘉年华放出的
  4. Civilization Beyond Earth (PC DVD) with Exoplanets Map Pack DLC by 2K Games Platform: Windows 7 / 98 / 2000 / XP / Me | Rated: Ages 12 and Over Price: £26.99 & FREE Delivery in the UK. Details Pre-order Price Guarantee. Learn more. This item will be released on October 24, 2014. Pre-order now. Dispatched from and sold by Amazon. Gift-wrap available. Seed the Adventure: Establish your cultural identity by choosing one of eight different expedition sponsors, each with its own leader and unique gameplay benefits. Assemble your spacecraft, cargo & colonists through a series of choices that directly seed the starting conditions when arriving at the new planet. Colonize an Alien World: Explore the dangers and benefits of a new planet filled with dangerous terrain, mystical resources, and hostile life forms unlike those of Earth. Build outposts, unearth ancient alien relics, tame new forms of life, develop flourishing cities and establish trade routes to create prosperity for your people. Technology Web: To reflect progress forward into an uncertain future, technology advancement occurs through a series of nonlinear choices that affect the development of mankind. The technology web is organized around three broad themes, each with a distinct victory condition. Quest System: Quests are injected with fiction about the planet, and help to guide you through a series of side-missions that will aid in resource collection, unit upgrades, and advancement through the game. Orbital Layer: Build and deploy advanced military, economic and scientific satellites that provide strategic offensive, defensive and support capabilities from orbit. Unit Customization: Unlock different upgrades through the tech web and customize your units to reflect your play style. Multiplayer: Up to 8 players can compete for dominance of a new alien world. Mod support: Robust mod support allows you to customize and extend your game experience. 由于LZ人在英国 所以这条消息是在英国亚马逊网站上看到的 大概意思就是 10月24号发售 会有新的游戏体验等等 经历了五代努力 文明中的人类终于走出地球了么{:5_225:} 话说LZ还是很想知道beyond earth 里面外星人是如何设定的~
  5. 只玩过PC版 全程用手柄玩的 感觉还可以接受 另外只想说 我也想要一个主角那样的手机有木有!!
  6. 话说本人是个单机游戏爱好者 各种单机游戏都有接触 自从两个月前换了笔记本之后 WIN8系统就开始不断挑战我的底线 过去很多单机都不支持win8系统 文明系列 我的最爱啊啊 还有COD系列 在我的电脑上都是运行不能 总之给广大游戏爱好者一个忠告 想愉快的玩耍 还是先老老实实用WIN7/XP吧 等过两年WIN8完全成熟之后再换系统不迟!
  7. B神老大不小的也到了退役的时候了 职业玩家的必然选择吧 不过凭着dota界的名声 后面应该也能过得风生水起吧
  8. 好带感的游戏~ 谢谢分享 一直对恐怖猎奇类游戏很感兴趣的
  9. 国产网游没关注过 …… 总觉得质量堪忧
  10. 彻夜观战TI4的路过 DK被淘汰的时候非常难过 B神可能之后就要退役了 还有mushi等等 没有在TI夺冠真的是一大憾事
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