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史莱姆勇者【哪个勇者不是从史莱姆打起】 (1/9)

  1. 如题,求助!当年我年少无知,有复制来回复,结果被管理员把我的汁液弄成-7了。。{:7_511:} 那东东是用来做什么的??求解
  2. 我也不是很清楚、、我只是靠着天天签到来换节操。。。
  3. i did use the magic word 'anime' in my 'little paragraph', do me a favour, next time keep ur eyes open while reading it. Also, only red necks from North America use the term 'elementary school'. In that case, i dont give a fuck. Last time i checked the language, it's still 'English', not 'the language of douchebag Americans'. its funny that a guy like u jump out of nowhere and talking about me like you f*cking know me. Dont take it too personal, bro. The whole reply came from Google traslation. So, fuck u and have a nice day. Ciao
  4. 版主大人,我翻译成中文了,请您岳母。打错了,是悦目
  5. 那我多发几张吓吓你{:7_503:}{:7_503:}{:7_503:}{:7_503:}{:7_503:}
  6. 进后宫是不是要切掉本屌的屌。。。。{:6_400:}
  7. 本人看到新手报到需要300字的时候,顿时愁眉不展,心如刀绞,撕心裂肺。看到别人有的分享经验,有的作诗吟词,貌似越是独特,被人给节操的概率越大哦!!!本屌身为节。。。。操之王, 那是当仁不让了。{:6_401:}于是乎本屌绞尽脑汁,决定写一篇英文版的报道,huehue. {:6_391:} Hello everyone,ladies and 乡亲们.{:6_384:} My name is shixinfeng. How are you? Im fine thank you and you? I am fine too! Now, I am gonna talk about why i am here and what makes SS Aliance (也不知道本网站英文是不是叫这个。。{:6_402:})stands out. Personally, as a healthy man, i am a big fan of Hentai /RPG type of games. i have played those old school Japanese RPG games since i was in Grade 5, primary school. But as I am not much of an anime fan myself, I might not be able to enjoy Hentai games as much as those who have watched the animations. so, what really makes this website stand out? all in all, because of those God Level Game translators. Big thanks to them, you've made my day. {:6_365:}BTW, the game i am looking forward to play is called : 平行的幻想曲IF. alright, it seems l have written more than 300 words!!! big thanks to all and stay awesome!{:6_360:} 新手报到V1.5(汉化试玩版): 汉化作者:shixinfeng 大家好, 孤乃是shixinfeng. {:7_503:}众爱卿可好? 现在本屌要说说为啥子来到这里,为啥子咱SS同盟这么好!{:6_390:}首先,朕作为一名生理健康的屌丝,十分欣赏和喜爱日本大型爱情动作类之角色扮演游戏!不才,在下从小学五年级就开始玩咯{:7_503:}。但是小弟不咋看动画片,于是乎那些同人游戏的背景知之甚少也。。。未完待续,下周六晚,我们不见不散 此文的汉化工作日程: 8月18号 11: 10 0% 今天我要开始做这篇文章的汉化工作了!好开心哦,像吃了小苹果,感觉自己萌萌哒 8月18号 11:15 35% 最近工作比较忙,翻译进展不是很顺利 8月18号 11: 18 最近期末考试,天天图书馆,没时间翻译,大家要有耐心 8月18号 11:21 60% 工作量好大啊,弃坑了。。。谁要是想接就联系我吧
  8. 你这个大亮啊楼主,哈哈哈哈哈哈
  9. 因为本人是新手,所以根本进不去下载页面,求求哪位好心人把这个汉化的传给我吧!!就是2位女主角的那个。最早一位女主角的那个我已经有了
  10. 我上次因为复制粘贴被罚的现在已经什么也不省了。。。唉
  11. 不清楚,可能是网速不太好吧。。。。
  12. 我的ID:shixinfeng 二次元的设定:抠脚大汉 三次元的设定:抠脚大汉 我是如何来到SS大陆的:D吧传送门 我的爱好是什么:舔脚 我是为了什么来到SS同盟:找个脚比较香的女王大人 我有什么想对SS同盟说的:腋不臭何以抽新人 脚不香何以向女王(好湿好湿啊) 如果窝被毒菜斑竹砍了 请大家不要悲伤不要哭泣不要愤怒不要复仇 你们要相信SS总会迎来氏王目田的那一天 作大死明着来
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