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  1. 是阿~ 超佩服他們哪來的耐心 光是想到那麼多個方塊無限循環就快暈了{:7_536:}
  2. 對哩 你可以網上搜搜看Minecraft 後面掛你校名 說不定找得著呢{:7_532:}
  3. 太神了 作的超美的啦!!! 星際2的凱莉跟重現 有美到{:7_536:} 近日一名国外玩家Thorlar Thorlarian 利用《我的世界Minecraft》画出Blizzard 于2010 年举办的BlizzCon 主宣传图。 Thorlar Thorlarian 先前展开一项慈善募资计画,他花费超过1,000 小时,并利用Twitch 直播说明此次计画是为了帮助学生。这次的计画中,他利用超过《我的世界Minecraft》112 万砖块打造Blizzard 美术图,同时募得约$3,500 美金给Make-A-Wish Ireland 慈善机构。 http://www.nieyou.com/img/2.php?p=http://i1.tietuku.com/d6106db2310b7d39.jpg[/img] http://www.nieyou.com/img/2.php?p=http://i1.tietuku.com/e6328a86643ea81c.jpg[/img]http://www.nieyou.com/img/2.php?p=http://i1.tietuku.com/7a4df4f59d1d7d8a.jpg[/img] [media=x,500,375] [/media]
  4. 自由度高是好事 代表能綁住玩家更多的時間阿 更能加入多元的玩法 嘗試 但別故此失彼 主線劇情兩光交待 就很要不得了呢~{:7_512:}
  5. 崔西感人的感覺就像....sm女王壓 招式也是華麗的不行....我要當怪啊!!{:7_511:}
  6. 是說今年好多pcgame都邀邱配置提高壓 真的換電腦的頻率變高了不少 {:7_512:}
  7. 是說科羅拉多州戲院 首映被楓子開槍掃射的嘛!? 不是友捐3000w幫忙了 話說這不 他們的事吧....一切都是瘋子惹的禍{:7_531:}
  8. 由於一聯串卡卡風波 終於出來澄清了 至於阿卡汉騎士就是阿卡姆騎士 翻譯問題而已{:7_508:} “蝙蝠侠:阿卡汉骑士”游戏发行商华纳兄弟(华纳兄弟)今(25)日宣布,PC版因游戏体验问题将暂时停售。 “蝙蝠侠:阿卡汉骑士”已于日前在PS4的Xbox一个PC以及平台上市,然而PC版本因遊戲性能等問題,導致玩家無法擁有順暢的遊戲體驗。發行商對於遭遇此問題的玩家感到抱歉,並發表个人计算机版停售道歉聲明:「我們非常慎重的看待遊戲體驗的狀況,因此決定將暫時停止PC版本的贩售,直到我们尽快解决这个问题,并达到品质的标准。」 而针对已购买PC版本,發行商表示,希望玩家可以耐心等待,我們會將這個問題解決,若仍想要退貨,我們也會退款給玩家;無論玩家是透過蒸汽或是零售商购买游戏。 公司原文: Dear Batman: Arkham Knight PC owners, We want to apologize to those of you who are experiencing performance issues with Batman: Arkham Knight on PC. We take these issues very seriously and have therefore decided to suspend future game sales of the PC version while we work to address these issues to satisfy our quality standards. We greatly value our customers and know that while there are a significant amount of players who are enjoying the game on PC, we want to do whatever we can to make the experience better for PC players overall. Thank you to those players who have already given valuable feedback. We are continuously monitoring all threads posted in the Official Batman: Arkham Knight Community and Steam forums, as well as any issues logged with our Customer Support (support.wbgames.com). If you purchased your copy of the game and are not satisfied with your experience, then we ask for your patience while these issues are resolved. If desired, you can request a refund at help.steampowered.com (Steam refund policies can be found here: http://store.steampowered.com/steam_refunds) or the retail location where you purchased the game. The Batman: Arkham fans have continually supported the franchise to its current height of success, and we want to thank you for your patience as we work to deliver an updated version of Batman: Arkham Knight on PC so you can all enjoy the final chapter of the Batman: Arkham series as it was meant to be played.
  9. 2沒玩過 估計也回不去了遊戲節奏太慢了{:7_501:}
  10. 聲音很棒 抑揚頓挫也標準!! 那....厄....哈哈{:7_536:} 期待你的短歌行!!
  11. 胡歌大貓的逍遙嘆~ 清新的一首歌 很不錯喔!! 唱的不賴 就尾音不太夠 多有氧運動{:7_536:}
  12. 事呢~ 最後一作3通了2次主要是糾結職業問題 哈哈 轉職控{:7_532:}
  13. PS4的消息好多啊!! 光是那一小段30S左右的ff7重製希望 就很值了{:7_470:}
  14. 理論上 只要有影像雙向傳輸的接頭就可以 只是 好詭異的感覺{:7_481:}
  15. 日本買似乎比較便宜些 設定的跟電腦轉區差不多吧~{:7_468:}
  16. PS的遊戲好難找了阿 當年有玩過 只是沒通@@ 倒是還有ps2 2的片子
  17. 有玩過一下子 就是覺得不太像ARPG 打怪感覺卡卡的 沒能堅持下去{:7_496:} 要再怪面前才能....打
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