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史莱姆勇者【哪个勇者不是从史莱姆打起】 (1/9)

  1. 中国人维森么要过万圣节,果然是人吃饱了就要做些事情吧
  2. 他们都说有个60天的限制,我想成为初级依然还要等待吧
  3. 走远了啊,感觉回不去了,怎么办啊,还是放弃爱吧
  4. 那个,好好学习吧,多学点知识,只是找资源找到这里的话,以后也可以学习学习做点贡献什么的
  5. 人太多就太水了,干活的人少,白吃的人多
  6. 没事闲的设置一大堆条条框框,也是,现在是自由的社会,我们有乱回帖的自由,他们就有乱设置规矩的自由,这里给我的感觉就是,爱玩就玩,不玩就滚
  7. congratulation, be happy about buying an anime. However, someone in this forum always blame me for whatever I said. I always receive a message telling me reject some rule
  8. So hard, maybe it is a way to protect itself but make it harder for a new guy to fall in love with ti
  9. CC(crade crack or something) girls may die in different way, some of scenes are very hentai. It seems to be low of H. May be I am a strange guy
  10. .......those who control the jifen make a hard way for themselves
  11. I like blood flow everywhere, and I also like girl with gold color hair
  12. it is a quite funny anime and it make people laugh and feel easy. It gives us a feeling that 'Oh, she is just like me,hah'
  13. hero will always win, the anime whose hero died can be regard as great anime, such as 叛逆的鲁鲁修
  14. ehentai used to be my favorite website, however, it can not work because my school ban its by some way this days. 琉璃神社 sometimes give some book however it seems not very good. Nowadays i recommend the http://www.8muses.com/. It contains some European type book, and I specially suggest the http://www.8muses.com/album/fansadox-comics/301-400
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