theredeye 发布于十月 31, 2013 分享 发布于十月 31, 2013 [backcolor=white]資料來源:密技QA網 另有其他翻譯版本,請看置頂回覆 其實昨天晚上就看到了…想說如果沒人翻譯的話就自己翻吧…結果有人翻…萬歲… [/backcolor][backcolor=white]◎【第一手】設計師談S4野區變動規畫![/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor] [backcolor=white] 說好的S4野區變動目前設計師已經有初步規劃了。在變動之後,玩家們不但可以更自由的變化JG路線,也可以靠農野來賺到經濟,甚至給予線上不同程度的壓力變化。[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]【目前S3的JG】[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]1、JG通常在早期都非常強勢,但是很多人拖到中期卻變成了輔助的作用而已。[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]2、JG常常沒有野怪可以打,因為線上英雄會偷獵野區怪物(三狼、四鬼)。[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]3、JG英雄如果可以越早GANK的類型,會比其他類型更獲得青睞。[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]4、早期落後的JG很難可以在遊戲中扳回來。[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor] [backcolor=white] 為什麼會發生以上的事情呢?[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]◆1.野區怪物設定不好◆[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor] [backcolor=white] 在遊戲初期,野區怪物比小兵的經驗和金幣要來得更多,但是在隨著遊戲進行所得會比線上小兵還少。因此Carry JG並不能透過只農野怪來成長,如果JG想要有和線上英雄相當的金幣和經驗,他們必須要到線上去偷農或者多次GANK成功。[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]◆2.農兵和GANK的平衡設定不夠好◆[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor] [backcolor=white] 在早期野區中並沒有提供足夠的獎勵給予和GANK一樣的價值。並且有些英雄不但可以保持GANK壓力還可以快速清野。[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]◆3.讓野給AP或AD◆[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor] [backcolor=white] 在S3中,不管AP或AD在什麼位置,幾乎都會將經濟盡可能的讓給他們。這讓讓野的狀況非常明顯,也導致JG和AD、AP相比有很誇張的經濟差距。[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]【S4新變動目標】[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] 因此我們新賽季(S4)將會有以下的這些目標:[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]◆1.在野區更具有靈活性◆[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor] [backcolor=white] 我們希望JG在野區裡面有更多的打法。JG有更多的變化性可以選擇JG路線,而根據不同英雄有不同路線的變化。[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]◆2.更多資源◆[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor] [backcolor=white] JG可以在野區裡面獲得金幣和經驗可以類似線上英雄,並且用來抵銷一些壓力並且放棄GANK也可以得到經濟。農野和GANK都是遊戲可行的種類,要選出一套適合自己的優缺點。[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]◆3.有更多的反野機制◆[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] 玩家們可以有更多的機會可以用來在JG落後還可以扳回一城的機會。[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]【S4野區變動重點】[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor] [backcolor=white] 下面是一些S4野區即將變化的重點。[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]◆1.在藍BUFF和三狼區會有一群新的野怪◆[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor] [backcolor=white] 我們透過新增新的野怪群,讓JG可以有更多的資源和多樣化的JG路線。額外的野群讓JG可以進一步的考量GANK和農野之間的平衡,因為要清光野外更有挑戰性。此外,多了一群野怪讓我們在調整單體攻擊的JG技能上有很大的幫助。而額外的野群野讓雙方陣營在藍紫方更加的平衡。[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]◆2.野怪等級將會隨英雄等級提升◆[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor] [backcolor=white] 當每次也怪重生,他們就會提升等級。並且野怪等級會和全體的英雄平均等級有關。JG殺了等級比較高的野怪經驗也相對的會提升。[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor] [backcolor=white] 透過加入動態成長和不同獎勵的野怪讓JG可以只在野區農兵成為一個可行的選擇。不同的獎勵方式可以讓JG在落後的時候也可以有機會再度崛起,而不像以前完全一蹶不振。當然也可以避免被線上隊友偷獵野怪的習慣。[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]◆3.更多的經濟獲得選擇◆[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor] [backcolor=white] 目前還沒有具體的細節,但是我們正想要在JG的荷包裏面多塞一點錢。我們也正想要把一些額外的收入來源加進去,例如特殊的打野裝備來幫助打野收入的提升。[/backcolor] 補上原翻譯沒有翻的部份:翻譯完成,請見沙發 As usual, I'll be adding more information here as it becomes available! Smite When asked if Smite was getting any changes, he noted: " Smite has half cooldown and deals less damage early" Monster Scaling To clarify, he commented: "This only works like that when they are massively behind. The bonuses scale with how much behind you are" He also noted that monsters will no longer scale over time: "We are doing away with the time scaling, monsters will only scale with level now." He continued, saying: "The level scaling will take into account AVERAGE level of champions in the game, so people who are lower level gain more from killing monsters in the jungle compared to higher level" As for how this scaling will play into ganking early vs just farming, Solcrushed commented: "1) If you get an efficient gank, you will still have an edge as should be. (It is a risky move) 2) If you waste time ganking, the enemy jungler will be ahead as he has more resources to farm and monsters only adjust their level when they spawn" He continuedto comment on the new scaling, noting the scaling is non-linear "The level scaling for monsters in non-linear, early levels will not change their strength that much" He reiterated: "The exp rewards will scale down as you get closer to the monster's level. So while the enemy jungler will catch up quickly to 6 or so his catch up speed will be reduced dramatically as he draws closer" He continued: "Characters who are behind in level to monsters gain more rewards from killing the monster. Jungle monster scaling is also set up so that the first few levels do not grant much stat increases. There is a very big gap between 'first advantage wins the game' and 'early advantages don't matter'. Our game even with these changes are very far away from the latter." New Camp What is it? "For now it is a big bad red Wraith. Hopefully we will be able to make it awesome later on" He continued: "The new camp is a single monster who hits really hard. Since we now have camps that consist of 1, 2, 3, 4 monsters it is easier for us to adjust the balance between single target and AOE since you now have enough camps to choose your route, opposed to before where we had to adjust the entire jungle since skipping a camp was much less viable" New Items What are they? "An introduction to jungle items without going into specifics Wriggle's Lantern Now the item for farming junglers, grants very bad combat stats but gives a very big increase in gold from jungle monsters Spirit of the Ancient Golem Now intended for support junglers who will move with the team more than farm the jungle. Allows you to 'bank' the gold bonus for a little bit of time which you can cash in by killing jungle monsters. Spirit of the Elder Lizard More focused toward early-mid teamfights and objective control, will grant gold on champions deaths and Dragon/baron Spirit of the Spectral Wraith Now intended to help mage junglers who are hurt by not having blue buff and needing to spend too much resources to clear jungle mid-late game. Will give Health and Mana back equal to a % of spell damage you deal to monsters. (Vlad and co. will still have their selfish spellvamp item - it just won't be Spirit Wraith)" General / Other When asked "how will this change [insert jungler here]?", he replied: "We will need to balance junglers again once the changes have shaken out." When asked about tank junglers, he noted: "We will need to make sure they do not fall behind too easily. If it becomes a problem we can make them jungle better mid-late game or introduce an item for those characters." 链接到点评
theredeye 发布于十月 31, 2013 作者 分享 发布于十月 31, 2013 重擊 傷害減半,並且cd減少。 怪獸成長:(怪物的等級取決於場面英雄的平均等級,打死比你高等級的怪物會額外給獎金) 這個機制只對大幅落後的情形有影響,額外獎勵與你有多大等級落後有關。 怪物不再受時間的影響成長,只受重生時的英雄平均等級影響。 所以相較於高等級的英雄,低等級的英雄將獲得更多 關於gank與農的比較: 如果你進行一次有效的gank,你還是會得到你應得的領先,因為選擇gank是有風險的。 但如果你浪費時間在gank,那對方的 JG 將會取得更多領先,因為他回從農怪中得到更多資源,並且怪物的成長與他們何時重生有關。 有點值得注意的,成長是非線性的。遊戲的早期,他們的能力成長較小。 如果你的等級與怪物等級接近,那你所獲得的經驗獎勵將會漸漸變少。所以當對手當對手的JG快速的上六或是其他的等級,他追上的速度將會急速的下降。 落後的玩家將會獲得更多殺野的金錢獎勵。野怪得成長設計,讓他們前幾個等級的時候並成長的屬性很低。 在「先領先必勝」與「先領先無關緊要」兩者間有著巨大的鴻溝,我們這樣的改變還遠遠稱不上後者。 新野怪 他目前還是一隻巨大的紅幽靈。希望我們以後能弄個更棒的。 新的野怪將是一隻單獨的野怪,並且打人很痛。 那我們就有了包含1到4隻野怪的組合,我也就更容易調整單體傷害的英雄與範圍傷害的英雄間的平衡,因為你們有足夠充分的路徑組合。相對於過去,我們只能調整整個野區,因為跳過一個營地是非常沒有效率的。 新物品 大致的打野物品介紹。不涉及細節。 瑞格之燈 現在是給農夫JG的物品。有非常差勁的戰鬥屬性,但給予非常高的打野額外收入。 遠古戰魂 現在是給那些輔助形JG,此所謂輔助,是指相對多的時間與團隊一起,而不是農野。允許你窖藏部份的額外獎金一小段時間,當你殺野怪的時候領取。 蜥蜴長老戰魂 現在設計偏向早中期的團戰與物件控制。會在英雄死亡(估計應該是助攻or擊殺)與收大小龍時給予額外獎金。 亡靈戰魂 現在是給法師JG,特別是給那些因為沒能拿到藍而花費太多資源在中後期清野的時候。會在對野怪造成傷害依比例回血回魔。血魔(vlad?)還有科加斯(co.?)還是會有他們的吸血道具。但是不會是亡靈戰魂。 一般通用 當問及:你們將如何改變JG英雄? 他回答:當我們處理好這些變動時,我們需要重新再平衡這些JG英雄 ---------廢話------------- 問及坦職JG。他回答: 我們必須確定他們不會輕易的落後。如果這變成一個問題,我們會讓他們在中後期野的更好,或是為他們設計一個新的道具。 链接到点评
theredeye 发布于十月 31, 2013 作者 分享 发布于十月 31, 2013 雪落花开 发表于 2013-10-31 19:09 第三赛季野区 打野英雄在前期非常强大,但在中期时,大部分都被迫转成更偏辅助型的角色了。 這兩篇是一樣的東西 該給的細節都有給了,所以沒啥整合的必要吧? 就是我是繁體,所以你們那邊的用詞我不是很熟…來這裡po是本著回饋社區的態度幹得… 英翻純粹當最英語練習… 链接到点评
theredeye 发布于十月 31, 2013 作者 分享 发布于十月 31, 2013 雪落花开 发表于 2013-11-1 02:00 主要是两边的用词不是很一致,我的意思是可以考虑把这个简体版的也放在帖子里可能会方便更多人看的更明白 ... 喔,這個問題阿 我把你的文章置頂了… 應該這樣就ok了 链接到点评