
S4 Soraka_OVERRIDE 輔助與視野的Q&A 翻譯完成









Tonight's red post collection features a Meddler commenting on Soraka and the upcoming support scaling, a Q&A round up for the preseason vision and support changes, clarification on the 3.13 Thresh changes, a look at the live art demo of a Nami skin (disclaimer: no guarantee it will be made ) based on the legend of Iara, and some nifty Sivir sculpt videos from Grumpy Monkey!


Continue reading for more information!


Recent News Reminder

Before we jump in the new stuff, I just want to drop off links to a few of the recent news articles. We've had a lot of news & content roll out in a very short time and a lot of these articles have been updated with new information or discussion since their initial posting.


  • The Harrowing is upon us!
  • Sivir Relaunch
  • Rammus Texture Update
  • Preseason changes to the Jungle
  • Nasus Visual Update Reveal


For a brief time after the 3.13 server maint, Soraka was showing up in the store as "Soraka_OVERRIDE".

Meddler commented on this, saying:

"Whoops, thanks for the catch.


For anyone curious 'Override' is a label we add to internal copies of champions we're testing out changes on, to distinguish them from the existing verison. In this case someone (me) forgot to change the name back when copying some of the changes over to the normal version."

When asked for a preview of what the changes might be, he commented:

"We're adjusting ability scaling on a number of supports in tandem with the changes to support income coming soon. This generally translates to scaling utility (e.g. AP adds additional speed to allies with Lulu's W or additional armor to allies with Soraka's W) and less raw damage. The idea here is that supports get stronger at the things they're picked for in the first place (utility/team benefit effects), in contrast to other champions you could also now run in a duo lane who primarily scale their damage only (Annie for example). The goal there's to avoid having either category of non farming duo laner outshadow the other, with both having strong advantages and therefore an interesting choice about what you want to pick, both in terms of laning phase and contribution late game (when the scaling really matters).


Worth noting that, as this will be a sizable set of changes, exact balance probably won't be perfect at first. Some champions will likely be a bit strong, others a bit weak and that's very much something we'll be working on, both on the PBE and in follow up patches. Feedback on power's very welcome, key thing first though is defining what supports should get better at with which items."

Preseason Q&A Round Up - Vision and Supports

For those who haven't been able to keep up with all the recent preseason discussion, Riot Pwyff has prepared a Q&A round up on the preseason vision and support changes.

"Hey Summoners,

It's time for a roundup of our preseason communications! We've been collecting your questions from around the globe to shed some more light on our upcoming preseason changes. Keep in mind that during this time our specific changes are still being worked on, but the core philosophies for this new preseason will remain about the same.

If you haven't had the chance to check out our recent preseason posts, this global roundup covers our biggest questions on:

  • Vision

  • Supports

We've cleaned up some questions to make them more concise, but we've given a little hat tip to the players around the world who asked questions. Let's get on with it!


Q: Can you explain how many trinkets we can have at the same time, and how do they recharge? (HecasTrinityForce / sdgaysian)

You can only have one trinket in your inventory and they recharge naturally over time like other on-use items. We are currently experimenting with swapping trinkets, where trading out your trinket will put your new trinket on a significant cooldown, like two or three minutes.

Q: How does the Sweeper trinket work? Does it reveal stealthed champions? (Nuclear Dragon / Dereoo)

Currently we're experimenting with only allowing the sweeper trinket to detect invisible champions at maximum level. At lower levels, the sweeper trinket
does not
detect invisible champions - only invisible wards and devices. In addition to revealing invisible wards and devices, the sweeper trinket will also disable them for a short period of time.

What it will reveal / disable: Teemo's Noxious Trap, Shaco's Jack in the Box

What it will not reveal / disable: Akali, visible traps (like Caitlyn Traps or Nidalee Traps)

Wards and Ward Functionality

Q: Ward Limits: are supports who focus specifically on "lighting up" the map being punished in the preseason?

The meta strategy of forcing a single player to take full responsibility for vision is not worth the cost to the game anymore.

We know that this will have negative effects on strategies that revolve around "lighting up" the map with wards, but the cost to the game of further supporting this style is harmful to the power level and design of support players and team coordination.

Q: Will we be able to hold more wards in our inventory, even if the map limit is 3 and 1? (Sweetbubalekh)

We're currently working on this! Right now you can have 5 wards or a Sightstone. If a ward gets killed, you can place a new one (or you can do it yourself to make them prematurely expire). Trinket wards are cooldown controlled!

Q: How does Sightstone operate in conjunction with ward limits?

Wards placed by Sightstone currently count toward your ward cap.

There's some scattered player / professional feedback in interest in being able to expand or extend your ward limit but, for the clarity of the initial system, we're still examining if it's a possibility we want to pursue.

Q: If a player buys a Sightstone, this means they won't have to buy a green ward in the entire game. (Sageoffire)

Correct! This is the intended result!

Other Vision-related questions:

Q: How will these vision changes (ward functionality, trinkets, etc) affect stealth champions like Evelynn?
worried about Evelynn's power skyrocketing, but it's something we're very aware of!

Q: What is the purpose of Oracle's in this new system?
Tentatively, we are testing an iteration of the game where Oracle Elixir does not exist but we'll be adding an upgrade to the sweeper relic that grants you true sight for a short duration.


Assist Streaks (now renamed to Assist Bonuses!):

Q: How will assist streaks work?

Assist streaks (as we initially called them) aren't anything like kill streaks, where they're lost if you die. Hence the renaming to something a little more clear, like assist bonuses! Anyway, if your assists are higher than your kills by 2 or more, you'll get additional gold per assist thereafter. You can't "end" an assist streak by dying and, if you get a kill but your assists remain much higher than your kills, you won't "ruin" your streak in any way.

Q: Is it possible for the game to "hype" up player assists? For example, we can add announcements like "Godlike" or "Rampage" in the game for assist streaks?

Probably not! The reason here has to do with how assist bonuses work. Ultimately there's nothing the enemy team can do about a player accumulating assists bonuses, unless they try to feed them kills to ruin their assist bonus ratio, but then they've got other problems to deal with and the support will have a lot more gold to make up for losing their assist bonus.

Stronger Supports & Support Utility Scaling with Ability Power

Q: Will this affect some supports that like to be played in the mid lane? Some examples are Janna or Lulu that are played as mages in the mid lane, in addition to supporting in bot lane. (SoraNoChinchira)

Yes, but you're going to be out-supporting your opponent's mid laner with your new AP gains - not just bursting people down with more damage. This is a careful tuning point that we're keeping a close eye on - these champions are protectors, not just bursty mages with heals and shields!

Q: How are you going to prevent supports from only buying selfish items with their new gold income?

While we don't want to force players to buy any specific items (remember, it's all about reacting to the enemy team and building accordingly), a lot of support gold is tied in with masteries and specific items that build out into support-focused itemization. That said, with our new AP utility scaling for support-oriented champions (Soraka, Lulu, Janna, etc), these support champions will still benefit heavily in their utility, even if they're buying AP items (or should we say especially?). Ultimately the champions you're picking for their utility will scale better in utility as they gain more ability power.

Q: If we're increasing gold income on duo-lane support champions, won't high damage supports become the new hotness? (Neofederalist)

This is something we've been concerned about internally as well, and we're aggressively tuning to make sure we can keep the playing field equal. That said, we might not get it completely right out the door, but it's something we're committed to balancing.

Anecdotally, we've seen Leona experience much success with the new system, especially if she can pull ahead in a lane. One of the goals of this system change was to improve the viability of other supports. Now we're seeing Leona and J4 see more success as supports as they are rewarded more for generating early kills in the new system as opposed to the old. Once again, we'll be keeping a close eye on how they do in comparison to others.

One thing to keep in mind is that in order to reap the full benefits of the improved support gold generation, champions will need to invest heavily in the Utility tree. We did this as an intended check on, say, Pantheon or Rengar who might pick up a gold income item to zone out a lane before coming back with a substantial amount of gold.

We're continuing to test champions and "kill lanes" (two high damage champions going into a lane with the intent of shutting down their opponents) to see if the new items and the new gold flow for supports shifts things where certain aggressive kill lanes (like Panthon + Rengar) are just flat out better than a traditional support, which hasn't been the case in our testing so far.

Ultimately we want to increase the number of supports that are viable with these new systems, not invalidate the viability of traditional supports. If we're off-the-mark in our testing and find that traditional supports are falling behind, we'll step in and make modifications. At the end of the day, support role champions scaling their utility with ability power might not be an up-front impactful concept, but if you're choosing a champion for their utility, it makes sense that their utility powers will get even stronger over time!

Support Itemization

Q: Can I build multiple gold income items? (lm Krueger ml)

No, even if you fully build out your initial support income item you won't be able to start on another one.

Anecdotally, we originally did not have this limit. Then Madlife and H4ckerv2 came to the office and broke the game by having more gold than any other champion in the game when they min-maxed the the support items. So you can blame them.

Q: What about general items that upgrade from the three support items listed (Philosopher Stone, Kage's Pick, and Emblem of Valor)? (Yaddar)

Philosopher's Stone, Kage's Pick and Emblem of Valor have been removed as a component from all items in the game that do not grant alternate gold income. We've replaced those with components we felt were appropriate. For example, Will of the Ancients now builds from a Blasting Wand + Hextech Revolver!

Q: Is Executioner's Emblem an active? And is Executioner's Emblem meant to be a support item to assist lane-mates in last hitting, or is it an item that for dedicated farming champions might buy to enhance their support's gold? (Fgame)

Executioner's Emblem is an on-hit effect that triggers when you basic attack an enemy minion with an ally around. This is designed primarily to make it so that supports can help their lane-mates with last hitting, but marksmen or farm-oriented champions can also buy the item as a fallback in a lane to focus funneling gold into the support.

Q: What exactly happens when a support gets a last hit with the Executioner's Emblem trigger? (xBeezT)

When a support last hits with Executioner's Emblem, both he and his lane mate get the gold from the last hit. In fact, the lane mate gets a small bonus since he had to coordinate with the support!

Q: If I don't last hit minions with Executioner's Emblem, do I lose the bonus gold income? (Hullun)

If you take the Executioner's Emblem and never last hit, you will not provide bonus gold. Buying this item means you're opting into sharing the last hitting experience!

Q: Pickpocket and Spellthief's Blade seems to be heavily focused on ranged supports. How will you balance for melee supports? (Borigrad)

We will probably need to adjust items for melee supports, much as we did for Pickpocket. Melee supports in our lane tests have either won handily or have starved, so this is something we're keeping a very close eye on."


Riot Pwyff also answered several more questions in the ensuing comments.


When asked if Assist Streaks will be tied to a skill in the mastery tree, he replied:

"No, it's an underlying addition to the bounty system in general."

Elaborating on the support scaling and how it relates to support champions going mid, he commented:

"There's a few concerns - mostly surrounding the notion that even when a traditional support champion does go mid (Janna, Soraka), the amount of gameplay interaction they have with their opponent tends to be close to none. Janna is a good example here. The other thing is that if you pick a champion for their core utility but then just end up picking up piles of damage over time because you're building AP for additional utility, the feeling of "this champion is all about control" gets pushed to the way side in favor of an arms race - and then certain higher damage champions will simply outshine everyone else.


I think really pushing the divide between high utility champions (WITH MORE UTILITY) versus high damage champions is a better move here, as then we don't run into those concerns where higher damage champions simply become the go-to choice for lategame."

He also commented:

"I think we're not limited here in what we can do with utility scaling, but there are certain limitations for the sake of gameplay and clarity. Currently movement speed bonuses (Lulu shield) and statistical bonuses (Janna's AD bonus on shield) are the core focus for utility scaling. Nami's changes will be really interesting."

He also reminded:

"So we're not currently COMPLETELY removing AP ratios on these supports - they'll still do damage with more AP if they currently do that on live. That being said, Sona is an interesting balance between aura support / an incredible engage CC ult / high early damage with Hymn of Valor and Power Chord. I think we're looking to maintain some of that strong poke, but as you mention - once Sona gets some real items rolling she outputs incredible damage at late game with her current ratios. I think we can definitely hit a sweet spot here where your play style is possible but isn't overwhelming with easy access to items (see Sonas on ARAM)."

Clarification on 3.13 Thresh Changes

Patch 3.13 featured the following changes for Thresh:

  • Attack Speed per level increased to 3% (from 1%)
  • Thresh's basic attack wind up is reduced by 0.25% per 1% attack speed, rather than the standard 1%

CertainlyT commented on these changes, clearing up their intended purpose:

"...Allow me to clarify, because this is not a traditional change. Attack Speed traditionally reduces the time between attacks by compressing everything about the attack, including the animation (we call this the Wind Up). What Thresh now does is instead compress the time between one attack firing and the next ending by more than 100% of his attack speed, but the time that the animation plays by less than 100%. This means that he can now be given more attack speed without looking ridiculous.

In sum, this change:

Reduces Thresh's ability to kite/chase between basic attacks when he builds AS items;

Has little impact on his animation when not buying AS items due to the extra attack speed per level we granted him;


Increases his damage in stand and fight cases across the board."






-------------------------------寫在最前面,基本上,這些都是測試版的測試版…所有的數據平衡基本都是 口胡!!所以細節的數據不需要太在意,值得注意的是大致的方向,還有,這次我不是全部都逐字逐句翻譯------------------------------





[align=center]Soraka_OVERRIDE [/align]

前不久的pbe上,不小心釋出了內部測試版索拉卡…Soraka_OVERRIDE (其他略)




























[align=center]助殺獎金[/align]助殺機制(現重命名為助殺獎金)並不像事擊殺獎金一樣,會因為你的英雄陣亡而停止累計。如果你的助殺超過擊殺 2個或是以上,你會得到額外獎金/每個助攻。這個累計並不會因為角色的死亡或是擊殺(如果擊殺後,你的助攻仍比擊殺要多 2個以上),你仍不會停只累計。
















Executioner's Emblem 是一個 on-hit 裝備。當你對小兵普攻,而周圍有隊友時觸發。這是設計給輔助幫忙尾刀用的。但是射手與農夫向的英雄也可以買這個物品墊檔,並把錢持續漏給隊友。


當你身上有冷卻好的 Executioner's Emblem 並且尾兵的時候。你和你同線的夥伴都將從尾刀中拿到錢,事實上,你的隊友拿得比你多一點。


如果你身上帶著 Executioner's Emblem 但從不尾兵,那他將不會產生任何金流。


對於 Pickpocket 和 Spellthief's Blade,我們很有可能必須針對近戰輔助作調整,就像我們對天賦:「妙手空空」做的一樣。測試中近戰不是太肥,就是餓個半死,這是我們隨時都要密切注意的。


助殺獎金是否與天賦樹有關?不,這個助殺獎金系統是面向所有英雄的調整。也因此,有一些疑慮。多半與走中的輔助英雄有關,他們以及他們的對手在這個獎金收入上趨近於零。珍娜就是個好例子。另一個疑慮是,你原本是為了某個英雄的核心輔助能力而選他的,但最終卻改成選擇高傷英雄。因為你要堆積 AP 以強化輔助能力。那這個英雄就單單只是為了控制,並且被推線,最後某些高傷英雄將會壓倒其他所有英雄。



我認為我不需要在我們可以對他們的輔助能力的成長上做的改變上做任何限制。但是某些特定的限制是為了遊戲整體考量而做的。目前,加速(露露的盾)和累計強化(例如珍娜的盾的 AD 強化)是主要的輔助能力強化平衡的核心。娜米的變動將會非常的有趣。

所以我們目前並不是完全的將AP係數從這些角色中移除。按照現行版本,他們將會造成更多傷害。例如,索娜是個平衡起來很有趣的靈氣輔助與一個驚人的開戰控制大絕,和高初期傷害的角色。我們希望能夠保持一部分的強力 Poke,但就像你提到的,一旦索娜取得滿裝,依她現有的成長係數,她的攻擊力將會驚人的高。我們認為我們一定可以將平衡保持在你可以按你的風格完,但是不會具有壓倒性優勢之間。就像是索娜在ARAM的表現一樣。


[align=center]Thresh(燈籠) 3.13版[/align]




讓我解釋一下。因為這不是傳統的改變。攻速原本減少攻擊間的所有攻擊相關的東西,包含攻擊動畫本身(我們叫他Wind Up)。現在塞雷斯的狀況是代替原本壓縮一個攻擊開始到下個攻擊結束超過他的攻速,而是直接動畫少放一點。這代表我們可以給他更多攻速,而不會讓他看起來非常誇張。如果他不買攻速裝,這對他的影像會有些許影響,因為我們額外每級給他的攻速,以增加他站樁時的攻擊力。


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