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  1. 哎哟呵,小伙子,这个。。这个音色很别致嘛。
  2. 跟楼主不一样,我就喜欢点随机相貌,然后哈哈大笑或者见色起意,唉嗨嗨~~{:7_516:}
  3. 我倒是想要个滑稽什么的表情的~~哎嘿嘿,好萌好萌的。
  4. 我笑诚哥死得早。。诚哥笑我R的少。。(手动滑稽)
  5. 我有同感,现在看了看新的游戏,我也不想玩,我依旧玩着魂123和血源,偶尔上电脑打打DOTA2。
  6. 可能是因为开了90级了吧。。我身边也有不少回归DNF的。
  7. LZ声音好嫩啊,其实唱的还不错啦,就是BGM小了点,自己声音也小了点。{:7_499:}
  8. 同是天涯非洲人,来世不做黑皮肤,祝你每次大建出好船,不说了我去捞船。{:7_515:}
  9. 哦嚯嚯~看到小黄曲我就进来了,结果发现都听过。。{:7_503:}
  10. {:7_511:}这个世界由谁来承担?!反正我上我也行。不就是掉头吗!不就是被捅吗?!我胸口的JUMP 合订本已经饥渴难耐了!另外谢谢关心,我再试试趴在床上能不能睡着。。。=。={:7_536:}
  11. WHAT!!照这么说,诚哥还想上我啦?!(划){:7_534:} 非常感谢你的捧场,但是本人情况是酱紫的。。本来8点睡觉,现在结果醒了睡不着,就很烦,很蓝受。于是心血来潮就过来分享歌曲啦!
  12. JAZZ HIPHOP,一种小众音乐,自由随性又有些跳脱不羁。而今天我想给大家分享的就是日式JAZZ HIP HOP的luv sic系列中的part2.象征了爱的一首歌曲。 ——这——是——分——割——线—— Nujabes,这首歌一直带着的耀眼的标签,我身边不管是不是喜欢听JAZZ HIPHOP的朋友几乎都听过Luv(sic)系列,最让人难忘的也是Luv(sic) pt2 (Pt1~Pt5我最喜欢1,2,3,4 ,5=。=)。有些人听Nujabes天马行空的Beat,有些人听Shing02的flow,其实对听惯了Rap的我来说,Shing02的功底和很多主流说唱是差了很多的,甚至很多爵说艺人也能把它比下去,比如CL a.k.a Chotich,比如49ers,Nieve,Sucka free CJ等等多不胜数,但是现在还没有谁的作品能超过Luv(sic)系列在我心中的神作地位,我不是冲着Najubes的名气这么说,虽然这首歌因为Najubes的beat升高到了另一个境界,但是不论Shing02这首歌到底怎么Remix怎么搭,歌词永远是这首歌被称作神作的主要原因。 Shing02的歌词的韵脚很平淡,没有主流说唱那种华丽的文字技巧双押多押,没有什么punchline和厉害的wordplay,但是歌词Verse和Verse之间的对仗,前后呼应程度,特别是用英文原文来欣赏时,牛逼到了一定的境界。而Najubes这个Beat更是把Shing02写这首歌歌词时的情绪很完美的表达了出来,是越听越看就越有味道。这感觉难以表达,只有尽量准确的把歌词翻译出来让大家各自品味了。贴上两个不同的版本(原版和纯音背景版),音频音质略差,大家凑合凑合听吧=。= 原版在这里~~→[audio]http://mp3.haoduoge.com/s/2016-09-14/1473785869.mp3[/audio] 纯音版在这里~~→[audio]http://mp3.haoduoge.com/s/2016-09-14/1473785716.mp3[/audio] 另外附赠歌词: Once again, now where do I start, dear love 重逢于千万人之间,如何说竟一时语塞 Dumbstruck with the pure luck to find you here 幸运如我能与你相遇在此地此刻 Every morn' I awake from a cavernous night, 每天清晨阳光将虚无黑夜覆盖,我醒来 Sometimes still pondering the previous plight, 却从未敢忘却那曾经的誓约,吾爱 Seems life done changed long time no speak, 生活悄然改变 Nowadays I often forget the day of the week 而我也不再因今天星期几而挂念 Taking it by stride if you know what I mean, 跳入那时间的海去感受自由如果你懂我说的 No harm done, no offense taken by me 不会有什么坏处的,我并无恶意 So let's rap, we'll catch up to par, what's the haps? 所以来吧,让我们说说吧,我们就能更加理解彼此 Perhaps we're even closer now after all things considered on this side of the planet, 从诗词歌赋聊到人生哲学让我们更亲近些 Couldn't pick a better time even if we planned it! 哈,还有比这更好的时机吗? To come clean and candid if I have to 白马轻裘我摊开我所有 Oh what I wouldn't trade for your laughter 在我诗中融化的日月繁星 Sweet and sour spice in my poetry pot melting, 却依然不能换取 Even better than the real thing! 你一笑倾心 It's like the God in me saw the Devil in you 神性如我遇见恶魔如你 I wanted to break myself in the worst way when I met you 吞下鱼钩我自愿入网 Who would have thought, conversate by the river, celebrate birth, 谁曾想,在河边庆生的谈话 Sit and delivered the lines that would prove to be the seeds of trust 只是静静坐着两人互相递出信托 Unsigned, yeah but destined to grow with sunshine 未曾署名,但必定在阳光中生长 Self-assigned task piled on the desk of good works, 因爱的责任不断提升自己 Knowing hardship appreciate the best of both worlds! 才知克服困难才是彰显爱最好的方式! C'est la vie, as they say L.O.V.E evidently, see every song has a sequel 生活如是,当他们说出如此鲜明的爱,就像每首歌曲还 Never same, everything but the name, all fresh just like back then, how we do everyday 有续曲永远不同,但他们所有的名是爱,如此鲜活如同当初你我 C'est la vie, as they say L.O.V.E eloquently, see every dream has a part two 生活如是,当他们说出毫不迟疑的爱,就像每个梦总 Never same, you got to keep it tight, always just like back then, now hear me out... 有两面永远不同,那个梦想你该像当初那样紧握,就听我慢慢诉说 Once together, now where do we go, dear divine 再次相遇,我们又该前往何方?上苍 I pray that you keep watching over us, 只是卑微祈愿着您能将羊群守望 From the heavens where light is the nucleus 光从天堂中心向四周散发 To this space filled with darkness and negative matter 穿破黑暗抵挡将真理播洒 Anti-gravity pull is what I would rather feel when I leave this shell eventually 当上升力终将我从躯壳中抽离 Ties to the mother earth ground me mentally, 精神却仍然被大地所牵引 Real vibes will keep me alive spiritually 感受着一切,我与弦音融为一体,不破不灭 Imagination brings bliss at no cost, when I blink blink I receive at no loss 想象力如星辰跳跃,我将所有福祉收下分毫不差 Victory comes in small packages like a leaf of an olive tree brought back by a dove 那被紧紧包裹的胜利,如同白鸽从空中衔回的橄榄叶 【“到了晚上,鸽子回到他那里,嘴里叼着一个新拧下来的橄榄叶子“--《创世纪》8:11/这句私以为shing02是用来表达上帝对人之罪的宽恕和爱,而人也获得信仰和爱】 From above, then I'm gonna rhyme love, 我要为爱赋诗 Well you saw that one coming ever since the beginning of the end 哦,是的,当你看到那人最终走来坚如磐石一如开始 Well anyways, I am not a perfect being, yes I am a man full of S-I-N 哦,不,金无足赤,我带着自身的原罪从一开始 It's like the Devil in me saw the God in you, 恶魔如我遇见你如神祇 You epitomize the etymology of enthusiasm! 你是苏格拉底岩洞中的火炬(enthusiasm起源于古希腊语的entheo,字面意为“神在心中”,意为灵媒) Look it up there lies the clouds that form the rain 看呐,那些降落为雨的云 That came from the ocean that flowed from the river 是来自跋涉千里奔流入海的河流和小溪 I'm a believer, firm with the first words, lyrical transceiver of our ancient roots 当第一个词被说出,我就注定是那古老根源的传语者和信徒 Science plus Arts multiply by Faith,and divide by the number of our Ethnic Race! 科学和艺术由同一个信仰所缔结,却又因不同的种族而分裂! Let me mention what I've been thinking 让我来讲述我过去思路 How to save the children, when the ship is sinking 如何将孩子救助当我们失去救赎 So I'm singing, no lip syncing to slogans, 所以我开始歌唱将自己的声音发出,绝不是空喊口号和谐之路 Political hooligans with tanks, missiles and guns! 那些政治流氓用坦克导弹枪将我们捆绑 Everything is relative when it's all in the family of man, 时间变迁可血脉相连我们都是一家人! Understand the time has finally come to realize the great power of 1, 恍然大悟,吾神! All formulas equalize under the Sun, Amen! 一切标准在阳光下平等,阿门! The rhymes will heal 'cause I believe in music, 韵律能治愈一切,因为我坚信音乐 In times of need they won't be leaving you sick 他们会在你无助时给你关切 The beat plus the melody's the recipe, 节奏加上旋律就是解药 Your vibe surely brings out the best in me! 伯牙子期你我无需多言 The rhymes will heal 'cause I believe in music, 韵律能治愈一切,因为我坚信音乐 In times of need they won't be leaving you sick 我会在你无助时给你关切 The beat plus the melody's the recipe, 节奏加上旋律就是解药 All good souls lost may they rest in peace! 迷失故魂唯愿汝众安好 (repeat) Hiphop worldwide we got to live in peace, like that! hiphop无处不在,我们生活自由和睦 【彼此和睦(peace)──不敌视任何人 圣经新约哥林多後书13章11节:还有末了的话:愿弟兄们都喜乐。要作完全人;要受安慰;要同心合意;要彼此和睦(live in peace)。】 [audio]http://www.haoduoge.com/p392502.html[/audio]
  13. 我记得是仙剑奇侠传1,不对不对。。是金庸群侠传!啊。。。好像又是阿猫阿狗。。我晕了,反正这三个是我最早玩的PC游戏啦!{:11_652:}
  14. 这个跟日本舰娘是一家的么?还是代梨什么的啊?都叫舰娘。(本人不太懂,大家不要笑话我。。{:6_359:})
  15. 胃口不一样吧,我觉得美国末日的剧情,游戏性都还可以哟?!{:6_391:}
  16. 说实话现在的画面越来越好了,游戏性缺越来越少了。我还是希望,看到当年类似于《神之手》这样活力十足的游戏。可惜,四叶草解散咯。。{:6_392:}
  17. PSP上面的GALgame太多了。。动作类的又很少。。我买了之后发现里面的休闲游戏才是王道。。但是我想玩ACT啊!!ACT太少了!!{:6_393:}不过最近又完了FF零式,感觉不错,楼主去玩玩儿?!
  18. 楼主哟。。安全感和尊严从来没有跟体重挂钩也。。
  19. 为什么我看完了觉得自己很优秀可是还没有女朋友!!!{:11_653:}
  20. 问得好,但是这毫无意义,因为我也没有女朋友。。。{:6_388:}
  21. SS同盟竟然有此等美人,我还以为跟我一样都是抠脚大汉呢。。。{:6_363:}
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