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Dzero 发表于 2016-4-29 20:54


Once upon a time was there 很久以前

an old and lonely tree 有一棵孤独的老树

By him folks had come and gone 见证了多少繁衍兴亡,生生灭灭

And he was standing still 只剩他独自站立在荒凉的大地上

No carved names No dance and prayers Took his sorrows away 没有人为他刻名,为他舞蹈,为他祷告,带走他的悲伤

He dreamed to have all lives and hearts 他梦想有一天能拥有所有的生灵和情感

And own them all his own 紧握手中,永不放开

The children's laughter tears for joy 无论是孩子们的笑容或泪水

New born babys too 还是刚刚诞生的婴儿

Up he swallowed birds and beasts to fill his lonely soul 直到他吞下所有鸟儿和野兽来填满他空洞的灵魂

Now that he is all alone 于是万物归寂静

The old and lonely tree 只剩一颗孤独的老树

No more song is in the wind 吹来的风中再没有歌声

And the tree is standing still 只剩他独自站立在荒凉的大地上


Once uopn a time was there 很久以前

an old and lonely tree 有一棵孤独的老树

The clear and blue sky up above 清澈湛蓝的天空在春天飘落着

Shiny snowflakes,rain in spring 闪亮的雪花和绵绵细雨

And he was standing still 陆地上只有他孤身一人屹然不动

Could never ease his soul 再也无法抚慰他的灵魂

He dreamed to have the whole wide world 他梦想着能拥有广阔的世界

And own it all his own 私藏于此,不再分离

Oceans and mountains flowers in white 不论高山大海,洁白的鲜花

The sun,the moon and the stars 还是日月星辰

Even the shadows swallowed he to fill his empty soul 甚至他吞下了黑暗来填补他空虚的灵魂

Now that he is all alone 于是万物归寂静

The old and lonely tree 只剩一颗孤独的老树

no more day or night exists 就连白天夜晚也不复存在

And the tree is standing still 只剩他独自站立在荒凉的大地上



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