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堕神之冰海 发表的所有内容

  1. 见证什么奇迹? emmmm 大概就是点开我个人页面看看就知道的那种奇迹哦 顺便问一下↓ 这边所说的回复不大于200是说总回复还是在该区的回复数? 其实是重点↑
  2. 尼尔机械纪元的确不值得买正版 可这里就该停手不管尼尔了 因为不值得入正和不值得玩应该等同才对 不应该不值得入正就玩盗版 当然,是的,过去那么多盗版,将来也那么多盗版,所以能少则少。
  3. 新人吼啊 来不来玩steam游戏联机啊?
  4. emmmm 感觉岚少很帅 是的,很帅 非常的蛋疼啊
  5. 头疼,一时热一时不热 不光如此,屋里还不是很热 外面去热的飞起来,回家又不好开空调 气死我了
  6. 这几天是怎么了。 突然又热起来了,干哈啊 夏天早八百年过去了啊,害得我跑外勤还得一身汗
  7. 堕神之冰海接下了日常任务水怪的养成1
  8. 堕神之冰海接下了日常任务水怪的养成 任务链接:
  9. 昨天看瑞克和莫蒂看到了3点,修的我欲仙欲死 啊- -累死了
  10. 不论发布会多么天花乱坠我还是讨厌苹果的系统 非常讨厌 极度不习惯那种奇怪的系统 还是安心华为
  11. 从没用过iPhone 对于苹果发布会也木有啥了解 不喜欢那种系统
  12. 核子世界主题曲 还有dan bull 的you're special
  13. 感觉自己老了 岂可修 怎么能这么快就老呢,我还木有玩够呢
  14. 其实吧,新版旧版都好,关键还是在于卡不卡
  15. 只能说对lol没什么兴趣,如果是ow的话还会有点兴趣
  16. 好像。。。 不,我要减肥,并不能去看什么美食节目 rua
  17. 泰拉瑞亚 星界边境 辐射系列 巫师系列(巫师的自由度嘛。。。。)
  18. 樱桃味的可口可乐,emmm,我只能想道辐射里面的樱桃可乐,然而并不能想象出味道
  19. 分(快乐)享(任务)音(时光)乐 妈咪港标题要长~ 顺便么么哒坛娘 这首曲子的名字呢叫做《you’re special》 作者是Dan Bull 因为并不能贴上大容量的文件所以呢只能指个路,just click↓ 超究极之不要在意为什么来源会是这里的音乐链接 顺手贴一下歌词,是我从手机上慢慢手打下来的,不过半途上搜到了双语字幕的视频所以修改了一下我当时做的翻译 最后会贴上该视频地址 感觉对不起视频作者,我有些翻译不好的用了他的翻译 歌词:↓ Following total atomic annihilation 紧接着全面核战的落幕 it may fall to you to save the great nation 救国重担或将落在你的肩头 that's why Vault-tec have made extra preparation 这就是为啥避难所科技早已筹备应对 and are proud to present you a SPECIAL education 并自豪的为你送上“特别”的课程 regarding aptitude 关于天赋 you are an absolutely unique amalgamation of attributes 你是个毫无疑问的与众不同的全才 Now it‘s time to find out in which you excel 是时候找出你所长何物了 what makes you S.P.E.C.I.A.L? 是什么让你S.P.E.C.I.A.L? you're special! you're special! you're special! 你很“特别”!x3 OH so SPECIAL! 哦 狠“特别”! S.P.E.C.I.A.L 艾斯.皮.咦.西.爱.诶.唉咬 spells out that ,you're quite swell! 大声拼读,激情澎湃! STRENGTH! 力量! Supplies are sparse,so on seeing someting sweet 补给珍稀,若见宝贝躺地 be sure to scavenge,or starve 切记搜刮,否则饥荒临头 the stronger you aren't,the smaller the stack 肌肉越少少,背包越小小 of scrap,storage and snacks 只见废料,物资和小吃 that you can haul on your back 能背上身的没有多少 but do be sure to stay on track of numbers 不过一定要记得数数负重 or a savage could suddenly strike as you're over-encumbered 否则掠夺者就在你超重时候突然袭击 and should your special self have such a regrettable incident 若特别的你惹上了这大麻烦 you'd better get swinging ant suitable weapon or implement 你最好挥起合手的武器工具 PERCEPTION! 感知! post-nuclear places are pretty prearranged 战后废土虎视眈眈 to put you through your paces 准备试试你的深浅 pinpoint the parts of predators that plan to prey 瞄好这些想吃上一顿的怪物们 with the Vault-tec Assisted Targeting System 当然要在VAST的帮助之下 Hooray! 万岁! you may need to pickpocket 你也许需要掏掏别人口袋 pinching for your own protection 窃物自保 practicing your pilfering 熟能生巧 purloining to perfection 精益求精 if your preferential predilection‘s petty theft of peoples‘ possessions 如果你强烈的嗜好去小偷小摸 you‘ll be protected by perception 感知就是你的避难所 you're special! you're special! you're special! 你很“特别”!x3 OH so SPECIAL! 哦 狠“特别”! S.P.E.C.I.A.L 艾斯.皮.咦.西.爱.诶.唉咬 spells out that ,you're quite swell! 大声拼读,激情澎湃! ENDURANCE! 耐力! Epidemics are endemic everywhere 流行疾病到处肆虐 Infection,amputation,radiation,never rare 感染,截肢和辐射,稀松平常 End the negative effects,refresh your energy 灭绝病痛,恢复能量 by eating everything 化身贝爷 even extra limbs and enemies 啥都得吃 your belly's not ever empty 就你肚皮从来不空 there‘s endless entrées 只因处处皆是美食 Extend the length of time you exercise 锻炼要勤 eons,days 没日没夜 Escape encounters with louts and rowdy hooligans 不与粗鄙之人相交 or environment ensure you'll eventually be food again 亦不入刀俎之境地 CHARISMA! 魅力! [————] conquered this clean continent(必须消音啊,我消个音) and concomitantly corruption was the consequence(别找了这段我真的没翻译) As such,you must be confident, 所以,你当满怀信心 and cognizant of compliments 还要明察谗言 confirming that commercially you're consummately competent 让人知道你在生意场上可是一把手 Convert companions to confidantes 同伙计们都处成红颜知己 convincing them to change acuddly toy for cutlery and condiments 就拿着毛绒娃娃换来刀叉酱醋 swallow down countless cups of cocktails 开怀痛饮 and charm your way from harm ,chum 帅飞危险,老哥稳 combat curtailed 战斗已规避 you're special! you're special! you're special! 你很“特别”!x3 OH so SPECIAL! 哦 狠“特别”! S.P.E.C.I.A.L 艾斯.皮.咦.西.爱.诶.唉咬 spells out that ,you're quite swell! 大声拼读,激情澎湃! INTELLIGENCE! 智力! is idiocy inverted 愚蠢的反面 innate instinct 天性的本能 take information and interpret it 接受信息再解读 the inner intuition and initiative 内在直觉和主动 to implement inventive ideas 想出主意 to be inquisitive 善于发问 it is indicative of ingrained imagination 他是扎跟于脑海中的想象力 to take an inspiration and create an innovation 别出心裁,兴会神到 Insure against injury through investigation 记得确保做事先预备检查 because ignorance induces incapacitation 只因无知会送你大好性命 AGILITY! 敏捷! After all the aggro 大战之后 antagonist are all too available 歹人强盗,数不胜数 there's no ASBOs 全无法律 Accelerate your acts of accurate aim 加速行动,精确瞄准 and have any angry adversaries aptly aflame 揍得暴徒落花流水哭爹喊娘 Avoid adverse assaults from automatics 自要躲开正面猛攻 Avert or annul their action with acrobatics 又躲又阻灵巧行动 Agility!Amazing adaptability!Awesome! 敏捷!惊爆适应力!爽! What an absolutely ace ability! 简直是王牌能力! you're special! you're special! you're special! 你很“特别”!x3 OH so SPECIAL! 哦 狠“特别”! S.P.E.C.I.A.L 艾斯.皮.咦.西.爱.诶.唉咬 spells out that ,you're quite swell! 大声拼读,激情澎湃! LUCK! 幸运! The lady 女神 that lowers the likelihood of life's lotto's loss for the lazy 专职帮受庇护的懒鬼打点生活中的杂七杂八 When you're larking with lice 当你睁眼遇到虫 that are larger than life 还大过你两头 at least you‘ll have the lethal last laugh and the like 至少你会是笑到最后的那个人 The lie of the land's less than lavish and lovely 人们传言废土贫瘠荒凉 but when looking for loot you'll locate lots of luxury 你却发现处处都是宝藏 loads of little lowlifes leering at your luggage? 你说有不少臭虫垂涎你的宝物? A lone laddy's liable to let them learn what luck is 我们的神秘客有义务教教他们什么才叫幸运 Congratulations! 恭喜! You've passed the test 你通过了测试! Yes! 没错! From evertone at Vault-tec splendid work on your success 避难所科技的每一人都传颂你的成功 Give yourself a pat on the back 拍拍自己的后背 and maybe shake hands 或者握握自己的手 then perambulate into the haze of the wasteland 然后穿行于废土的迷雾之间吧 War,War never changes 战争,战争从不改变 look at the history book's torn up pages 该翻翻历史书的老旧书页了 ’cause when the dust settles after all out war 因为全面核战尘埃落定后 you‘ll be gald we taught you what to deal with fallout for 你会庆幸我们有教你怎么面对异尘的余生(辐射4) you're special! you're special! you're special! 你很“特别”!x3 OH so SPECIAL! 哦 狠“特别”! S.P.E.C.I.A.L 艾斯.皮.咦.西.爱.诶.唉咬 spells out that ,you're quite swell! 大声拼读,激情澎湃! That's you! 那就是你! you're special! you're special! you're special! 你很“特别”!x3 OH so SPECIAL! 哦 狠“特别”! S.P.E.C.I.A.L 艾斯.皮.咦.西.爱.诶.唉咬 spells out that ,you're quite swell! 大声拼读,激情澎湃! 歌曲到此结束 然后就是说好的感谢一下这个视频的作者 并且贴出视频地址 [Dan Bull] 《辐射4》 SPECIAL Rap (双语字幕)UP主:mantleinSisu Mission Compelet 没事俺不累
  20. 堕神之冰海接下了主线任务主线任务5:新手上路! 堕神之冰海接下了日常任务水怪的养成
  21. 讲道理,吃了700的老本我还是觉得我攒不动啊。 希望今天可以上50回复明天出个任务好了
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