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最后的赢家 发表的所有内容

  1. https://tupian.li/images/2023/01/23/63ce2eda8f40a.jpg 国服最后的突变了
  2. https://tupian.li/images/2022/11/27/63832c8b5fe00.jpg 谁都可以打,但斯台特曼特别卡
  3. https://tupian.li/images/2022/11/10/636c7d7d01bb3.jpg 本周残突,sstm的治疗与反伤散射硬刚
  4. https://tupian.li/images/2022/08/01/IMG_20220801_2131400a2e595dbec9669b.jpg 本周残突
  5. https://tupian.li/images/2021/10/06/IMG_20211004_202434.jpg 本周残突 泽拉图yyds
  6. https://tupian.li/images/2021/08/16/IMG_20210816_215246.jpg 本周残突,又是集结部队的一天
  7. 今天签到网不好不小心发了两次,想撤回却没有撤回这个选项,希望论坛以后可以加个撤回
  8. 白高兴了,满足条件后还需要等上一天才能穿越
  9. 脑叶公司最搞人心态的就是加班1小时,重开一秒钟,这就导致我一有文保协和魔弹后文职活不过第一个融毁
  10. 这个帖子发完,我就300节操了,就回不来新手村了,发这个帖子,在新手村留下我的足迹,希望大家也可以早日穿越去找资源,不说了我准备穿越去找资源了!
  11. 那必须是勇者大战魔物娘啊,这还是我玩的第一个小黄油啊
  12. 楼主:低情商:大家有什么好玩的游戏推荐吗? 高情商:最近好像没啥好玩的手游啊。 我们:低情商:谁说的,×××不好吗? 高情商:你说得对!
  13. 也有可能更晚,我那会是快一点退的论坛,然后第二天六点半就已经升级了
  14. 的确,不过无伤大雅不是吗,顶多漏了一次签到少了点节操,但水水论坛就又回来了
  15. 一般只要不是太过遮挡都会打开看,有时候弹幕比番还精彩导致我还要倒退一些重看
  16. 需要内容数×0.3+节操数×0.03+福源×10=15就行了
  17. 音乐名:Iron Lotus 这个音乐有重名,所以要找的是名为废墟图书馆的游戏音乐。 这个音乐是由韩国游戏团队请日本团队用英文唱的一首中国风的歌,它听起来很燃,游戏中战斗场面也很燃,实际上是一个情歌。 以下附上歌词: Frozen stairs, carpet in blood red Seating goodbyes left unsaid, goodbyes left unsaid Despite our promises, here I am following your stepsI’ m following your steps Drop by drop As your unchanging reality dampen my sleeve You kissed them off Through the fibers of my handkerchief I am fire Burn those who dare to care for me And my fuel are memories, fuel are memories of you They perish with the heat, perish with the heat So I can move on Flower of iron Shrivelled up to hide the imposter in me “Hey, why did you leave? Why did you leave?” Don’t let those words out of me Imposter’s about to speak So I chewed on Huameitang For whom the shelves hold on to the pages, hold on to the pages Their pain, their joy were given value as they were rated Isn’t it ironic? Greed is unlimited; freedom is a limited resource Extra large for you means less for me There’II be less for me I banged the drums (Weiwu·) Court of hell (Weiwu··) Demanding a new trial (Weiwu·…) You got the wrong head Would you take mine instead, take mine instead? Stop leading me on World of titan allows me to live Only in the mud down its feet Though you’re not with me, you’re not with meI’Il never admit defeat Cause when I thought that every nice thing about me has become Canxiang You showed me I still had an umbrella full of love inside me You showed me I still had an umbrella full of love inside me Without you I could never be So sincerely thank you for everything It pains me to think That my happiness turned out to be one of those fingers that strangled you until you couldn’t breathe Not ashamed to go this way I just want to choose my fate I'’ m on my last white rabbit Naitang I am iron In my blood it s.treams roots deep With bruises on my knees, bruises on my knees And ribs crushed down to pieces, crushed down to pieces Nothing left to hold on Actually wait I do have one regret That day before you left me “You’re my everything” Before my thoughts began to speak I bit my lip, said nothing And just s.ucked on Maiyatang 以下为游戏剧情原话: 我纵茕茕孑立,难避漫漫长夜。 然长夜终尽,天将启明…… 惟以平旦之孤星,何胜东方之既白。 还请觉悟。今朝此日,都市一星,势必陨灭。
  18. 不太一样,新人村的人为了穿越会更加活泼,出村之后就会变得冷清许多
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