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  1. 表示,现在已经有了无色的荒原…… 不过果然还是蓝色最强,杰斯亲儿子……{:6_267:} 还有,叫什么鹏洛克,旅法师那么帅的称号……{:6_299:}
  2. 看起来像是,有水下八关的那个版本啊……{:6_435:}
  3. 算是《生活大爆炸》的又一馈赠吧,里面有不少的好歌…… 低音部分比较满意,但副歌部分就只有这样了……{:6_437:} http://pan.baidu.com/s/1boWBOh5 歌词直接照抄虾米 I Am...I Said - Neil Diamond La's fine sunshine most of the time And the feeling is laid back Palm trees grow and the rents are low But you know I keep thinking about Making my way back Well I'm New York City born and raised But nowadays I'm lost between two shores La's fine but it aingt home New York's home but it aingt mine no more I am I said To no one there and no one heard at all Not even the chair I am I cried I am said I And I am lost and I can't even say why Leaving me lonely still Did you ever read about a frog who dreamed of being a king And then became one Well except for the names and a few other changes If you talk about me the story's the same one But I got an emptiness deep inside And I've tried but it won't let me go And I'm not a man who likes to swear But I've never cared for the sound of being alone I am I said To no one there And no one heard at all Not even the chair I am I cried I am said I And I am lost and I can't even say why Leavin' me lonely still I am I said I am I cried PS:果然录歌有瘾,明明三次元还有很多事……{:6_289:} PS2:为了人气,把以前发过,链接失效的两首歌放到这里…… 月光 http://pan.baidu.com/s/1qYxpHe8 化作千风 http://pan.baidu.com/s/1gfDhhmV
  4. 相信自己,不行的话,可以叫1万个妹妹一起……{:6_379:}
  5. 每次对可男可女的前辈,在下从来都是膜拜的……{:6_389:}
  6. 不错,差不多半首歌之后,就开始自挂东南枝了啊……{:6_297:}
  7. 似乎有些像少女梦工厂啊……可惜从第二代以后每况日下……{:6_297:}
  8. 第一眼还以为是数学系的人才,结果不是Galerkin……{:6_289:}
  9. 两大回忆如雷贯耳…… 特别秋之回忆的伴奏也很好听……{:6_297:}
  10. 这个感觉,再升一两个调,就会以为是女声了…… 楼主大人的音调偏高呢……{:6_412:}
  11. 不错的声音,唱得很有感情…… 下次要不要挑战难度,唱消失吧……{:6_412:}
  12. 记不太清了,我看到的版本,是翻译成“火焰咒文”什么的…… 不过男二后期的确是大魔法师了……{:6_412:}
  13. 勇者斗恶龙不知道有多少同学看过呢…… 当时可以觉得阿邦式快速剑帅爆了……{:6_378:}
  14. 还是不行……口袋妖怪的卖点就是萌…… 现实版已经失去这个感觉了……{:6_297:}
  15. 要说海贼王本来就三观不正……{:6_267:} 出海的都是海贼?路飞是好海贼所以海贼都是好的?
  16. 居然看到藤崎龙了…… 当年感觉封神真是神作……{:6_410:}
  17. 消费勋章看等级,相同等级价格,功能一样…… 职业勋章,都有单独介绍……{:6_297:}
  18. 估计只是蔬菜人的普通爆气……{:6_297:}
  19. 不知道啊,听了一些歌,就楼主大人伴奏有些刺耳…… 应该是软件的原因……{:6_264:}
  20. 似乎伴奏的声音有些尖得刺耳……{:6_289:}
  21. 第一个皮卡皮卡,后面的熊猫不是日本的呢……{:6_292:}
  22. 人的声音似乎有些含糊,貌似需要一个更好的话筒呢,楼主大人……{:6_412:}
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