




Well, this is my first post and i just registered about three days ago. The reason that i am using english for this post is my last assignment failed because of my poor grammerimages?q=tbn:ANd9GcSrZKdRhOT6drpGm1zDhKremKYTLjtF4Hk51OBN_TW7FNAgzGO-ng. So, this is a great chance to practice my english and get this post done.( two bird one stone =] ).


When i was seacrhing some guides for a RPG game, i found this website. When i clicked in, it attracted me very hard because of tons of resources. I saw many game's guide and intro, and the best thing is most of the people here obey rules. When people obey rules, you actually can find something really easy and it is easier to read. I know i need to meet these guys, and it is the reason i registered and having an intro here.


I am studying in University in Australia. Its quite boring here, not much i can do here. No clubs, no bars, no friends ]=. The thing interest me the most is playing pc game. I do play csgo and league of legend and some more other games on steam.


images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSxb7xPJuV-z7CqJPQR01RJgzflIvgn-uLvCCWH3rLbgMM41NCTKAI am currently doing a science degree, but i am going to change it to IT degree or computer science. I want to be a game programmer in the future. It is not just because i love playing games, it is also about creating a world that have a great different with our real world. And everyone can enjoy in the new world. When they have too much pressure in the real world, they can relax in the new world. Thats why i wanna be a game programmer. And i just have a glance at the forum, it seems some of the people here want to be a game programmer too. i am really looking forward to talk with you guys. And hopefully i can learn something about game programming and enjoy at here.


Btw, thanks for watching. And hope you guys can point out if there are something wrong.

(and this is by google translate)





我在大学就读澳元。它很无聊在这里,没有什么我可以在这里做。没有俱乐部,没有酒吧,没有朋友] =。我唯一​​能做的,就是玩电脑游戏。我也玩过csgo和洛尔和蒸汽一些其他的游戏。





thanks for the opinion by ppzt



max0627lps 发表于 2015-10-4 11:32




通常来说 And并不作为一句话的开头 尤其是你两句话之间其实并不一定有什么并列关系

通常正式文章 尤其是学术文章里也很少用and来连接 in addition, furthermore都更正式一点

For the reason 应该是The reason, use English on this post 我个人感觉应该是 for this post, 或者就更直白一点the reason that I am writing this post in English都可以…… 你现在这个表述读起来还蛮怪的……顺便 英语不好 尤其是语法不太好的时候 写作要尤其避免这种超长的从句……


第二段 guide应该是可数的吧? 所以应该是some guides; 然后我觉得应该是guides for a game 而不是of; saw this website应该是find this website……和前面同理后面那个and多余; already要么用完成时要么去掉; obey rules 不需要the 因为也没有特指哪些rules; really easy and easy to read这逻辑我不太懂……以及无数个多余的and 如果你想表达因果关系 用thus; and that is the reason blabla,


第三段,no a no b no c, 为啥前俩你是单数第三个是复数?然后前面nothing i can do, 后面the only thing i can do是自打脸……I do played 是什么鬼 i did play吧? science degree不是doing来的 study for好一点; it is not only because blabla , but also blabla;后面have different我就不说你了 你还加a是闹哪样……然后前面你既然说了a new world, 后面再提到的时候就要用the new world,而且我觉得直接creating a new world blabla, and everyone would love it就好了; so much 改成 too much我觉得更好;just had a glance at the forum, not just have a look of; it seems that some of the people here want to be, not wanted; 正式essay的话 避免用too, 用as well;looking forward to talk to you guys, not talk with


最后一些题外话 写英语不要一辈子i you we开头啊 这一眼望过去满篇的i i i i真的不好看……



ppzt 发表于 2015-10-4 12:15

通常来说 And并不作为一句话的开头 尤其是你两句话之间其实并不一定有什么并列关系

通常正式文章 尤其是学 ...



不過 doing a science degree是聽老外說的,所以我也不太確定

and 開頭是因為習慣了和其他人說話時的壞習慣了


it is not only because blabla , but also blabla

because 後面不是不可以用but的嗎?



max0627lps 发表于 2015-10-4 14:14


不過 doing a science degree是聽老外說的,所以我也不太確定

and 開頭 ...

在国外待的比你久一点 写paper被老板骂的次数比你多一点而已……

至于degree搭配什么动词 在美帝我印象里用take/get/study for的多点 好像没听谁说do a degree的

不过这个确实比较随意 没有特别固定的说法


Would be slightly better if you put it this way~


This is my first post since I signed up my account three days ago. The reason for writing in English is that I failed my last assignment due to the poor performance in grammar department. This should, or at least I think it might, improve my English and also set my first step into this somehow unique forum.


As I was searching for the guide of an RPG game, I found this forum. I was soon attracted by the load of resources that it provides. With a huge number of games and guides, the forum itself seems to be run in an incredibly disciplinal way, which would certainly make it easier for people to meet their needs. Thus I decided to sign up and give this self-introduction.


I am now currently studying in a university in Australia. Life seems to be boring without clubs, bars or even friends, then I found myself drawn to the situation where I play video games for most of my days, which, by the way, includes CS:GO, LoL and other games I own on steam.


While struggling for a science degree, I’m actually considering to change my major to computer science. I would really love to be a software engineer because not only my passion for video games, but my will to create a different world, which would be enjoyed by anyone. The place where people can release the stress given by the real world. After browsing through the website, it came into noticed that there are people who are also interested in game developing in the forum. I am really eager to communicate with them and hopefully learn something important.


In the end, thanks for putting up with my poor English writing skill and please don’t hesitate to point out when you find anything that I need to correct, adjust or modify.





max0627lps 发表于 2015-10-4 15:18

這個已經不只是slightly better.



SE是一个职位 工作内容主要是软件系统的设计和编写


至于game programmer 或者笼统一点说 programmer 基本可以认为是最笼统的头衔了


所以一般来说 只要能叫SE的都不会说programmer吧……


  • 管理员
fdcrane 发表于 2015-10-3 23:41

Would be slightly better if you put it this way~



due to the poor performance in grammar department.

due to poor grammar.

improve my English and also set my first step into this somehow unique forum

"and also" is redundant.

guide of an RPG game, I found this forum

walkthrough for a RPG game, I stumbled upon this forum

Thus I decided to sign up and give this self-introduction.


Life seems to be boring without clubs, bars or even friends, then I found myself drawn to the situation where I play video games for most of my days, which, by the way, includes CS:GO, LoL and other games I own on steam.

remove "to be". sentence is too wordy.


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