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  1. 这番在搞笑类的泡面番中,算是非常不错的了呢……
  2. 泡面番就不要计较太多啦……本来这番就是吐槽搞笑向的嘛……
  3. 感觉要是玩forest的话,不如去玩7日杀呢……
  4. 群殴什么的确实不太好呢…… 其实可以设置成只能被楼主和管理层扣分呢……在别人的地盘,不管楼主说的对不对,语言太偏激都不是很好呢,楼主觉得被冒犯的话,小小的发泄一下也不是不可以…… 就算是楼主在无理取闹的话,反正也只有他一个人,管理层看到的话回个血就可以了呢…… 泪酱我支持你了哦~~~好感度+10了吗?
  5. 其实还是很不错的,至少还能保有大航海传统的文化底蕴……毕竟是页游嘛,就系统来讲,也比很多页游好不少了……
  6. 这个点了也就只有我回给你了吧…… 参见:https://sstmlt.moe/thread-106740-1-1.html
  7. 什么鬼只是个形容词,因为我忘了这个比赛的具体内容了……
  8. [align=center]WARNING! The following document has been implanted with certain memetic effect, which will cause any mammal individual, who is reading the document, infected by this effect. A series of actions towards the author of this document, including mocking, damning, cursing or any other unamiable behaviors, will result in activating this effect, which causes the infected to lose his reproductive capability in 0.05 second, and get into an asexual status where the infected can no longer reach his orgasm. This progress has been proved to be unstoppable and irreversible by any known methods including Class-█ Amnesiacs, Class█ ███ and ████. Any individual affected by this status will be relocated to the ███ of Site-█, as or against their will, by MTF-█, and ██ through Program-███.[/align] [align=center]Chapter 1. The Page[/align] [align=right]-Priceless with Infinite Possibilities[/align] [fold]“Three Hundred!” Indeed, it was still cold in Edinburgh early spring, but the air seemed to be even more freezing since this strange accents silences the crowd. The auctioneer hesitated for a moment, then got back to his usually business. “Three Hundred third time, and...Deal! Congratulations to...Mr. Siegfried! And for our next object, ladies and gentlemen, I present you...” The best thing about auction, even an illegal one, is that the atmosphere will eventually get overexciting no matter what happens. It took almost no time for other guests to forget about the unreasonable price then focus on the rest objects, but Mr. Siegfried, or rather a pseudonym, was not very enthused about it. “You accept check?” Conversation continued behind the stage. “Check, cash, card, anything... But this price is fairly high, even for a black-market. Why, if I may?” “There might be a reason, there might not. Here is your check, and the only thing you will have.” “Alright then, I bid you adieu, sir.” Then off he went, back to somewhere on the earth, with his loot casually placed in his briefcase. A week later, still the same place on the earth, in the most quiet office one can imagine, two men sat face to face at a table with only a paper on it. After fifteen minutes of staring and possibly thinking, the once-was-called Mr. Siegfried broke the silence. “Like my new toy?” “Three hundred million pound for a piece of paper, and they call me a bookworm.” Despite sharing the same taste with the host, yet the guest seemed to be confused with the price. “In an illicit auction house, you might need to speed things up, usually with a high price.” “But still, that price for a piece of paper... ” “Not a piece of paper, my friend, a priceless page.” “You mean this blank page with nothing on it... ” “That's why it's priceless, with infinite possibility." He grabbed the paper, put it back into his briefcase, then stood up, took a glance at the clock. “And I shall depart soon, you wanna stay for lunch?” “I think I'll pass. With this huge amount of money spent, I can probably imaging the food on the monthly special menu of the cafeteria in this site...” "Relax, mate. I have my own plan for the money. So you'll still find grilled ribs and lobsters on the menu. Besides, I'll buy it for you. ” “Very well then, I shall join you. By the way, you are going to...” “There,” he pointed at the huge map on the wall, “where life begins…” [/fold] [align=center]Chapter 2. The City[/align] [align=right]-Not Dead Eternal Lies[/align] [fold]Three hundred million pound for a piece of paper, one must be insane, or drunk. But he is neither a lunatic nor an alcoholic, rather mysterious I would say. It has been three month since he departed, covered almost every corner in Afro-Eurasia world. He might be the most cunning target I ever followed, I almost lost him three times, but yet I’m here along with this city. He and his seems-to-be friend, who was picked somewhere in Saudi Arabia, went directly to the middle of the city where a hole, or rather abyss, lies. Then they climbed up the stairs to the shrine hanging above the abyss. They eventually entered a secret chamber in the shrine, leaving a heave stone door shut, which I can’t open. But there is no need to rush in anyway, I will just wait them to come out, and have a treasure hunt through the city. This city is old, much older than every other place I have ever been to. Yet, everyone, even me, would be astonished by the condition of the city. It seems after abandoned by its people for unknown reason, the city just lies here eternally like no time has passed. The city itself were shaped into a perfect hexagon by high wall, with only one entrance in the southern area. The highway in front of the gate leads way to the shrine. The rest of the city is highly symmetrical. Two market places located in the west and east center, surrounded by residential area, where nobles and patrons lived near the shrine and commoners lived along the wall. West side of southern area might be the cultural area with schools, libraries, art gallery and a research lab if I’m not wrong. East side was filled with entertainment building like restaurant, bath, theater and even red-light. Northern part of the city was filled with workshops and factories of all size, along with treasury, granary and even arsenal. It seems they use this part as industrial and storage area. As I was exploring the northern part, I found out that there was no wall to the north of the city, but a harbor and shipyard like area. There was even a lighthouse, which could not be use in navigation, with the city in the middle of desert. My guess is that this area was designed for air transportation, like an airport. So I decided to have a complete investigation of the shipyard, or aircraft factory. There might be something of great value which I could sell to whoever interested. But suddenly a huge sound came for the middle of the city. Well, they might have already done their job, whatever it is. The strange harbor can wait. It is time to snatch their treasure, and get rid of them both of course. This three month vacation turns out to be not that bad after all. [/fold] [align=center]Chapter 3. The Book[/align] [align=right]-Everything Lies within Nothing[/align] [fold]That was the best day of my life. I have covered almost every big events during my whole life. Wars, Olympics, Global Conferences, none of those were as half exciting as my experience of that day. I was being skeptical the whole ride, until the moment he showed me the city, still the most fabulous fabrication I have seen during my whole life. Although I barely looked at it in detail, still I was shocked by the view from above. Then we entered the shrine, he put his hand into a hole on the left side of the chamber’s wall. Then the door of a small chamber opened. I was way too excited to feel scared and followed him in. Even more bizarre than the previous part of the story, the internal size of the chamber was much grander than the shrine itself. In the center of the room was an altar, which had an opening book on it. “Just enjoy yourself in this gorgeous room, I shall get my work done immediately. You might find something in here very interesting, or rather…familiar. But don’t go too far, for I will need you in a moment.” His mouth hadn’t opened since we entered the city, and naturally I took his advice. The room was filled with book, written in even known or unknown language, from hieroglyphic to even computer program. There were certain books on the shelf, which I believe I can find the very same one in my family library. Those were said to be descended from my ancestors. Were those the copy of my books, or my books were the copy itself? After fed up with all this brain hurting thought, I decided to watch him working on that book. He didn’t seem to care about me, or rather neglected me, and still devoted himself into every page of the book. After finding something, he suddenly opened his briefcase and took out a blank piece of paper. Then he started to write on the paper with odd symbols and pictures. “Please insert this page into the book between page 156 and page 159.” Five minutes later, after finally completing one side of the paper, he gave me both the paper and the book and ordered. I literally had no idea about either the single page or the rest of the book, but I did what he said, and amazingly that piece of paper became one page of the book, like they had never been apart. He put the book back to the altar waited a few minutes then went out of the room. I followed him out, prepared my heart for everything that could possibly happen. The hole under the shrine was filled up with strange symbols all over the ground. “Here he comes.” He grunted. “He?” “The Shadow, master of infiltration and assassination, or as I interpret, The Death.” [/fold] [align=center]Chapter 4. The Ritual[/align] [align=right]-Even Death May Die[/align] [fold][align=center]Hunter, Sheep and Wolf stand on ground To the north the wolf will be found The Sheep seems still lost in maze Then the Hunter smiles and says “Welcome to the ritual Mr. Death It is time to harvest with the scythe May rest of thy soul live in peace For a small part will soon decease” Lone wolf respond with no word His face shows him feeling bored From his jacket a pistol shows Wolf points it towrads the his foes Suddenly an earthquake strikes the city But every single building stands firmly Only the Sheep falls unconscious And the Wolf is no longer vicious Instead of begging Hunter for the spare To his eye does the Wolf straightly stare Mysterious spell casted by the Hunter Teleports the Wolf to the ritual center So finally begins the ancient ritual Which has never been tried for actual Hunter throws to the fiend with his prayer Soon enraged devils depart from its layer First come the storm with the lightning Soon the flame burns with frightening Then huge floods wash away the fire Mixes with the earth creating a mire From the sacrifice light beams shine Which directly flies toward the shrine Hunter speaks out the final word Harmony clears out everthing blurred [/align][/fold] [align=center]Chapter 5. The Servant[/align] [align=right]-Tinker, Successor, Servant, Spy[/align] [fold]The man finished writing his book, then put it into his brief case. Fifteen minutes later. “Time to go home.” He waked up his company, who was sleeping in a tent. “Ah…My headache…All I remember are the ground, the man in black and the earthquake…So, after that…” “Just a little ritual to purify his soul.” Explained the man, and pointing to the third guy who also seemed to be sleeping. “How is he?” “Still breathing…” “Is he alive?” “Who knows. Besides, I will soon turn him into a piece of priceless paper. Dead or alive, as they said.” “Um…” “You don’t have to understand that. So what’s your next plan? I recommend you to write a book about this adventure. People gonna love that craft, if you know what I means…” “We should come back here soon with a team, I have this camera full of evidence…” “About that, you see…” He went outside the tent, “It is gone. So, good luck with your camera.” “That’s a pity. But don’t worry, as far as I checked, the film is not broken.” A month later, still the very same place on earth. “When was your last full body scan?” “I haven’t had that since like…ever.” “How about I develop this roll of film?” “Funny joke, my master.” “Now that you are here, do you have any other appearances I can choose? You see, it would be very weird to go out followed by a skeleton.” “Of course, my master, you would like a bud or a blooming rose?” “How about a nice, old butler?” “As you wish, except for the nice part.” “Even better. Yet another harmony restored, how many left, Al?” “One, two…um, infinity?” “I guess I’ll cancel my dinner plan.” “No need to rush it, my master, since you are lying in the world following the same rule as I am.” “…Good point, I’ll just feed myself and then go back to work. You can come with me and I’m buying you a giant lobster, since I’m quite loaded right now. It seems the price of one’s head could really reach the sky in three month, especially when he disappears from his usual business.” [/fold]
  9. 1楼放中文,2楼放英文…… 前言: 这个故事是我一个在美国的同学托我给他写的,好像是参加个他们学校的什么鬼比赛用的…… 反正不要求故事质量,能够读下来就可以了,所以也没太过于注意用词质量和语法什么的,反正到了那边他会帮我改各种错误什么的。 因为是原文是昨天用英语写成的,只是今天把它汉化成了中文,所以中文可能会有地方十分不通顺,然后出现各种各样的神bug,如果有能力的话,还是请阅读英语的版本…… 故事内容我真是日了狗了,因为要求2000字以内,所以压缩了很多东西,也许会有很多地方暂时讲不通,也有很多地方完全不明确。 不过没关系,如果我心情好的话,可能会把这个故事弄成一个系列,尽量补完其中的各种内容,修正bug,就像打补丁一样…… 虽然上次发汉化的龙破斩的时候,因为狂打补丁被黑了 http://i501.photobucket.com/albums/e411/fdcrane1/2_zpsebgencob.jpg[/img] 这个故事借用了一些以克苏鲁神话为主的各种概念,但故事情节完全是原创的 不过其实对于我来说,故事之前的警告内容才是本文的正片 话说为了吸引下观众还是撒点节操吧,希望大家看的开心,而且为了自己的性福,请不要向作者做出不友好行为哦…… [align=center]警告 以下文档已被植入特定模因效应,任何阅读该文档的哺乳类个体将会受到感染。该效应将会在受感染者进对本文的作者进行嘲笑, 辱骂,诅咒或其他任意不友好的动作时快速启动,使得受感染者在0.05秒内永久失去生殖能力,并永久进入无法达到性高潮的无性状态。该过程被证明不可通过包括█级记忆消除,█级█████和████在内的任何已知手段阻止或逆转。受到感染并且失控的个体,将会自愿或强制被MTF-██送往位于█号站点的████,通过██████程序████。[/align] [align=center]第一章 古篇[/align] [align=right]-无价之宝,无限可能[/align] [fold]“三千!” 确实,爱丁堡的初春依旧寒冷无比,但空气仿佛在那瞬间冻结了,一个带有奇怪口音的声音使得人群鸦雀无声。拍卖会主持人先是愣了一下,几秒后才回过神来。 “三千第三次……成交!恭喜,齐格弗里德先生拍得此物品!接下来竞拍继续,女士们先生们,将要进行展示的是……” 对于拍卖会来说,不管合不合法,气氛永远不可能被任何事情干扰而降至冰点。很快,其他的客人们就忘掉了这个十分不合理的价格,继续将精力投入到剩余的展品之中。但齐格弗里德先生,准确地说,这只是个假名,貌似对接下来的东西并不关心。 “你收支票吗?”对话在幕后继续着。 “支票,现金,信用卡,什么都可以……但是,就算这里是个黑市,这个价格也是高得可怕。如果允许的话,到底这是为什么呢?” “原因也许存在,也许不存在。接好你的支票吧,这也是你能从我这里得到的全部。” “好吧。那么先生,祝你平安。” 然后他离开了会场,回到了地球上的某个地方,带着他那存放在公文包中的,贵重的战利品。 一周后,仍然是地球上那个神秘地点,在一间安静得出奇的办公室当中,两名男子面对面地坐在桌前,桌面的所有物品就只有一张纸而已。在凝视了这张白纸长达十五分钟之后,那个曾经被称为齐格弗里德先生的男子,终于打破了二人之间的沉默。 “我的新玩具怎么样?” “三千万英镑就买到了一张白纸,然而人们还都认为我是个书呆子。” 就算和这间办公室的主人品味一致,客人也无法理解这件物品为何如此高价。 “处于一场非法的竞拍会上,为了以防万一,最好能够速战速决。通常来讲,一个出奇的高价就能够做到这一点。” “就算是那样,这么多钱只为了一张纸……” “这可不仅仅是一张纸,朋友,这是一张无价的书页。” “你说这张空空如也的白纸……” “这才是它能够成为无价之宝的原因,无限地可能性。” 他抓起这张白纸,放回了自己的公文包中,然后站了起来,瞥了一眼挂钟。 “我就要出发了,你要留下吃午餐吗?” “还是算了吧,你忽然间花了这么多钱,我已经基本能够想象得到,这个站点食堂本月特供菜单的内容了……” “你真是想多了,关于这笔钱我已经有一个计划了。我觉得你应该还是能在菜单上找到牛排或者龙虾什么的,再说了,这次可是我请客。” “这样啊,那加我一个吧。顺便问一下,你是要去……” “那里,”他用手指了指墙上巨型地图上面的某个位置并且说道,“生命的起源之处……” [/fold] [align=center]第二章 古城[/align] [align=right]-未亡之物,得以永存[/align] [fold]如果一个人用三千万英镑只买到一张白纸,那么他一定是疯了,或者醉了。然而,他并不是个疯子,也从来不是个酒鬼,确切的说,他的行事一向十分神秘。从他出发以来,三个月已经过去了,几乎踏遍了旧大陆的每一个角落。实话实说,他称得上是我曾标记过的最狡猾的目标了,我曾经三次差点没有跟上他,但是最终我还是来到了这里,这座古城。 他在沙特阿拉伯某处与一名看起来像是他同伴的记者汇合后,来到了这里,直接走向了城市的正中心。那里有着一个广大的地洞,确切的说,更像是深渊。他们接着爬上了一段楼梯,走到了一个悬浮于深渊之上的神庙之前。最终,那两个人进入了神庙之中的某个密室,然后关闭了密室沉重的石门。我没法打开那道门,但是没关系,我只需要等他们从里面出来就好了。然后我决定利用这段空闲时间,到城市内部探索一下。 这座城市看起来十分古老,比我到过的任何地方都要古老。然而,任何人,甚至是我,都会因为这座城市现有的状态而感到惊叹。在被其居民因不知名原因抛弃之后,这座城看起来就这样完好地耸立在这里,好像没有经过时间流逝一般地永远存在着。城市本身被高墙围成了完美的六边形,只有南边存在一个通往外界的大门,门前的宽广大路直接连往城市中央的神殿。 城市其余地方也是高度对称的。两个市场分别坐落于城市东西部的中心,被居住区重重围住。在居住区中,贵族居住的豪宅全部集中在城中心的神庙附近,而一般平民的住宅则处于偏于之处,沿着东边和西边的城墙杂乱地排列着。 城镇南部也被大路分为东西两部分,西边像是这座城市的文化中心,排满了学校、图书馆、画廊还有像是研究所一样的建筑。而东方则更像是娱乐与服务的中心,包含餐馆、浴场、剧院甚至还有像是红灯区一样地矮小建筑。 城镇北部全部由各式各样地作坊和工厂组成,并且还有着金库,粮仓甚至军备储存处。看起来这部分地区,是作为工业区和储存处支撑着城市的运营与发展。 就在我探索着北部区域的时候,我发现了城市最北边并没有城墙,却存在着一个包含着像是港口和船坞等建筑的区域。那里甚至存在着一个灯塔,对于一个完完全全处于沙漠之中的城市根本毫无意义,这个到底怎么才能用于导航呢?我猜这里仍然是大规模运输的中心,但相比于海港,这里存在的意义更像是空港。因此我决定仔细地调查下那个看似是船坞的建筑,那里也许会有很多很有价值的信息,我可以用来高价卖给任何感兴趣人物、公司或者组织。 但是,城市的中心忽然间传来一声巨响。嗯,看起来那两个人已经完成了他们在这个城市里的工作了,虽然我不清楚到底他们干了些什么。不过已经是时候掠夺他们的成果了,当然了,是在干掉他们两个人之后。 不管过程怎么样,看起来这三个月的假期的收获还算是不错。 [/fold] [align=center]第三章 古书[/align] [align=right]-万物始于,虚无之中[/align] [fold]那是我这一生最棒的一天。 我曾经报道过几乎所有发生在这个世纪的大事件。纷乱的战争袭击,激情的奥运竞赛,重大的国际会议,没有任何一件能够比我那天的经历更加令人振奋,令人。 我在旅途当中一直抱着怀疑的态度,直到他把我领入那座城市的那一刻。那座城市,直到现在,仍然是我一生中见过最完美的天造之物。虽然我并没有仔仔细细地观察每一栋建筑,我仍然被这个城市的俯视美景所震撼。 他将我直接带入了城市中心的神庙,然后把手伸进墙壁左端的一个孔洞,打开了前往密室的大门。我已经兴奋得无法感到恐惧了,跟随他走了进去。 比前面的经历更加令人感到诧异的是,这间密室的内部空间比起那座神庙本身还要大得多得多。在广阔的空间正中心有着一座祭坛,上面摆放着一本被翻开的古书。 “尽情享受这个房间吧,我会尽快完成我的工作。你可能会发现,这里的某些东西很有趣,确切地说……很熟悉。但是不要走得太远,我过一会儿会需要你的帮助。” 这是自从我们进入城市以来他第一次张口说话。自然,我接受了他的提议。 这个房间四周充满了各式各样的书籍,使用所有已知或未知的语言写作而成,从古埃及的象形文字,到如今的编程语言一应俱全。我发现书架上有偶尔会有很熟悉的书籍,我确信在我的家族图书馆中可以找到一模一样的版本。那些书籍据说是从我遥远的祖先那里流传下来的。这些难道是那些古书的副本吗,还是说,我家里的那些才是抄本?在我受够了这些令人头痛的思考后,我决定前往祭坛观察他所谓的工作。 看起来他并不在意我的出现,或者说他完全忽视了我,把全部注意力完全投入到那本古书的阅读当中。在好像找到了什么重要信息后,他突然从自己的公文包中抽出了一张白纸,并开始快速地在上面书写着奇怪的符号,并描绘着复杂的图案。 “请把这张纸,插入到这本书的第156页和第159页之间。”五分钟的奋笔疾书之后,他已经将白纸的一面完全填满了。他将这张纸连同古书一起地给了我,对我这样说道。 虽然完全不明白这本书中的文字,也完全不知晓这片纸张上的内容,但是我还是按照他所说的那样做了。不可思议的事情发生了,这张纸和古书完美结合在了一起,就像不曾分开过一般。 他把书接过来,放回了祭坛上,然后像是等待着什么一样。几分钟后,他走出了这个房间。我为各种可能发生的奇怪变化做好心理准备之后,也跟着他走了出去。神庙下方的深渊消失了,却而代之的则是充斥着各种符号的地面。 “他来了。”他小声咕哝着。 “他?” “阴影,渗透专家暗杀大师,或者按照我的理解,死亡。” [/fold] [align=center]第四章 古仪[/align] [align=right]-死之化身,亦会死亡[/align] [fold][align=center]三人立于仪式之土 孤狼于北目光似虎 迷途之羊仍未惊醒 猎人微笑如此讲述 “恭候多时死之化身 收获之刻仅有一瞬 愿汝此生得以安息  因汝之魂将归于尘” 孤狼对此投以无言 神情冷漠似已厌烦 衣下暗铳已持于手 蓄势待发指向其南 苍天忽暗地动山摇 城中建筑屹立不倒 迷羊昏倒意识远去 狼亦无法再度咆哮 并未祈求宽恕此身 反而凝神瞪视猎人 猎人施以神秘之法 传送孤狼进入魔阵 古仪之需均已齐备 然其意义难以领会 猎人向魔投以箴言 暴魔降临怒目而对 雷光即至伴以风暴 引起烈火熊熊燃烧 巨浪随后冲刷大火 席卷大地混为泥沼 祭品之身金光乍现 径直射入神庙之巅 猎人轻吟最后之语 秩序重归遗忘之园 [/align][/fold] [align=center]第五章 古仆[/align] [align=right]-补者,后裔,仆从,间谍[/align] [fold]那名男子终于完成了对于那本书的修改,将其放入自己的公文包中。 十五分钟后。 “该回家了。”他叫醒了在帐篷中熟睡的同伴。 “啊…头好痛…我只记得我们到了那块大地上,然后黑衣男子掏出了枪,然后地震……那之后,到底是……” “我稍稍净化了他的灵魂” 男子解释着,指向在帐篷中看似熟睡的第三人。 “他怎么样了?” “还在呼吸着……” “所以他还活着?” “谁知道呢?不过,我很快就会把他变成一张珍贵的无价之纸了。无论生死,就像他们说的那样。” “嗯…” “你不用了解刚才那句话。那么,你下一步的打算是什么呢?我的个人建议是,利用这次经历来写本书,人们一定会爱上这个创作的,如果能够你明白我的意思的话……” “我们应该带队,再来一次这里。我的相机里全都是这里存在的证据。” “关于那个,你看……”这么说着,他走出了帐篷。 “它消失了。所以,希望在照片方面,你的运气能够好一些吧。” “还真是遗憾啊。不过相机方面没问题,我大概检查过了,胶片质量完好无损。” 一个月之后,仍然在地球上的那个是神秘地点。. “你上次的全身检查是什么时候?” “我想一下……好像从来没做过呢。” “要不要我把这卷胶片冲洗出来看看呢?” “这个笑话还不错,我的主人。” “既然你出现了,我来问一下,你能不能换个其他的外貌之类的,你看,如果我前往公众场合的话,后面跟着一具骷髅好像会很奇怪。” “当然了,我的主人。您是比较喜欢萝莉型少女,还是比较成熟型女性呢?” “一个和蔼的年迈管家怎么样?” “如您所愿,不过和蔼我可做不来。” “那样更好。话说,这样的话又一项秩序被重构了,还剩下多少活要干呢,阿尔?” “一个,两个……大概还有无限多吧。” “噢,看起来我要取消我的晚餐计划了。” “没必要如此心急,我的主人,既然您和我遵从同样的法则,存于世间。” “……那倒也是,我还是先把自己喂饱,然后继续干活吧。你也和我一起来吧,我现在有的是闲钱,可以请你吃龙虾。看起来一个人脑袋的价值真的能够在三个月之内涨到天边,这种情况尤其发生在他抛弃了自己的例行工作而消失不见的时候。” [/fold]
  10. 管不管用没关系的~反正我爽就好了~
  11. 开玩笑的啦......不过这次真的要睡了,已经意识模糊了……明天起床一定要用鞭子狠狠地抽黑心空.....
  12. 什么嘛……不能联机就把我抛弃了么{:7_530:}
  13. 好吧……弄得我也想吃蛋糕了…… 校正完供牺姬的文本,要睡觉了……晚安吧,要努力经营牧场哦\(^o^)/
  14. 之前我用的外链网站都开始收费了…然后我就再也没在帖子里加过音乐……
  15. 上次黑心空,这次是小茜茜的沙发……不过同求推荐靠谱的音乐外链网站……
  16. 黑心空的沙发我就收下了……你先把自己炸了吧……
  17. 完蛋人啦,机兽起源啦,还有gunXsword之类的
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