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  1. 据说春妈作为pcr里面很厉害的物t 前景十分的可观 这回春妈出来的2天里面各位大佬抽中了吗? 多少抽迎接回家的呢? 这道题很简单 我只用了这么多
  2. 唉,不过我买的就是日版的ps4(虽然一直不开机 据说是被微博的谁谁谁举报的
  3. 我是花了200抽出的w 可喜可贺 总之以后大概放弃舟游了 因为不会玩
  4.  在用国行PS4系列主机的朋友注意了,今晨,索尼PlayStation中国官微宣布,中国商店暂时停止服务(5月10日早7点开始)。 索尼方面公布的原因是系统安全升级,但奇怪的是,官方并未给出恢复服务的时间。 通知中,PlayStation中国连续两次向用户致歉。 另外,已经发行的实体光盘游戏包括《侍魂:晓》《西游记之大圣归来》《NBA 2K19》《街霸V》《真三国无双8》《隐龙传》《地平线:零之曙光》《最终幻想15》《风之旅人》《小小大星球3》《特技摩托:剧变》等有限的几款。 目前为止,京东还可以买到主机,希望大家不要恐慌。
  5. 本月可以选择:愚者之锁、极光钢、以及禁断书页, 需要的御主们可以自选选择哦。 愚者之锁的需求量比较大,推荐选这个比较好(大概需要3500左右) 禁断书页大概为1900个, 极光钢大概为900个。
  6. 明日方舟,整体来说不有趣,打也打不过,抄作业也打不过,只能周一刷狗粮周二刷龙门币,过着这种日子, DM-8卡关还是过不去
  7. 梦幻国度 我至今都记得她的网址 mland
  8. 萌新在玩日服,可以帮帮忙(一般游星不知道干什么好) 不过萌新,练度低,高难活动也参加不了,日服fgo现在应该是2.5章预热吧?萌新现在2.4章打不过.....
  9. 免费领取Window商店游戏 你值得拥有 只要有一个账号就行 以下是正文 Xenochamber Xenochamber 是一款具有矛盾故事情节的平台游戏。你扮演吉尔,她在一个未经探索的行星系统中寻找她的父亲。如果你独自行动,没有事先彻底研究的话,看看救援远征会导致什么! Galaxy Ball 把球滚过,克服障碍,收集奖金并征服空间! 测试你的反应和敏捷性,玩天空之球3D!以最快的速度穿过管道,克服路上的所有障碍,不要忘了收集奖金以赢得胜利!你的目的是征服所有的轨道。 - 选择2种模式中的一种:无尽或通关 - 用重力来克服陡峭地方 - 收集硬币,快速反应以控制球 主要特点: - 专注重力 - 对你的注意力和敏捷的真正挑战 - 各种挑战性的轨道等你去征服 Achievement Machine Achievement Machine is a colorful clicker game for those who wants not only to get tons of achievements in no time, but also to enjoy real gameplay and various gamemodes! We don't like boring spamming games, but knowing your true love of achievements and interesting gameplay we've taken the liberty to make both colorful and enjoyable clicker game with lots and lots of achievements. Rules: Click the icons to clear the game field. Every new click can bring you another achievement. There are some special icons hidden among the regular ones: - Explosive icons — explode the icons placed around them; - Armed icons — extra strong; - Energy icons – let you clear the whole row of icons. Sometimes you can unlock one of the secret icons, that activate an additional game mode. Try to find them all! A UNIQUE CLICKER Achievement Machine combines both achievement farming and fun gameplay with several modes - find a special icon on the field to start them. 5000 ACHIEVEMENTS A simple and fun way to expand your collection with tons of new achievements. Decorate your profile with amazing well-drawn icons! A SECRET ACHIEVEMENT #5001 Did you think that it would be that simple? To get a secret achievement you'll neeed to give it your best shot. Let's see if you're lucky enough to unlock it! Mervin and the Wicked Station They say that curiosity killed a cat, but can it do the same to a monkey?.. Two astronauts find a mysterious space station during their exploratory mission. They decide to check if there are anybody who needs their help. But not only the station wasn't abandoned, it turned out that it's them who needs help. In fact, yours! The problems began as a vicious monsters kidnapped one of the astronauts. But it looks like someone even more dangerous stands behind them. Who could it be?.. Anyway, there is no time to loose – jump and run, fight your way through hordes of evil creatures and their traps, outwit the death itself and save our hero's partner! Key Features: * Various challenging levels: the dangers of deep space are already waiting for you; * A variety of traps and enemy types: someone did a really good job to turn this station into a deadly place; * Beautiful art: you'd probably enjoy it even at such horrible times, and we wouldn't blame you! * Secret levels: as if the station wasn't mysterious enough, there are some secret levels at it. Collect the stars to find them! Master of Secrets - Dark Europe Welcome to the Magistrate, the place, unaccountably shrouded in mystery, keeping its secrets zealously. This is the Covert Chancery of the Miltenstein country. Cryptographers are in great respect here. In the place, where everyone wants so save their secrets and unveil others. Knowledge rules this world, isn't it? Start your studies and explore the art of Cryptography. Each your action influences the course of events. Each secret has its price. And people keep them zealously. But remember that some secrets are better to be left unsolved. People of the Abacus say that, Magistrate is involved in the coup. And the Magistrate, in its turn, blames Abacus. How to find out, who's right? Something is wrong in the country. Magistrate, the Order of Prosecutors, the mysterious Abacus and even the Royal Court work an angle. Your neighbors wish to get the Albiom formula! And they aren't above declaring war. There was an attack! You are to unveil as many encryptions as possible to save your homeland from the enemy! Don't forget what you've been taught: • Each mystery could be solved. Unveil all the secrets, fallen in your hands; • The one who owns knowledge, owns the whole world: investigate numerous intrigues and conspiracies; • It is rather dangerous to know too much: use the given knowledge and make decisions carefully; • Remember, that each your action will have consequences; • One person can change everything: put an end to the coup against the Royal Court, show traitors' true colors, and stop the enemy, who dared to attack Miltenstein. The cryptic world of encryptions and mysteries is waiting for you. Unveil all its secrets! Freedom March - Rebel Leader Specially for May Day we added a secret to the game! Beat the game on Normal or Hard difficulty and get a very valuable prize. It's not a joke! The prize is true. But we'll give it only the player who'll beat the game first. Hurry up! Time has come. Start the revolution with new logical game! Seems like the authorities forgot who they are. Your rebel soul can't take this anymore. Show them that the citizens are the ones who have a real power in the country! Gather other people together and lead them to the freedom. Gain influence on your fellow-thinkers to successfully change the nation and win over the system! Freedom March: Rebel Leader is a thrilling combination of strategy elements and puzzle game. Here is what you have to do: walk around the city, gather the citizens in lines, then bring them to the main square, and - that's the hardest part of it - try to keep them all together on the way! ONE FOR ALL, ALL FOR ONE You can't do much if you fight alone, so you need allies. Convince people on the streets to go with you, and your power will grow. Go from one man to another to gather them in lines, form columns. When you're done, go to the city square to make a statement. UNITED WE STAND Earn respect of your followers, otherwise you won't be able to continue the fight and bring down the regime. The bigger the columns of angry citizens are, the sooner the people will loose their trust in authorities. The moment the number of your supporters in the central square reaches a critical mass, the hated regime will fall! FIGHT FOR YOUR FUTURE Your freedom is in your hands. Lead the revolution to put an end to the corrupted system and change your country! Oscillatron – Alien Frequency Jurassic City Walk Forestation Xtreme League Quantum Retribution Flaming Pixels Ashley – The Story Of Survival Glass Painting – Winter Art History Table – Lore & Quiz Girl Rugby Dash Fish Lake Operation Snowman Snowballed – Crazy Downhill Nuclear Power Station Creator Cartoonway – Mini Cars City of Jade – Imperial Frontier Master of Mutations Recursive Dragon Driftpunk Racer Road Legends Opencast Mining Bomb Labyrinth Music band manager Sky boom boom Fading Visage – Haunted Forest Secret 注意 有的游戏中文商店不一定是免费的
  10. 我新皮肤都买了发现新船一个都没有.................
  11. 萌新突然想起有一种姨妈图 看能不能找到 也是这种感觉的
  12. 很好抽的 相信我 20单 伊莉雅4宝 美游11宝 你值得拥有 不过这次新英灵4单沉了 暂时不准备课金了
  13. 国服随缘 日服就是阿比了 阿荣已经有了 新卡不确定
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