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  1. 俺也還沒… 估計很久一段時間內也都不會上30 翻譯這些…純當英語練習…
  2. [backcolor=white]資料來源:surrenderat20 前略 [/backcolor][align=center]英雄[/align][align=center][backcolor=white](置中括號內的東西是原效果)[/backcolor][/align][backcolor=white] [/backcolor][align=center][backcolor=white]Janna(風暴女)[/backcolor][/align][align=center][backcolor=white]被動(加所有友方英雄跑速)[/backcolor][/align] [backcolor=white]被動:不再是全圖,現在(懷疑 not 為 now 的誤值)距離 1300[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]被動:移動速度最多加5% [/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor][align=center][backcolor=white]Q:(創造一個龍捲風並最多集氣3秒後發射,發射後把路經的敵軍擊飛)[/backcolor][/align] [backcolor=white] :AP傷害係數從 0.75 降為 0.35[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] :現在有每多集氣一秒加 .1AP 傷害[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] :額外傷害/每秒集氣 從 20/30/40/50/60 降到 14/20/25/30/35 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor][align=center][backcolor=white]W:(被動:加跑速並穿過單位 主動:指定傷害並緩速)[/backcolor][/align] [backcolor=white] :被動移速有 0.4%AP [/backcolor] [backcolor=white] :AP傷害係數從 .6 降到 .5[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] :AP增加緩速效果 係數0.12 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white](100 AP + 4%跑速?老實說,我不太確定…因為他原本就沒有寫清楚到底加的是跑速還是 %跑速…如果是4%的話是很微妙的數字…S4的輔助,ap可不會像以前那樣少阿…搞不好會快到很難被追上) [/backcolor][align=center][backcolor=white]E:(主動:加盾,當盾存在的時後就加傷害 可用於塔…如果塔在套盾的情況下尾兵,那珍娜取得$)[/backcolor][/align] [backcolor=white] :現在 AP 增加盾的傷害 buff。係數0.33 基準值此技能給的基本 AD強化 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white](不要問我…我也沒看懂…) [/backcolor][align=center][backcolor=white]Leona(太陽女)[/backcolor][/align][align=center][backcolor=white]W:(開啟自體加雙防,時間結束自身中心範圍傷)[/backcolor][/align] [backcolor=white] :增加的雙防降低至 25/35/45/55/65 從 30/40/50/60/70[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] :現在護甲、魔防值會增加此技能各自的加值,係數 .2 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor][align=center][backcolor=white]Lucian(雙槍歐巴馬)[/backcolor][/align][align=center][align=center][backcolor=white]R:(指定一個方向持續打擊,移動中使用可)[/backcolor][/align][/align] [backcolor=white] :傷害基本值提高到 50/55/60 /每擊 從 40/50/60 /每擊[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] :冷卻時間提高到 110/85/60 從 100/75/50 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor][align=center][backcolor=white]Lulu(紫皮巫師帽矮子)[/backcolor][/align][align=center][backcolor=white]被動(每當露露,或是當露露發出護盾時改為被加持的友軍,攻擊時,小精靈追加攻擊造成魔法傷害。可被路徑上敵軍阻擋)[/backcolor][/align] [backcolor=white]被動:現在 ap 會增加被動傷害值。係數 .15。[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] :基本傷害降低至:9/18/27/36/45/54/63/72/81 從 9/21/33/45/57/69/81/93/105 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white](AS-AP流的射手?搞不好很有搞頭…) [/backcolor][align=center][backcolor=white]Q:(本體、小精靈各打出一道光線,傷害沿途經過敵人,並緩速之)[/backcolor][/align] [backcolor=white] :最低緩速效果現在隨 AP 成長。1% / 每 7.5 AP。 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white](官方終於用了我看的懂得英文了…你M前面的說法都語意不清…單位都沒講清楚的…) [/backcolor][align=center][backcolor=white]W:(對友軍施放:短時間加跑速加 AP。 對敵方施放:變形…變形期間不能攻擊、不能使用技能且緩速…)[/backcolor][/align] [backcolor=white] :現在加速從 35 降低至 30[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] :現在不再增加 AP[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] :現在加速隨 AP 成長, 1% / 每 10 AP。 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor][align=center][backcolor=white]E:(對友軍施放:加盾、小精靈飛到目標旁,當受加持的友軍攻擊時,小精靈同時發動攻擊[/backcolor][/align][align=center][backcolor=white] 對敵軍施放:指定傷害,並共享受害目標的視野 6 秒)[/backcolor][/align] [backcolor=white] :護盾 AP 係數降至 .7 從 .6[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] :傷害係數降至 .5 從 .6 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor][align=center][backcolor=white]R:(加持目標友軍,變大、加血、並打飛周圍敵軍,並加持緩速靈氣)[/backcolor][/align] [backcolor=white] :血量增加降至 250/375/500 從 300/450/600 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor][align=center][backcolor=white]Nami(魚女)[/backcolor][/align][align=center][align=center][backcolor=white]被動:(當娜米的技能擊中友軍,友軍加速)[/backcolor][/align][/align] [backcolor=white] :現在加速隨 AP 成長。 1% / 每 100 Ap。 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white](你M,英文的部份,這是同一種東西第三種說法了…麻煩統一一下好嗎…尤其是珍娜那邊的單位都沒講清楚,超討厭的) [/backcolor][align=center][backcolor=white]Q:(大水球,擊飛並傷害指定範圍內的敵軍)[/backcolor][/align] [backcolor=white] :AP 傷害係數降至 .5 從 .65 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor][align=center][align=center][backcolor=white]W:(釋出一道水柱在英雄間彈跳,每次彈跳削弱效果,對友軍:補血,下一個彈到敵方身上 對敵軍:傷害,下一[/backcolor][/align][/align][align=center][align=center][backcolor=white] 個彈到友軍身上)[/backcolor][/align][/align] [backcolor=white] :彈跳時削弱的效果從固定百分比改成隨 AP 降低。有 200 AP 將使削弱百分比從 0 AP時的 15% 降至 0%。並且[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] 隨著 AP 繼續上升,將從每次彈跳削弱,變成每次彈跳增強。 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor][align=center][backcolor=white]E:(被加持對象攻擊附帶魔法傷害及緩速效果)[/backcolor][/align] [backcolor=white] :現在緩速效果隨 AP 成長, 5% / 每 100 AP。 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor][align=center][backcolor=white]R:(一道潮水從娜米後方開始沿指定方向前進,傷害並擊飛及緩速沿路經過敵軍,越遠被擊中,緩速越久)[/backcolor][/align] [backcolor=white] :傷害 AP 係數降至 .6 從 .7。 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor][align=center][backcolor=white]Sona(琴女)[/backcolor][/align][align=center][backcolor=white]被動(三次施放法術後,嗩吶的普攻附加傷害及特效。特效依最後施放的能力而定。Q:附加傷害加倍 W:降低傷害 E:降低跑速)[/backcolor][/align] [backcolor=white] :附加傷害隨 AP 成長。 係數 .2[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] :基本傷害降至 10/17/24/33/41/50/60/70/80/90/100/110/120/130/145/150/175/190[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] 從 13/20/27/35/43/52/62/72/82/92/102/112/122/132/147/162/177/192 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor][align=center][backcolor=white]Q:(攻擊自身中心範圍內的兩個敵人,英雄優先,並對自己附加靈氣:加AD、加AP直到彈奏下個曲子)[/backcolor][/align] [backcolor=white] :AP 傷害係數降至 .7 從 .5 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor][align=center][backcolor=white]W:(恢復自己與範圍內血量最少英雄的血量,並對自己附加靈氣:加護甲、加魔抗,直到彈奏下個曲子)[/backcolor][/align] [backcolor=white] :基本回復值降至 40/55/70/85/100 從 40/60/80/100/120 [/backcolor] [align=center][backcolor=white]E:(提高自身中心範圍內的所有友方英雄跑速,並對自己附加靈氣:加跑速,直到彈奏下個曲子)[/backcolor][/align] [backcolor=white] :基本加速降至 4/6/8/10/12 從 6/8/10/12/14[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] :加速隨 AP 成長。 2% / 每 100 AP。[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] :被動能力觸發的減速隨 AP 成長。 2% / 每 100 AP。 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor][align=center][backcolor=white]R:(傷害並擊暈長方形範圍的所有敵方英雄)[/backcolor][/align] [backcolor=white] :傷害 AP 係數降至 .4 從.8 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor][align=center][backcolor=white]Soraka(星媽)[/backcolor][/align] [backcolor=white]基本血量升至 405 從 375[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]增加血量 / 每級 升至76 從71[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]基本護甲升至 9.4 從 7.4 [/backcolor] [align=center][backcolor=white]重製被動(原效果:增加周圍友軍 16 魔防)[/backcolor][/align] [backcolor=white] :索拉卡的回血、回魔技能隨著目標所損失的血量而提昇。目標每多損失 2% 血量(魔力量),治療(回 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white] 魔)效果就增加 1%。 (血越少,治療能力越強,魔越少,回魔效果越強。沒寫上限,也就是英雄快死的時候額外多補 50%。再配合現在的輔助 AP也不會低到哪裡去…應該是具有影響力的招式。以前老覺得他的補血沒啥影響力…說起來,跟 ADC 搭檔的時候點補血本來就挺奇怪的…嗯…有沒有 adc 單上,坦克、星媽走下的玩法呢?如果針對的上路比較怕風箏的話…) [/backcolor][align=center][backcolor=white]Q(以自身為中心,擊傷並降低所有敵人的魔防)[/backcolor][/align] [backcolor=white] :基本傷害提昇至 60/95/130/165/200 從 65/85/110/135/160。[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] :降低之魔防隨 AP 成長,係數 .15 (即100 AP = 額外 15 魔防)[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] :新效果:如果此技能擊中至少一個敵人英雄,Astral Blessing(補血)的冷卻減少 5/6.25/7.5/8.75/10%。[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] :消耗魔力量改成 30/40/50/60/70 從 20/35/50/65/80。 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor][align=center][backcolor=white]原圖上的說明:[/backcolor][/align][align=center][backcolor=white]Lv1, 30 魔力, 2.5 秒 CD[/backcolor][/align][backcolor=white]造成所有附近敵人 60(+8)魔法傷害,並降低他們的魔防減低 6(+0)5秒。最高可堆疊 10次。 如果此技能至少擊中一名敵方英雄,那 Astral Blessing(補血)的冷卻降低 5%。 [/backcolor][align=center][backcolor=white]W(指定回復一名友軍血量,並增加護甲)[/backcolor][/align] [backcolor=white] :基本治療值降低至 70/120/170/220/270 從 70/140/210/280/350[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] :治療 AP 係數降低至 .35 從 .45[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] :加持基本護甲改為 50/65/80/95/100 從 25/45/65/85/105[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] :加持持續時間減至 2秒 從 3秒[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] :加持護甲現隨 AP 成長。係數 .15[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] :消耗魔力降至 80/100/120/140/160 from 80/110/140/170/200 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor][align=center][backcolor=white]截圖說明:[/backcolor][/align][align=center][backcolor=white]Lv1, 80 魔力, 20 秒 CD[/backcolor][/align][backcolor=white]恢復友軍 70(+7)血量,並暫時提高其 50(+3)護甲 2 秒。 (一點好強…如果時間算的準的話對純物理傷害的換血無往不利) [/backcolor][align=center][backcolor=white]E(指定技 對友軍:回復魔力 對敵軍:傷害並沉默)[/backcolor][/align] [backcolor=white] :回復的魔力量改為 20/40/60/80/100 + 5% 索拉卡的最大魔力值 從 40/80/120/160/200。[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] :對友軍回復魔力現在魔力消耗提高至 5% 索拉卡的魔力 從 0[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] :魔法傷害改為 40/70/100/130/160 ( +.4 AP ) 魔法傷害 加 5% 索拉卡的最大魔力 從 50/100/150/200/250 ( .6 AP )[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] :新動畫 [/backcolor] [align=center][backcolor=white]截圖說明:[/backcolor][/align][align=center][backcolor=white]Lv1, 對敵軍無魔力消耗 / 對友軍 5% 最大法力, 10 秒 CD[/backcolor][/align][backcolor=white]對友軍施放:回復友軍英雄法力值 20 + 5% 索拉卡的最大法力(+27)。(不能施放在自己身上) 對敵軍施放:造成敵方魔法傷害 40(+8)加 5% 索拉卡的最大法力(+27),並沉默 1.5秒 [/backcolor][align=center][backcolor=white]R(全地圖友方英雄補血)[/backcolor][/align] [backcolor=white] :補血值降低至 150/250/350 (.55 AP) 從 200/320/440 ( .7 AP ) [/backcolor] [backcolor=white] (E 原本對友軍施放也是免費,這也是星媽別名永動機的由來,現在不能再無腦放了…不過算上新被動…只要稍微控制一下還是很接近永動機。傷害的部份…和雷茲一樣的機制…可是雷茲三招小招都吃魔力…星媽只有一招吃…堆魔力到底划不划算呢?感覺起來應該還是划算的…因為星落吃魔超兇… 時光杖星媽?恩…除非中路…要不然還是以眼為重…倒是大天使星媽有點機會…反正Q疊淚疊很快…最終全裝:眼石+CD鞋(法穿鞋?)+女神之淚(大天使)+閃耀劍(巫妖之禍)+小金人(軍團盾?)+死亡之帽?不知道要拿掉哪個換成皇冠…法穿杖應該還是沒有死亡之帽全面…假定皇冠後來賣掉那最終 AP值至少為 560+ ,這個時候傷害因為沒有法穿…只能算是附加的…但是 W 的護甲加值189…快要等於物免 2秒了…最誇張的是 Q 降得魔抗 90 / 每次 。最多疊加 10次。你M,誰有 900魔抗讓你扣…這肯定是少了一個 %…不過就算是多一個 % 變成 14.4 / 每次 還是很誇張…144 還是一個不可思議的數值…果然所有的數據都是 口胡…完全不可信… 附帶一題:圖示寫得是最大法力,與文章不同,我懷疑是文章的內容誤值,這篇英文就挺亂七八糟的…一堆不明確的用語還有九成九是誤值的錯誤) [/backcolor][align=center][backcolor=white]Taric 寶石騎士 (粉紅芭比噁爛男孩)[/backcolor][/align][align=center][backcolor=white]被動(普攻附加塔裡克最大法力 2 %的魔法傷害)[/backcolor][/align] [backcolor=white] :在施法後,塔里克的下一次普攻附帶 護甲 40% 的魔法傷害。並減低他的冷卻。 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor][align=center][backcolor=white]Q(塔理克恢復自身與指定友軍的血量。如果只恢復自己,則恢復量為原恢復量的1.4倍。)[/backcolor][/align][align=left] [backcolor=white] :冷卻降低至 18/17/16/15/14 從 20/19/18/17/16[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] :恢復 AP 係數降低至 .3 從 .6[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] :恢復量隨額外血量成長。 係數 0.05[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] :法力消耗減少至 60/80/100/120/140 從 80/95/110/125/140[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] :攻擊不再降低冷卻時間 [/backcolor] [/align][backcolor=white] [/backcolor][align=center][backcolor=white]原截圖:[/backcolor][/align][align=center][backcolor=white]Lv1, 60 魔力, 18 秒 CD[/backcolor][/align][backcolor=white]塔理克回復他與指定的友軍 60(+0)(+0)(塔理刻得額外血量的 5%),如果指定自己,則回復量增加 40% 回復 84(+0)(+0)。 [/backcolor][align=center][backcolor=white]W(被動:加自身護甲、加周圍友軍塔理克護甲值12%的護甲 主動:造成自身中心範圍魔傷,並降低其護甲值 、冷卻中被動不勝效果)[/backcolor][/align] [backcolor=white] :基本傷害降低至 40/80/120/160/200 從 50/90/130/170/210[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] :護甲 AP 係數移除[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] :護甲 護甲值 係數 增加為 50% 從 20% [/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor][align=center][backcolor=white]E(指定傷害並擊暈,對手越近傷害越大,最高加倍)[/backcolor][/align] [backcolor=white] :傷害AP係數降至 .2 到 .4 從 .4 到 .8。[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] :冷卻提高至 18/17/16/15/14 從 14/13/12/11/10 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor][align=center][backcolor=white]R(自身中心範圍魔傷,並對自己加持一個靈氣:+AD +AP 靈氣範圍 500)[/backcolor][/align] [backcolor=white] :冷卻增加到 75 從 60[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] :傷害AP係數降低至 .5 到 .7。 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white](就是要塔理克堆防禦當坦就對了,可是我覺得做的不夠徹底阿…應該所有技能都要跟護甲值連動比較好…另外我認為連動一個就好了,血量、護甲同時都連動,未必是好…) [/backcolor][align=center]物品:[/align][align=center]跳錢裝只能擁有一個[/align][backcolor=white] 輔助物品 ◆賢者之卵◆ $365 1、+5生命回復/5秒。 2、+5魔力回復/5秒。 3、唯一被動-煉金術:每一名在周圍不是你擊殺的小兵死亡可以獲得2金幣。 ◆賢者之石◆ $850 1、+8生命回復/5秒。 2、+11魔力回復/5秒。 3、每10秒獲得額外2金幣。 4、唯一被動-煉金術:每一名在周圍不是你擊殺的小兵死亡可以獲得4金幣。 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]從閒者之卵升級為閒者之石 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white] ◆蘇瑞亞狂想曲◆ $2000 1、-20%技能冷卻時間。 2、+10生命回復/5秒。 3、+15魔力回復/5秒。 4、每10秒獲得額外2金幣。 5、唯一被動-煉金術:每一名在周圍不是你擊殺的小兵死亡可以獲得4金幣。 6、唯一主動-提高周圍友軍40%跑速,持續3秒。冷卻60秒。 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]閒者之石 + 回魔吊飾 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white] ◆凱吉匕首◆ $365 1、+10魔法攻擊。 2、+3魔力回復/10秒。 3、每10秒獲得額外2金幣。 4、唯一新被動-Pickpocket:普攻和技能命中每一個敵方英雄可以獲得額外4點金幣,冷卻10秒。擊殺小兵會直接將冷卻時間變成10秒。 ◆凱吉的幸運匕首◆ $850 1、+20魔法攻擊。 2、+7魔力回復/10秒。 3、每10秒獲得額外4金幣。 4、唯一新被動-Pickpocket:普攻和技能命中每一個敵方英雄可以獲得額外8點金幣,冷卻10秒。擊殺小兵會直接將冷卻時間變成10秒。 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]從凱吉匕首升級 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white] ◆真霜結晶◆ $2000 1、+50魔法攻擊。 2、+10魔力回復/5秒。 3、每10秒獲得額外4點金幣。 4、唯一新被動-Pickpocket:普攻和技能命中每一個敵方英雄可以獲得額外8點金幣,冷卻10秒。擊殺小兵可以降低冷卻時間10秒。 5、唯一主動-冰霜新星:在友軍周圍創造一圈暴風雪,降低敵人 50% 跑速,持續 2 秒。冷卻時間 60 秒。 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]幸運匕首 + 法書 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white] ◆處刑者徽章◆ $365 1、+50生命。 2、+6生命回復/5秒。 3、唯一被動-處刑:假如有一名友軍在附近,普攻將會將200生命以下的小兵直接擊殺。每分鐘可以發動2次。 4、唯一被動-靈魂竊取:小兵被處刑被動擊殺之後,周圍友軍可以回復你的2%最大生命的血量,並獲得處刑單位金錢額外+5的金幣。 ◆Reaper's Emblem◆ $850 1、+175生命。 2、+12生命回復/5秒。 3、唯一被動-處刑:假如有一名友軍在附近,普攻將會將200生命以下的小兵直接擊殺。每分鐘可以發動2次。 4、唯一被動-靈魂竊取:小兵被處刑被動擊殺之後,周圍友軍可以回復你的2%最大生命的血量,並獲得處刑單位金錢額外+10的金幣。 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]從處刑者徽章 升級 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white] ◆Martyr's Call◆ $2000 1、+400生命。 2、+25生命回復/5秒。 3、唯一被動-處刑:假如有一名友軍在附近,普攻將會將200生命以下的小兵直接擊殺。每分鐘可以發動2次。 4、唯一被動-靈魂竊取:小兵被處刑被動擊殺之後,周圍友軍可以回復你的2%最大生命的血量,並獲得處刑單位金錢額外+10的金幣。 5、唯一主動-生命咆嘯彈:消耗20%生命,指定友軍英雄造成10%最大生命的護盾,持續4秒。4秒後如果護盾還存在,會爆發造成10%最大生命的魔法傷害。 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Executioner's Emblem + 紅寶石 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white] 打野物品 ◆遠古戰魂◆ $2000 1、+350生命。 2、-10%技能冷卻時間。 3、+14生命回復/5秒。 4、+7魔力回復/5秒。 5、唯一被動-韌性:降低35%暈眩、緩速、嘲諷、禁言、致盲和定身效果的持續時間。 6、唯一被動-屠殺:提高30%對野怪造成的傷害。 7、唯一被動-節約:擊殺和助攻小龍和巴龍會獲得最多30金幣,殺龍間格越長獲得金幣越多。 ◆蜥蜴長老戰魂◆ $2000 1、+25物理攻擊。 2、-10%技能冷卻時間。 3、+14生命回復/5秒。 4、+7魔力回復/5秒。 5、唯一被動:普攻或施放非持續傷害的技能命中敵人時,會在3秒內造成額外16~50真實傷害(視英雄等級)。 6、唯一被動-屠殺:提高30%對野怪造成的傷害。 7、唯一被動-節約:擊殺和助攻小龍和巴龍會獲得最多30金幣,殺龍間格越長獲得金幣越多。 ◆亡靈戰魂◆ $2000 1、+50魔法攻擊。 2、-10%技能冷卻時間。 3、+14生命回復/5秒。 4、+7魔力回復/5秒。 5、唯一被動:對野怪造成的5%魔法傷害會回復為生命和魔力。 6、唯一被動-屠殺:提高30%對野怪造成的傷害。 7、唯一被動-節約:擊殺和助攻小龍和巴龍會獲得最多30金幣,殺龍間格越長獲得金幣越多。 ◆瑞格之燈◆ $1800 1、+25%攻擊速度。 2、+20護甲。 3、唯一被動-殘廢:普攻命中對野怪造成額外100魔法傷害,並回復10血量。 4、唯一被動:擊殺野怪獲得的金錢增加40%。 5、唯一主動:放置一個隱形守衛,持續90秒。冷卻時間90秒。 新飾品 【Scrying Orb】 1、飾品為免費,最多限制一個。 2、被動:飾品在英雄等級9的時候會升級,也可以用金錢再升級。 3、唯一主動:對1100射程內的一小區域施放1秒鐘的洞察。冷卻150秒 4、英雄9級升級為:射程增加為2000。 5、花費475金幣可以進化為:射程增加2500,冷卻時間120秒。 【Sweeping Lens】 1、飾品為免費,最多限制一個。 2、被動:飾品在英雄等級9的時候會升級,也可以用金錢再升級。 3、唯一主動:偵測並且無效化周圍一小區域隱形陷阱和守衛,持續4秒。冷卻180秒(注意:無法偵測隱形英雄) 4、英雄9級升級為:偵測和無效化區域增加一倍。 5、花費475金幣可以進化為:使用後得到真視效果(可以偵測隱形英雄),持續10秒。冷卻90秒。 【Warding Totem】 1、飾品為免費,最多限制一個。 2、被動:飾品在英雄等級9的時候會升級,也可以用金錢再升級。 3、唯一主動:使用一隻隱形守衛,持續1分鐘。冷卻120秒 4、英雄9級升級為:隱形守衛升級為120秒。冷卻120秒。 5、花費475金幣可以進化為: (1).隱形守衛升級為持續180秒。冷卻180秒。 (2).升級為真視守衛,持續180秒。冷卻180秒。 眼與視野改變 真視藥水 [/backcolor] 移除 [backcolor=white]綠眼 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]重命名為 Stealth Wards[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]一個玩家最多放置三個於地圖上[/backcolor] [backcolor=white](攜帶上限五個) [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]紅眼 [/backcolor] 價格降低至 75 從 100 一個玩家最多放置一個 血量上升為 5 從 3 不再有時間限制 [backcolor=white]不再隱形 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]現有物品變動 軍團盾 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]價格上升至 1950 從 1900 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]貪婪之刃 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]跳錢裝限制持有一個 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]指揮旗幟 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]價格升至 2400[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]CDR 升至 20% 從 10%[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]AP 升至 80 從 40.[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]不再有護甲、血量屬性[/backcolor] [backcolor=white](估計還是廢物物品?) 多藍劍 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]價格下降至 440 從 475[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]AD降至 8 從 10[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]被動修正為:遠程回復 3 血 / 每擊 近戰回復 5 血 / 每擊 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white] 奇蹟之石 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]不再被動強化召喚者技能[/backcolor] (奇葩物品…這東西是少有的扣除被動,合成都划算的物品…不過回血、回魔這兩個屬性實在是令人不太想投資) [align=center][align=left]急凍戰鎚[/align][/align] [backcolor=white]價格降低至 3475 從 3500 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]鬼書 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]現在由法書取代原本幸運匕首合成[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]日輪的加冕 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]價格升至 2550 從 2500 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]長劍 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]價格降低至 360 從 400 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]紅爪 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]護甲降低至 20 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]米凱的魔鍋[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]$1600 +40 魔抗 +12 魔力 / 每 5 秒 唯一被動 - Mana Font: 每損失 1% 魔力,及增加回魔速度 1%。 唯一主動:指定一個友軍英雄並移除他身上所有 擊暈, 捆綁, 嘲諷, 恐懼, 沉默, 與緩速。並回復血量 150 + 10%他的最大血量。(180秒冷卻) 歐姆破爛者…喔 是歐姆破壞者(S3最弱道具之一) [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]價格降至 2000 從 2835[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]不再有回血、回魔屬性 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]木槌 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]價格降至 1325 從 1350 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white] 黑切 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]價格降至 2920 從 3000 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]嗜血 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]價格降至 3000從 3200 [/backcolor] 三項之力 [backcolor=white]價格降至 3703 從 3728 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]雙影斗篷 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]價格升至 2000 從 1900[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]AP 增加升至 50 從 40 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white] 遠古意志(吸血書) [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]價格降至 2000 從 2550[/backcolor] 現在提供 10% CDR [backcolor=white]現在提供 10 回魔 / 每 5 秒[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]不再提供 ap、技能吸血靈氣 (本體還是會吸血)[/backcolor] 新屬性: [backcolor=white]$2000 +50 AP +10 回魔 / 每 5 秒 +10% CDR 唯一被動: +20% 技能吸血 棋子(吸血靈氣旗) [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]價格減至 2450 從 2650 [/backcolor] (綜合評價:因為升級經驗減少的緣故…所以各種物品都大量的降價。至於哪個效果比較大?這個沒有試玩過不知道了。另外,從總體上來看,似乎開始拔掉各種輔助(靈氣)裝。應該是配合輔助英雄的輔助效果隨 AP 增長吧?與其讓你們吵應該出輔助裝,還是出 AP 裝。乾脆全部拔掉換成 AP 裝。似乎是這個思路…) [backcolor=white] Riot's Changelist ALRIGHT - Instead of the typical change hunting for balance changes, Riot has provided us with pretty specific change lists for the Vision, Support, Summoner Spells, Jungle, and Game Flow changes that hit the PBE in this updates. I hope you are ready to read and please be aware that some of these changes ARE NOT IN THIS BUILD ( I'm looking at you jungle & mastery changes! ) Support Changes Source: http://community.pbe.leagueoflegends.com/c/gameplay/fs3jrmYy-new-support-changes-on-the-pbe-10312013 "Please remember that things on the PBE are tentative and highly subject to change! Some assets are in a high state of flux, so you can expect even placeholder assets where we’re trying to get additional art in. If you’re interested in the core philosophies around our support changes, check out our complete rundown here! We’ll be going over our individual changes with smaller contextual paragraphs, but these were written with our overarching approaches in mind. Summary: We want all roles and positions to have the opportunity to fulfill their endgame fantasies within each game. Currently Support champions as a role experience the lowest amount of growth in comparison to other roles, and we want to supplement their story. We’re also looking to create a stronger identity for utility-focused supports with additional utility scaling on their abilities (as opposed to simply adding more raw damage). [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Added a mastery that grants experience every 5 sec.[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Added the Life Insurance mastery to the Utility tree - grants bonus gold when enemy lane minions die.[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Added increased assist rewards (assist bonuses) when a player has a very large number of assists (see our Game Flow post for more information) [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Support Items [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Kage's Pick now grants gold on dealing damage to an enemy. (10 sec cooldown. Cooldown triggers on killing a minion.)[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Philosopher's Stone now transmutes minions into gold when they die, but you didn't kill them.[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Reaper's Emblem now shares the gold from your last hits with the nearest ally and heals them (30 sec cd)[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Kage's Pick, Philosopher's Stone and Reaper's Emblem build from 365 gold starter versions that are intended to be starting items for support lanes [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Mid-Game Support Items [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]The above items turn into midgame support items.[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Kage's Pick becomes Shard of True Ice, which grants 50 AP and now casts a frost nova on a ranged enemy.[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Philospher's Stone becomes Shurelia's Reverie, which no longer grants health and instead grants 20% CDR and additional mana regen.[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Reaper's Emblem becomes Martyr's Call, a high health item which allows you to sacrifice your health to shield allies and deal damage to opponents near the target. [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Champions Summaries are more focused on high-level changes rather than each individual change. Soraka Summary: Soraka’s health and mana restoring abilities are more effective the more the targeted unit is missing health / mana. Astral Blessing’s armor granted now scales with ability power. Starcall’s magic resistance reduction scales with AP and each time Soraka hits at least one enemy champion with Starcall she reduces the cooldown of Astral Blessing by a base percentage. Infuse now partially donates a portion of Soraka’s maximum mana to the targeted ally and its damage also scales with her maximum mana (in addition to an ability power ratio). Wish now affects untargetable allies and with Soraka’s new passive is more effective on targets below 40% health but less effective on targets above 40% health. Context: We wanted to provide a link between Soraka's primary offensive ability and her core niche identity as a defensive support. Additionally, we took this opportunity to introduce more gameplay into Soraka’s kit so that she will be rewarded more heavily for successful plays. Base Stats [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Base health increased to 405 (was 375)[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Health per level increased to 76 (was 71)[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Base Armor increased to 9.4 (was 7.4) [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Passive - Consecration [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]New Passive: Salvation: Soraka's health and mana restoring abilities are 1% more effective for each 2% health or mana the target is missing. [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Q - Starcall [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Magic Resistance reduction changed to 6 at all levels + 0.01 AP (was 8-12)[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Mana cost changed to 30-70 (was 20-80)[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]If Starcall hits at least one enemy champion Astral Blessing's cooldown is reduced by 5%/6.25%/7.5%/8.75%/10% [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]W - Astral Blessing [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Healing reduced to 70-270 (from 70-350) + 0.35 (from +0.45)[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Armor granted now scales with AP (0.15 ratio)[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Armor duration reduced to 2s (was 3s)[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Base armor changed to 50-110 (was 25-105)[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Lowered mana cost to 80-160 (was 80-200) [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]E - Infuse [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Allied cast changed to give an ally 20/40/60/80/100 mana + donate 5% of Soraka's max mana (was 40-200 for no cost)[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Can no longer be cast on allies who do not use mana or are already at max mana[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Enemy cast changed to deal damage equal to 40/70/100/130/160 + 5% of Soraka's max mana + 0.4 AP (was 50-250 + 0.6 AP)[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Added a spell effect from Soraka to her target [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]R - Wish [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Healing reduced to 150-350 (from 200/320/440) + (0.55 (from +0.7))[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Now affects untargetable allies [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Taric Summary: Taric’s passive now gives him a buff that deals 40% of his armor as bonus magic damage after casting a spell – each empowered auto attack landed also reduces all of Taric’s cooldowns by 2 seconds. Imbue now scales with 5% of Taric’s bonus health, although the AP ratio has been lowered. Shatter now solely scales with Taric’s armor and not Ability Power. Dazzle has had its AP ratio reduced. Radiance has had its AP ratio lowered and cooldown increased. Context: Our core goals with Taric were to make his passive a more interesting and involving ability while also opening up more build opportunities. Instead of giving Taric high AP ratios for huge burst, we want to push him to build more tanky with his new gold income to further cement his role as a tanky front-line support with strong burst / aura capabilities.* Passive - Gemcraft Gives Taric a buff that deals 40% of his armor as bonus magic damage on the next auto attack after casting a spell Passive empowered auto attacks reduce the cooldown of all abilities by 2s Q - Imbue [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Cooldown reduction on auto attacks removed (moved to passive)[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Base cooldown lowered to 18/17/16/15/14 from 20/19/18/17/16[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]AP ratio lowered to 0.3 from 0.6[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Added scaling from 5% of bonus health [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]W - Shatter [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Base damages lowered to 40/80/120/160/200 from 50/90/130/170/210[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Armor Ratio increased to 50% from 20%[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]AP ratio lowered to 0 from 0.6 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]E - Dazzle [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Cooldown increased to 18/17/16/15/14 from 14/13/12/11/10[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]AP Ratio lowered to 0.2/0.4 from 0.4/0.8 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]R - Radiance [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]AP Ratio lowered from 0.7 to 0.5[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Cooldown increased from 60 to 75 seconds [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Leona Summary: Eclipse’s bonus Armor and Magic Resistance now scales with ability power. Context: Leona’s general utility and Ability Power ratios have transitioned well to the preseason changes, so we’re not changing much with her current kit. W - Eclipse [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Changed base Armor / Magic Resistance from 30/40/50/60/70 to 25/35/45/55/65. Added (+0.2 AP) bonus armor and magic resist ratios to the armor/magic resist bonus respectively. [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Janna Summary: Janna’s global passive has been converted to a localized area (equivalent to sight range). Howling Gale’s AP ratio has been significantly lowered but gains a scaling AP ratio per second it is charged. Zephyr’s self-haste and slow amount on the active cast now scale with AP although the base slow has been lowered. Eye of the Storm’s bonus AD given to allies now scales with AP. Monsoon remains unchanged. Context: We’ve been saying for a while that we wanted to change all global passives that provide a lot of “hidden” power, like Twisted Fate’s old passive, and were finally able to tackle Janna’s Tailwind passive with her new utility scaling. The Howling Gale change looks like a significant nerf to Janna’s AP ratio, but the additional AP scaling per second means that Janna will need to fully charge her Howling Gale in order to do high damage at end game with her additional Ability Power. Passive – Tailwind [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Converting to a localized area (1300 range; equivalent to sight range)[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Increased movement speed bonus to 5% from 3% [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Q - Howling Gale [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Added a .1 AP per second that Howling Gale is charged before release[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Ability Power ratio lowered to .35 from .75[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Lowered charge damage to 14/20/25/30/35 from 25/30/40/50/60 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]W – Zephyr [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Added an AP ratio to both her passive self-haste and slow amount on the active. These values are .04 for the self-haste and .12 for the slow[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Lowered damage ratio to .5 from .6[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Lowered base slow to 24%/28%/32%/36%/40% from 24%/30%/36%/42%/48% [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]E - Eye of the Storm [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Added an AP ratio to the AD given to her allies. The ratio is +0.33 AP for the base AD (based off of the rank of her shield) [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Nami Summary: Nami’s passive now scales in higher movement speed with the more Ability Power she gets. Ebb and Flow’s heal / damage bounces now scale with Ability Power, meaning with enough Ability Power, Nami can heal / deal more damage per additional bounce rather than having it fall off. The slow on Tidecaller’s Blessing now scales with Ability Power. Passive - Surging Tides [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Added a 0.1 AP to 1% movement speed ratio to her movement speed buff [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Q -Aqua Prison [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Reduced AP ratio to .5 from .65 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]W - Ebb and Flow [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Removed % drop off from bounces. Goes from 15% to 0% at 200 AP and can go over 0, leading to increased effects off every bounce [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]E - Tidecaller's Blessing [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Increased the slow amount by a .05 AP ratio (100 AP is 5% additional slow) [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]R - Tidal Wave * Reduced AP Ratio to .6 from .7 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Sona Summary: Power Chord now scales with Ability Power. Song of Celerity’s speed boost now scales with ability power. Passive - Power Chord [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Power Chord reduced to 10/17/24/33/41/50/60/70/80/90/100/110/120/130/145/150/175/190 from (13/20/27/35/43/52/62/72/82/92/102/112/122/132/147/162/177/192)[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Added .2 AP scaling to Power Chord Damage [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Q - Hymn Of Valor [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Ratio Reduced to .5 from .7 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]W - Aria of Perseverance [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Base heal amount reduced at later ranks to 40/55/70/85/100 from 40/60/80/100/120 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]E - Song of Celerity [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Activated speed boost reduced to (.04/.06/.08.10/.12) from (.08/.10/.12.14/.16)[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Added .02 Scaling to activated speed boost[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Added .02 Scaling to power chord slow [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]R – Crescendo [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Ratio reduced to .4 from .8 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Lulu Summary: Pix, Faerie Companion now scales with Ability Power. Glitterlance’s slow now scales with Ability Power. Whimsy no longer boosts Ability Power but now scales its bonus movement speed with Ability Power. Passive - Pix, Faerie Companion [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Base damage reduced to 9/18/27/36/45/54/63/72/81 from 9/21/33/45/57/69/81/93/105[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Added .15 AP scaling [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Q – Glitterlance [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Added minimum speed on slow falloff: 1% per 7.5 AP. [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]W – Whimsy [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Removed AP boost[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Reduced base move speed increase from 35% to 30%[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Added AP ratio for movespeed, added a movespeed ratio of 1% per 10 AP. [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]E - Help Pix! [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Increased AP ratio for shield to .7 from .6[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Reduced AP ratio for damage to .5 from .6 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]R - Wild Growth [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Reduced base to 250/375/500 from 300/450/600" [/backcolor] [backcolor=white] ============================================================ Vision Changessource: http://community.pbe.leagueoflegends.com/c/gameplay/4e873pBu-new-vision-changes-on-the-pbe-10312013 "Please remember that things on the PBE are tentative and highly subject to change! Some assets are in a high state of flux, so you can expect even placeholder assets where we’re trying to get additional art in. If you’re interested in the core philosophies around our vision changes, check out our complete rundown here! We’ll be going over our individual changes with smaller contextual paragraphs, but these were written with our overarching approaches in mind. Summary: With this preseason we want to diffuse the responsibility of vision from being a single player burden to a team-wide job. Additionally, we want to infuse more gameplay into the vision game with additional functionality and the addition of trinkets. Vision Trinkets (Summoner’s Rift Only) To encourage all players to participate in providing vision for their allies, we're providing unique item options dedicated to vision on Summoner’s Rift. [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Added a 7th Item slot, which can only contain a vision trinket[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Added 3 free vision relics: Warding Totem, Scrying Orb and Sweeping Lens[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Warding Totem - places an stealth ward for 60 sec. (120 sec cooldown)[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Scrying Orb - reveals a location within 1100 range for 1 sec. (150 sec cd)[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Sweeping Lens - disables and reveals any nearby hidden wards, traps or devices for 4 seconds (180 sec cd) [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]- [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]These items upgrade at Champion Level 9:[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Greater Totem - places a stealth ward for 120 sec. (120 sec cooldown)[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Greater Orb - cast range increased to 2000.[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Greater Lens - sweep area of effect increased by 100%, cooldown reduced to 150 sec. [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]- [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]These items can then be upgraded at the shop for 475 Gold:[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Greater Stealth Totem - Places a stealth ward for 180 sec. (180 second cooldown)[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Greater Vision Totem - Places a vision ward (180 second cooldown)[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Farsight Orb - Cast Range increased to 2500, (120 second cooldown)[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Oracle's Lens - Additionally grants True Sight for 10 seconds after activation (90 second cooldown) [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Wards Support players were expected to shoulder the majority of the warding burden on the map. Because they could place as many ward as they could afford, this meant all of the support income was best spent on warding. We want all players on the team to participate in warding and providing vision to their team. Sight Wards [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Sight (Green) wards renamed to "Stealth Wards"[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Sight wards limited to a max of 3 placed per player[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Ward tooltips display how many stealth wards are currently placed [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Vision Wards Vision Wards being superior in every respect to Sight Wards has created some weird escalation cases where there is simply an unending cycle of 'Pink' Ward destruction. By positioning Vision Wards as having different strengths and trade-offs - we hope to create a better defined role for both Sight and Vision Wards. [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Vision (Pink) wards no longer stealthed[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Vision wards have 5 health[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Vision wards have infinite duration[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Vision wards cost reduced to 75 from 100[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Vision wards limited to 1 placed on the map [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Sightstone / Ruby Sightstone [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Sightstones no longer have their own restriction but are restricted by your stealth ward cap [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]General [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Placing a ward will now display your ward count and the ward that will be destroyed. [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Oracle's Elixir We’re removing Oracle's Elixir as it has traditionally been a major drain on support and jungler item builds, and has also traditionally been far too binary in controlling early game vision. [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Removed from Summoner's Rift" [/backcolor] [backcolor=white] =================================================================== Jungle Changes source: http://community.pbe.leagueoflegends.com/c/gameplay/abvPJyL3-jungle-changes-on-the-pbe-10312013 "Please remember that things on the PBE are tentative and highly subject to change! Some assets are in a high state of flux, so you can expect even placeholder assets where we’re trying to get additional art in. *If you’re interested in the core philosophies around our jungle changes, check out our complete rundown here! We’ll be going over our individual changes with smaller contextual paragraphs, but these were written with our overarching approaches in mind.* Summary: We’re looking to create more options and possibilities for junglers of all kinds in this preseason. Within this thread we’ll be consolidating all feedback surrounding the jungle. Let’s get into the changes! Jungle The gold income for a primary jungler wasn't scaling appropriately for dedicated jungle farmers. Similarly, the jungle difficulty was out of line with what we thought was appropriate. Now the jungle difficulty is shown by monster level and the difficulty/rewards are linked to the monster level. [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Jungle monsters now have levels[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Jungle monster level is based on the average level of the champions in the game when they spawn (equal to average of all champion levels, rounded up)[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Jungle monster level determines their HP/Damage and XP/Gold value[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Jungle monsters grant 50% bonus XP per level to lower-level champions, up to a cap[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Added an extra camp (the Wight) near the Blue Golem and Wolves [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Crest of the Ancient Golem (“Blue Buff”) Crest of the Ancient Golem is too powerful at the moment, especially with such a wealth of cooldown reduction options available. [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Cooldown Reduction reduced to 10% from 20% [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Jungle Monster Statistics All jungle monsters have been retuned to better fit the new items being introduced as well as the new flow of the game Ancient Golem [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Health increased to 1500 from 1400[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Gold reduced to 60 from 66 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Elder Lizard [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Health increased to 1500 from 1400[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Gold reduced to 60 from 66 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Lizard [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Attack Damage reduced to 10 from 11[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Experience reduced to 20 from 50[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Gold increased to 7 from 5 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Giant Wolf [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Attack Damage increased to 40 from 35[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Experience reduced to 110 from 170[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Gold reduced to 40 from 55 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Wolf [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Attack Damage increased to 14 from 8[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Experience increased to 25 from 10[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Gold increased to 8 from 4 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Golem [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Attack Damage increased to 55 from 54[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Experience reduced to 140 from 160 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Small Golem [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Health increased to 450 from 300[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Attack Damage reduced to 25 from 30[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Experience increased to 40 from 38 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Wraith [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Experience reduced to 90 from 103[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Gold increased to 35 from 30 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Lesser Wraith [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Health increased to 250 from 150[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Attack Damage increased to 12 from 10[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Experience increased to 20 from 4[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Gold increased to 4 from 3 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Wight (New Camp) [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]1400 Health[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]75 Attack Damage[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]15 Armor[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]55 Gold[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]150 Experience [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Jungle Items *In the current game, Junglers tend fall behind their allies after laning phase ends. Here we've adjusted jungle items to compensate by adding additional gold generation patterns to several jungle items that complement the intended playstyle of those items Madred's Razors [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Armor reduced to 20 from 25 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Wriggle's Lantern [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Recipe: Madred's Razors + Dagger + Dagger (Total 1800)[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]20 Armor[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]25% Attack Speed[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Unique Passive: Deals 100 magic damage and heals 10 health per hit against monsters[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Unique Passive: Gain 40% increased gold from monsters [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Spirit of the Elder Lizard [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Attack Damage reduced to 25 from 35[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Incinerate passive now procs on physical damage, damage increased to 16-50 from 7-40[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Unique Passive: Champion kills, assists and epic monsters grant 30 gold and 10 gold from large monsters [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Spirit of the Ancient Golem [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Health reduced to 350 from 500[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Unique Passive: Gain a stack of Conservation every 1.5 seconds. Lose Conservation stacks and gain equal gold upon killing a large monster. Maximum stacks: 30. [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Spirit of the Spectral Wraith [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Recipe: Spirit Stone + Fiendish Codex (Total 2000)[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]50 Ability Power[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]10% Cooldown Reduction[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]14 Health regen per 5[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]7 Mana regen per 5[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Unique Passive: 5% of magic damage dealt to monsters is restored as Health and Mana[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Unique Passive – Bounty Hunter: Champion kills, assists and epic monsters grant 30 gold and 10 gold from large monsters[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Unique Passive: Damage dealt to monsters increased by 30%" [/backcolor] [backcolor=white] ================================================================ Summoner Spell Changes Source: http://community.pbe.leagueoflegends.com/c/gameplay/o81eXTWd-new-summoner-spells-masteries-on-the-pbe-10312013 "Please remember that things on the PBE are tentative and highly subject to change! Some assets are in a high state of flux, so you can expect even placeholder assets where we’re trying to get additional art in. Summary: We want to increase diversity with summoner spell choices in League of Legends. Additionally, we’ve done our annual overhaul of masteries and you can check them out in-game. Summoner Spells Certain summoner spells have become firmly entrenched within the League of Legends metagame while others have stagnated. We are tweaking summoner spells to make picking non-standard summoner spells a reasonable choice. [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]【Ghost-鬼步】 1、冷卻時間現在從180降低為180/160/140/120秒(隨英雄等級變動)。 2、現在提升跑速為15%英雄移動速度,而不是27%基礎移動速度。 3、施放後的第一秒增加75%英雄移動速度。 4、施放後立刻增加跑速。 5、英雄被束縛時不能使用鬼步 【Ignite-點燃】 1、傷害增加現在隨遊戲時間提升。 2、點燃會讓英雄現形。 【Exhaust-虛弱】 1、攻擊速度減少由50%降低為30%。 2、緩速效果從本來的30%提升為30/35/40/45%(隨著英雄等級提升)。 【Heal-治癒】 1、變更為指定技能,指定自己就會治療自己和附近的盟友。 2、施放距離從600提升為900。 3、冷卻時間從300秒降低為180秒。 4、對施放目標增加額外30%移動速度,持續1秒。 【Teleport-傳送】 1、傳送目標為我方建築物冷卻時間降低為180秒。 2、傳送時中斷冷卻時間增加為300秒。 【Cleanse-淨化】 1、假如成功淨化負面效果,會施放一個小範圍衝擊波擊退敵軍。 【Smite-重擊】(噗…QA網居然寫錯…把重擊的英文打成淨化的英文) 1、冷卻時間下降為40秒。 2、前期傷害降低,後期傷害相同。 【Clarity清晰】 1、現在只在咆嘯深淵中可使用。 【Revive重生】 1、現在只在水晶之痕中可使用。 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Masteries Masteries that amplified summoner spells have been removed, as they unfairly penalized players who adapted to the enemy strategy by selecting summoner spells outside their preferred tree. [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Masteries have been updated." [/backcolor] [backcolor=white] =================================================================== Game Flow Changes Source: 官方PBE討論論壇 "Please remember that things on the PBE are tentative and highly subject to change! Some assets are in a high state of flux, so you can expect even placeholder assets where we’re trying to get additional art in. If you’re interested in the core philosophies around our game flow changes, check out our complete rundown here! We’ll be going over our individual changes with smaller contextual paragraphs, but these were written with our overarching approaches in mind. Summary: It’ll be a little difficult to summarize our core game flow changes here, but we’re basically looking to clarify the benefits of each individual objective throughout the game. Additionally we want to tackle snowballing with our changes to alleviate some snowballing cases in the early and late game. Turrets The player experience for last hitting under turrets was inconsistent between high Attack Damage champions and supports/mages. We've adjusted base turret damage and damage against minions to make last hitting under turrets more consistent across all roles [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Base damage adjusted to match minion health growth[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Base damage against minions increased to make last-hitting under turrets consistent [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Turrets gave equal amounts of global gold for each turret, despite outer turrets being a lane objective. While some of this is beneficial, we don’t believe a lane should lose simply because some other lane lost a turret too early. [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Outer turrets now grant 100 global gold per player and 150 gold split among the players who kill the turret[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Inner turrets now grant 125 global gold per player and 100 gold split among the players who kill the turret[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Inhibitor turrets now grant 175 global gold per player [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Taking outer turrets should be a team objective, but global experience on the outer turrets have some weird edge cases in lane, such as levelling up other lanes accidentally. We're shifting this global experience to a phase of the game in which it'll be more appreciated and less likely to cause odd level ups and snowball advantages. [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Outer towers no longer give 30 global experience when destroyed[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Inhibitor towers now give 100 global experience when destroyed from 70 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Defending against a split pusher is extremely taxing, but ultimately unrewarding. We've added very small amounts of HP regen to inhibitor turrets to make extended split push defense grant the defending team some breathing room. [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Inhibitor Turrets gained 15 hp / 5 seconds [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Dragon To reduce the early snowball effect of Dragon and to give it a 'mid-game comeback' value, it now gives global gold and local experience based on its level. Dragon also gives additional bonus experience for Champions who are far behind in level. The Dragon level updates constantly, unlike other jungle monsters. [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Dragon level minimum 6, maximum 15[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Dragon local experience: 150 to 510 based on Dragon's level, divided between nearby allied Champions[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Dragon global Gold: 125 to 260 based on Dragon's level given to all allied Champions[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]If killing team is lower average level than their opponents, bonus experience is gained at +25% per average level difference[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Bonus experience is sharply increased for the lowest level members of the team, +15% per number of levels behind Dragon squared (max total +200% extra) [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Inhibitors [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Inhibitor death timers reduced to 4 minutes from 5 minutes[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Inhibitors no longer grant a global buff to all minions when destroyed[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Inhibitors now grant a stronger damage and durability buff to minions in their specific lane [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Minion Experience The fact that minions become worth more experience over time creates a severe discrepancy between champions who can farm or split push late game versus champions who are forced to siege or participate in objective control. We're removing this as this causes champion levels to spike unnecessarily. While this has the potential to create some snowballing consequences, we'll address that with future tuning over other systems [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Lane Minions now have a level, which is equal to the average level of champions in the game.[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Currently this has no effect on the game but will be expanded upon in the future.[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Lane Minions are no longer worth more experience based on game time.[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Minions will still become worth more gold and gain more statistics over time. [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Bounty Changes Along with our game flow adjustments, we’ve also adjusted gold income across the game to better fit what income patterns make sense in that phase. Level 1 team fights could swing the game too much, essentially ending a game before it began. Now the kill reward for very early game deaths is reduced. [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Kills are worth 60% of the base reward at 2 mins, scaling to 100% at 4 mins [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Players who are present for a large number of assists aren't rewarded appropriately for their contribution to team fights [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Assists are worth 50% of the kill value at 20 mins, increasing to 80% at 35 mins [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Assist Bonuses [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]If players have 2 more assists than kills they get 30g additional gold per assist[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Additional assists increase this bonus by 15 gold, capping at 60 gold [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Creep Score Reducing Death Sprees Proxy Farming is a fairly destructive method of playing the game, mostly due to the fact that your value as a champion isn't being accurately updated to account for your actual value (due to farming minions). [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Now every 1000 gold earned from minions/monsters reduces your Death Spree by 1 [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Death Timers Early death timers were a little too punishing, given the importance of the early game. We've shaved a few seconds from this to help reduce early lane snowballing. [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Early Game death timers have been reduced[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]Timers now start at 7.5 seconds instead of 12 and scale to the same values over the course of the game"[/backcolor]
  3. 辛苦翻譯沒回復、沒點擊、沒加分…老子不幹了,棄坑。 資料來源:surrenderat20 Balance Changes* Remember *: The PBE is a testing grounds for new and sometimes radical changes. The changes you see below may be lacking context or other accompanying changes that didn't make it in - don't freak out! [align=center]Champions[/align] Janna Tailwind (Passive) - no longer global, not 1300 range Tailwind (Passive) - movement speed up to 5% Howling Gale (Q) - AP ratio reduced to .35 from .75 Howling Gale (Q) - Now has a .1 AP per second ratio on Howling Gale charge. Howling Gale (Q) - damage lowered to 14/20/25/30/35 from 20/30/40/50/60 Zephyr (W) - Movement speed passive now has a .04% AP Ratio Zephyr (W) - Damage AP ratio reduced to .5 from .6 Zephyr (W) - Movement speed slow now has a .12% AP ratio Eye of the Storm (E) - "Added an AP ratio to the AD given to her allies. The ratio is +0.33 AP for the base AD (based off of the rank of her shield)" Leona Eclipse (W) - armor and magic resist bonus lowered to 25/35/45/55/65 from 30/40/50/60/70 Eclipse (W) - Now gets a bonus armor equal to .2 Armor Eclipse (W) - Now gets bonus magic resist equal to .2 MR Lucian The Culling ( R ) - damage increased to 50/55/60 per shot from 40/50/60. The Culling ( R ) - cooldown increased to 110/85/60 from 100/75/50 Lulu Pix, Faerie Companion (Passive) now has a .15 AP scaling Pix, Faerie Companion (Passive) Base damage recuded to 9/18/27/36/45/54/63/72/81 from 9/21/33/45/57/69/81/93/105 Glitterlance (Q) - Minimum slow % now has an AP ratio of 1% per 7.50 AP Whimsy (W) - now grants 30 movement speed down from 35 Whimsy (W) - No longer grants AP boost Whimsy (W) - now has an AP ratio to increase the movement speed 1% per 10 AP Help, Pix! (E) - Shield AP ratio increased to .7 from .6 Help, Pix! (E) - Damage reduced to .5 from .6 Wild Growth ® - Health bonus lowered to 250/375/500 from 300/450/600 Nami Surging Tides (Passive) - Now has a .01 AP to 1% movement speed ratio. Aqua Prison (Q) - Aqua Prison AP ratio reduced to .5 from .65 Ebb and Flow (W) - Flat % from bounces removed, Now scales between 15% to 0% at 200 AP and can go over 0 which gives increased effects on bounces. Tidecaller's Blessing (E) - Now has an AP ratio to increase slow percentage equal to .05 AP ( 100 AP = 5% ) Tidal Wave ® - AP ratio reduced to .6 from .7 Sona Power Chord (Passive) - Now has a .2 AP Scaling Power Chord (Passive) - Damage reduced to 10/17/24/33/41/50/60/70/80/90/100/110/120/130/145/150/175/190 from (13/20/27/35/43/52/62/72/82/92/102/112/122/132/147/162/177/192) Hymn of Valor (Q) - AP ratio reduced to .5 from .7 Aria of Perseverence (W) - Base heal reduced to 40/55/70/85/100 from 40/60/80/100/120 Song of Celerity (E) - Base movespeed increase lowered to 4/6/8/10/12 from 6/8/10/12/14 Song of Celerity (E) - Movespeed increase now has an .02 AP ratio to increase the % Song of Celerity (E) - Power Chord slow now has an .02 AP ratio to increase slow % Crescendo ® - AP ratio reduced to .4 from .8 Soraka Base health increased to 405 from 375 Health Per Level incrased to 76 from 71 Base Armor increased to 9.4 from 7.4 New Passive - Salvation: "Soraka's health and mana restoring abilities are 1% more powerful for each 2% health or mana the target is missing." Starcall (Q) - Damage increased to 60/95/130/165/200 from 65/85/110/135/160. Starcall (Q) - Magic reduction now 6 (+ .15 AP) from 8/9/10/11/12 Starcall (Q) - New Effect - If Starcall hits at least one neemy champion, Astral Blessing's cooldown is reducecd by 5/6.25/7.5/8.75/10% Starcall (Q) - Mana cost changed to 30/40/50/60/70 from 20/35/50/65/80 [align=center]Text:[/align][align=center]Lv1, 30 mana, 2.5 sec CD[/align]Strike all nearby enemies dealing 60(+8) magic damage, and reduce their magic resist by 6(+0) for up to 5 seconds. (stack up to 10 times). If a startcall hits at least one enemy champion, Astral Blessing's cooldown is reducecd by 5%. Astral Blessing (W) - heal lowered to 70/120/170/220/270 from 70/140/210/280/350 Astral Blessing (W) - heal AP ratio lowered to .35 from .45 Astral Blessing (W)- Base armor bonus now 50/65/80/95/100 from 25/45/65/85/105 Astral Blessing (W) - Bonus Armor duration reduced to 2 seconds from 3 seconds Astral Blessing (W)- Armor bonus now has an AP ratio of .15 AP Astral Blessing (W)- Mana cost lowered to 80/100/120/140/160 from 80/110/140/170/200 [align=center]Text:[/align][align=center]Lv1, 80 mana, 20 sec CD[/align]Restores 70(+7) health, and temporarily grant 50(+3) bonus armor to an Ally for two seconds. Infuse (E) - Mana restore changed to 20/40/60/80/100 plus 5% of Soraka's Max Mana from 40/80/120/160/200 Infuse (E) - mana cost on ally changed to 5% of Soraka's mana Infuse (E) - Magic damage now deals 40/70/100/130/160 ( +.4 AP ) magic damage plus 5% of Soraka's Maximum mana from 50/100/150/200/250 ( .6 AP )e Infuse (E) - Has a New beam like particle [align=center]Text:[/align][align=center]Lv1, no cost on enemy / 5% of maximum mana on ally, 10 sec CD[/align]On ally cast: Restores mana equal to 20 plus 5% of Soraka's maximum mana (+27) to an enemy champion (Cannot be cast on self). On enemy cast: Deals magic damage equal to 40(+8) plus 5% of Soraka's maximum mana (+27) magic damage to an enemy and temporarily silences them for 1.5 seconds. Wish ® - Heal reduced to 150/250/350 (.55 AP) from 200/320/440 ( .7 AP ) Taric Gemcraft (Passive) - New: "After casting a sepell, Taric's next basic attack deals bonus magic damage based on his 40% of his Armor and reduces his cooldowns." Imbue (Q) - Cooldown lowered to 18/17/16/15/14 from 20/19/18/17/16 Imbue (Q) - Base heal AP ratio reduced to .3 from .6 Imbue (Q) - Heal now scales on 5% of Taric's bonus health. Imbue (Q) - Mana cost reduced to 60/80/100/120/140 from 80/95/110/125/140 Imbue (Q) - Attacks no longer reduce CD [align=center]Text:[/align][align=center]Lv1, 60 mana, 18 sec CD[/align]Taric brings forth earthen energy to heal an target ally and himself for 60(+0)(+0) (5% of Taric's bonus health). If he targets himself, the heal increases by 40% restoring 84(+0)(+0) health. Shatter (W) - damage lowered to 40/80/120/160/200 from 50/90/130/170/210 Shatter (W) - AP Ratio removed Shatter (W) - Armor Ratio increased to 50% from 20% Dazzle (E) - AP ratio reduced to .2 to .4 from .4. to .8 Dazzle (E) - Cooldown increased to 18/17/16/15/14 from 14/13/12/11/10 Radiance ® - Cooldown increased to 75 at all levels from 60 Radiance ® - Damage AP ratio lowered to .5 from .7 [align=center]Items:[/align] Updated Support Items Philospher's Pebble $ 365 +5 health regen per 5 seconds. +3 mana regen per 5 seconds. UNIQUE Passive - Harvest: Grant 2 gold each time a nearby minion dies that you didn't kill. Limited to 1 gold income item. Philosher's Stone Builds out of Philosopher's Pebble $850 +8 health regen per 5 seconds. +11 mana regen per 5 seconds. +2 gold per 10 seconds. UNIQUE Passive - Harvest: Grant 4 gold each time a nearby minion dies that you didn't kill. Limited to 1 gold income item. Shurelya's Reverie Builds out of Philospher's Stone and Faerie Charm $2000 +20% Cooldown reduction. +10 health regen per 5 seconds. +15 mana regen per 5 seconds. +2 gold per 10 seconds. UNIQUE Passive - Harvest: Grant 4 gold each time a nearby minion dies that you didn't kill. UNIQUE Active: Grant nearby allies +40% movement speed for 3 seconds (60 seconds cooldown). Limited to 1 gold income item. Kage's Pick $365 +10 Ability power +3 mana regen per 5 seconds. +2 gold per 10 seconds. UNIQUE Passive - Pickpocket: Basic attacks against champion grant 4 gold up to once every 10 seconds per enemy. Killing a minion disables this passive for 10 seconds. Limited to 1 gold income item. Kage's Lucky Pick Builds out of Kage's Pick $850 +20 Ability power +7 mana regen per 5 seconds. +4 gold per 10 seconds. UNIQUE Passive - Spellthief: Spells and Basic attacks against champion grant 8 gold up to once every 10 seconds per enemy. Killing a minion disables this passive for 10 seconds. Limited to 1 gold income item. Shard of True Ice Builds from Kage's Lucky Pick + Amplifying Tome $850 +50 Ability power +10 mana regen per 5 seconds. +4 gold per 10 seconds. UNIQUE Passive - Spellthief: Spells and Basic attacks against champion grant 8 gold up to once every 10 seconds per enemy. Killing a minion disables this passive for 10 seconds. UNIQUE Active - Frost nova: Slows target enemy and all nearby enemies movement speed to 50% for 2 seconds (60 seconds cooldown.) Limited to 1 gold income item. Executioner's Emblem $365 +50 Health +6 Health regen per 5 seconds. UNIQUE Passive - Execute: Basic attacks execute minions below 200 health if an allied champion is nearby. This effect can occur up to twice per minute. UNIQUE Passive - Soul Tithe: Minions killed by Execute restore 2% of your maximum health to the nearest allied champion and grant them gold equal to the kill plus 5. Limited to 1 gold income item. Reaper's Emblem Builds out of Executioner's Emblem $850 +175 Health +12 Health regen per 5 seconds. UNIQUE Passive - Execute: Basic attacks execute minions below 200 health if an allied champion is nearby. This effect can occur up to twice per minute. UNIQUE Passive - Soul Tithe: Minions killed by Execute restore 2% of your maximum health to the nearest allied champion and grant them gold equal to the kill plus 10. Limited to 1 gold income item. Martyr's Call Builds out of Executioner's Emblem and Ruby Crysta $2000 +400 Health +25 Health regen per 5 seconds. UNIQUE Passive - Execute: Basic attacks execute minions below 200 health if an allied champion is nearby. This effect can occur up to twice per minute. UNIQUE Passive - Soul Tithe: Minions killed by Execute restore 2% of your maximum health to the nearest allied champion and grant them gold equal to the kill plus 10. UNIQUE Active - Healthbomb: Consumes 20% of your current health to shield target ally for 10% of your maximum Health for 4 seconds. After 4 seconds the target explodes dealing 10% of your maximum Health as magic damage in an area. Limited to 1 gold income item. Updated Jungle Items Spirit of Ancient Golem Health reduced to 350 from 500 New Unique Passive - Conseravation: Upon killing a large or epic monster, grants up to 30 bonus gold, based on the last time Conservation triggered. $2000 +350 Health +10% Cooldown Reduction +14 Health regen per 5 seconds. UNIQUE Passive - Tenacity: Reduces the duration of stuns, slows, taunts, fears, silences, blinds, and immobilizes by 35%. UNIQUE Passive - Butcher: Damage dealt to monsters increased by 30%. UNIQUE Passive - Conservation: Upon killing a Large or Epic monster, grants up to 30 bonus gold based on the last time Conservation triggered. Limited to 1 gold income item. Spirit of the Elder Lizard Attack damage lowered to 25 from 30 Passive damage increased to 16-50 from 7-40 Passive now procs on physical damage New Passive - Bounty Hunter: Champion kills, assists, and epic monsters grant 30 bonus gold and large monsters grant 10 bonus gold. $2000 +20 attack damage +10% Cooldown Reduction +14 Health regen per 5 seconds. +7 mana regen per 5 seconds. UNIQUE Passive : Deals 16-50 (based on level) true damage over 3 seconds on dealing physical damage. UNIQUE Passive - Butcher: Damage dealt to monsters increased by 30%. UNIQUE Passive - Bounty Hunter: Champion kill, assists and epic monsters grant 30 bonus gold and large monsters grant 10 bonus gold. Limited to 1 gold income item. Spirit of the Spectral Wraith Now Builds from Spirit Stone + Fiendish Codex Ability power increased to 50 from 40 Now grants 14 health per 5 seconds Mana regen per 5 lowered to 7 from 10 No longer reduceds cooldown of smite New Passive - bounty hunter: Champion kills, assists, and epic monsteres grant 30 bonus gold and large monsters grant 10 bonus gold. New Passive - 5% of spell damage dealth to monsters is restored as health and mana $2000 +50 Ability Power +10% Cooldown Reduction +14 Health regen per 5 seconds. +7 mana regen per 5 seconds. UNIQUE Passive : 5% of spell damage dealt to monsters is restored to health and mana. UNIQUE Passive - Butcher: Damage dealt to monsters increased by 30%. UNIQUE Passive - Bounty Hunter: Champion kill, assists and epic monsters grant 30 bonus gold and large monsters grant 10 bonus gold. Limited to 1 gold income item. Wriggle's Lantern Now builds out of MAdred's Razer + Dagger + Dagger Total cost down to 1800 from 2000 No longer grants life steal No longer grants attack damage Armor reduced to 20 from 25 Now grants 25% attack speed Maim now heals 10 health on hit on basic attacks to mosnters New Passive: Gain 40% increased gold from Monsters $1800 +25% Attack speed +20 Armor UNIQUE Passive - Main: Basic attacks to monsters deal 100 bonus magic damage and heal 10 health on hit. UNIQUE Passive - : Gain 40% increased gold from monsters. UNIQUE Active: Places a Stealth ward that reveals the surronding for 180 seconds (180 second cooldown). Limited to 1 gold income item. New Trinkets Scrying Orb Free but limited to 1 trinket reveals a location within 1100 range for 1 sec. (150 sec cd) $ free Limited to 1 Trinket. Passive : Becomes Greater Orb at level 9 and can be further upgraded with gold. UNIQUE Active: Reveals a small location within 1100 range for 1 seconds (150 second cooldown). (Trinkets cannot be used in the first 90 seconds of a game. Selling a Trinket will disable Trinket use for 180 seconds.) Greater Orb Free upgrade at level 9 cast range increased to 2000. Farsight Orb 475 gold + Greater Orb Cast Range increased to 2500, (120 second cooldown) Sweeping Lens Free but limited to 1 trinket disables and reveals any nearby hidden wards, traps or devices for 4 seconds (180 sec cd) $ free Limited to 1 Trinket. Passive : Becomes Greater Lens at level 9 and can be further upgraded with gold. UNIQUE Active: Reveals and disables nearby invisible traps and invisible wards for 4 seconds in a small radius (180 second cooldown.) (Trinkets cannot be used in the first 90 seconds of a game. Selling a Trinket will disable Trinket use for 180 seconds.) Greater Lens Free upgrade at level 9 sweep area of effect increased by 100%, cooldown reduced to 150 sec. Oracle's Lens 475 Gold + Greater Lens Additionally grants True Sight for 10 seconds after activation (90 second cooldown) Warding Totem Free but limited to 1 trinket places an stealth ward for 60 sec. (120 sec cooldown) $ free Limited to 1 Trinket. Passive : Becomes Greater Totem at level 9 and can be further upgraded with gold. UNIQUE Active: Places a Stealth ward that lasts 60 seconds (120 second cooldown.) Limit 3 stealth ward on the map per player. (Trinkets cannot be used in the first 90 seconds of a game. Selling a Trinket will disable Trinket use for 180 seconds.) Greater Totem Free upgrade at level 9 places a stealth ward for 120 sec Greater Vision Totem 475 Gold + Greater Totem Places a vision ward (180 second cooldown) Greater Stealth Totem 475 Gold + Greater Totem Places a stealth ward for 180 sec. (180 second cooldown) Ward & Vision Changes Oracle's Elixir Removed Sight Wards Renamed to Stealth Wards Limited to 3 per player Vision Wards Cost reduced to 75 from 100 Limited 1 on map Now have 5 health up from 3 No longer have a duration No longer invisible Old items Aegis of the Legion Cost Increased to 1950 from 1900 Avarice Blade Now reads "Limited to 1 Gold Income Item" Banner of Command Cost Increased to 2400 Cooldown reduction increased to 20% from 10% AP increased to 80 from 40. No longer grants Armor or health regen Doran's Blade Cost reduced to 440 from 475 Attack damage lowered to 8 from 10 Passive now grants 3 health per hit for ranged and 5 health per hit for melee from 5 health per hit for anyone. Eleisa's Miracle No longer has passive that boosts summoner spells Enthropy Cost decreased to 3475 from 3500 Morellonomicon Now builds out of Faerie Charm + Fiendish Codex + Amp Tome instead of Kages+Fiendish+Charm Locket of the Iron Solari Cost increased to 2550 from 2500 Long Sword Cost decreased to 360 from 400 Mandred's Razors Armor reduced to 20 Mikael's Crucible Cost lowered to 1600 from 2500 No longer grants health regen Mana regen reduced to 12 per 5 from 18 per 5 $1600 +40 magic resist UNIQUE Passive - Mana Font: Increases mana regen by 1% for every 1% of missing mana. UNIQUE Active: Remove all stuns, roots, taunts, fears, silences, and slows on an allied champion and heals that chamion for 150(+10% of maximum Health)(180 second cooldownd). Ohmwrecker Cost decreased to 2000 from 2835 No longer grants 15 health and mana regen Phage Cost decreased to 1325 from 1350 The Black Cleaver Cost decreased to 2920 from 3000 The Bloodthrister Cost decreased to 3000 from 3200 Trinity Force Cost decreased to 3703 from 3728 Twin Shadows Price increased to 2000 from 1900 AP increased to 50 from 40 Will of the Ancients Cost reduced to 2000 from 2550 Now grants 10% CD Now grants 10 mana regen per 5 sec No longer grants an 30 AP and 20% spell vamp aura $2000 +50 Ability Power +10 mana regen per 5 seconds +10% cooldown reduction UNIQUE Passive: +20% spell vamp Zeke's Herald Cost decreased to 2450 from 2650 Riot's Changelist ALRIGHT - Instead of the typical change hunting for balance changes, Riot has provided us with pretty specific change lists for the Vision, Support, Summoner Spells, Jungle, and Game Flow changes that hit the PBE in this updates. I hope you are ready to read and please be aware that some of these changes ARE NOT IN THIS BUILD ( I'm looking at you jungle & mastery changes! ) Support Changes Source: http://community.pbe.leagueoflegends.com/c/gameplay/fs3jrmYy-new-support-changes-on-the-pbe-10312013 "Please remember that things on the PBE are tentative and highly subject to change! Some assets are in a high state of flux, so you can expect even placeholder assets where we’re trying to get additional art in. If you’re interested in the core philosophies around our support changes, check out our complete rundown here! We’ll be going over our individual changes with smaller contextual paragraphs, but these were written with our overarching approaches in mind. Summary: We want all roles and positions to have the opportunity to fulfill their endgame fantasies within each game. Currently Support champions as a role experience the lowest amount of growth in comparison to other roles, and we want to supplement their story. We’re also looking to create a stronger identity for utility-focused supports with additional utility scaling on their abilities (as opposed to simply adding more raw damage). Added a mastery that grants experience every 5 sec. Added the Life Insurance mastery to the Utility tree - grants bonus gold when enemy lane minions die. Added increased assist rewards (assist bonuses) when a player has a very large number of assists (see our Game Flow post for more information) Support Items Kage's Pick now grants gold on dealing damage to an enemy. (10 sec cooldown. Cooldown triggers on killing a minion.) Philosopher's Stone now transmutes minions into gold when they die, but you didn't kill them. Reaper's Emblem now shares the gold from your last hits with the nearest ally and heals them (30 sec cd) Kage's Pick, Philosopher's Stone and Reaper's Emblem build from 365 gold starter versions that are intended to be starting items for support lanes Mid-Game Support Items The above items turn into midgame support items. Kage's Pick becomes Shard of True Ice, which grants 50 AP and now casts a frost nova on a ranged enemy. Philospher's Stone becomes Shurelia's Reverie, which no longer grants health and instead grants 20% CDR and additional mana regen. Reaper's Emblem becomes Martyr's Call, a high health item which allows you to sacrifice your health to shield allies and deal damage to opponents near the target. Champions Summaries are more focused on high-level changes rather than each individual change. Soraka Summary: Soraka’s health and mana restoring abilities are more effective the more the targeted unit is missing health / mana. Astral Blessing’s armor granted now scales with ability power. Starcall’s magic resistance reduction scales with AP and each time Soraka hits at least one enemy champion with Starcall she reduces the cooldown of Astral Blessing by a base percentage. Infuse now partially donates a portion of Soraka’s maximum mana to the targeted ally and its damage also scales with her maximum mana (in addition to an ability power ratio). Wish now affects untargetable allies and with Soraka’s new passive is more effective on targets below 40% health but less effective on targets above 40% health. Context: We wanted to provide a link between Soraka's primary offensive ability and her core niche identity as a defensive support. Additionally, we took this opportunity to introduce more gameplay into Soraka’s kit so that she will be rewarded more heavily for successful plays. Base Stats Base health increased to 405 (was 375) Health per level increased to 76 (was 71) Base Armor increased to 9.4 (was 7.4) Passive - Consecration New Passive: Salvation: Soraka's health and mana restoring abilities are 1% more effective for each 2% health or mana the target is missing. Q - Starcall Magic Resistance reduction changed to 6 at all levels + 0.01 AP (was 8-12) Mana cost changed to 30-70 (was 20-80) If Starcall hits at least one enemy champion Astral Blessing's cooldown is reduced by 5%/6.25%/7.5%/8.75%/10% W - Astral Blessing Healing reduced to 70-270 (from 70-350) + 0.35 (from +0.45) Armor granted now scales with AP (0.15 ratio) Armor duration reduced to 2s (was 3s) Base armor changed to 50-110 (was 25-105) Lowered mana cost to 80-160 (was 80-200) E - Infuse Allied cast changed to give an ally 20/40/60/80/100 mana + donate 5% of Soraka's max mana (was 40-200 for no cost) Can no longer be cast on allies who do not use mana or are already at max mana Enemy cast changed to deal damage equal to 40/70/100/130/160 + 5% of Soraka's max mana + 0.4 AP (was 50-250 + 0.6 AP) Added a spell effect from Soraka to her target R - Wish Healing reduced to 150-350 (from 200/320/440) + (0.55 (from +0.7)) Now affects untargetable allies Taric Summary: Taric’s passive now gives him a buff that deals 40% of his armor as bonus magic damage after casting a spell – each empowered auto attack landed also reduces all of Taric’s cooldowns by 2 seconds. Imbue now scales with 5% of Taric’s bonus health, although the AP ratio has been lowered. Shatter now solely scales with Taric’s armor and not Ability Power. Dazzle has had its AP ratio reduced. Radiance has had its AP ratio lowered and cooldown increased. Context: Our core goals with Taric were to make his passive a more interesting and involving ability while also opening up more build opportunities. Instead of giving Taric high AP ratios for huge burst, we want to push him to build more tanky with his new gold income to further cement his role as a tanky front-line support with strong burst / aura capabilities.* Passive - Gemcraft Gives Taric a buff that deals 40% of his armor as bonus magic damage on the next auto attack after casting a spell Passive empowered auto attacks reduce the cooldown of all abilities by 2s Q - Imbue Cooldown reduction on auto attacks removed (moved to passive) Base cooldown lowered to 18/17/16/15/14 from 20/19/18/17/16 AP ratio lowered to 0.3 from 0.6 Added scaling from 5% of bonus health W - Shatter Base damages lowered to 40/80/120/160/200 from 50/90/130/170/210 Armor Ratio increased to 50% from 20% AP ratio lowered to 0 from 0.6 E - Dazzle Cooldown increased to 18/17/16/15/14 from 14/13/12/11/10 AP Ratio lowered to 0.2/0.4 from 0.4/0.8 R - Radiance AP Ratio lowered from 0.7 to 0.5 Cooldown increased from 60 to 75 seconds Leona Summary: Eclipse’s bonus Armor and Magic Resistance now scales with ability power. Context: Leona’s general utility and Ability Power ratios have transitioned well to the preseason changes, so we’re not changing much with her current kit. W - Eclipse Changed base Armor / Magic Resistance from 30/40/50/60/70 to 25/35/45/55/65. Added (+0.2 AP) bonus armor and magic resist ratios to the armor/magic resist bonus respectively. Janna Summary: Janna’s global passive has been converted to a localized area (equivalent to sight range). Howling Gale’s AP ratio has been significantly lowered but gains a scaling AP ratio per second it is charged. Zephyr’s self-haste and slow amount on the active cast now scale with AP although the base slow has been lowered. Eye of the Storm’s bonus AD given to allies now scales with AP. Monsoon remains unchanged. Context: We’ve been saying for a while that we wanted to change all global passives that provide a lot of “hidden” power, like Twisted Fate’s old passive, and were finally able to tackle Janna’s Tailwind passive with her new utility scaling. The Howling Gale change looks like a significant nerf to Janna’s AP ratio, but the additional AP scaling per second means that Janna will need to fully charge her Howling Gale in order to do high damage at end game with her additional Ability Power. Passive – Tailwind Converting to a localized area (1300 range; equivalent to sight range) Increased movement speed bonus to 5% from 3% Q - Howling Gale Added a .1 AP per second that Howling Gale is charged before release Ability Power ratio lowered to .35 from .75 Lowered charge damage to 14/20/25/30/35 from 25/30/40/50/60 W – Zephyr Added an AP ratio to both her passive self-haste and slow amount on the active. These values are .04 for the self-haste and .12 for the slow Lowered damage ratio to .5 from .6 Lowered base slow to 24%/28%/32%/36%/40% from 24%/30%/36%/42%/48% E - Eye of the Storm Added an AP ratio to the AD given to her allies. The ratio is +0.33 AP for the base AD (based off of the rank of her shield) Nami Summary: Nami’s passive now scales in higher movement speed with the more Ability Power she gets. Ebb and Flow’s heal / damage bounces now scale with Ability Power, meaning with enough Ability Power, Nami can heal / deal more damage per additional bounce rather than having it fall off. The slow on Tidecaller’s Blessing now scales with Ability Power. Passive - Surging Tides Added a 0.1 AP to 1% movement speed ratio to her movement speed buff Q -Aqua Prison Reduced AP ratio to .5 from .65 W - Ebb and Flow Removed % drop off from bounces. Goes from 15% to 0% at 200 AP and can go over 0, leading to increased effects off every bounce E - Tidecaller's Blessing Increased the slow amount by a .05 AP ratio (100 AP is 5% additional slow) R - Tidal Wave * Reduced AP Ratio to .6 from .7 Sona Summary: Power Chord now scales with Ability Power. Song of Celerity’s speed boost now scales with ability power. Passive - Power Chord Power Chord reduced to 10/17/24/33/41/50/60/70/80/90/100/110/120/130/145/150/175/190 from (13/20/27/35/43/52/62/72/82/92/102/112/122/132/147/162/177/192) Added .2 AP scaling to Power Chord Damage Q - Hymn Of Valor Ratio Reduced to .5 from .7 W - Aria of Perseverance Base heal amount reduced at later ranks to 40/55/70/85/100 from 40/60/80/100/120 E - Song of Celerity Activated speed boost reduced to (.04/.06/.08.10/.12) from (.08/.10/.12.14/.16) Added .02 Scaling to activated speed boost Added .02 Scaling to power chord slow R – Crescendo Ratio reduced to .4 from .8 Lulu Summary: Pix, Faerie Companion now scales with Ability Power. Glitterlance’s slow now scales with Ability Power. Whimsy no longer boosts Ability Power but now scales its bonus movement speed with Ability Power. Passive - Pix, Faerie Companion Base damage reduced to 9/18/27/36/45/54/63/72/81 from 9/21/33/45/57/69/81/93/105 Added .15 AP scaling Q – Glitterlance Added minimum speed on slow falloff: 1% per 7.5 AP. W – Whimsy Removed AP boost Reduced base move speed increase from 35% to 30% Added AP ratio for movespeed, added a movespeed ratio of 1% per 10 AP. E - Help Pix! Increased AP ratio for shield to .7 from .6 Reduced AP ratio for damage to .5 from .6 R - Wild Growth Reduced base to 250/375/500 from 300/450/600" ============================================================ Vision Changes source: http://community.pbe.leagueoflegends.com/c/gameplay/4e873pBu-new-vision-changes-on-the-pbe-10312013 "Please remember that things on the PBE are tentative and highly subject to change! Some assets are in a high state of flux, so you can expect even placeholder assets where we’re trying to get additional art in. If you’re interested in the core philosophies around our vision changes, check out our complete rundown here! We’ll be going over our individual changes with smaller contextual paragraphs, but these were written with our overarching approaches in mind. Summary: With this preseason we want to diffuse the responsibility of vision from being a single player burden to a team-wide job. Additionally, we want to infuse more gameplay into the vision game with additional functionality and the addition of trinkets. Vision Trinkets (Summoner’s Rift Only) To encourage all players to participate in providing vision for their allies, we're providing unique item options dedicated to vision on Summoner’s Rift. Added a 7th Item slot, which can only contain a vision trinket Added 3 free vision relics: Warding Totem, Scrying Orb and Sweeping Lens Warding Totem - places an stealth ward for 60 sec. (120 sec cooldown) Scrying Orb - reveals a location within 1100 range for 1 sec. (150 sec cd) Sweeping Lens - disables and reveals any nearby hidden wards, traps or devices for 4 seconds (180 sec cd) - These items upgrade at Champion Level 9: Greater Totem - places a stealth ward for 120 sec. (120 sec cooldown) Greater Orb - cast range increased to 2000. Greater Lens - sweep area of effect increased by 100%, cooldown reduced to 150 sec. - These items can then be upgraded at the shop for 475 Gold: Greater Stealth Totem - Places a stealth ward for 180 sec. (180 second cooldown) Greater Vision Totem - Places a vision ward (180 second cooldown) Farsight Orb - Cast Range increased to 2500, (120 second cooldown) Oracle's Lens - Additionally grants True Sight for 10 seconds after activation (90 second cooldown) Wards Support players were expected to shoulder the majority of the warding burden on the map. Because they could place as many ward as they could afford, this meant all of the support income was best spent on warding. We want all players on the team to participate in warding and providing vision to their team. Sight Wards Sight (Green) wards renamed to "Stealth Wards" Sight wards limited to a max of 3 placed per player Ward tooltips display how many stealth wards are currently placed Vision Wards Vision Wards being superior in every respect to Sight Wards has created some weird escalation cases where there is simply an unending cycle of 'Pink' Ward destruction. By positioning Vision Wards as having different strengths and trade-offs - we hope to create a better defined role for both Sight and Vision Wards. Vision (Pink) wards no longer stealthed Vision wards have 5 health Vision wards have infinite duration Vision wards cost reduced to 75 from 100 Vision wards limited to 1 placed on the map Sightstone / Ruby Sightstone Sightstones no longer have their own restriction but are restricted by your stealth ward cap General Placing a ward will now display your ward count and the ward that will be destroyed. Oracle's Elixir We’re removing Oracle's Elixir as it has traditionally been a major drain on support and jungler item builds, and has also traditionally been far too binary in controlling early game vision. Removed from Summoner's Rift" =================================================================== Jungle Changes source: http://community.pbe.leagueoflegends.com/c/gameplay/abvPJyL3-jungle-changes-on-the-pbe-10312013 "Please remember that things on the PBE are tentative and highly subject to change! Some assets are in a high state of flux, so you can expect even placeholder assets where we’re trying to get additional art in. *If you’re interested in the core philosophies around our jungle changes, check out our complete rundown here! We’ll be going over our individual changes with smaller contextual paragraphs, but these were written with our overarching approaches in mind.* Summary: We’re looking to create more options and possibilities for junglers of all kinds in this preseason. Within this thread we’ll be consolidating all feedback surrounding the jungle. Let’s get into the changes! Jungle The gold income for a primary jungler wasn't scaling appropriately for dedicated jungle farmers. Similarly, the jungle difficulty was out of line with what we thought was appropriate. Now the jungle difficulty is shown by monster level and the difficulty/rewards are linked to the monster level. Jungle monsters now have levels Jungle monster level is based on the average level of the champions in the game when they spawn (equal to average of all champion levels, rounded up) Jungle monster level determines their HP/Damage and XP/Gold value Jungle monsters grant 50% bonus XP per level to lower-level champions, up to a cap Added an extra camp (the Wight) near the Blue Golem and Wolves Crest of the Ancient Golem (“Blue Buff”) Crest of the Ancient Golem is too powerful at the moment, especially with such a wealth of cooldown reduction options available. Cooldown Reduction reduced to 10% from 20% Jungle Monster Statistics All jungle monsters have been retuned to better fit the new items being introduced as well as the new flow of the game Ancient Golem Health increased to 1500 from 1400 Gold reduced to 60 from 66 Elder Lizard Health increased to 1500 from 1400 Gold reduced to 60 from 66 Lizard Attack Damage reduced to 10 from 11 Experience reduced to 20 from 50 Gold increased to 7 from 5 Giant Wolf Attack Damage increased to 40 from 35 Experience reduced to 110 from 170 Gold reduced to 40 from 55 Wolf Attack Damage increased to 14 from 8 Experience increased to 25 from 10 Gold increased to 8 from 4 Golem Attack Damage increased to 55 from 54 Experience reduced to 140 from 160 Small Golem Health increased to 450 from 300 Attack Damage reduced to 25 from 30 Experience increased to 40 from 38 Wraith Experience reduced to 90 from 103 Gold increased to 35 from 30 Lesser Wraith Health increased to 250 from 150 Attack Damage increased to 12 from 10 Experience increased to 20 from 4 Gold increased to 4 from 3 Wight (New Camp) 1400 Health 75 Attack Damage 15 Armor 55 Gold 150 Experience Jungle Items *In the current game, Junglers tend fall behind their allies after laning phase ends. Here we've adjusted jungle items to compensate by adding additional gold generation patterns to several jungle items that complement the intended playstyle of those items Madred's Razors Armor reduced to 20 from 25 Wriggle's Lantern Recipe: Madred's Razors + Dagger + Dagger (Total 1800) 20 Armor 25% Attack Speed Unique Passive: Deals 100 magic damage and heals 10 health per hit against monsters Unique Passive: Gain 40% increased gold from monsters Spirit of the Elder Lizard Attack Damage reduced to 25 from 35 Incinerate passive now procs on physical damage, damage increased to 16-50 from 7-40 Unique Passive: Champion kills, assists and epic monsters grant 30 gold and 10 gold from large monsters Spirit of the Ancient Golem Health reduced to 350 from 500 Unique Passive: Gain a stack of Conservation every 1.5 seconds. Lose Conservation stacks and gain equal gold upon killing a large monster. Maximum stacks: 30. Spirit of the Spectral Wraith Recipe: Spirit Stone + Fiendish Codex (Total 2000) 50 Ability Power 10% Cooldown Reduction 14 Health regen per 5 7 Mana regen per 5 Unique Passive: 5% of magic damage dealt to monsters is restored as Health and Mana Unique Passive – Bounty Hunter: Champion kills, assists and epic monsters grant 30 gold and 10 gold from large monsters Unique Passive: Damage dealt to monsters increased by 30%" ================================================================ Summoner Spell Changes Source: http://community.pbe.leagueoflegends.com/c/gameplay/o81eXTWd-new-summoner-spells-masteries-on-the-pbe-10312013 "Please remember that things on the PBE are tentative and highly subject to change! Some assets are in a high state of flux, so you can expect even placeholder assets where we’re trying to get additional art in. Summary: We want to increase diversity with summoner spell choices in League of Legends. Additionally, we’ve done our annual overhaul of masteries and you can check them out in-game. Summoner Spells Certain summoner spells have become firmly entrenched within the League of Legends metagame while others have stagnated. We are tweaking summoner spells to make picking non-standard summoner spells a reasonable choice. Ghost Cooldown rescaled to 180/160/140/120 from 180 Now grants 15% Multiplicative Movement Speed from 27% Additive Movement Speed Grants 75% Multiplicative Movement Speed in the first second Now immediately updates your pathing on cast Ghost cannot be cast if you are immobilized Ignite Damage rescaled based on game time Now also reveals the target for the duration. Exhaust Attack Speed reduction reduced to 30% from 50% Movement Speed reduction rescaled to 30/35/40/45% from 30%. Heal Now a targeted spell, casting this on yourself will target you and the closest nearby ally Cast Range increased to 900 from 600 Cooldown reduced to 180 seconds from 300 seconds Grants 30% movespeed to both targets for 1 second Teleport Cooldown reduced to 180 seconds when targetting an allied building Cooldown increased to 300 seconds when cancelled or interrupted Cleanse Successfully cleansing an effect that prevents you from moving creates a shockwave that knocks nearby enemy's back slightly. Smite Cooldown lowered to 40 sec. Damage reduced at early character levels, same damage at level 18. Clarity Now only available on Howling Abyss Revive Now only available on Dominion Masteries Masteries that amplified summoner spells have been removed, as they unfairly penalized players who adapted to the enemy strategy by selecting summoner spells outside their preferred tree. Masteries have been updated." =================================================================== Game Flow Changes Source: 官方PBE討論論壇 "Please remember that things on the PBE are tentative and highly subject to change! Some assets are in a high state of flux, so you can expect even placeholder assets where we’re trying to get additional art in. If you’re interested in the core philosophies around our game flow changes, check out our complete rundown here! We’ll be going over our individual changes with smaller contextual paragraphs, but these were written with our overarching approaches in mind. Summary: It’ll be a little difficult to summarize our core game flow changes here, but we’re basically looking to clarify the benefits of each individual objective throughout the game. Additionally we want to tackle snowballing with our changes to alleviate some snowballing cases in the early and late game. Turrets The player experience for last hitting under turrets was inconsistent between high Attack Damage champions and supports/mages. We've adjusted base turret damage and damage against minions to make last hitting under turrets more consistent across all roles Base damage adjusted to match minion health growth Base damage against minions increased to make last-hitting under turrets consistent Turrets gave equal amounts of global gold for each turret, despite outer turrets being a lane objective. While some of this is beneficial, we don’t believe a lane should lose simply because some other lane lost a turret too early. Outer turrets now grant 100 global gold per player and 150 gold split among the players who kill the turret Inner turrets now grant 125 global gold per player and 100 gold split among the players who kill the turret Inhibitor turrets now grant 175 global gold per player Taking outer turrets should be a team objective, but global experience on the outer turrets have some weird edge cases in lane, such as levelling up other lanes accidentally. We're shifting this global experience to a phase of the game in which it'll be more appreciated and less likely to cause odd level ups and snowball advantages. Outer towers no longer give 30 global experience when destroyed Inhibitor towers now give 100 global experience when destroyed from 70 Defending against a split pusher is extremely taxing, but ultimately unrewarding. We've added very small amounts of HP regen to inhibitor turrets to make extended split push defense grant the defending team some breathing room. Inhibitor Turrets gained 15 hp / 5 seconds Dragon To reduce the early snowball effect of Dragon and to give it a 'mid-game comeback' value, it now gives global gold and local experience based on its level. Dragon also gives additional bonus experience for Champions who are far behind in level. The Dragon level updates constantly, unlike other jungle monsters. Dragon level minimum 6, maximum 15 Dragon local experience: 150 to 510 based on Dragon's level, divided between nearby allied Champions Dragon global Gold: 125 to 260 based on Dragon's level given to all allied Champions If killing team is lower average level than their opponents, bonus experience is gained at +25% per average level difference Bonus experience is sharply increased for the lowest level members of the team, +15% per number of levels behind Dragon squared (max total +200% extra) Inhibitors Inhibitor death timers reduced to 4 minutes from 5 minutes Inhibitors no longer grant a global buff to all minions when destroyed Inhibitors now grant a stronger damage and durability buff to minions in their specific lane Minion Experience The fact that minions become worth more experience over time creates a severe discrepancy between champions who can farm or split push late game versus champions who are forced to siege or participate in objective control. We're removing this as this causes champion levels to spike unnecessarily. While this has the potential to create some snowballing consequences, we'll address that with future tuning over other systems Lane Minions now have a level, which is equal to the average level of champions in the game. Currently this has no effect on the game but will be expanded upon in the future. Lane Minions are no longer worth more experience based on game time. Minions will still become worth more gold and gain more statistics over time. Bounty Changes Along with our game flow adjustments, we’ve also adjusted gold income across the game to better fit what income patterns make sense in that phase. Level 1 team fights could swing the game too much, essentially ending a game before it began. Now the kill reward for very early game deaths is reduced. Kills are worth 60% of the base reward at 2 mins, scaling to 100% at 4 mins Players who are present for a large number of assists aren't rewarded appropriately for their contribution to team fights Assists are worth 50% of the kill value at 20 mins, increasing to 80% at 35 mins Assist Bonuses If players have 2 more assists than kills they get 30g additional gold per assist Additional assists increase this bonus by 15 gold, capping at 60 gold Creep Score Reducing Death Sprees Proxy Farming is a fairly destructive method of playing the game, mostly due to the fact that your value as a champion isn't being accurately updated to account for your actual value (due to farming minions). Now every 1000 gold earned from minions/monsters reduces your Death Spree by 1 Death Timers Early death timers were a little too punishing, given the importance of the early game. We've shaved a few seconds from this to help reduce early lane snowballing. Early Game death timers have been reduced Timers now start at 7.5 seconds instead of 12 and scale to the same values over the course of the game"
  4. 翻譯完成 資料來源:surrenderat20 [align=center]官方發帖[/align] 前情提要略過 [align=center]符文[/align] 暫時,我沒將不會在PBE釋出新的符文改變。我們目前的計畫是先將手頭上的重點測試完畢後,再將符文加入PBE。我們並不希望造成某些符文將會出現在下季的期待。 與天賦一樣,符文是為了滿足各種不同需求的英雄而設計的。進一步說,mark是攻擊性的,seal是防禦性的,glyph是功能性的。這樣的設計讓不同特性的符文差異更明顯。更多的功能性符文,例如跑速、跳錢glyph。或是更多防禦,例如雙防seal。這種設計也讓符文系統更容易平衡,以及創造出新的符文。 現在符文的問題在於,那些有著最明確用途的符文,同時也是最強的,例如固定攻擊符文,固定魔防符文,固定護甲符文等等。因為符文系統很少進行調整,以至於玩家們傾向接受某些組合的符文是最佳組合,並很少自針對英雄調整符文。理想上來說,符文應該是為了能讓你為給定的英雄,按你的風格玩。無論是增加單挑力,或是為了在大後期超神,符文應該定義你獨特的遊戲風格。我們將會給予符文戰略價值,以強化這點,並讓符文能夠直覺的被玩家認識期用途,以方便你們做出選擇。 首先,我們將會削弱某些過強的符文。目前有部份的符文提供超出他們應有的基本性能,因此排擠了其他的選擇。在進行全面的改變前,我們可能會狙擊某些有較大嫌疑過強的符文。不論是否在全面改變前修正這些符文,我們一定會盯著最強的異常值。 另一個在工作名單上的事項,是一個固定能力符文與成長能力符文間更固定的黃金交叉點。部份的交叉點在現行的遊戲下根本不合理。所以我們將會調整這些數值,以明確的分出強項、弱項。目前,我們暫時把大約六級當做這個交叉點。在六級以下,固定能力符文比較強,在六級之上,成長能力符文會越來越強。 最終,我們將會對符文有許多的改變。但我們需要多點時間在PBE上測試他們,以確定他們在正常的遊戲過程將會造成怎樣的影響,最後進行定案。正確的將符文分進三個主要類別:攻擊、防禦、功能,是我們為下一季定下的長期目標。所以謹記在心,將會有許多改變。 [align=center]天賦[/align]對於天賦,我們將不會有太多重大的改變。相對的,我們將全年目標定的較小,只專注在幾個合新的設計哲學。將不再有強化召喚師技能的天賦點。這些天賦原先是為了讓天賦樹能有幾個影響性定義遊戲風格的點。我們認為你們在天賦樹上應該更能自由揮灑,如果我們把這幾點完全拿掉。(原來牆娘無所不在,英文照樣和諧…)這樣,你們就不會被迫投資指定的天賦點,以配合你所選擇的召喚師技能。無論你所選的天賦樹技能為何,所有的召喚師技能都將相同。你將會有更大的揮灑空間,讓天賦樹配合你的遊戲風格。 [align=center]九點天賦定義你遊戲早期,二十一點定義你的職能[/align]我們將會改變天賦樹,以讓玩家在在較淺得天賦樹得到早期的優勢,而深入的天賦則決定整個遊戲的職能。我們希望你能夠感覺到你在天賦樹上深入的投資影響你的遊戲風格。所以我們將會加入進階的成長型天賦。 [align=center]全新的天賦點[/align]部份現存的天賦將會重製,或是被取代。舉例來說,相較於原本Frenzy在暴擊後給予大的攻速強化,現在他改成給予一個較小,但是可堆疊的攻速強化。我們也將改變Biscuiteerm,一個原本在起始給予一個一次性比斯吉的天賦,現在將會改成 Rejuvenation Biscuits,一個同時給予一點點回魔的天賦。另一個你們將會發現的改變在於 revamped。但具體的改變我暫時保留。 以下是此篇文章將會PO在某某網站,歡迎回文謝謝收看之類的廢話。因為翻出來了,所以就不說略過了。 ================================================ [align=center]官方回應[/align] [align=center]符文[/align]關於具體哪些符文會被削,因為要將這些說法講死,很容易會有截然相反地情況出現。我只能猜像是護甲符文可能被削,像是成長法力符文可能會被強化。我這季經常碰到這些符文。 關於更多的符文細節變化:我將會常常上PBE進行測事,所以會有大量將會po上來的改變,只是不是今天。不管遊戲內的金錢投入效率(現在這個概念到處都是),我們會對測試開始後,這些改變最終的結果將會怎樣,有更好的認識。但,平均來說,大概會和現在很像。 為了削弱那些超人氣的符文,像是攻速、護甲、魔防,目前的計畫是從新調整英雄的基礎護甲、魔防以應對這個改變。之所以護甲seal是必須的,那是因為目前的英雄在一級的時候實在是太脆了。這解釋了即便你的英雄是玻璃大泡的類型,像是大部分的射手,為何最常見的符文組合是18護甲12魔防。 為了解答你的疑問,我並不介意告訴你目前的計畫,但我很注意你的疑慮。這很可能不會那麼戲劇化。基本屬性的調整是用來防止你在不裝上防禦符文時不會被瞬殺,而不是取代特性。何況,這都會需要大量的測試和調整。 我在這季的改變是為了探索新的整體可能的可行方案。我們也會討論到其他的可能,但我們不會直接在這個階段跳到結論。即便所謂的結論是用於測試版。 網友反應:符文還有符文頁很貴,還有部份的玩家會對某些特定的符文變得不堪使用感到沮喪 官方回覆:符文有許多可用的選擇意味著包含固定護甲 seal 還有生命竊取 quints。這應該可以緩解衝擊。要進一步強調的是你的顧慮包含了一整套的解決方案。我曾經跟其他的小組討論我們可能可以如何改變這個遊戲,並讓他變得更好玩。而這一季我打算繼續這麼做。 如果我們的確將符文從一個顏色換到另一個顏色。我們考慮: 從商店移除舊有的符文 補償購買舊有符文的人並移除舊有符文 加入新的符文並標上一樣的價格 這樣,可以最大化玩家的利益,因為他們可以選擇購買新的符文,或是將點數移作他用。我認為這是最公平的方法,雖然這會需要多一點的額外工作以確保群體的利益最大。 你不會單純的失去任何東西。如果我們移除了任何符文,首先的工作就是彌補這些改變。如果我們改變了任何一個符文,像是從 seal 移到 glyph,那我們多半會補償\移除舊有符文,並且創造新的符文,以同樣的價格出售。我們還不能確定這就是最終計畫,但一旦我們有結論,我們會將計畫公佈。 關於 quints 有較高的價值這點。除非我有不這麼做的理由,否則我會將他們調整成 3 quints = 9 其他符文。以便玩家不需要計算他應該要選擇攻擊 mark + 物理穿透 quint 或是反過來。 [align=center]通用\其他[/align]關於符文與天賦是否更能夠輕易辨識,像是你的對手可以輕意識別你身上是帶著護甲符文、傷害符文、還是吸血符文。 官方回覆:天賦和符文從一開始就有這個問題。我過去思考了幾周,但我不認為這個問題嚴重到非立刻解決不可。但我的確希望滿足玩家的需求。我有至少一個計畫,但這需要一些技術性的工作,這代表了不可能趕上這一季,但這件事我已經記在心上。
  5. 翻譯完成 資料來源surrenderat20 Updated: Several additional posts added!ricklessabandon and FeralPony have teamed up to bring us a preview of the upcoming preseason changes to both runes and masteries! Continue reading for more info! Here's ricklessabandon with the full scoop ( reddit post / forum post ) "Hey all, As each season comes to an end, we like to look through our out-of-game strategy systems - runes and masteries - to prepare for the new season. While we're making some updates to masteries, we're taking an especially thorough pass at runes as we feel they need more polish to better reflect their intended use. We'll start with ricklessabandon and runes: Runes What are you actually doing for the preseason?For now, we're not actually going to be rolling out rune changes with the first preseason patch. Our current plan is to leave rune changes on PBE for an extended stay while we do additional focus testing. That said, we did want to set certain expectations when it comes to our overarching philosophies and where runes will be in the new season. What is the goal for runes?The primary goal for runes is to tie marks, seals and glyphs to the specific wants and needs of various champion roles in League - similar to how masteries are used. Going forward, this creates a stronger association between marks and offense, seals and defense, and glyphs and utility. Fully supporting these divisions allows for stronger individual identities among different rune types - with more utility-focused glyphs (like movement speed or gold generation) or more defensively focused seals like hybrid mitigation (armor and magic resistance). This makes it easier to both balance current runes and create new runes in their specific roles. How are runes today?The first thing that stands out with live rune balance is that runes with the clearest power also happen to be among the strongest (flat AD, flat MR, flat armor, etc). Because of how infrequently runes are tuned, players tend to accept that certain runes provide a core set of base stats that are 'best in slot' and shy away from customization. What should runes be like? Ideally, runes should be used as tools to supplement your play style for a given champion. Whether it's boosting your dueling power in the laning phase or setting up for an epic late-game build, runes shouldhelp define the framework of your unique play style. We're giving runes clear strategic value and purpose in the new season to reinforce this point while making it easier for you to understand what to expect from your rune selection. So the first thing we want to do is tone down the oppressively strong runes. There are currently a small handful of runes that provide more than their fair share of base stats while crowding out most other options. We might snipe off a few of the larger suspects before more comprehensive changes go out, but we're definitely keeping an eye on the strongest outliers. Another item on our to-do list for the new season is to establish a more consistent point where flat runes get beaten by runes that scale per level. Some of the existing crossover points don't make sense in the framework of a typical game, so we want to clean these numbers up to clarify their strengths and weaknesses. Currently we're looking at something like level 6 as the sweet spot where flat runes and scaling per level runes meet up. Up to level 6, flat runes will be better, while at level 6 and beyond, scaling runes become more and more powerful. Ultimately, there are a lot of changes we've got planned for runes in the new season, but we'll be taking a little more time to test them on the PBE (and to see how they fit into the regular flow of a game) before getting them out. Properly dividing runes into their three major categories (offense, defense, and utility) is something we have as a long-term vision for this new season, so keep that in mind as more changes come down the line. We'll keep you updated as we go! Now on to masteries with FeralPony: MasteriesAs for masteries, we aren't making too many significant changes this season. Instead we're targeting smaller goals and focusing on a few core philosophies with our annual mastery overhaul. No more improved summoner spellsWhile specialized summoner spell masteries offer an impactful single-point option to enhance and improve playstyles, we think you'll have even more mastery ** if we remove these options entirely. This way, you aren't obliged to invest mastery points specific to the summoner spells you take, summoner spells are the same regardless of your spec and you'll have more opportunities to refine your masteries to match your playstyle. 9 mastery points define your early game. 21 points define your role.We're changing the function of the mastery trees in the preseason so that players who invest in the lower ranks of a tree gain specific early-game advantages, while those who commit to the more advanced masteries devote themselves to that role for the entire game. We really want you to feel like you're committing to a playstyle when you invest heavily in a specific tree, so we're adding advanced masteries that scale as the game goes on. New shiny masteries A few existing masteries have been reworked or replaced. For example, instead of granting one large attack speed boost after landing a critical strike, Frenzy now grants a slightly smaller but stackable attack speed buff. We're also changing the Biscuiteer mastery so instead of granting a single-use biscuit, it now upgrades health potions into Rejuvenation Biscuits that also grant a little mana regen. I won't dwell too much on the revamped masteries we have planned, as this is something you'll discover when we roll them out (you've already heard of some of the support masteries!), but I just wanted to give you a sneak peek at what's coming. Thanks for reading! We'll also be posting this on reddit where we may pass through to clarify some questions. At the start of next week we'll be doing a global recap to follow up with the most up-to-date information from questions around the world! -ricklessabandon and FeralPony ================================================ As usual, I'll be adding additional comments and discussion to this post! Runes When asked for some specifics on which runes will be buffed and which will be nerfed, ricklessabandoncommented: "the details are in a fluid state of iteration, meaning that it's hard to nail down specifics in a post like this without a high chance of those details changing significantly. i will say that things like armor seals will be nerfed, and things like scaling mana glyphs will be buffed. i'm touching a lot of runes for this season." When asked for an additional sneak peek at specific rune changes, he commented: "i'll be using the pbe for a lot of testing, so through that there will be tons of 'sneak peeks' for the upcoming changes (just not today). regarding in-game gold efficiency, it's currently all over the place and i want to clean that up. we'll have a better idea of where that will end up after testing begins, but the average will probably be fairly close to what's live now." He also commentedon bringing down the more popular runes, such as armor and mr runes, by saying they plan to adjust base stats to compensate: "the current plan is to readjust champion base armor/mr to account for this. part of the reason that armor seals are required right now is because champions are just too frail at level 1 (most notably in competitive play). it's somewhat telling that the most common rune+mastery setups include 18 armor and 12 mr, even if your champion is building 'glass cannon' (like most marksmen). so, to answer your question, i'm not worried given the current plan but i am very aware of the concern." He continued: "it likely won't be that dramatic—the base stat adjustment would be meant to prevent instantly dying at level 1 without fully committing to early game defensive runes/masteries, not to replace that spec. regardless, it would require plenty of testing and fine tuning." When asked why just number changes in stead of an overhaul to the system, ricklessabandon replied: "my changes for this season also double as foundation work that allows us to explore different 'overhaul' options in the future. essentially, we've talked about different possibilities, but we aren't close enough to jump straight to any of them at this point (even from a testing standpoint)." When asked to be aware that runes and rune pages are expensive and to keep in mind some players will be upset if X type of rune becomes obsolete, he commented: "yup, i totally understand. part of having more choice in rune selection means also being able to still choose runes like flat armor seals and lifesteal quints, so that should alleviate most of what could have been a lot of disruption. further addressing your concerns requires a combination of solutions, and i've been talking to other teams a lot about ways we can develop those and make this better. i plan to continue doing so throughout the season." When asked what would happen if a type of rune gets switched from one color to another, he noted: "if we do any 'moving' of runes from one type to another, my current thought would be to: *remove the old type from the store *refund everyone that bought the old type and delete the old type *add the new type to the store with the same ip price that way, players could 'opt in' if they wanted to move or keep the ip if they wanted to 'opt out' from the move. i think that would be the most fair, though it would be a little extra work for the 'opt in' group." He continued, assuringplayers there is nothing to worry about: "you won't just lose anything. if we delete any runes, we'll first issue refunds for them. if we change a rune (like change a seal into a glyph) then the most likely follow-up would be to refund/delete the old version, and then create the new version at the same price. we haven't gotten far enough in to know for sure—we'll post about the plans once we have everything laid out." As for quints having a more defined value, he commented: "unless i have reason to do otherwise, i'd like to move them more towards "3 quints = 9 non-quints" so players don't have to math out whether it's better to take ad marks + a.pen quints or a.pen marks + ad quints." General / Other When asked if there were plans on making runes and masteries more "readable" - i.e your opponents can easily tell if you are running armor or AD runes but not vamp runes, ricklessabandon commented: "runes and masteries have both had this issue since forever, and i have been thinking about it the past few weeks. i don't think the issue has hit a boiling point, but i'd love to make this much better for players. i have at least one plan that would require some tech work (which means it wouldn't be possible for this season's changes) but coming up with more is something that's kind of always on my mind."
  6. -------------------------------寫在最前面,基本上,這些都是測試版的測試版…所有的數據平衡基本都是 口胡!!所以細節的數據不需要太在意,值得注意的是大致的方向,還有,這次我不是全部都逐字逐句翻譯------------------------------ 前略 [align=center]Soraka_OVERRIDE [/align] 前不久的pbe上,不小心釋出了內部測試版索拉卡…Soraka_OVERRIDE (其他略) 我們希望能夠調整輔助的Ap成長以配合新的輔助金流。我們多半將會把他轉換成輔助能力成長,(例如將ap係數加入露露的盾的加速以及索拉卡的W的護甲成長),與較低的原始傷害。這是為了區分輔助與其他可以用於雙人線的角色(例如安妮),選擇輔助,就是為了選擇他們所擁有的輔助能力。目標是為了避免兩個不農兵的雙人線概過了其他玩法,讓兩者都有強力的優點,因此增加選擇,讓你選你想要的玩法,並且兩者在線上與後期遊戲都會有貢獻。只有當成長真的重要,才能避免輔助後期打醬油。 值得一提的是,當做出這些改變的時候,精確的平衡是不太可能一開始就辦到的。部份的英雄會過強,部份會過弱,這也是我們需要在PBE與之後幾個補丁上努力的方向。希望你們能給予回應,告訴我們哪些定義性的能力讓輔助角色更好,與哪些物品適合他們。 --------------------輔助作為輔助,不是暴力,而是輔助能力(盾、加速、補血、控制etc…),不要指望他們會變很黃很暴力,以後的輔助成長多體現在ap、ad對於輔助能力的成長--------------------------- [align=center]視野與輔助的二三事[/align] 下略部份前情提要 [align=center]視野飾品(Trinket)[/align] 你只能有一個飾品。他是CD制。當你更換飾品時,會造成你的飾品在長時間內,像是兩、三分鐘,不能使用。 Sweeper,的測試中版本中,只有最高級的才能偵測隱形英雄。在較低的等級中,Sweeper並不能偵測隱形英雄,只有隱形的眼與其他隱形物品,並同時癱瘓他們的運作一小段時間。 可以被顯示\癱瘓:提摩的香菇、小丑的盒子 不可被顯示\癱瘓:英雄阿卡莉、不隱形的陷阱例如卡特琳的陷阱。 眼與眼的機制 現有的打法要求一個玩家全權負責視野不再適合現在的版本了。我們知道這樣作對於哪些環繞著點亮視野的策略有負面的影響,但是這樣的打法與風格對於輔助玩家在後期遊戲的參與與角色能力的成長具有負面的影響。 -----------------------------簡單的說,他們希望輔助不要再無腦買紅眼了…,順便解決輔助後期打醬油的問題---------------------- 目前,眼的持有上限是五個眼或是一個眼石。飾品是CD物品。眼石的眼現在沒有獨自的眼數限制,而是併入整體的眼的機制。雖然有部份的玩家回應希望能夠擴展眼的上限,但我們要澄清的是,目前只是測試階段,我們尚不確定這是否是我們的目標。 如果一個玩家買了眼石,那他就不再需要買綠眼。 [align=center]其他與視野相關的問題[/align]我們正擔心因為視野機制的改變使得伊蓮娜的強度突破天元,這是我們非常擔心的。 目前的測試版本移除了真視藥劑,但我們增加了Sweeper的升級,讓他能夠帶給你短暫的真視效果。 --------------------就是因為這樣,潛行腳才會突破天元阿…要給能長時間偵測隱形英雄的道具阿!!!------------------------ [align=center]助殺獎金[/align]助殺機制(現重命名為助殺獎金)並不像事擊殺獎金一樣,會因為你的英雄陣亡而停止累計。如果你的助殺超過擊殺 2個或是以上,你會得到額外獎金/每個助攻。這個累計並不會因為角色的死亡或是擊殺(如果擊殺後,你的助攻仍比擊殺要多 2個以上),你仍不會停只累計。 助殺大概並不會像擊殺有,Godlike,Rampage,之類的顯示。因為你的對手無法藉由擊殺你來停止你的獎金。他們可以餵你擊殺來停止你的獎金,但那顯然問題更大,因為這樣輔助角色會比拿助攻獎金更肥。 [align=center]強力輔助與輔助技能加入AP係數[/align]對於那些原本可用於中路的輔助,像是珍娜與露露會有影響。但是在新版中,當你們使用這些輔助腳色中路的時候,,你們同樣會因為更多的AP而擁有更多的輔助能力。這是需要細心微調的,我們也保持密切注意。這些英雄是保護者。不是有補血和盾的爆發性法師。 如何避免他們購買利己的物品? 我們並不打算強迫玩家購買任何特定的物品。要記得的事,我們希望物品購買策略是建立在回應對手隊伍與組成而定的。大量的輔助資金是來自於天賦和為輔助設計的指定物品。也就是說,配合我們新的AP參數輔助能力,這些輔助向的英雄(例如索拉卡、露露、珍娜),也會因此大大地受益於自己的輔助能力。即便他們購買AP物品(或者我們該說特別是)。最終,這些輔助英雄,將會在輔助能力上因為購買AP物品而更好的成長。 我們從一開始就密切的注意並避免高傷害輔助完全壓倒傳統輔助。因此我們激進的調整平衡,以確保他們間的平衡。我們也許沒辦法馬上達成,但這是我們做出承諾,要達到的目標。我們看到雷歐娜在新系統有成功的經驗,特別是如果他能在線上領先。一個主要的目的就是改進其他輔助英雄的可行性。現在我們看到雷歐娜與家蚊4世成功的作為輔助者,因為他們和現在相比能更早得得到擊殺。我們時刻注意他們與其他英雄間的平衡。 但是,一件我們要謹記的事是,為了要最大化改進過的輔助跳錢機制,英雄必須投資大量點數在天賦樹:Utility(暫譯:輔助),我們對於這點做了刻意的測試,例如潘森,雷葛那是否可以在輔助天賦、物品的情況下可以逼出線上,並拉開經濟差距。 我們內部將會持續測試這些殺人組合(兩個高傷英雄在線上試圖壓倒他們的對手),以確定這些給輔助的物品與金流是否會使得積極的殺人組合,例如潘森加雷葛那,完全壓倒傳統輔助。至今,我們的測試尚未出現這樣的結果。駔中,我們希望利用新系統提高可用的輔助角色數量,而不是廢除傳統的輔助。如果我們在測試上犯了錯誤,並發現傳統輔助落後,我們會跳出來並做出調整。最終,這些輔助英雄將會讓他們的輔助能力隨著Ap而成長,並不是一個什麼了不起的概念。如果你因為這些輔助能力而選擇這個英雄,那他們的輔助能力隨著時間而成長也是很正常的事。 [align=center]輔助物品[/align]你只能擁有一個跳錢裝。 所有的跳錢裝將從非跳錢裝的合成路徑中移除。我們會以適當的物品取代他們的位置。例如遠古意志將會由魔棒與小吸血槍合成。 Executioner's Emblem 是一個 on-hit 裝備。當你對小兵普攻,而周圍有隊友時觸發。這是設計給輔助幫忙尾刀用的。但是射手與農夫向的英雄也可以買這個物品墊檔,並把錢持續漏給隊友。 當你身上有冷卻好的 Executioner's Emblem 並且尾兵的時候。你和你同線的夥伴都將從尾刀中拿到錢,事實上,你的隊友拿得比你多一點。 如果你身上帶著 Executioner's Emblem 但從不尾兵,那他將不會產生任何金流。 對於 Pickpocket 和 Spellthief's Blade,我們很有可能必須針對近戰輔助作調整,就像我們對天賦:「妙手空空」做的一樣。測試中近戰不是太肥,就是餓個半死,這是我們隨時都要密切注意的。 助殺獎金是否與天賦樹有關?不,這個助殺獎金系統是面向所有英雄的調整。也因此,有一些疑慮。多半與走中的輔助英雄有關,他們以及他們的對手在這個獎金收入上趨近於零。珍娜就是個好例子。另一個疑慮是,你原本是為了某個英雄的核心輔助能力而選他的,但最終卻改成選擇高傷英雄。因為你要堆積 AP 以強化輔助能力。那這個英雄就單單只是為了控制,並且被推線,最後某些高傷英雄將會壓倒其他所有英雄。 我真的認為讓高輔助能力英雄高度差異化(並有更多的輔助能力),對抗高傷英雄會是個更好的主意。那我們就不需要考慮那麼多,像是高傷角色成為必然的選擇之類的。 我認為我不需要在我們可以對他們的輔助能力的成長上做的改變上做任何限制。但是某些特定的限制是為了遊戲整體考量而做的。目前,加速(露露的盾)和累計強化(例如珍娜的盾的 AD 強化)是主要的輔助能力強化平衡的核心。娜米的變動將會非常的有趣。 所以我們目前並不是完全的將AP係數從這些角色中移除。按照現行版本,他們將會造成更多傷害。例如,索娜是個平衡起來很有趣的靈氣輔助與一個驚人的開戰控制大絕,和高初期傷害的角色。我們希望能夠保持一部分的強力 Poke,但就像你提到的,一旦索娜取得滿裝,依她現有的成長係數,她的攻擊力將會驚人的高。我們認為我們一定可以將平衡保持在你可以按你的風格完,但是不會具有壓倒性優勢之間。就像是索娜在ARAM的表現一樣。 [align=center]Thresh(燈籠) 3.13版[/align] 攻速從每級+1%提高到每級+3%。 基本攻速減少攻擊影像0.25%每1%攻速。而不是原本的1%。 讓我解釋一下。因為這不是傳統的改變。攻速原本減少攻擊間的所有攻擊相關的東西,包含攻擊動畫本身(我們叫他Wind Up)。現在塞雷斯的狀況是代替原本壓縮一個攻擊開始到下個攻擊結束超過他的攻速,而是直接動畫少放一點。這代表我們可以給他更多攻速,而不會讓他看起來非常誇張。如果他不買攻速裝,這對他的影像會有些許影響,因為我們額外每級給他的攻速,以增加他站樁時的攻擊力。
  7. 阿哈哈…我高估了我自己的勤勞心…希望今天能把第二篇翻出來… 資料來源:surrenderat20 Tonight's red post collection features a Meddler commenting on Soraka and the upcoming support scaling, a Q&A round up for the preseason vision and support changes, clarification on the 3.13 Thresh changes, a look at the live art demo of a Nami skin (disclaimer: no guarantee it will be made ) based on the legend of Iara, and some nifty Sivir sculpt videos from Grumpy Monkey! Continue reading for more information! Recent News Reminder Before we jump in the new stuff, I just want to drop off links to a few of the recent news articles. We've had a lot of news & content roll out in a very short time and a lot of these articles have been updated with new information or discussion since their initial posting. The Harrowing is upon us! Sivir Relaunch Rammus Texture Update Preseason changes to the Jungle Nasus Visual Update Reveal Soraka_OVERRIDE For a brief time after the 3.13 server maint, Soraka was showing up in the store as "Soraka_OVERRIDE". Meddler commented on this, saying: "Whoops, thanks for the catch. For anyone curious 'Override' is a label we add to internal copies of champions we're testing out changes on, to distinguish them from the existing verison. In this case someone (me) forgot to change the name back when copying some of the changes over to the normal version." When asked for a preview of what the changes might be, he commented: "We're adjusting ability scaling on a number of supports in tandem with the changes to support income coming soon. This generally translates to scaling utility (e.g. AP adds additional speed to allies with Lulu's W or additional armor to allies with Soraka's W) and less raw damage. The idea here is that supports get stronger at the things they're picked for in the first place (utility/team benefit effects), in contrast to other champions you could also now run in a duo lane who primarily scale their damage only (Annie for example). The goal there's to avoid having either category of non farming duo laner outshadow the other, with both having strong advantages and therefore an interesting choice about what you want to pick, both in terms of laning phase and contribution late game (when the scaling really matters). Worth noting that, as this will be a sizable set of changes, exact balance probably won't be perfect at first. Some champions will likely be a bit strong, others a bit weak and that's very much something we'll be working on, both on the PBE and in follow up patches. Feedback on power's very welcome, key thing first though is defining what supports should get better at with which items." Preseason Q&A Round Up - Vision and Supports For those who haven't been able to keep up with all the recent preseason discussion, Riot Pwyff has prepared a Q&A round up on the preseason vision and support changes. "Hey Summoners, It's time for a roundup of our preseason communications! We've been collecting your questions from around the globe to shed some more light on our upcoming preseason changes. Keep in mind that during this time our specific changes are still being worked on, but the core philosophies for this new preseason will remain about the same. If you haven't had the chance to check out our recent preseason posts, this global roundup covers our biggest questions on: Vision Supports We've cleaned up some questions to make them more concise, but we've given a little hat tip to the players around the world who asked questions. Let's get on with it! VisionTrinkets Q: Can you explain how many trinkets we can have at the same time, and how do they recharge? (HecasTrinityForce / sdgaysian) A: You can only have one trinket in your inventory and they recharge naturally over time like other on-use items. We are currently experimenting with swapping trinkets, where trading out your trinket will put your new trinket on a significant cooldown, like two or three minutes. Q: How does the Sweeper trinket work? Does it reveal stealthed champions? (Nuclear Dragon / Dereoo) A: Currently we're experimenting with only allowing the sweeper trinket to detect invisible champions at maximum level. At lower levels, the sweeper trinket does not detect invisible champions - only invisible wards and devices. In addition to revealing invisible wards and devices, the sweeper trinket will also disable them for a short period of time. What it will reveal / disable: Teemo's Noxious Trap, Shaco's Jack in the Box What it will not reveal / disable: Akali, visible traps (like Caitlyn Traps or Nidalee Traps) Wards and Ward Functionality Q: Ward Limits: are supports who focus specifically on "lighting up" the map being punished in the preseason? A: The meta strategy of forcing a single player to take full responsibility for vision is not worth the cost to the game anymore. We know that this will have negative effects on strategies that revolve around "lighting up" the map with wards, but the cost to the game of further supporting this style is harmful to the power level and design of support players and team coordination. Q: Will we be able to hold more wards in our inventory, even if the map limit is 3 and 1? (Sweetbubalekh) A: We're currently working on this! Right now you can have 5 wards or a Sightstone. If a ward gets killed, you can place a new one (or you can do it yourself to make them prematurely expire). Trinket wards are cooldown controlled! Q: How does Sightstone operate in conjunction with ward limits? A: Wards placed by Sightstone currently count toward your ward cap. There's some scattered player / professional feedback in interest in being able to expand or extend your ward limit but, for the clarity of the initial system, we're still examining if it's a possibility we want to pursue. Q: If a player buys a Sightstone, this means they won't have to buy a green ward in the entire game. (Sageoffire) A: Correct! This is the intended result! Other Vision-related questions: Q: How will these vision changes (ward functionality, trinkets, etc) affect stealth champions like Evelynn?A: We are worried about Evelynn's power skyrocketing, but it's something we're very aware of! Q: What is the purpose of Oracle's in this new system?A: Tentatively, we are testing an iteration of the game where Oracle Elixir does not exist but we'll be adding an upgrade to the sweeper relic that grants you true sight for a short duration. SupportsAssist Streaks (now renamed to Assist Bonuses!): Q: How will assist streaks work? A: Assist streaks (as we initially called them) aren't anything like kill streaks, where they're lost if you die. Hence the renaming to something a little more clear, like assist bonuses! Anyway, if your assists are higher than your kills by 2 or more, you'll get additional gold per assist thereafter. You can't "end" an assist streak by dying and, if you get a kill but your assists remain much higher than your kills, you won't "ruin" your streak in any way. Q: Is it possible for the game to "hype" up player assists? For example, we can add announcements like "Godlike" or "Rampage" in the game for assist streaks? A: Probably not! The reason here has to do with how assist bonuses work. Ultimately there's nothing the enemy team can do about a player accumulating assists bonuses, unless they try to feed them kills to ruin their assist bonus ratio, but then they've got other problems to deal with and the support will have a lot more gold to make up for losing their assist bonus. Stronger Supports & Support Utility Scaling with Ability Power Q: Will this affect some supports that like to be played in the mid lane? Some examples are Janna or Lulu that are played as mages in the mid lane, in addition to supporting in bot lane. (SoraNoChinchira) A: Yes, but you're going to be out-supporting your opponent's mid laner with your new AP gains - not just bursting people down with more damage. This is a careful tuning point that we're keeping a close eye on - these champions are protectors, not just bursty mages with heals and shields! Q: How are you going to prevent supports from only buying selfish items with their new gold income? A: While we don't want to force players to buy any specific items (remember, it's all about reacting to the enemy team and building accordingly), a lot of support gold is tied in with masteries and specific items that build out into support-focused itemization. That said, with our new AP utility scaling for support-oriented champions (Soraka, Lulu, Janna, etc), these support champions will still benefit heavily in their utility, even if they're buying AP items (or should we say especially?). Ultimately the champions you're picking for their utility will scale better in utility as they gain more ability power. Q: If we're increasing gold income on duo-lane support champions, won't high damage supports become the new hotness? (Neofederalist) A: This is something we've been concerned about internally as well, and we're aggressively tuning to make sure we can keep the playing field equal. That said, we might not get it completely right out the door, but it's something we're committed to balancing. Anecdotally, we've seen Leona experience much success with the new system, especially if she can pull ahead in a lane. One of the goals of this system change was to improve the viability of other supports. Now we're seeing Leona and J4 see more success as supports as they are rewarded more for generating early kills in the new system as opposed to the old. Once again, we'll be keeping a close eye on how they do in comparison to others. One thing to keep in mind is that in order to reap the full benefits of the improved support gold generation, champions will need to invest heavily in the Utility tree. We did this as an intended check on, say, Pantheon or Rengar who might pick up a gold income item to zone out a lane before coming back with a substantial amount of gold. We're continuing to test champions and "kill lanes" (two high damage champions going into a lane with the intent of shutting down their opponents) to see if the new items and the new gold flow for supports shifts things where certain aggressive kill lanes (like Panthon + Rengar) are just flat out better than a traditional support, which hasn't been the case in our testing so far. Ultimately we want to increase the number of supports that are viable with these new systems, not invalidate the viability of traditional supports. If we're off-the-mark in our testing and find that traditional supports are falling behind, we'll step in and make modifications. At the end of the day, support role champions scaling their utility with ability power might not be an up-front impactful concept, but if you're choosing a champion for their utility, it makes sense that their utility powers will get even stronger over time! Support Itemization Q: Can I build multiple gold income items? (lm Krueger ml) A: No, even if you fully build out your initial support income item you won't be able to start on another one. Anecdotally, we originally did not have this limit. Then Madlife and H4ckerv2 came to the office and broke the game by having more gold than any other champion in the game when they min-maxed the the support items. So you can blame them. Q: What about general items that upgrade from the three support items listed (Philosopher Stone, Kage's Pick, and Emblem of Valor)? (Yaddar) A: Philosopher's Stone, Kage's Pick and Emblem of Valor have been removed as a component from all items in the game that do not grant alternate gold income. We've replaced those with components we felt were appropriate. For example, Will of the Ancients now builds from a Blasting Wand + Hextech Revolver! Q: Is Executioner's Emblem an active? And is Executioner's Emblem meant to be a support item to assist lane-mates in last hitting, or is it an item that for dedicated farming champions might buy to enhance their support's gold? (Fgame) A: Executioner's Emblem is an on-hit effect that triggers when you basic attack an enemy minion with an ally around. This is designed primarily to make it so that supports can help their lane-mates with last hitting, but marksmen or farm-oriented champions can also buy the item as a fallback in a lane to focus funneling gold into the support. Q: What exactly happens when a support gets a last hit with the Executioner's Emblem trigger? (xBeezT) A: When a support last hits with Executioner's Emblem, both he and his lane mate get the gold from the last hit. In fact, the lane mate gets a small bonus since he had to coordinate with the support! Q: If I don't last hit minions with Executioner's Emblem, do I lose the bonus gold income? (Hullun) A: If you take the Executioner's Emblem and never last hit, you will not provide bonus gold. Buying this item means you're opting into sharing the last hitting experience! Q: Pickpocket and Spellthief's Blade seems to be heavily focused on ranged supports. How will you balance for melee supports? (Borigrad) A: We will probably need to adjust items for melee supports, much as we did for Pickpocket. Melee supports in our lane tests have either won handily or have starved, so this is something we're keeping a very close eye on." Riot Pwyff also answered several more questions in the ensuing comments. When asked if Assist Streaks will be tied to a skill in the mastery tree, he replied: "No, it's an underlying addition to the bounty system in general." Elaborating on the support scaling and how it relates to support champions going mid, he commented: "There's a few concerns - mostly surrounding the notion that even when a traditional support champion does go mid (Janna, Soraka), the amount of gameplay interaction they have with their opponent tends to be close to none. Janna is a good example here. The other thing is that if you pick a champion for their core utility but then just end up picking up piles of damage over time because you're building AP for additional utility, the feeling of "this champion is all about control" gets pushed to the way side in favor of an arms race - and then certain higher damage champions will simply outshine everyone else. I think really pushing the divide between high utility champions (WITH MORE UTILITY) versus high damage champions is a better move here, as then we don't run into those concerns where higher damage champions simply become the go-to choice for lategame." He also commented: "I think we're not limited here in what we can do with utility scaling, but there are certain limitations for the sake of gameplay and clarity. Currently movement speed bonuses (Lulu shield) and statistical bonuses (Janna's AD bonus on shield) are the core focus for utility scaling. Nami's changes will be really interesting." He also reminded: "So we're not currently COMPLETELY removing AP ratios on these supports - they'll still do damage with more AP if they currently do that on live. That being said, Sona is an interesting balance between aura support / an incredible engage CC ult / high early damage with Hymn of Valor and Power Chord. I think we're looking to maintain some of that strong poke, but as you mention - once Sona gets some real items rolling she outputs incredible damage at late game with her current ratios. I think we can definitely hit a sweet spot here where your play style is possible but isn't overwhelming with easy access to items (see Sonas on ARAM)." Clarification on 3.13 Thresh Changes Patch 3.13 featured the following changes for Thresh: Attack Speed per level increased to 3% (from 1%) Thresh's basic attack wind up is reduced by 0.25% per 1% attack speed, rather than the standard 1% CertainlyT commented on these changes, clearing up their intended purpose: "...Allow me to clarify, because this is not a traditional change. Attack Speed traditionally reduces the time between attacks by compressing everything about the attack, including the animation (we call this the Wind Up). What Thresh now does is instead compress the time between one attack firing and the next ending by more than 100% of his attack speed, but the time that the animation plays by less than 100%. This means that he can now be given more attack speed without looking ridiculous. In sum, this change: Reduces Thresh's ability to kite/chase between basic attacks when he builds AS items; Has little impact on his animation when not buying AS items due to the extra attack speed per level we granted him; Increases his damage in stand and fight cases across the board."
  8. 你說的稻草人sup 改弱… 包不包含記入sup經濟增加? 官方在擔心的一點就是殺星取代sup。這些非傳統 sup 例如:安妮,稻草人等等說不定削弱能力之後,總體(作為sup得出場率)還是變高的,因為他們成長性比傳統sup更好…
  9. 眼石給五個眼/每次回城,再加上每個人一個額外的免費眼/CD… 如果不考慮排眼,這樣肯定夠了…可是排眼每個人最多插一隻紅眼,而且紅眼現在不隱形了…藥水肯定會被大削…排眼,估計會變成所有人的責任… 這樣五個眼就真的夠了
  10. 資料來源:密技QA網 ◎【第一手】設計師AMA:讓你更清楚了解S4新視野系統!   清道夫飾品可以暫時讓蘑菇失去作用?真知藥劑可能移除,EVE出頭天?!設計師AMA,讓您更清楚了解S4的視野新系統! ▓Q:可以請您解釋一下,我們可以有多少飾品,飾品又怎麼重新填充呢? ◆A:在庫存中只能有一個飾品。他們重新使用的方式就像其他一次性使用的道具。目前我們正在嘗試可以讓玩家們交換飾品,交易之後新飾品就會先進行冷卻,例如兩三分鐘。 ▓Q:請問飾品”清道夫”要如何作用?可以看到隱形英雄嗎? ◆A:目前我們正在檢測”清道夫”在提升到高等級之後對隱形英雄的影響。在低等級的清道夫飾品並不能偵查隱形英雄,只能掃到隱形守衛和技能道具,也可以將他們停止作用很短一段時間。 ※例如: 1、顯示和停止作用- 提摩的蘑菇,薩科的盒子。 2、不能顯示和停止作用- 阿卡莉的隱形,可見的陷阱(例如凱特琳和奈德麗的陷阱)。 ▓Q:守衛限制-輔助要特別去負責黑暗地圖的視野嗎? ◆A:不需要,迫使一個玩家負責全部視野的遊戲已經不值得玩了。我們現在知道讓輔助負責全地圖的視野對遊戲效率和設計是很不好的。 ▓Q:S4每個人可以在地圖上插綠色守衛最多存在3個,粉紅守衛最多1個,那麼允許我們在包包裡面放超過這些數量的守衛嗎? ◆A:現在玩家最多可以放5個守衛或視介之石。如果一個守衛被打掉,玩家們還可以放一個新的。視品的守衛是有冷卻限制的喔。 ▓Q:視介之石和守衛之間有什麼限制? ◆A:目前視介之石可能會可以包含整個綠色守衛的責任。我們希望可以是這個方向去設計,但是反饋意見和真正內容我們正在討論中。 ▓Q:意思就是當玩家們買了視介之石,這意味著他們不用在整個遊戲中購買任何一個綠色守衛了嗎? ◆A:正確!這是預期的結果! ▓Q:這些視野的變化會影響像EVE這樣的英雄嗎? ◆A:我們擔心EVE的力量會大幅暴漲,但是都在我們的掌握中。 ▓Q:真知藥劑在新系統裡面的定位是什麼? ◆A:我們正在測試一個新的設定,將真知藥劑移除,但是增加了一個可以升級的清道夫飾品,可以讓玩家們得到暫時偵查隱形的作用。 ----------------------------------------------------------- 其他補充:目前暫定每個玩家放置綠眼上限3 紅眼上限1,後者也是說EVE力量可能暴增的原因之一。另一個原因在於,這樣氾濫充斥的眼,會導致真視藥水過強。目前的測試版本把真視藥水拔掉了。但日後應該會出改版的真視藥水。
  11. 阿,這遊戲我有玩過… 除了太花時間之外…是個好遊戲… 要魔物娘的話也有…惡魔娘
  12. 喔,這個問題阿 我把你的文章置頂了… 應該這樣就ok了
  13. 這兩篇是一樣的東西 該給的細節都有給了,所以沒啥整合的必要吧? 就是我是繁體,所以你們那邊的用詞我不是很熟…來這裡po是本著回饋社區的態度幹得… 英翻純粹當最英語練習…
  14. 嗚呼哀哉… 每天的樂趣就沒了… 最後的小清新味道好奇怪阿…
  15. 重擊 傷害減半,並且cd減少。 怪獸成長:(怪物的等級取決於場面英雄的平均等級,打死比你高等級的怪物會額外給獎金) 這個機制只對大幅落後的情形有影響,額外獎勵與你有多大等級落後有關。 怪物不再受時間的影響成長,只受重生時的英雄平均等級影響。 所以相較於高等級的英雄,低等級的英雄將獲得更多 關於gank與農的比較: 如果你進行一次有效的gank,你還是會得到你應得的領先,因為選擇gank是有風險的。 但如果你浪費時間在gank,那對方的 JG 將會取得更多領先,因為他回從農怪中得到更多資源,並且怪物的成長與他們何時重生有關。 有點值得注意的,成長是非線性的。遊戲的早期,他們的能力成長較小。 如果你的等級與怪物等級接近,那你所獲得的經驗獎勵將會漸漸變少。所以當對手當對手的JG快速的上六或是其他的等級,他追上的速度將會急速的下降。 落後的玩家將會獲得更多殺野的金錢獎勵。野怪得成長設計,讓他們前幾個等級的時候並成長的屬性很低。 在「先領先必勝」與「先領先無關緊要」兩者間有著巨大的鴻溝,我們這樣的改變還遠遠稱不上後者。 新野怪 他目前還是一隻巨大的紅幽靈。希望我們以後能弄個更棒的。 新的野怪將是一隻單獨的野怪,並且打人很痛。 那我們就有了包含1到4隻野怪的組合,我也就更容易調整單體傷害的英雄與範圍傷害的英雄間的平衡,因為你們有足夠充分的路徑組合。相對於過去,我們只能調整整個野區,因為跳過一個營地是非常沒有效率的。 新物品 大致的打野物品介紹。不涉及細節。 瑞格之燈 現在是給農夫JG的物品。有非常差勁的戰鬥屬性,但給予非常高的打野額外收入。 遠古戰魂 現在是給那些輔助形JG,此所謂輔助,是指相對多的時間與團隊一起,而不是農野。允許你窖藏部份的額外獎金一小段時間,當你殺野怪的時候領取。 蜥蜴長老戰魂 現在設計偏向早中期的團戰與物件控制。會在英雄死亡(估計應該是助攻or擊殺)與收大小龍時給予額外獎金。 亡靈戰魂 現在是給法師JG,特別是給那些因為沒能拿到藍而花費太多資源在中後期清野的時候。會在對野怪造成傷害依比例回血回魔。血魔(vlad?)還有科加斯(co.?)還是會有他們的吸血道具。但是不會是亡靈戰魂。 一般通用 當問及:你們將如何改變JG英雄? 他回答:當我們處理好這些變動時,我們需要重新再平衡這些JG英雄 ---------廢話------------- 問及坦職JG。他回答: 我們必須確定他們不會輕易的落後。如果這變成一個問題,我們會讓他們在中後期野的更好,或是為他們設計一個新的道具。
  16. [backcolor=white]資料來源:密技QA網 另有其他翻譯版本,請看置頂回覆 其實昨天晚上就看到了…想說如果沒人翻譯的話就自己翻吧…結果有人翻…萬歲… [/backcolor][backcolor=white]◎【第一手】設計師談S4野區變動規畫![/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]  說好的S4野區變動目前設計師已經有初步規劃了。在變動之後,玩家們不但可以更自由的變化JG路線,也可以靠農野來賺到經濟,甚至給予線上不同程度的壓力變化。[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]【目前S3的JG】[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]1、JG通常在早期都非常強勢,但是很多人拖到中期卻變成了輔助的作用而已。[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]2、JG常常沒有野怪可以打,因為線上英雄會偷獵野區怪物(三狼、四鬼)。[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]3、JG英雄如果可以越早GANK的類型,會比其他類型更獲得青睞。[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]4、早期落後的JG很難可以在遊戲中扳回來。[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]  為什麼會發生以上的事情呢?[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]◆1.野區怪物設定不好◆[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]  在遊戲初期,野區怪物比小兵的經驗和金幣要來得更多,但是在隨著遊戲進行所得會比線上小兵還少。因此Carry JG並不能透過只農野怪來成長,如果JG想要有和線上英雄相當的金幣和經驗,他們必須要到線上去偷農或者多次GANK成功。[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]◆2.農兵和GANK的平衡設定不夠好◆[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]  在早期野區中並沒有提供足夠的獎勵給予和GANK一樣的價值。並且有些英雄不但可以保持GANK壓力還可以快速清野。[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]◆3.讓野給AP或AD◆[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]  在S3中,不管AP或AD在什麼位置,幾乎都會將經濟盡可能的讓給他們。這讓讓野的狀況非常明顯,也導致JG和AD、AP相比有很誇張的經濟差距。[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]【S4新變動目標】[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]  因此我們新賽季(S4)將會有以下的這些目標:[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]◆1.在野區更具有靈活性◆[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]  我們希望JG在野區裡面有更多的打法。JG有更多的變化性可以選擇JG路線,而根據不同英雄有不同路線的變化。[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]◆2.更多資源◆[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]  JG可以在野區裡面獲得金幣和經驗可以類似線上英雄,並且用來抵銷一些壓力並且放棄GANK也可以得到經濟。農野和GANK都是遊戲可行的種類,要選出一套適合自己的優缺點。[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]◆3.有更多的反野機制◆[/backcolor] [backcolor=white]  玩家們可以有更多的機會可以用來在JG落後還可以扳回一城的機會。[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]【S4野區變動重點】[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]  下面是一些S4野區即將變化的重點。[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]◆1.在藍BUFF和三狼區會有一群新的野怪◆[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]  我們透過新增新的野怪群,讓JG可以有更多的資源和多樣化的JG路線。額外的野群讓JG可以進一步的考量GANK和農野之間的平衡,因為要清光野外更有挑戰性。此外,多了一群野怪讓我們在調整單體攻擊的JG技能上有很大的幫助。而額外的野群野讓雙方陣營在藍紫方更加的平衡。[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]◆2.野怪等級將會隨英雄等級提升◆[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]  當每次也怪重生,他們就會提升等級。並且野怪等級會和全體的英雄平均等級有關。JG殺了等級比較高的野怪經驗也相對的會提升。[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]  透過加入動態成長和不同獎勵的野怪讓JG可以只在野區農兵成為一個可行的選擇。不同的獎勵方式可以讓JG在落後的時候也可以有機會再度崛起,而不像以前完全一蹶不振。當然也可以避免被線上隊友偷獵野怪的習慣。[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]◆3.更多的經濟獲得選擇◆[/backcolor] [backcolor=white] [/backcolor] [backcolor=white]  目前還沒有具體的細節,但是我們正想要在JG的荷包裏面多塞一點錢。我們也正想要把一些額外的收入來源加進去,例如特殊的打野裝備來幫助打野收入的提升。[/backcolor] 補上原翻譯沒有翻的部份:翻譯完成,請見沙發 As usual, I'll be adding more information here as it becomes available! Smite When asked if Smite was getting any changes, he noted: " Smite has half cooldown and deals less damage early" Monster Scaling To clarify, he commented: "This only works like that when they are massively behind. The bonuses scale with how much behind you are" He also noted that monsters will no longer scale over time: "We are doing away with the time scaling, monsters will only scale with level now." He continued, saying: "The level scaling will take into account AVERAGE level of champions in the game, so people who are lower level gain more from killing monsters in the jungle compared to higher level" As for how this scaling will play into ganking early vs just farming, Solcrushed commented: "1) If you get an efficient gank, you will still have an edge as should be. (It is a risky move) 2) If you waste time ganking, the enemy jungler will be ahead as he has more resources to farm and monsters only adjust their level when they spawn" He continuedto comment on the new scaling, noting the scaling is non-linear "The level scaling for monsters in non-linear, early levels will not change their strength that much" He reiterated: "The exp rewards will scale down as you get closer to the monster's level. So while the enemy jungler will catch up quickly to 6 or so his catch up speed will be reduced dramatically as he draws closer" He continued: "Characters who are behind in level to monsters gain more rewards from killing the monster. Jungle monster scaling is also set up so that the first few levels do not grant much stat increases. There is a very big gap between 'first advantage wins the game' and 'early advantages don't matter'. Our game even with these changes are very far away from the latter." New Camp What is it? "For now it is a big bad red Wraith. Hopefully we will be able to make it awesome later on" He continued: "The new camp is a single monster who hits really hard. Since we now have camps that consist of 1, 2, 3, 4 monsters it is easier for us to adjust the balance between single target and AOE since you now have enough camps to choose your route, opposed to before where we had to adjust the entire jungle since skipping a camp was much less viable" New Items What are they? "An introduction to jungle items without going into specifics Wriggle's Lantern Now the item for farming junglers, grants very bad combat stats but gives a very big increase in gold from jungle monsters Spirit of the Ancient Golem Now intended for support junglers who will move with the team more than farm the jungle. Allows you to 'bank' the gold bonus for a little bit of time which you can cash in by killing jungle monsters. Spirit of the Elder Lizard More focused toward early-mid teamfights and objective control, will grant gold on champions deaths and Dragon/baron Spirit of the Spectral Wraith Now intended to help mage junglers who are hurt by not having blue buff and needing to spend too much resources to clear jungle mid-late game. Will give Health and Mana back equal to a % of spell damage you deal to monsters. (Vlad and co. will still have their selfish spellvamp item - it just won't be Spirit Wraith)" General / Other When asked "how will this change [insert jungler here]?", he replied: "We will need to balance junglers again once the changes have shaken out." When asked about tank junglers, he noted: "We will need to make sure they do not fall behind too easily. If it becomes a problem we can make them jungle better mid-late game or introduce an item for those characters."
  17. 要改掉EU是幾乎不可能的… 因為裝備具有規模經濟…所以思考邏輯就變成,給定金錢收入不變(主要看技術),由最少人分配的效果最好… 然後就變成上中下JG四路,還有一個註定不能打錢… 就算你把野區的重生速度加快,怪物數量變多,那也是把野區劃給打錢那四個,而不是輔助… 你要改掉:一個人不打錢…那就是要改成裝備具有規模不經濟…整個裝備系統要重作…拳頭社絕對沒有打算把系統砍掉重練 -------------------------------------------------- 忽然想到也不是那麼不可能 助攻如果變成新的一路的話就可能…不過這個比較是JG在拿 不…大概還是不可能
  18. 你為何不想著要讓自己變成一個能幫隊友變成補刀大神的超殺輔助呢? 像是雷歐娜阿、雷歐娜阿、雷歐娜之類的。
  19. (看樣子我的中文有待加強,簡單的說,輔助持有道具,adc打怪,輔助旁邊白拿,故名閒者之石。閒著才能拿錢-誤很大-)
  20. 並不會…我翻的不夠明確 不是英雄,而是友方英雄…自己補刀不加錢… 如果自己尾兵就能賺錢,那要周圍二字何用?
  21. 等晚上再來,我應該就翻譯好了…
  22. 我是說S4輔助也能出裝的情形下… 吃裝備未必是件壞事喔 那同時也代表了成長性高…所以安妮的成長性高,說不定會壓倒荊棘… 老實說,我是先知道荊棘輔助,還來才知道原來他本來是中路法師…
  23. 翻譯完成,不過有些怪怪的地方我會用黃筆畫出,請高手斧正. ------------原來排版亂掉是砍文字的時候,有的時候會殘留指令,而指令本身又會自我完整化,就導致排版錯亂…-------- 從How are Supports in the present day? 開始翻譯…前面都是一些前情提要之類的廢話 --------------虛線內的東西代表我個人觀點--------------------------------- (括號內代表翻譯相關。也許是我英文不夠好,也許是新增物品尚無中文翻譯,只能暫譯。也許是本來就沒有講清楚) 本文開始 回顧現在的輔助: 首先,我們要明確定義我們所討論的角色。在 lol 有六種定位:法師、殺手、坦克、戰士、射手、還有輔助。目前 lol 的主流打法一般包括以下幾個位置:上路戰士、中路法師、打野坦克(殺手)、以及下路射手與輔助。 但是,輔助實際上包含了三個不同的職能: 同一路,但不拿CS的玩家 積極的插眼 輔助英雄 當我們接受這些職能的時候,我們會發現這些要求彼此衝突。 不打小兵的玩家只有基本收入。 插眼要錢,而且每一個眼的效果隨著眼的數量急遽的上升。(實在很想用具有規模經濟帶過去,不過想想不是每個人都是經濟相關類科,還是算了) 插眼需要角色離開隊友 輔助需要在隊友旁邊才有作用 從以上,我們可以發現雙人線的輔助,是(經濟上)最可憐的玩家。有著最高的消耗品花費,與最低的角色成長。雙人線輔助目前發育僅有(其他角色的)一半。 -------------------------------老實說,對於第一點,眼應該由誰插。這點上來說,考慮的不是地圖上需要有多少眼。而是考慮到裝備具有規模經濟(例:攻速*攻擊力*暴擊率*暴擊力,導致第二件大裝的效果要大於第一件大裝。防禦也是。),所以眼的花費應該集中在一個人身上最有效率所造成的。至於輔助與插眼者的衝突,老實說,除了輔助是單挑力最弱的反而需要單人衝進無視野區插眼這點之外,其實沒啥衝突到的,考慮到蹲點的未必只有一個人,更可以說是合理的行為,死輔助總比死打野好。至於插眼離開團隊這點,你總是每三分鐘抽得出機會去插眼吧。又不是漫遊整個地圖插眼。----------------------- 在S4我們將有哪些改變? 我們希望雙人線上的玩家都能感覺到角色成長、物品抉擇與全套裝備。為達到此目的,我們將採取以下方針: 增加不尾兵玩家的收入 給嚴重落後玩家額外的經驗 限制每個玩家插眼的數目 給玩家每費的視野道具(trinkets 個人暫譯「飾品」)。 除此之外,還包含了以下幾種新的收入來源: 給同線玩家金錢的天賦 改進目前的每五秒金錢物品,獎勵有效率的輔助玩家 獎勵哪些相較於取得擊殺,顯著於的取得更多助攻的玩家。 增加收入、獎勵有效率輔助,還有給予每個人基本的事也到具有於增進團隊合作,獎勵輔助向玩家,與給每個人一個機會參與視野戰爭。 -------------------------我估計免費的眼應該會讓gank非常難以進行,特別是排眼不易的情況更是如此---------------------------- 除了視野的變化外,上面還有哪些需要強調的: 首先,我們要談及助攻。我們將要給那些顯著助多於殺的玩家每個助殺額外的金錢。當一個玩家擊殺,他會暫時抵銷之後的助攻獎金。 除此之外,我們將會開發給予早期遊戲收入的天賦,並增加給予輔助玩家額外金錢獎勵輔助行為、掃除障礙物(?我猜應該像是蘑菇之類的東西)以及設定會戰的物品。 以下,我們來看看幾個設計中的物品方案: 閒(!)者之石將會每10秒給予金錢。當周圍有友方英雄尾兵時,你會獲得金錢。(看樣子我的中文有待加強,簡單的說,輔助持有物品,adc打怪,輔助旁邊白拿,故名閒者之石。閒者才能拿錢-誤很大-) Executioner's Emblem(暫譯「劊子手勳章」),殺害低於兩百血(血?血量?)的小兵,並給予你以及最近的友軍玩家金錢。你的友軍會稍微多一點。CD:每分鐘兩次。(不知道這說的是每兩次使用,一分鐘後重置,還是單純指CD是30秒?) Spellthief's Blade(暫譯「法賊之刃」):你的普攻與技能擊中敵方玩家時獲得金錢(妙手空空強化版)。被擊中的英雄十秒內不會再重複作為處發此能力的目標。尾(他沒說尾兵、尾刀,我估計應該都算),會暫時讓這個能力進入10秒CD。 選擇適合你的風格的物品。 ---------------------------後面的補充有有關於這一段的補充,記得整個看完再評----------------------------------- 這些改變將會如何影響我玩輔助? 在遊戲後期,輔助將會能購買鞋還有眼石以外的裝備。他們依然是視野爭奪戰的主要角色。但是他們將會擁有更多的戰鬥屬性,並且玩起來比較像是一個完整的角色。一個平衡的輔助玩家將會分配他的時間在插眼,幫助友軍推線推塔,以及參與戰鬥保護友軍,擊殺敵軍。 因應這些改變的副作用,我們將會檢視傳統的核心輔助角色,像是 Janna, Sona, Nami, Soraka, Lulu, Taric等。這些角色是根據目前環境設計的輔助角色。如果不加以平衡就直接導入更多收入,在遊戲中期,將會使他們成為過強的法師,或是完全被其他成長性較好的非輔助角色取代。 與其削弱這些英雄(我想應該是指其他的非輔助英雄),我們試圖讓他們的特徵與 ap 或是其他屬性連動。例如,Janna 的盾加入ad係數,與娜米的被動加速加入ap係數。我們希望看到輔助英雄覺得 AP 還有 CDR 道具是具有吸引力的。這會給予這些角色明顯的特徵,以強化幫助隊友、輔助能力,而不是單單是造成更多傷害。 希望這會給輔助玩家們新的期待。我們將會積極的調整細節,但我們的核心哲學將會不變「使每個英雄感覺到整個遊戲的進展,而非單單是指定的位置,或是角色」。 我們將會在 reddit 上放上這篇文章。我們將會在那裡略過,或是澄清某些問題。再接下來的幾周中,我們將會進行大致的概括最新的資訊與提問。 -----------------------------------如果輔助角色有成為過強的法師的潛力,那早就有人開發出來打中路了…倒是各種屬性與ap ad連動這點…嗯,我不大看好這個結果…無論是暈技還是加減速,如果導入係數的話…那不是前期過強後期過弱,就是後期過強前期過弱…盾之類的倒是本來就應該與ap ad係數連動--------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------以下是官方回覆------------------------------------------------------- [align=center]新物品預覽:[/align] Martyr's Call +300血量 +10回血/5秒 唯一被動:花費20%你自己的目前血量,給予友軍10%你的最大血量的護盾。這是主要給坦克的裝備。如果造成 Cho'gath 過強,我們將會增加血量消耗並降低護盾量。 -------------------------------------------------- [align=center]更新輔助道具:[/align] Xelnath 表示新的輔助道具是獨一的。你只能買一個。 這些新的金錢收入道具是唯一的。這些跳錢裝最終都將升級成很酷的主動道具,但他們最後升級的道具保持他們的收入機制。一旦你選擇了其中之一,你將不能買其他道具,除非你賣掉原有那個。 例如:我可以買 Philosopher's Pebble(暫譯「閒者卵石」),一個$375的輔助開局道具,使他們在友軍尾兵時得到收入。並把他升級到閒者之石,最終升級成蘇瑞雅的皇冠。 但是,如果我擁有閒者卵石,那我就不能買劊子手勳章或是法賊之刃。一但你選擇了蘇瑞雅皇冠,你就不能買法賊之刃,除非你賣掉原有的那個。我們原先並沒有這類限制,但是Madlife 和 H4ckerv2 有一天來辦公室,並且購買了各種輔助道具並獲得了全遊戲最高的金錢收入,徹底的破壞遊戲平衡。 至於在商店的歸類。 他們現在有自己所屬的分類,並且你只能買其中一個。當被問到你是否可以用唯一被動來代替只能買一個。他說到: 如果我們這樣作,這會看起來很怪。 [align=center](例子跳過)[/align] 除此之外,這些裝備除了跳錢屬性外,都附上了回血魔屬性。堆疊這些屬性並不是進入中期遊戲的好計畫。並且,讓他們具有獨一性,我們能將這些主動效果(我想應該是指最終升級版的)變得極度具有吸引力。 ----------------------------------老實說,我認為跳錢改成唯一是完全可行的。以後要幾種最終輔助道具之間作個選擇,這點還挺怪得…如果最終版輔助道具的吸引力真的夠大的話,我論五個人都購買一個不同種類的最終輔助道具之可能?--------------------------------------------- 對於一個嘗試在雙人線上購買劊子手勳章以增加收入的adc,他評論: 「我們昨天測試,並發現這樣變得很有趣與團隊合作取向,這讓兩個玩家都對於合作都感覺更好。因為劊子手勳章並不是針對adc角色設計的,我們預期這並不會成為唯一打法。太早的購買這個勳章會導致換血能力下降。 [backcolor=yellow]所以我們樂觀的認為這是對輸給雪球中的adc和輔助而言可依靠的特徵[/backcolor]」 他另外對於劊子手勳章補充: 「adc玩家會得到尾兵錢數+5,所以他們和你在一起會得到更多金錢」 ----------------------------------------黃色這段我讀起來怪怪的,我不確定我的翻譯是對的…有興趣啃原文的人可以發在下面與我討論意思與翻譯---------------------------------------- 在reddit,他分享了幾個細節: 「是的,閒石的被動收入將會移除或是降低,所以當你不在線上時,你並不會有額外的收入。 kage's(幸運匕首英文名首字,應該是說幸運匕首吧?)被spellblade(這個字在lol有兩個詞,一個是三項的魔法彎刀屬性,一個是月光魔劍,不過我個人認為應該是法賊之刃誤值吧?)取代。 劊子手勳章是觸發機制,當你的普攻有友方英雄在周圍時觸發。這設計成輔助可以幫adc尾刀,或是adc可以買這個物品,並且完全掌握線上小兵的流動,並把錢漏給輔助。 天賦:妙手空空還是存在。 物品成長線:(這段原文分段就很奇怪…我試著分段看看) 閒石升級成蘇瑞雅主動+ CDR 幸運匕首升級成真霜結晶,他的主動現在可用於敵人。 劊子手勳章升級成噴血加友軍護盾的長CD新道具。 關於劊子手勳章的補充說明:當劊子手勳章的持有者擊殺小兵時,持有者與最近的鄰近友方英雄都得到尾兵的錢,同時,鄰近英雄會稍微獲得多一點。」 ----------------------------------雙影現在不是從打錢裝升上去了。這樣的雙影,還會有人用嗎?-------------------------------------- 對於部份的近戰輔助會因為某幾項新物品而遭難,他評註道: 「我們大概會針對近戰輔助進行調整,就像是我們對妙手空空作過得一樣。近戰輔助有過興盛,也有過衰落,所以我們會多加注意。幫我們測試,讓我們能在S4修正問題」 -------------------------------------------------------------- [align=center]舊物品調整:[/align]對於雙影斗篷的合成路徑,他評論道: 「雙影已經不再是由幸運匕首升級上去。所以我們會針對他的價格調整。稍微的下降吧?但我不保證,如果他依舊強勁。 他同時也附註,不會有 gp/5道具備合成為不會產生金錢的道具。閒者之石,幸運匕首,和[align=center][align=left]英勇徽章將會從所有不產生收入的道具合成路徑中清除。我們將會將合適的道具放入取代他們。例如遠古意志將會由爆裂魔杖(+40ap那把)與海克斯科技左輪(小吸血槍)合成。」[/align][/align]--------------------------------看樣子,英勇徽章要改成跳錢裝了,應該是劊子手勳章的升級物-------------------------------- [align=center]其他[/align]當被問及這些變化與物品和殺很大的線上角色的時候,Socratocracy 評論: 我們很高興你能提到這個問題,這個問題我們內部也在擔心。我們看到雷歐娜在新系統有成功的經驗,特別是如果他能在線上領先。一個主要的目的就是改進其他輔助英雄的可行性。現在我們看到雷歐娜與家蚊4世(噗,好貼切都有一根長長的…好吧,常被關籠子,我就是要黑嘉文)成功的作為輔助者,因為他們和現在相比能更早得得到擊殺。這有點太過雪球了,所以我們會隨時注意變化。 但是,一件我們要謹記的事是,為了要最大化改進過的輔助跳錢機制,英雄必須投資大量點數在天賦樹:Utility(暫譯:輔助),也就是那些本來就該檢驗的範圍,例如潘森,雷葛那可以逼出線上,並拉開經濟差距。我們將持續檢驗這些殺人英雄組合,就像你內文所提及的,並判斷些這些給輔助的新物品與新的金流是否會讓你決定玩潘森、雷葛那,而不是那些傳統的輔助,而這部份是尚未測試的範圍。我希望增進可用的輔助角色數量,而不是消除傳統輔助者的可用性。有著飾品幫忙遊戲早期的視野,蹲草叢英雄要取代傳統的下路英雄並不簡單。 我們試過了安妮/布蘭德與荊棘/卡力斯,並且發現傳統下路組合能夠選擇積極的農兵,並且騷擾殺人組合。換句話說,我們並未發現殺人組合能一貫的超越傳統組合。 也就是說,如果我們失誤了,並且發現傳統組合輸給殺人組合,那就正如Xelnath所說得有關於輔助技能加入ap ad參數的計畫也許會幫上忙。珍娜的盾加入更大的ad參數就是類似這樣的嘗試。 我們內部將會持續測試這些殺人組合。並且關於你們特別感到興趣的新組合,如果能告知我,任何你們認為能夠在新體系下,有任何有趣,吸引人,極佳的,甚至是獨霸的線上組合,我會感到很高興。
  24. 翻譯完成,有部份怪怪不通順處,煩請高手斧正 Just as they did with yesterday's vision changes, Riot has posted an overview of the upcoming preseason changes for the support role - including changes to how several support champions will scale with items, updated gp/5 items that "reward effective support play", Assist streaks, and much more! Continue reading for more info. Here's Xelnath with the scoop: "Hello Summoners, I'm here today to talk about supports - those zero-CS players who devote themselves (and their income) to warding my gank paths and protecting their team without any tangible character growth in the later parts of the game. As a merciless predator who feeds on the lowly support, I'd prefer to have a low-income, no-item target to prey on in the late game, but as a player and designer... ... fine. Your pleas have reached us. We have crafted a new world with our dark arts. Behold! How are Supports in the present day? First off, let's clarify who we're talking about. There are six roles in League of Legends: mage, assassin, tank, fighter, marksman and support. The current meta in League of Legends usually divvies up these roles into the following positions: top fighter, mid mage, jungler tank (or assassin), bottom marksman and bottom support. However, "support" is a blanket term that covers three overlapping, but different categories: Player who doesn't last hit while sharing a lane Dedicated ward dispenser Support champions While we've come to accept a single player performing all three of these roles, if you look closely, you'll see these roles fight each other: Players who don't last hit but share lane have minimal gold income Warding costs gold and warding power increases dramatically with additional wards placed Warding requires you to move away from your allies constantly Supportive champions want to be near teammates, protecting them From these points, we can see that 0-cs warding duo-lane support players are the poorest players with the highest consumable expenses and the lowest amount of character growth. Duo-laning support players are currently denied the second half of their growth story! What's changing in the preseason? We want both players in a shared lane to experience growth, item choice and the opportunity to get a full set of items. To get there, we are: Increasing the gold income for players who don't last hit Introducing bonus XP in jungle and lane for players who fall significantly behind their teammates Capping possible expenditures on wards per player Giving players access to free vision items, known as Trinkets (Please see Xypherous's vision post for details!) Additionally, new income comes in several forms: Masteries that grant bonus gold to players in a shared lane Improvements to our GP/5 items that reward effective support play Increased assist rewards for players who get significantly more assists than kills Increasing income, rewarding effective support play and giving everyone access to a basic vision item encourages team cooperation, rewards supportive players and gives everyone the opportunity to participate in the vision game. Outside of the vision changes, what's happening to address the above? First I'll touch on those assist streaks. We're making it so that players who have significantly more assists than kills will get additional income per assist. If a player does secure a kill, the extra gold from the kill will offset their temporarily decreased gold gain from extra assists. In addition to assist streaks, we're exploring masteries that provide additional early game income and we've added items that allow support players to gain additional income for supporting their allies, taking objectives and setting up team fights. Let's look at a few of the work-in-progress items that I'm talking about: Philosopher's Stone grants gold every 10 seconds. When a nearby ally kills a minion, you earn gold. Executioner's Emblem executes minions below 200 health and grants gold to both you and the nearest ally when you last hit. Your ally gains a small gold bonus on top of this. This effect can happen up to twice a minute. Spellthief's Blade makes it so that your spells and basic attacks against enemy champions grant you gold. It cannot affect the same target more than once every 10 seconds and last hitting an enemy disables this effect for 10 seconds. Access to these items will allow you to specialize your income to fit your playstyle. How does this change my experience as a support player? In a long game, shared lane supports should now expect to be purchasing real items alongside their boots and Sightstone. They'll still have the biggest impact on vision, but now will have combat stats to make them feel like a more full and complete character. A balanced support champion will be splitting their time between warding, helping allies push lanes to take towers and participating in combat to save allies and kill enemies. As a side effect of these changes, we're also taking a close look at core supports: Janna, Sona, Nami, Soraka, Lulu, Taric, etc. Champions designed specifically as supports have historically been balanced to have negligible income so, if left alone with all that gold, they'll either become overtuned mages or be replaced completely by non-support champions who can outscale them in damage once they hit the midgame. Rather than wholesale nerfing these champions, we're looking at opportunities to make their unique aspects scale with AP or other stats. For example, the bonus AD on Janna's shield and the movement speed granted by Nami's passive will now scale with Ability Power. Our hope is that support champions in shared lanes can select AP or CDR items they find appealing. This will, in turn, give them a more distinct identity as champions that excel at helping their teammates and being supportive rather than just dealing more damage. Hopefully this gives all you support players some things to look forward to in preseason. We're going to be aggressively tuning these changes but our core philosophy will remain the same: let every champion in League of Legends experience real growth throughout the game, regardless of their position or role. We'll also be posting this on reddit where we may pass through to clarify some questions. At the start of next week we'll be doing a global recap to follow up with the most up-to-date information from questions around the world! -Xelnath (Wizardlock, Right Hand of the 7th Order of Obsidian Blackfire Ebonstone Dark Witchlords)" ======================================== As I did yesterday, I'll be adding any additional discussion or red posts to this thread as the day goes on. Totally New Items Xelnath also shareda little preview of one of the upcoming , new items: "We are hoping to make sure you have interesting items too. Here's one preview: Martyr's Call: +300 health +10 health regen per 5 Unique Active: Consume 20% of your current health to give 10% of your max health as a shield to target ally." He continued on Martyr's Call, saying: "Tanks are exactly the character class we're targetting with this item. We can increase the HP cost and reduce the shield if Cho'gath becomes the best peeler in the game." Updated Support Items Xelnath also commentedthat the new support items are exclusive and you can only pick up one: "The new gold income items are completely exclusive. These gold income items build in a path to a cool active effect, but the final build retains their gold income mechanic. Once you start one item, you cannot start another item's path unless you sell the other item. E.g. I can buy Philosopher's Pebble, a 375 gold support starting item that gives gold when an ally kills a minion, upgrade it into Philosopher's Stone (850g total) and finally transform it into Shurelia's Reverie. However, if I own Philosopher's Pebble, I can't buy Executioner's Emblem or Spellthief's Blade." He also clarifiedthat this applies to item upgrades as well: "Once you pick up Shurelia's Reverie (which now grants passive gp/5 and the bonus gold on minion death) you cannot start a Spellthief's Blade. We originally did not have this limit. Then Madlife and H4ckerv2 came to the office and broke the game by having more gold than any other champion in the game by min-maxing the support items. " As for their location in the shop, he noted: "These items now have their own shop category and you can only buy 1 of them." When asked why you can only buy one instead of making the gold passive unique, he commented: "If we did this, it would look WEIRD. Philo: +hp regen +mana regen UNIQUE Passive - Scavenger: Get Gold from minion deaths. (Purchasing Philosopher's Stone prevents Pickpocket and Lootshare items from working. The order of items purchased matters.) That's an unwieldy and confusing tooltip. Locking out the items is far clearer. Besides, there are NOT GOOD GAINS from stacking these items. They all provide regen stats. Woop. Stacking those into the midgame is not a smart plan. Instead, by making them exclusive we can make the actives significantly sexier." As for the non support member of a duo bot buying an Executioner's Emblem in an attempt increase their gold income, he commented: "We tried this out yesterday and found it to be a fun and teamwork driven lane, that makes both players feel better about working together. Because the stats on Executioner's Emblem are not optimized for ADC characters, we do not expect this to become dominant - since picking Emblem too early means you will lose in head-to-head trades. [backcolor=yellow]So we're watching this optimistically as a fall-back pattern for lanes that are losing to a snowballing ADC or support[/backcolor]." He also mentionedfor Executioner's Emblem: "The ADC will receive gold equal to the kill plus 5. So they get more gold for coordinating with you." On reddit, he shareda few more tidbits: "Yes, the philo passive gold income will be removed or reduced, so you don't get free money for not being in lane. Kages is being replaced by spellblade. Executioner's Emblem is a proc that triggers when you basic attack with an ally around. This is designed to make it so that supports can help ADCs last hit or the ADC can buy the item, completely control the lane minion flow and funnel gold into the support. Pickpocket mastery still exists. Build Paths: * Philo turns into Shurelia's Active + CDR * Kages turns into Shard of True Ice - active now usable on enemies * Executioner's Emblem turns into an item that allows you to sacrifice your health to create a shield on an ally (long cooldown)" To clarify on Executioner's Emblem - "When a support last hits with Executioner's Emblem - both the ADC and support get the gold from the last hit. In fact, the ADC gets a small bonus since he had to coordinate with the support." As for melee supports having a harder time with some of the new items, he commented: "We will probably need to adjust items for melee supports, much as we did for Pickpocket. Melee supports have been pretty feast or famine in lane though - so we're keeping an eye on this for now. Help us test it out and we'll fix this up in preseason." Changes to old items On Twin Shadows new build path, he commented: "Twin Shadows no longer builds out of Kage's Pick. As a result it has had its price adjusted (slightly reduced I think, but I won't promise that remains if it remains strong)" He also notednone of the gp/5 items will build into items that don't generate gold: "Philosopher's Stone, Kage's Pick and Emblem of Valor have been removed as a component from all items in the game that do not grant alternate gold income. We've replaced those components with ones we felt was appropriate. E.g. Will of the Ancients now builds from a Blasting Wand + Hextech Revolver" Other When asked about how these changes and items will work with Kill Lanes ( think J4 / Xin Zhao bottom ),Socratocracy noted: "I'm glad you brought this up, because this is something we've been concerned about internally as well. We've seen Leona experience much success with the new system, especially if she can pull ahead in a lane. One of the goals of this system change was to improve the viability of other supports. Now we're seeing Leona and J4 see more success as supports in that they are rewarded more for generating kills early on than they currently are. This may be a bit too snowbally, and is something we'll be watching closely. [backcolor=yellow]However, one thing to keep in mind is that in order to reap the full benefits of the improved support gold generation, champions will need to invest heavily in the Utility tree, which is intended to be a check on, say, Pantheon or Rengar from being able to zone out a lane and come out of lane with a substantial amount of gold[/backcolor]. We're continuing to test champions and "kill lanes" like what you've mentioned internally and determine whether or not the new items and gold flow for supports shifts things such that you're better off running Rengar/Pantheon than a traditional support, which hasn't been the case in our testing so far. We want to increase the number of supports that are viable with these new systems, not invalidate the viability of traditional supports. With Trinkets assisting with more early game vision as well, it's not as easy for "sits in a bush and kills you when you get close" champions to zone a traditional bottom lane composition. We've tried things such as Annie/Brand and Zyra/Kha'Zix, and have found that the "traditional" bot lane now has the itemization options to allow them to farm aggressively and harass the "kill" lane. In other words, we haven't found any specific "kill lanes" consistently do well internally any more so than traditional ones. That being said, if we're off-the-mark in our testing and find that traditional supports are falling behind, as Xelnath mentioned in the bottom part his original post, we're currently working on having the utility of traditional supports scale with items (Janna's shield granting more AD based on her AP being one of these explorations). This should provide additional help in case traditional supports feel like they're being outclassed. We're continuing to test these kinds of "kill lanes" internally, and are definitely interested in specific lanes you're concerned about. I'd love to hear some of your suggestions on fun, interesting, and awesome lane combinations that you guys think would thrive under the new income generation systems?"
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